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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: asi to zaradili na seznam.cz do feedu clanku
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    https://www.irozhlas.cz/veda-technologie/veda/bruno-latour-koronavirus-filozof_2007041826_pj Filozof Latour: Koronakrize může být z hlediska oddanosti nekonečnému pokroku užitečným cvičením
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    hlasujte nebo se jen inspirujte adaptacnimi projekty na zmeny klimatu: https://www.adapterraawards.cz/hlasovani
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: maj nejakou predstavu jak se to sirilo, kde byly nejaky klicovy mista kde se amplifikovala ta ctenost?
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Overlapping disasters (nema URL, z newsletteru NY times)

    If you’re looking for something to read during this summer of coronavirus and you tend toward the macabre, here’s a suggestion: Sign up for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s daily operations briefing, released via email around 9:30 Eastern time most mornings, and count the number of ongoing disasters.

    Wednesday morning’s edition included Hurricane Isaias, which had just plowed up the East Coast, knocking out power for millions of households across a dozen states; wildfires in California and Nevada; the risk of “severe thunderstorms” in the Central Plains; parts of Texas still waiting for damage assessments from Hurricane Hanna last weekend; and, of course, Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, which has killed 155,204 Americans, according to the agency’s latest count.

    As Henry Fountain and I wrote this week, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/04/climate/hurricane-isaias-apple-fire-climate.html this is what living with climate change will look like: Not just an epic, Katrina- or Sandy-scale catastrophe every few years (though probably that, too), but a relentless grind of overlapping disasters, major and minor. The number of disasters that FEMA is handling is about twice what it was three years ago, before Hurricane Harvey struck Texas, and that doesn’t include its pandemic response. Disaster preparation and recovery have blurred into a single frenzied motion, never ending but also never quite succeeding.
    TUHO --- ---
    As a result, the European Union’s recently agreed €750 billion ($880 billion) pandemic recovery fund, dubbed Next Generation EU, threatens to deepen divisions across Europe, rather than being the unifying balm of many commentators’ dreams. Setting aside the scheme’s macroeconomic insignificance, it is important to take a fresh look at it from the perspective of a typical German worker languishing among the bottom 50% of the country’s wealth distribution.
    Her government, a typical German worker is told, will be liable for €100 billion of new debt that the EU will use to help foreigners recover from the pandemic’s economic fallout. “Italians will receive €80 billion from Europe’s Recovery Fund,” she hears. “Spaniards will collect €78 billion, and even the Greeks will pocket €23 billion.”

    Solidarity with the Germans by Yanis Varoufakis - Project Syndicate

    TUHO --- ---
    Letter from economists: to rebuild our world, we must end the carbon economy | Opinion | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    In a letter published to his blog, Bill Gates is once again sounding the alarm for emergency preparedness: "As awful as this pandemic is, climate change could be worse," Gates said. "If you want to understand the kind of damage that climate change will inflict, look at COVID-19 and spread the pain out over a much longer period of time."

    Bill Gates says climate change 'could be worse' than COVID - Business Insider
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: To mi něco připomíná... jo, už vím:
    The Climate Change Paper So Depressing It's Sending People to Therapy
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Lol, pry si to za dne precetlo sto tisic lidi. Slusnej zasek.

    „Pokud člověk věnuje pozornost zjištěním klimatické vědy, odkrývá se mu mezi řádky technického jazyka obraz zkázy, která jako by ani nebyla z tohoto světa. Je to bizarní, absurdní, nepředstavitelné a neuvěřitelné a vlastně se to do relativního pohodlí naší přítomnosti vůbec nehodí." Text Martina Vrby si od včerejšího dne přečetlo přes sto tisíc lidí. Přečetli jste si jej už také?

    Měli bychom se začít bavit o civilizačním kolapsu – A2larm

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Denmark Passes Green Law That Could Make Climate Inaction Illegal

    web neznam bylo ve feedu

    3 Mins Read

    Danish lawmakers have passed a landmark climate agreement that ensures the country will cut its carbon emissions by 70% from 1990 levels over the next decade. The deal was supported across party lines in a move the Danish Climate Ministry described as proof that “climate action and economic reconstruction go hand in hand” as the country rebuilds from the coronavirus pandemic. 

    TUHO --- ---
    Je noc, v nose štípe dým a okolní tmu ozařuje oranžové světlo hořícího lesa. Požárníci se s provizorním vybavením už poněkolikáté vypravili do akce. Snaží se uhasit jeden z desítek tisíc ohňů, které zachvátily Amazonii a přilehlou Chiquitanii. Požáry za sebou za loňský rok zanechaly tisíce kilometrů spálené země. Proč vznikly, v čem byly jiné než dřívější ohně a na co se máme připravit do budoucna?

    Reportér Voxpootu Martin Trabalík se vydal natáčet na hranici Amazonie, kde spolu s požárníky strávil několik měsíců.

