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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    KEB: mno v tom linkovaným článku píšou, že se odveze na skládky 90%, to moc na enormní zájem nevypadá...
    KEB --- ---
    PETER_PAN: já žil v domnění, že ho nikdo moc nechce. Ale uznávám, že jsem to nijak neověřoval ani potom nepátrali.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    KEB: O betonovy recyklat je extremni zajem vsude, tady neni otazka "co s nim". Navic casem bude zajem jeste vetsi, viz: [ TUHO @ Klimaticka zmena // It´s OK to panic ]
    KEB --- ---
    KEB: kdyby na to šel opravdu použít betonový recyklat tak by to bylo vyřešení co sním.
    KEB --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: a tady je to pro blbce co neumí anglicky :-P

    Jak dostat oxid uhličitý z atmosféry? Začněme práškovat pole kamennou drtí - Ekolist.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    How to fight climate change: Spread rock dust on farmland - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Aktuální zpráva Světového ekonomického fóra (WEF) uvádí, že řešení globální environmentální krize by do 2030 mohlo každý rok generovat 400 milionů pracovních míst a aktiva v hodnotě 10 bilionů dolarů.

    (...) V roce 2019 vědci varovali, že lidská společnost je ohrožena zrychlujícím se úbytkem podpůrných systémů, které zajišťují život na planetě. Ve zprávě čteme, že klíčový bude šetrný přístup ekonomických a politických lídrů k přírodě, který se zároveň stane příležitostí k tvorbě nových pracovních míst.
    „Na mrtvé planetě už žádná práce ani prosperita nebude,“ konstatuje generální ředitel společnosti Unilever a partner WEF Alan Jope.

    Podle WEF je problémem náš přístup k půdě a produkci potravin, dále pak k budování infrastruktury a stavebnictví a nakonec k těžebnímu průmyslu a spotřebě energie. Na druhou stranu tato odvětví mohla z obnovy přírodní rovnováhy těžit nejvíce.

    Ve zprávě stojí: „Blížíme se k nezvratným bodům zlomu ohledně přírody a klimatu. Pokud úsilí o zotavení nezohlední nastávající globální krize, navždy přijdeme o možnost, jak se vyvarovat nejhorších dopadů klimatických změn. Rozhodnutí týkající se toho, jak vlády naloží s post-covidovými stimulačními balíčky, budou pravděpodobně formovat podobu společnosti a ekonomiky po celá desetiletí.“

    Nature-led coronavirus recovery could create $10tn a year, says WEF | World news | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: By energy type, G20 committed at least USD 126.91 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 103.34 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 23.56 billion to conditional oil and gas).
    In addition, G20 committed at least USD 10.20 billion to coal (at least USD 10.20 billion to unconditional coal).
    Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.
    Finally, G20 committed at least USD 6.09 billion to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 6.02 billion to unconditional multiple fossil fuels and at least USD 78.09 million to conditional multiple fossil fuels).
    TUHO --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    VOYTEX: a nemozu to byt 3 hvdc kable v jednom?
    VOYTEX --- ---
    TUHO: technicka. na obrazku je trifazovej kabel, nikoli DC, ty maji pochopitelne jedinou zilu. a jelikoz pisou, ze povede "hydropower", tak by museli mit za turbinama usmernovace, ale pak by tahli ten jednozilovej, jako od PV. a navic to neni moc green, protoze prehrady zpusobujou hromadeni bahna->metanu, brani migraci, vsemozne skodi. ale samozrejme i 3-f kabel muze vest DC.
    TADEAS --- ---
    randers, escimo

    2019 The first climate tipping point – Already in the past? - Jorgen Randers Ulrich Goluke

    Our climate model (ESCIMO) indicates that the world is already past i ts first climate tipping point. In ESCIMO, even if man - made GHG emissions are cut to zero in 2020, the global average surface temperature keeps rising for more than a thousand years . This is because self-sustained melting of the permafrost continues – even after man - made GHG emissions have been brought to zero and the man - made CO2 in the atmosphere has been absorbed by the oceans – because of high concentrations of water vapor in the warmer at mosphere . In our Base Case scenario, where man - made emissions come to zero in 2100, by the year 2500 warming reaches + 3 °C and the sea level + 3.6 meters relative to the situation in 1850. Luckily, self - sustained warming can be stopped through early, huge - scale , and long - lasting CCS ( carbon capture and storage ).


    The reason is the combined warming effect of the methane released by the melting permafrost, and the high concentration of water vapor residing in the atmosphere as a consequence of the high temperatures brought about by man - made GHG emissions prior to 2100. In sum, CH 4 and H 2 O takes over for CO 2 as the main driver of continued warming. Our experiment shows that self - sustained melting o f the permafrost is triggered at much lower temperatures than formerly assumed : at around + 1°C in Figure 1 Scenario 2 . Other ESCIMO r uns ( where emissions are cut contra - factually several decades before 2020 ) indicate that self - sustained melting is triggered at below +0.5°C . O ther experiments show that it is possible ( in ESCIMO ) to bring the temperatur e back down to preindustrial level s . But it requires dramatic extraordinary action: huge - scale and long - lasting CCS (carbon capture an d storage) and more radi cal direct capture of carbon.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    taky trochu spatnych zprav ode me, metan porad unika pozornosti

    Global methane emissions soar to record high -- ScienceDaily

    The pandemic has tugged carbon emissions down, temporarily. But levels of the powerful heat-trapping gas methane continue to climb, dragging the world further away from a path that skirts the worst effects of global warming.

