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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Renewable sources of power have taken over for the first time in 2020, generating 40% of European Union electricity, while fossil fuels generated 34%, independent think-tank Ember said in a half-yearly report.

    In Spain, coal generation fell 58% in the first six months of the year, even before half its remaining plants closed in June as they no longer complied with EU emissions rules. The pace of plant closures in Spain, with 69% of the entire fleet to be shuttered between 2020 and 2021, has no precedent, Global Energy Monitor program director Christine Shearer said.

    In Portugal, coal generation fell 95% in the first half of 2020, Ember said. Last week major utility EDP brought forward its Iberian plant closures to 2021, after writing down their value last year.
    The Netherlands, Austria and France all saw reductions of more than 50%. Sweden and Austria closed their last plants in March.

    In Germany coal generation fell 39%, taking it for the first time below Poland, which now generates as much electricity from coal as the EU’s remaining 25 countries put together.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Major study rules out super-high and low climate sensitivity to CO₂ | Ars Technica

    Instead of worrying about adjusting our climate action targets, we can just worry about hitting the targets we’re already quite late to.
    TUHO --- ---
    Global livestock supply chains have significantly altered nitrogen (N) flows over past years, thereby threatening environmental and human health. Here, we provide a disaggregated assessment of the livestock sector’s impacts on global N flows and emissions, including international trade. The results show that the sector currently emits 65 Tg N yr−1, equivalent to one-third of current human-induced N emissions and sufficient to meet the planetary boundary for N. Of that amount, 66% is allocated to Asia and 68% is associated with feed production. Most emissions originate from locally produced animal-sourced food, although N emissions embedded in international trade are significant for some importing countries. Given the magnitude of its impacts and its central role in both domestic and international N challenges, the livestock sector urgently requires a global initiative to tackle N pollution while supporting food security.


    TUHO --- ---
    86 % Čechů by se rádo zbavilo závislosti země na uhlí, a to především kvůli zastavení ničení krajiny a znečišťovaní ovzduší.
    Vyplývá to z výzkumu publikovaného podnikatelským a inovačním centrem BIC Brno ve spolupráci se Svazem moderní energetiky, který vznikl v rámci projektu spolufinancovaného Technologickou agenturou ČR.

    Průzkum: Většina Čechů by se ráda zbavila závislosti na uhlí
    SHEFIK --- ---
    ultra sustainable tower. drzim palec, aby to fungovalo a zacaly se stavet jenom takovy

    World's Largest Hybrid Timber Tower Will Be Built In Sydney
    TUHO --- ---
    How much warming will greenhouse gas emissions cause in the coming years? It’s one of the most fundamental questions about climate change—and also one of the trickiest to answer.
    Now, a major study claims to have narrowed down the range of possible estimates.
    It presents both good and bad news. The worst-case climate scenarios may be somewhat less likely than previous studies suggested. But the best-case climate scenarios—those assuming the least amount of warming—are almost certainly not going to happen.

    KEB --- ---
    A jedna dobrá zpráva pro Tadeáše

    Pojezdy těžkou zemědělskou technikou v deštivém roce znatelně snižují výnosy z polí - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Sanders a Omar navrhuji zastavit dotace fosilniho prumyslu

    Yet, as fossil fuel emissions cook the planet and wreak a mounting toll of destruction, the federal government gives oil, gas and coal companies nearly $15 billion per year in direct federal subsidies and already directed billionsmore in support through coronavirus relief programs this year.
    New legislation from five of the country’s top progressive lawmakers, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), aims to cut the fossil fuel industry off, HuffPost has learned.
    On Friday, the lawmakers plan to introduce a bill barring fossil fuel companies from receiving COVID-19 funding, ending federal support for fossil fuel projects at home and abroad, and abolishing dozens of tax loopholes and incentives for the industry.
    “It’s past time we end the billions of taxpayer subsidies to fossil-fuel companies,” Omar said in a statement. “Our focus right now needs to be on getting the American people through this difficult, unprecedented time, not providing giveaways to polluters.”

