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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    She said she sees climate change through the lens of her military training,
    “This is a national security issue,” she said. “This is an international security issue.”
    She added, “We are already seeing weather patterns like we have never seen before. Wildfires we’ve never seen, desertification. We are going to see mass migrations.”
    Low-lying military bases are being flooded from sea level rise, McGrath said. “We have to plan for this. McConnell does not have a plan.”

    Kentucky Senate race: Mitch McConnell, McGrath spar on climate change
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden, Its First Presidential Endorsement In 175-Year History - NowThis
    TUHO --- ---
    PAD: Ja tu analyzu teda necetl, ale podle toho co rikas, tak to vypada na podobnej mindfuck debilitu, kterej dela Nordhaus (a dostal za ni Nobelovu cenu za ekonomii, lol)...

    Steven Keen - '4°C of Global Warming is Optimal' – Even Nobel Prize Winners are Getting Things Catastrophically Wrong | Brave New Europe
    PAD --- ---
    TUHO: dobry, dik:) Ja to prestal cist hned v uvodu, kdy jsem se dozvedel, ze proste extrapolovali na zaklade vztahu teploty a hospodarstvi pozorovaneho v minulosti. To je jakobych si odhadl u cloveka, ze spokojenost s pokojovou teplotou roste na intervalu -20 az +30, takze +50 bude jeste lepsi. Neuveritelne...
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: za pozarama v kalifornii muze i to, ze se tam dlouho uklada dost masy, ktera by bez lidi shorela, svadet to jen na klima imho nemuzeme

    TADEAS: "Americans have been conditioned not to respond to geographical climate threats as people in the rest of the world do. It is natural that rural Guatemalans or subsistence farmers in Kenya, facing drought or scorching heat, would seek out someplace more stable and resilient. Even a subtle environmental change — a dry well, say — can mean life or death, and without money to address the problem, migration is often simply a question of survival."
    TUHO --- ---
    Jinak uz se vi, kdo muze za pozarama v Kalifornii. Zadny rekordni oteplovani. Antifa! :))

    Laura Ingraham claims antifa arsonists are responsible for California wildfires | Media Matters for America
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate change: Major energy companies lag in green shift

    A global analysis of the progress and failure of electric utilities to adapt their portfolios of power-generation assets to the energy transition

    The study, published in research journal Nature Energy, found that of the 3,000 utilities studied most remain predominantly invested in fossil fuels. And of those prioritizing renewable energy growth, 60% had not halted expansion of their fossil fuel portfolios.

    The companies with the slowest transition tended to be larger and from outside Europe, Alova told DW. "The renewables-prioritizing cohort of utilities that I identified comprises companies that are overall larger and own a larger market share in the countries where they operate, compared to the other companies," she said. "The key issue is that the majority of these companies continue in parallel to expand their fossil fuel-based capacity, although they do so at a slower rate."


    Her research highlights a gap between what is needed to tackle the climate crisis and "the actions being taken by the utility sector," she added. These companies face the risk of carbon lock-in, given that a third of their fossil fuel capacity has been added in the last 10 years, so is here to stay for decades. "Unless it is retired early, it will render significant shares of their portfolios stranded," Alova said.

    "Although there have been a few high-profile examples of individual electric utilities investing in renewables, this study shows that overall, the sector is making the transition to clean energy slowly or not at all," she said.


    "Renewables and natural gas often go hand in hand," Alova said, adding that companies often choose both in parallel. "So, it might be just in media reports we are getting this image of investing in renewables, but less coverage on continued investment in gas."

    It might also be the case that gas is viewed as a transition fuel, relatively less carbon emitting and providing load-balancing services to intermittent renewables generation, Alova said.


    With many projects delayed by the pandemic, the global capacity to produce electricity from renewable sources is predicted to drop by up to 13% overall this year according to the International Energy Agency.
    TADEAS --- ---
    fnuky fnuk

    INFO.CZ | Nemám nic proti ekologickým ambicím. Ale Česko musí být energeticky soběstačné, říká Havlíček

    Podle Havlíčka nakonec nejsou natolik podstatné konkrétní procentní limity a roky plnění, ale především přístup. „Důležité je to, že za těmi cíli jdeme,“ uvedl ministr, který rovněž zkritizoval Evropskou komisi, jež je podle něj v otázce zelené politiky více ideologická než technokratická. „Na Evropské komisi mi vadí ta neracionalita. Že odpovídá frázemi, že musíme zařadit víc obnovitelné energie, že se musíme víc snažit. Osobně mi to přijde trochu jak v Postřižinách. Jenže když nad jádrem Komise zvedá jeden prst, nad uhlím dva prsty a OZE není dostatečné řešení, tak co nám zbývá?“ zafnukal vicepremiér Havlíček.
    TADEAS --- ---

    What Does It Mean When Google Says It’s Carbon Neutral? And How?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Future of the human climate niche | PNAS

    We show that for thousands of years, humans have concentrated in a surprisingly narrow subset of Earth’s available climates, characterized by mean annual temperatures around ∼13 °C. This distribution likely reflects a human temperature niche related to fundamental constraints. We demonstrate that depending on scenarios of population growth and warming, over the coming 50 y, 1 to 3 billion people are projected to be left outside the climate conditions that have served humanity well over the past 6,000 y. Absent climate mitigation or migration, a substantial part of humanity will be exposed to mean annual temperatures warmer than nearly anywhere today.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Letter from Roger Hallam: The liberal class is complicit in mass murder

    Centuries ago, Edmund Burke wrote that the triumph of evil required only that “good men to do nothing.” The notion of “evil” has been banished from the supposedly sophisticated discourse of the “woke” liberal classes. But for 99% of human history, evil was very much a material reality, namely the grotesque arbitrary power of the rich to rape, starve and murder. The modern evil is the plan by the corporate elite and their political administrators to willingly, in the full knowledge of the science, engage in putting greenhouse gases into the air to the point of locking in what is euphemistically called social collapse, namely that old trinity of rape, starvation and murder, on the scale of billions of people.

    A recent paper outlined that one billion people would be forced to migrate (that means three things, see above) at 2C average global temperature rise*. And if you haven’t been paying attention, that is now effectively locked in within 20 years, give or take a decade or so, unless there is emergency action to slash carbon emissions. This is not alarmism, it’s the real world. Evil is always with us. There are always people committing monstrous crimes in order to express their disdain for life through a pathological desire for power.

    The “good people” are supposed to be the liberal class, the professionals and administrators, the educated strata of society, who have the agency, the power and ability to stand up for civilisation.

    So, where are they at this most critical point in the history of humanity when over the next decade, we are set to lock in the most despicable scheme to destroy a thousand years of social progress and condemn the next generation into a hell hole of endless and indescribable suffering? They are nowhere to be seen.
    As co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, I have spent two years asking nicely, waiting patiently for the NGOs, political parties, trade unions, churches, and professions to step up from their business-as-usual mode of organising emailing, lobbying and occasional tame marches.

    What is now needed is bleeding obvious: mass participation in civil disobedience, escalating to a point of bringing the carbon death project to a halt. After all, this would certainly be happening if those already dying were in the home counties rather than in Africa. Black lives do not matter to those liberal classes as if we ever needed reminding. The Extinction Rebellion plan as I conceived it was that by this point, the educated classes would have done the maths and worked out we are going to hell unless we rebel. Our ask to civil society organisations was not complicated: leaders would go on a tour to speak to the nation, emails would be sent to the millions on their databases, informing them of how to engage in civil disobedience. Their vast organisational infrastructures would move into gear to coordinate the simple act of sitting in the roads.

    What did we get? Greenpeace refused to send an email. Christian Aid was going to think about it. Charities were going to put it on the agenda for board meetings. The supposed “radical” mayors of Hackney and Newcastle rubbed their chins. The result: nothing. One year on from Parliament acknowledging the reality of the biggest genocide project of all time, the “climate emergency”, all we have is inertia, procrastination, and outright opposition to anything resembling civil resistance. The Labour Party reverting to type plans to drop its commitment to zero emissions by 2030. The Green Party, bless them, only discovered the climate emergency once Extinction Rebellion appeared and since then have done nothing other than talk about it. Dozens of councils have declared an emergency and then promptly put their motions in a drawer and carried on as normal. Why? Because the liberal class have no guts.

    The days of standing up to tyranny have long faded. The life-and-death struggle against Hitler and fascism is consigned to the history books. Today’s liberal classes believe only in one thing: maintaining their privilege. Their one priority is power. The number one rule is: preserve our careers, our institutions at all cost. The historical rule number one of fighting evil is the willingness to lose your career and to risk the closing down of your institution. The prospect of death and destruction is lost in a postmodernist haze. Leadership has decayed into sitting behind a desk, following public relations protocols (otherwise known as lying). Leading from the front, the first to go to prison Martin Luther King-style died with the passing of the World War II generation.