    Global emissions of methane have reached the highest levels on record. Increases are being driven primarily by growth of emissions from coal mining, oil and natural gas production, cattle and sheep ranching, and landfills.


    In 2017, the last year when complete global methane data are available, Earth's atmosphere absorbed nearly 600 million tons of the colorless, odorless gas that is 28 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at trapping heat over a 100-year span. More than half of all methane emissions now come from human activities. Annual methane emissions are up 9 percent, or 50 million tons per year, from the early 2000s, when methane concentrations in the atmosphere were relatively stable.
    In terms of warming potential, adding this much extra methane to the atmosphere since 2000 is akin to putting 350 million more cars on the world's roads or doubling the total emissions of Germany or France. "We still haven't turned the corner on methane," said Jackson, a professor of Earth system science in Stanford's School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (Stanford Earth).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fertility rate: 'Jaw-dropping' global crash in children being born - BBC News


    the researchers expect the number of people on the planet to peak at 9.7 billion around 2064, before falling down to 8.8 billion by the end of the century.

    "That's a pretty big thing; most of the world is transitioning into natural population decline," researcher Prof Christopher Murray told the BBC.

    2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years - Wikipedia

    Randers' "most likely scenario" predicts a peak in the world population in the early 2040s at about 8.1 billion people, followed by decline.
    TUHO --- ---
    Vladimír Melicharekosystems eu
    Sucho je v loukách významným disturbančním činitelem
    S dalšími botaniky se shoduji, že louky letos nebývale rozkvetly. Možnou příčinou je sucho v předchozích letech, které udělalo na úkor trav a mechů prostor pro semenáčky zejména dvouděložných rostlin. Letošní deštivý květen a červen pak růst lučních R-stratégů vyloženě podpořili. Ale je to jen terénní pozorování, žádný výzkum. Na fotografii je rozkvetlá louka severně od Klínovce s abnormálním zastoupením zvonku okrouhlolistého (Campanula rotundifolia), početné jsou i druhy jako jestřábník oranžový (Hieracium aurantiacum), kopretina irkutská (Leucanthemum ircutsianum), třezalka skvrnitá (Hypericum maculatum) a řada dalších. Zajímalo by mě, zda v jiných regionech či v území o nižší nadmořské výšce to funguje podobně.

    TUHO --- ---
    Oil and gas companies in the United States are hurtling toward bankruptcy at a pace not seen in years, driven under by a global price war and a pandemic that has slashed demand. And in the wake of this economic carnage is a potential environmental disaster — unprofitable wells that will be abandoned or left untended, even as they continue leaking planet-warming pollutants, and a costly bill for taxpayers to clean it all up.

    Still, as these businesses collapse, millions of dollars have flowed to executive compensation.

    Whiting Petroleum, a major shale driller in North Dakota that sought bankruptcy protection in April, approved almost $15 million in cash bonuses for its top executives six days before its bankruptcy filing. Chesapeake Energy, a shale pioneer, declared bankruptcy last month, just weeks after it paid $25 million in bonuses to a group of executives. And Diamond Offshore Drilling secured a $9.7 million tax refund under the Covid-19 stimulus bill Congress passed in March, before filing to reorganize in bankruptcy court the next month. Then it won approval from a bankruptcy judge to pay its executives the same amount, as cash incentives.

    “It seems outrageous that these executives pay themselves before filing for bankruptcy,” said Kathy Hipple, an analyst at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis and a finance professor at Bard College. “These are the same managers who ran these companies into bankruptcy to begin with,” she said.

    TUHO --- ---
    dalsi zpravy o krachu frackovaciho byznysu

    Nearly 250 U.S. oil and gas companies are expected to file for bankruptcy by the end of next year — more than went under in the last five years combined — as demand craters due to the pandemic, a global price war, and falling renewable energy prices. These failing companies often neglect well maintenance and plugged well repairs to save money, causing tons of ultra-heat-trapping methane to continue gushing into the atmosphere. Shale wells typically cost $300,000 to close — far more than the estimates used by companies, regulators and financial analysts — and an analysis prepared for The New York Times found companies have failed to reserve sufficient funds, as required by law, to remediate their well sites, leaving taxpayers to foot the cleanup bill.

    250 failing fracking companies to file for bankruptcy by 2021 - Front Page Live
    TUHO --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---

    Joe Biden unveils aggressive $2tn climate and jobs plan | Joe Biden | The Guardian
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