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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: hele, já k ovcím na pastvinách dospěl už někdy před 10-15 lety, dokonce jsem asi 2x jeden den pomáhal hlídat spásání v Praze :-)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Zelenější Babiš: premiér v Bruselu podpoří rychlé snížení emisí, dosud ho odmítal, měl zmatek v číslech | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: pesticidy jsou sice šílrné, ale zrovna orba je energeticky náročná a má určitě uhlíkovou stopu jak hrom. Řešení nevidím...
    DRSH --- ---
    Mohou být plasty ekologické? Finové se rozhodli vyrábět je ze dřeva | Radiožurnál
    DRSH --- ---
    Našimi grafikami chceme jednoduše popsat rizika klimatické změny, říkají členové organizace Fakta o klimatu | Radio Wave
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Czechs drop opposition to 2030 climate goal ahead of EU summit – EURACTIV.com

    Asi na to Babis uz nema nervy, good
    TADEAS --- ---
    agrolobby / agrooligarchie

    Jakub Hruška - Zemědělská politika EU jde do háje. Tedy... | Facebook

    Zemědělská politika EU jde do háje. Tedy začíná se vydávat cestou agrobyznysu, kterou dobře známe z České republiky. Evropský parlament bohužel pod tlakem stále mocnější velkoagrární lobby připravil drastickou změnu navržené Společné zemědělské politiku EU. Ta byla navržena vloni Evropskou komisí, a byla poměrně ambiciózní a vstřícná k životnímu prostředí, biodiverzitě a klimatu. Nazývala se FFF (From Field to Fork) a měla za cíl redukci pesticidů, hnojiv, chtěla víc ekologického zemědělství (viz infografika). Ale evidentně tak velký balík peněz, který je se zemědělstvím spojen (na SZP jde ca.30-40% celého rozpočtu EU), už má své Agroferty i v dalších evropských zemích. Jen nejsou přímo ve vládě. A ty jsou mocné, a své penězovody si chtějí zachovat. Proto byl kdesi připraven „kompromisní“ návrh SZP, který je politicky tlačen skrz Europarlament, a který je vlastně jen pokračováním současné situace. Ještě to není ztraceno, ale skoro. O „kompromisním“ návrhu se na plénu Europarlamentu bude hlasovat příští týden.
    Proto vyzývám všechny české politické strany (včetně mé TOP 09, kde se o tom budeme bavit záhy), které chtějí v příštích volbách tvrdit, že jim na ochraně životního prostředí, udržitelném zemědělství, biodiverzitě či kvalitě a množství vody záleží, aby zavázaly své europoslance, aby pro tento „kompromisní“ návrh nehlasovali, ale naopak podpořili původní návrh Komise.
    Jinak tu máme pesticidy místo orby, biopaliva I. generace, erozi a mrtvá velkopole ještě nadlouho….
    A mrzí mě, že stejná schizofrenie, jak v ČR, kdy stát podepíše např. Úmluvu o ochraně biodiverzity a na druhé straně tlačí zemědělskou politiku, která biodiverzitu plánovitě ničí, panuje i na půdě EU. A zajímalo by mě, jak EU chce splnit ambiciózní klimatické cíle bez reformy zemědělství, která se evidentně odkládá na neurčito....
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: v tom je asi lepsi analogie toho porodu a jeho fazi, coz je vhodnejsi nez smrt, protoze smyslem je tady z toho procesu zrodit novou kulturu
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: myslim tim, ze muzeme oplakat ze je vykacenej les, kam jsme tak radi chodili na houby, ale nejde to uzavrit ten proces, protoze to je teprve zacatek. Jako ze jim to tam shori znovu a jeste vic.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: co myslis tim dopredu? mluvi o tomhle australskym lete
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: uz to nenajdu, ale loni tady sel clanek, kde psycholog zpochybnoval zda je vubec mozny se takhle se ztratou vyrovnat dopredu. odvozoval to od doprovazeni lidi, kterym nekdo umira, a kteri nejsou schopni se s tim vyrovnat dokud dotycny neumre a cely se to nedokonci

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: paliativni proces

    The national conversation we urgently needed to have following our Black Summer never happened. Our collective trauma was sidelined as a deadly pandemic took hold. Instead of grieving our losses and agreeing on how to implement an urgent plan to safeguard our nation’s future, we became preoccupied by whether we had enough food in the pantry, whether our job or relationship would be intact on the other side of the lockdown. We were forced to consider life and death on an intensely personal level.

    When our personal safety is threatened, our capacity to handle the larger existential threat of climate change evaporates. But just because we can’t face something doesn’t mean it disappears.

    As many trauma survivors will tell you, it’s often the lack of an adequate response in the aftermath of a traumatic event, rather than the experience itself, that causes the most psychological damage. And if there is no acknowledgment of the damage that has been done, no moral consequences for those responsible, it’s as if the trauma never happened.

    How can we ever re-establish trust in the very institutions that let things get this bad? How do we live with the knowledge that the people who are meant to keep us safe are the very ones allowing the criminal destruction of our planet to continue?