    Amazonie v plamenech. Reportáž přímo z epicentra požárů.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: BP laid out the details in a press release titled “From International Oil Company to Integrated Energy Company.” By 2030, the company says it expects to produce 40 percent less oil and gas than it did in 2019, which will help it achieve a 30 to 35 percent emissions reduction related to the fuels it extracts. Other goals for 2030 include installing more than 70,000 electric vehicle charging stations, developing “around” 50 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030 (up from 2.5 gigawatts in 2019), and increasing its spending on low-carbon energy to $5 billion — about a quarter of the company’s total capital expenditure last year. Finally, BP said it would stop looking for new oil reserves … but only in countries where it doesn’t already drill.
    TUHO --- ---
    BP just announced it will halt oil and gas exploration in new countries, slash oil and gas production by 40%, and invest $5 billion a year in low-carbon energy.

    BP is dumping a ton of oil … from its energy portfolio | Grist
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PAD: ja vzdycky nerad kazim iluze, ale cela zelena energie je vpodstate jeden velkej ucetni trik :) a firmy to ani neskryvaji

    viz napr. definice zde: http://www.zelenaenergie.cz/cs/o-zelene-energii/otazky-a-odpovedi.html#2

    "Tento problém řešíme obchodním způsobem" ... :)

    nebo tady: https://www.cez.cz/cs/elektrina/zelena-elektrina

    vpodste jedine, k cemu se preprodejci zavazuji, ze penize, co vyberou, jdou vsechny bud znovu na nakup zelene elektriny, nebo do zelenych investicnich energetickych projektu. kdyz budu hodne zlej, je to takovy dobrovolny prispevek cezu na novou solarni elektrarnu. kdyz budu hodnej, nektery maly zeleny elektrarny/podnikatele to taky podpori
    PAD --- ---
    Nedavno jsme tu diskutovali o pruznejsim nacenovani elektriny (prave podle sezonni dostupnosti atp). Mate nekdo zkusenost s timto: https://www.bezdodavatele.cz/cenik/ ? Zda se mi, ze prave tohle celkem delaji - plati se velkoobchodni cena z trhu, takze treba v zime, kdy nejedou fotovoltaiky, je drazsi.

    A jeste obecnejsi dotaz: Pokud je soucasny podil OZE v CR jen neco slabe nad 10%, z cehoz vyznamnou cast tvori fotovoltaika, jak je mozne, ze nektere firmy prodavaji "zelenou energii" i v zime? Neni to jen nejaky ucetni trik, kdy tu energii z OZE kreativne rozlozi v prubehu roku?
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: dobry az na ten malomocnej zaver

    "Taková je koneckonců definice skutečně kritické situace: systém vytvořil problém, který není možné v jeho rámci řešit. Možná je tedy nejvyšší čas začít si představovat konec kapitalismu."

    cesta je jina - prepnuti na novej level hyperpredace (managementu ekosystemu) a switch do civilizacniho modu, kterej je plne napojenej na ten solarni kanal. ... cokoliv jinyho je ten ideologickej bullshit co tam zminuje.

    stane se to pozde, ale prece. bude velka selekce, ale kdyz nas to da miliarda, porad je to relativni uspech. :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Sucho, nedostatek potravin, znečištění, Češi nevidí budoucnost planety růžově. V průzkumu agentury Behavio více než dvě třetiny dotázaných uvádí, že bude hůře než nyní. Mezi důvody pak nejčastěji řadí ty, které jsou spojené se životním prostředím. I proto, že lidé už pociťují následky ekologických změn.

    TADEAS --- ---
    China poised to power huge growth in global offshore wind energy | Environment | The Guardian

    Global Wind Report 2019 | Global Wind Energy Council

    The world’s offshore windfarm capacity could grow eightfold by the end of the decade powered by a clean energy surge led by China, according to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). ... by the end of the decade China is expected to host more than a fifth of the world’s offshore wind turbines, equating to 52GW, while the UK tally climbs to 40.3GW.


    Ben Backwell, the chief executive at GWEC, said offshore wind was “truly going global” as governments around the world “recognise the role that the technology can play in kickstarting post-Covid economic recovery”.

    The report found that the offshore wind industry could create 900,000 jobs globally over the next decade, or even more if policymakers use post-pandemic economic stimulus packages to accelerate the sector’s growth.

    As well as a green economic recovery, the report found that every 1GW of offshore wind helped to avoid 3.5m tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere and contributing to the climate crisis.

    The offshore market has grown on average by almost a quarter every year since 2013, led by a flurry of new projects in European waters, which hold 75% of the world’s offshore wind farms.

    However, the rate of growth is expected to accelerate in the next 10 years because of a growing appetite for clean energy in countries in the Asia-Pacific region, according to GWEC.

    “Over the coming decade we will see emerging offshore wind markets like Japan, Korea and Vietnam move to full deployment, and see the first offshore turbines installed in a number of new countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa,” Backwell added.
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