    TUHO --- ---
    When Sam Kern started working at Google four years ago, she believed she could drive change as an insider. If she could just "get the ear" of the right executives, Kern thought, she could convince them to move the company in a new direction on climate and sustainability.
    But over time, Kern said she realized, powerful moneyed interests made that impossible.
    Kern, a user experience engineer, described company leaders as "putting up a wall between the business interests and human interests," even as they seemed to recognize the severity of the climate crisis, which made conversations with them feel emotionally disconnected.
    Kern left Google in May and joined the radical climate activist group Extinction Rebellion, which earlier this month launched a digital campaign, bigtechlovesbigoil.com, targeting tech majors Google, Microsoft and Amazon for providing oil and gas companies with cloud computing services, custom artificial intelligence and machine learning tools.

    Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil | InsideClimate News
    TUHO --- ---
    Varoufakis o EU covid recovery planu

    So, why is it that, although I endorse the idea of mutualised debt as a necessary condition for European unity, I believe that the EU’s latest decision is another step in the direction of Europe’s disintegration? For three reasons.

    First, the recovery fund is a distraction from the elephant in the room: massive austerity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the eurozone’s total 2020 income will fall by 10%, causing an average budget deficit of more than 11%, with weaker countries such as Italy and Greece facing a much larger drop.

    That would not be catastrophic per se, if it were not for the determination of Berlin and other governments to push member states to balance their books by 2021 (as witnessed by the 11 June Eurogroup communique). Even if the nascent recovery brings down, for example, Italy’s budget deficit to, say, 9%, to balance its books Rome must impose a cruel level of austerity equal to a new 9% of GDP in cuts and taxes. Similarly with Greece. Given that even Germany will have to practise austerity to balance its budget, the whole continent will be treated to an intensification of the doom loop between austerity and recession.

    Second, the recovery fund is (macroeconomically) puny. For it to defend the union, it should pack a fiscal boost comparable in magnitude to the austerity tsunami down the line. It does not. Take Italy and Greece again, countries that must face down immense austerity. How much of this shock can the recovery fund monies help absorb? Not a lot, is the answer.

    To arrive at a precise answer, we must first ignore the new loans on offer from the recovery fund (since new debt has never helped the insolvent) and concentrate exclusively on net grants. Italy has been allocated around €80bn and Greece €23bn. However, every member state must take on part of the new €750bn EU debt. Italy, for example, is liable for just under 13% of this debt while poorer Greece is liable for 1.4%. Once we subtract these new debts, Italy’s and Greece’s net grants come to just over €30bn and €12bn respectively – or 0.6% and 2% of GDP on an annual basis between 2021 and 2023. Compared to the prospect of austerity equivalent to 9% of GDP, which will be required to balance their budgets, these are puny sums.

    Third, the political conditions under which the funds will flow are a Eurosceptic’s dream. When a recession hits the UK, the government’s budget deficit rises automatically as benefits flow disproportionately towards the most affected regions. The beauty of such a proper fiscal union is that no politician can decide which region gets which transfer. Imagine the sheer awfulness if parliament had to debate how much would be transferred to Cumbria, to Norfolk or to north Wales from Surrey, Sussex and west London. Britain would be wrecked by divisions that make Brexit look like an amicable affair. And yet this divisiveness has been baked into the EU recovery fund, complete with country allocations drawn up even before we know the effects of the recession on each region. It is almost as if the whole thing were designed by a cunning Eurosceptic.

    The EU coronavirus fund will take Europe another step towards disintegration | Yanis Varoufakis | World news | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    yep yep, we are heading in the right direction

    Over the past few weeks there have been many reports of localized air quality improvements as the world has locked down to combat the coronavirus pandemic. However, no one should think that the climate crisis is therefore over—far from it.
    Record global carbon dioxide concentrations despite COVID-19 crisis

    Researchers studying one of the most important and vexing topics in climate science — how sensitive the Earth’s climate is to a doubling of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — found that warming is extremely unlikely to be on the low end of estimates.
    TUHO --- ---
    Diky tani Arktidy muze RUsko dodavat do Ciny ropu severni cestou. Zacaly minuly tyden. Hura!

    Last week saw Russia’s Gazprom Neft, the country’s third biggest oil company by output and the oil arm of state gas giant Gazprom, ship its first cargo of oil produced in the Arctic to China via the Northern Sea Route (NSR). This shipment East adds to its existing Western exports via the NSR to Europe. According to Gazprom Neft, it took 47 days to deliver a full cargo of 144,000 tonnes of sweet, light Novy Port oil from the Yamal peninsula developments to the Chinese port of Yantai on the Bohai Sea, from Russia's north-western city of Murmansk. “Successful experience in the sale of Arctic oil in the European market and an in-depth insight of Asia-Pacific markets allow Gazprom Neft to offer Novy Port oil with a unique year-round logistics scheme to Asian partners,” said Gazprom Neft’s deputy director general for logistics, processing and sales, Anatoly Cherner, last week.