    Perhaps part of the answer lies in TS Eliot’s observation that “humankind cannot bear very much reality”. To shy away from difficult emotions is a very natural part of the human condition. We are afraid to have the tough conversations that connect us with the darker shades of human emotion.

    We are often reluctant to give voice to the painful feelings that accompany a serious loss, like the one we all experienced this summer. We quickly skirt around complex emotions, landing on the safer ground of practical solutions like renewable energy or taking personal action to feel a sense of control in the face of far bleaker realities.

    As more psychologists begin to engage with the topic of climate change, they are telling us that being willing to acknowledge our personal and collective grief might be the only way out of the mess we are in. When we are finally willing to accept feelings of intense grief – for ourselves, our planet, our kids’ futures – we can use the intensity of our emotional response to propel us into action.

    Grief is not something to be pushed away; it is a function of the depth of the attachment we feel for something, be it a loved one or the planet. If we don’t allow ourselves to grieve, we stop ourselves from emotionally processing the reality of our loss. It prevents us from having to face the need to adapt to a new, unwelcome reality.

    Unfortunately, we live in a culture where we actively avoid talking about hard realities; darker parts of our psyche are considered dysfunctional or intolerable. But trying to be relentlessly cheerful or stoic in the face of serious loss just buries more authentic emotions that must eventually come up for air.
    TUHO --- ---
    As one of the dozen or so Australian lead authors involved in consolidating the physical science basis for the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment report, I’ve gained terrifying insight into the true state of the climate crisis and what lies ahead. There is so much heat already baked into the climate system that a certain level of destruction is now inevitable. What concerns me is that we may have already pushed the planetary system past the point of no return. That we’ve unleashed a cascade of irreversible changes that have built such momentum that we can only watch as it unfolds.

    The great unravelling: 'I never thought I’d live to see the horror of planetary collapse' | Climate change | The Guardian
    KEB --- ---
    Svět potřebuje Chvaletice kvůli manganu do baterií - TZB-info
    PER2 --- ---
    Fine-tuning the climate | DW Documentary
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dalsi strasak pro klima N2O ?

    Nitrous oxide emissions are a serious climate problem - Futurity

    In the industrial era, carbon dioxide has been responsible for about 10 times as much warming as nitrous oxide. But nitrous oxide is more potent: One pound of the gas warms the atmosphere some 300 times more than a pound of carbon does over a 100-year period.

    Fossil fuel use and industry contribute about one-seventh of emissions (N2O) from human activities. China has particularly high industrial emissions. The largest point source here in the US is a chemical plant in Florida that makes adipic acid for nylon production. Its N2O emissions in 2018 were equivalent to the carbon dioxide pollution from two million cars.
    PER2 --- ---

    "The ice is disappearing and if in a few decades we have an ice-free Arctic - this will have a major impact on the climate around the world."

    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: “I personally think soil offers one of the best win-win solutions for carbon capture, enhancing natural processes in relatively cost effective ways,” says Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, professor of soil biogeochemistry and Falasco Chair in Earth Sciences at the University of California Merced. “Soil has little risk of additional problems that can arise from technological solutions to climate change, while achieving significant results.”

    A climate change solution that's right under our feet | Asmeret Asefaw Berhe:
    SHEFIK --- ---
    carbon soil capture - s trochou boostu. sice to jsou porad additiva a ne sustainable cesta, ale docasne to muze vytrhnout trn z paty :)

    The Amazing Secret To Cutting 25% Of Carbon Could Be Under Your Feet

    But what if one of the best weapons in our fight against global carbon emissions lies right beneath our feet? That’s the claim of a new generation of biotech firms, who say they can turn the world’s soil into a vast carbon sink, absorbing up to a quarter of annual emissions.
    “We develop microbiological seed treatments comprised of microbial fungi and bacteria designed to provide plant benefits,” explains Guy Hudson, Soil Carbon Co. CEO. “As that plant grows it exudes sugars into the soil that are converted into stable soil carbon by the fungi.”

    Once added to fields by farmers, Hudson says this solution enables the soil to quickly build significant quantities of stable carbon, stored in tiny balls of soil called microaggregates, preventing the carbon from being released back to the atmosphere.
    “Results from our studies show a 7-17% soil carbon increase over a season. If you extrapolate out to the 1.8 billion hectares that we crop each year, you would be looking at about 8 gigatons of CO2 equivalent being drawn down,” Hudson claims. Going by IEA stats for 2019, that would equate to just under 25% of the 33 gigatons of CO2 emitted globally that year.
    Soil carbon proponents say their solutions are comparatively easier to deploy, and relatively inexpensive: while some carbon capture methods can cost hundreds of dollars per ton of CO2 equivalent captured, Carbon Soil Co. says its method costs between $20 and $50 per ton. What’s more, such firms are making it possible for farmers to be paid for using their soil to store carbon: one Boston start-up has claimed it wants to facilitate the storage of one trillion tons of CO2 in soil in this way, financed through a range of measures such as carbon offsets.
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