    The game is up. The old alliance with the liberal classes is dead. New forms of revolutionary initiative and leadership are rising up. Members of the new political party Burning Pink have thrown paint at the doors of the NGOs and political parties calling for open dialogue and public debate. The response, true to form, has been a lethal and deafening silence. We are now in prison from where I write this article after a Green Party member recorded a zoom call and passed it to the police. We have not been let out for exercise for the first five days. We have no kettle, no pillows, no visits. But we don’t give a shit. We are doing something about Evil.

    Shortly after the April Rebellion in 2019, I met John Sauven, chief executive of Greenpeace. He congratulated me on XR’s success. He said he would have got arrested but he didn’t because he had a cold coming on. The next generation have their annihilation coming on. They don’t want to be offered cake!

    Roger Hallam, Pentonville Prison, London.
    Received on 11 of September 2020.

    *The New York Times: "The window for action is closing. The world can now expect that with every degree of temperature increase, roughly a billion people will be pushed outside the
    zone in which humans have lived for thousands of years."


    Foresight: "UN forecasts estimate that there could be anywhere between 25 million and 1 billion environmental migrants by 2050."


    UN Environmental Migration Portal: "How many people will be moving as a result of climate change and other environmental factors?
    There is great uncertainty about the figures. Forecasts for the number of environmental migrants by 2050 vary by a factor of 40 (between 25 million and 1 billion)."

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Google says its carbon footprint is now zero - BBC News
    TADEAS --- ---
    Estonia’s ‘holy forests’ threatened by demand for biofuels


    A paper published in Nature in July found that Estonia had one of the highest rates of forest loss in Europe—after an abrupt increase from 2016 to 2018 that raised the rate of clearing by 85 percent over what it had been in the previous decade. The surge was largely brought on by demand for wood pellets for bioenergy, the authors of the study found.


    SHEFIK --- ---
    uz mam blbej pocit, ze to tu spamuju a to sem pul ctenejch clanku vynechal a projel sotva 10% serveru...

    EU Set To Raise 2030 Climate Target

    The European Parliament’s environment committee today approved a resolution calling for the European Union’s emissions reduction target for 2030 to be increased by a third, from 40% to 60%.


    While some countries agree with the Parliament’s call for a 60% or even 65% target, many, particularly in Europe’s East, don’t want to increase the target at all. Leading that corner is Poland, which is heavily reliant on coal.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    BP report: Oil is dying, long live green energy - Electrek

    BP stated in a forecast published today that oil may have reached its peak due to the pandemic and that renewables will take the place of fossil fuels.


    a jeste ze to BP mysli vazne a nejsou ty net zero od nich jen plany sliby:

    So it’s no surprise, as Electrek reported September 11, that BP invested $1.1 billion in offshore wind in the US. It’s good environmental sense. It’s good business sense. BP isn’t being benevolent; it knows that’s where the market is going.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Emisní náročnost ekonomiky (emise CO2 nutné na vyprodukování jedné jednotky výstupu) v čase klesá, takže i při růstu ekonomiky emise CO2 nerostou (více podrobností viz další kapitola). Jinými slovy, již proběhl tak zvaný „decoupling“, oddělení ekonomického růstu od emisí CO2.


    Nabízí se otázka, v jaké míře by byl omezen růst české ekonomiky, pokud by EU přijala ještě ambicióznější cíle než dnes (redukce o 50 %, resp. 55 % do roku 2030 v porovnání s rokem 1990), což je plán, o němž se hovoří. V takovém případě by bez rychlejšího poklesu energetické náročnosti výroby bylo potřeba omezit ekonomický růst. Při redukci emisí o 50 % do roku 2030 by ve scénáři Business-as-usual došlo k omezení ekonomického růstu na 1,1 %, při omezení emisí o 55 % dokonce na 0,2 %, ekonomika by tedy při takto ambiciózním scénáři redukce emisí v příští dekádě stagnovala. Při redukci emisí o 50 % by HDP na horizontu roku 2030 byl nižší o 12,4 % (v porovnání s redukcí o 45 %), při redukci o 55 % dokonce o 19,4 %.Pro dosažení ambiciózních cílů redukce CO2 emisí (snížení o více než 45 % do roku 2030 v porovnání s rokem 1990) je potřeba urychlit snižování emisní náročnosti ekonomiky. Jinak by ambiciózní redukce emisí CO2 měla znatelné ekonomické náklady.
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