    Russia Delivers First Arctic Oil To Key Ally China | OilPrice.com
    TUHO --- ---
    Vizualizace zdroju metanu v atmosfere z dilny NASA

    Sources of Methane

    SVS: Sources of Methane
    TUHO --- ---
    Record China flooding impacts PPE supply chain to US - CNN
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: pardon, jsou tam dalsi cisla odkazem, ktera vyvraci tezi clanku, ze se opakuje situace z roku 2008

    G20 - Energy Policy Tracker

    ze se po covidu zavre veskera fosilni infrastruktura, prestanem topit a jezdit autem ze dne na den, doufam autori clanku neocekavali.

    to, ze rust nemuze byt zeleny je dojem, zakladajici se na neznalosti fungovani ekonomiky. uz jsem tu drive nekolikrat vysvetloval
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: skoda ze se teziste teze clanku zaklada na jednom odkazu na financial times, kterej je jeste za paywallem.

    dle poctu vetrnych, solarnich, ccs a energy storage projektu, jejich odhadovany vyse investic, pribyvajicich renewable projektu, poctu clanku v mediich atd, nezavisle na vladach sveta si dovolim tvrdit, ze ten clanek je silne zavadejici

    cisla nedodam, nemam na to cas. zato autori clanku by mohli cisla nasdilet, kdyz si takovyhle tvrzeni dovoli publikovat
    TUHO --- ---
    V US v oblastech ohrozenych aktivni hurikanovou sezonou prudce roste nakazenych koronavirem

    Hurricane-prone states are experiencing some of the nation’s sharpest increases in COVID-19 infections, raising fears that a major storm will have deadly consequences if people in its path refuse to evacuate to avoid contagion.
    The number of infections nationwide has more than doubled since the start of hurricane season on June 1, passing 3.8 million yesterday.
    The increase has been especially dramatic in Southeastern states on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, federal data shows, leaving hospitals strained and people potentially wary of finding shelter during a hurricane or staying with friends or relatives.
    A surge in COVID-19 cases also could complicate hurricane recovery by prompting the Federal Emergency Management Agency to avoid sending disaster relief workers into pandemic hot spots.

    Coronavirus Rages on Coasts as Hurricane Fears Rise - Scientific American
    TUHO --- ---
    Milan Lapin
    Klimatická zmena
    V roku 2020 bola priemerná teplota povrchu oceánov zatiaľ rekordne teplá v 5 mesiacoch zo šiestich na severnej pologuli, len v Januári bola 2. najvyššia (po Januári 2016). Neprekvapuje teda, že za 1. polrok 2020 je priemerná teplota povrchu oceánov na severnej pologuli výrazne najvyššia od roku 1850 (keď začali systematické merania). Na južnej pologuli je situácia trochu odlišná, ako vidíme z priloženého grafu. Je celkom zrejmé, že priemerná teplota povrchu oceánov je ovplyvnená javmi ElNiňo a LaNiňa (tu je to reprezentované 3-mesačnými priemermi Oceánického Niňo Indexu - ONI). Od roku 2003 ale sledujeme výrazný ročný chod odchýlok priemernej teploty oceánov na severnej pologuli a od roku 2016 menej výrazný aj na južnej pologuli, čo je neklamný dôkaz vplyvu globálnej klimatickej zmeny na teplotné pomery polárnych oblastí.

    TUHO --- ---
    Zack Labe
    Global climate variability (bumps) and long-term forced warming (trend) since the 'pre-industrial' era - running means are computed through June 2020.

    + Graph: http://columbia.edu/~mhs119/Temperature/
    + Data:
    GISTEMPv4 (https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/faq/)

    TUHO --- ---
    Tak jako po krizi v roce 2008, i tentokrát rétorika o „zelené“ obnově hospodářství maskuje oživování fosilního byznysu a rozšiřování jeho moci. Je stále zjevnější, že záchrana planety se neobejde bez zásadnějších změn v ekonomickém systému.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam