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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    COVID-19 as a window of opportunity for sustainability transitions? Narratives and communication strategies beyond the pandemic

    The current COVID-19 crisis can provide a window of opportunity for promoting sustainability transitions across the globe, but this goal can only be achieved with deliberate planning and carefully designed strategic communication in the public sphere. This policy brief outlines a three-part narrative that discursively connects the COVID-19 pandemic with its potential to facilitate sustainability transitions. We seek to make clear the connection between the coronavirus outbreak and unsustainable behavior, to explain that continuing unsustainable behavior could cause further crises of a similarly debilitating scale, and to frame the current lockdown and standstill as a timely occasion to change direction and to prevent future crises. The policy brief concludes by adapting organizational crisis communication strategies to the current situation and answering questions of how, when, by whom, and at whom communication should take place
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Great Barrier Reef has lost half its corals within 3 decades

    Australia's Great Barrier Reef has lost 50% of its coral populations in the last three decades, with climate change a key driver of reef disturbance, a new study has found.

    Researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, in Queensland, northeastern Australia, assessed coral communities and their colony size along the length of the Great Barrier Reef between 1995 and 2017, finding depletion of virtually all coral populations, they said Tuesday


    SHEFIK --- ---
    greenpeace klimaticka petice pro vladu - uz maji 62.000+ podpisu, to neni malo

    TADEAS --- ---
    Bioregions 2020 | One Earth

    One Earth presents a novel biogeographical framework called Bioregions 2020, which builds upon the world’s 846 terrestrial ecoregional divisions (Dinerstein et al. 2017) to delineate 184 discreet bioregions.


    Biomes provide the organizing principle used to group ecoregions into 184 discreet bioregions. Conceptually, bioregions are major subdivisions of the Earth’s biomes, formed by intersecting biome areas with large-scale geological structures -- such as mountain ranges, plains, plateaus, and basins -- or using common climatological divisions. The bioregions include adjoining freshwater and marine areas, and in some ways could be thought of as “nature’s countries” with an average land area of 735,000 km2.


    The 846 terrestrial ecoregions of the Earth (Dinerstein et al. 2017) overlayed with Bioregions 2020 polygons. A finite number of ecoregions are contained within the perimeter of each bioregion, with the exception of mangroves which in some cases extend across one or more bioregions. Credit: Karl Burkart
    TADEAS --- ---
    The great thaw: global heating upends life on Arctic permafrost – photo essay | US news | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse, analysis finds | Environment | The Guardian

    A fifth of countries worldwide at risk from ecosystem collapse as biodiversity declines, reveals pioneering Swiss Re index | Swiss Re

    DZODZO --- ---
    neviem ci bolo ale som teda dost hlboko (Deep :)))

    TADEAS --- ---
    This is my message to the western world – your civilisation is killing life on Earth | Nemonte Nenquimo | Opinion | The Guardian

    You are probably not used to an Indigenous woman calling you ignorant and, less so, on a platform such as this. But for Indigenous peoples it is clear: the less you know about something, the less value it has to you, and the easier it is to destroy. And by easy, I mean: guiltlessly, remorselessly, foolishly, even righteously. And this is exactly what you are doing to us as Indigenous peoples, to our rainforest territories, and ultimately to our planet’s climate.

    It took us thousands of years to get to know the Amazon rainforest. To understand her ways, her secrets, to learn how to survive and thrive with her. And for my people, the Waorani, we have only known you for 70 years (we were “contacted” in the 1950s by American evangelical missionaries), but we are fast learners, and you are not as complex as the rainforest.

    When you say that the oil companies have marvellous new technologies that can sip the oil from beneath our lands like hummingbirds sip nectar from a flower, we know that you are lying because we live downriver from the spills. When you say that the Amazon is not burning, we do not need satellite images to prove you wrong; we are choking on the smoke of the fruit orchards that our ancestors planted centuries ago. When you say that you are urgently looking for climate solutions, yet continue to build a world economy based on extraction and pollution, we know you are lying because we are the closest to the land, and the first to hear her cries.
    TUHO --- ---
    Do plynárenské soustavy v ČR se bude čím dál více vtláčet i biometan. Nejvhodnější metoda, jak tak činit, by měla být známá do dvou let. Do roku 2030 by mělo být do plynárenských sítí v Česku ročně dodáváno až 500 milionů metrů krychlových biometanu, tedy přibližně šest procent současné spotřeby zemního plynu. Z toho asi 40 procent by mělo pocházet z odpadních surovin, jako jsou čistírenské kaly a nejrůznější bioodpady. V tiskové zprávě to dnes uvedl Český plynárenský svaz (ČPS).

    Do plynárenské sítě v ČR se bude čím dál více vtláčet i biometan
    DZODZO --- ---
    RADIQAL: ako si toto zariadenie poradi s vytriedenym plastom, z ktoreho sa v sucasnosti da recyklovat cca 10%? tych 90% predsa musi tak ci tak skoncit bud na skladke alebo v spalovni ne?
    TUHO --- ---
    There is a renaissance blooming in the climate movement: leadership that is more characteristically feminine and more faithfully feminist, rooted in compassion, connection, creativity, and collaboration. While it’s clear that women and girls are vital voices and agents of change for this planet, they are too often missing from the proverbial “table.” More than a problem of bias, it’s a dynamic that sets us up for failure. To change everything, we need everyone.

    Intermixing essays with poetry and art, this book is both a balm and a guide for knowing and holding what has been done to the world, while bolstering our resolve never to give up on each other or our collective future. We must summon truth, courage, and solutions, to turn away from the brink and toward life-giving possibility. Curated by two climate leaders, this book is a collection and celebration of visionaries who are leading us on a path toward all we can save.

    All we can save
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jeste jsem neslysel, ale byl take v podcastu kolaps

    Kolaps #10: Alexander Ač: Megapožáry v Kalifornii jsou důsledkem klimatické krize – A2larm
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nevim jestli planuje rict neco novyho oproti tomu co rikal loni

    "Klimatickákrize: co
    bude dál?". Přednášet bude Alexander Ač z Ústavu výzkumu globální změny
    AV ČR. Globální teplota prudce roste, období stabilního holocénu je již
    jen matnou vzpomínkou. Jak moc úspěšné budou snahy o přizpůsobení se
    probíhající změně klimatu? Čemu již nedokážeme zabránit a na co se máme
    připravit? Můžeme mluvit o klimatické krizi? Začínáme v úterý 20. října
    od 17:30.

    Videokonference proběhne pomocí technologie ZOOM. Pro připojení, prosím,
    použijte tento link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89248945457 .
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TUHO: Taky jsme BYL fandou brněnský spalovne, než to téma přišlo na přetřes na plénu bkb, kde jsme se dosli k zajimavesim informacim od cally

    TUHO --- ---
    Petr Hladík
    V Brně to se snižováním emisí CO2 myslíme naprosto vážně. Díky skvělé spolupráci SAKO Brno právě spouštíme nové tepelné čerpadlo, které ročně ušetří téměř 2000 tun CO2. Je to největší tepelné čerpadlo v České republice.
    Díky nové technologii dokážeme přeměnit dosud nevyužitelné odpadní teplo z chlazení generátorů na teplo vhodné k vytápění. Ročně tak vyrobíme až 29 000 GJ tepla. Pro představu to je tolik tepla, které spotřebuje za rok 1000 domácností.
    Návratnost celé této investice je 5 a půl roku, což je skvělé. Velké zásluhy na celém díle má kolega Filip Leder.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    australie 2050 net zero

    Net zero emissions target for Australia could launch $63bn investment boom | Climate change | The Guardian
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: ten pokles sa da pri cene solarov nahradit poctom, spravis oversizing a mas elektrinu aj ked nie su zrovna idealne podmienky, treba vyriesit hlavne ukladanie energie, jej vyroba je uz levna
    SHEFIK --- ---
    solar a climate change... zadny hezky vyhlidky pro nas cistej zdroj energie

    Climate change to reduce solar radiation in hot, arid regions – pv magazine International
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Nobel laureate who helped save the ozone layer dies | Science | AAAS
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