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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    v cestine ted vyslo

    tak jsem na libgen pro original klikla za vas (epub)

    SHEFIK --- ---
    EU uvažuje o výrazném růstu větrných elektráren na moři - Ekolist.cz

    Evropská unie zvažuje, že by v rámci plánu, který počítá s klimatickou neutralitou do poloviny století, zvýšila do konce tohoto desetiletí kapacitu větrných elektráren na moři pětinásobně a do roku 2050 až 25násobně. Uvedla to agentura Reuters s odvoláním na návrh strategie Evropské komise, do kterého měla možnost nahlédnout. Splnění cíle si vyžádá investice 789 miliard eur (17,6 bilionu Kč).
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PAD --- ---
    Vědci zahájili projekt Perun. Má pomoci zlepšit predikci dopadů klimatických změn na Česko | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    David and Greta in Conversation: The Planetary Crisis | Wildscreen Festival 2020
    SHEFIK --- ---
    palec nahoru, circular carbon economy pro tezlej prumysl

    thyssenkrupp produces ammonia from steel mill gases; Carbon2Chem - Green Car Congress

    The production represents a further milestone in the Carbon2Chem project, which is being funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to the tune of around €60 million ($69 million). In September 2018, thyssenkrupp succeeded for the first time in producing methanol from steel mill gases.


    Carbon2Chem is a major project coordinated by thyssenkrupp together with institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Max Planck Society and involving 15 other partners from research and industry. Implemented on an industrial scale, the technology could make around 20 million tons of the annual CO2 emissions of the German steel industry commercially utilizable.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Green New Deal Is Dead In A Republican Senate, But Biden Has Options To Fight Climate Change

    Barring an unlikely double sweep of the runoff elections in Georgia, Democrats will find themselves with a minority position in the Senate, unable to advance their most ambitious policy goals. Many went from dreams of passing the green new deal to fears of passing nothing at all. This skepticism is well warranted: the green new deal is dead-on-arrival in Mitch McConnell’s Senate and forceful action is now off the table. But that doesn’t mean Biden won’t have options, and progress on a green agenda is still possible, even if that progress is more incremental than hoped.

    The lowest hanging fruit revolves around undoing the series of executive orders and regulatory rewrites that the Trump Administration used to ease pollution requirements and ignore climate change. Top of the list is rejoining the Paris Agreement. Biden has already pledged this action and implementation is easy: just 30 days are needed to fully rejoin. More options abound from there: restoring regulations on power sector emissions under the Clean Air Act; increasing federal fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks; restricting fracking on federal lands. If some of these sound familiar, it’s because they resemble actions that Obama took under his presidency and which squarely fall within the executive mandate.


    Already in 2020, clear majorities think the government is doing too little to address the climate problem, a number that has grown considerably over the last ten years. The impacts are getting harder to ignore, from a hurricane season that ran out of names and reached Hurricane Eta to devastating and prolonged wildfires across the American West. Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs are seeing the impacts of a changing climate, and there is little reason to think that the coming years won’t provide more evidence of our need to act.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Podmořské lesy jsou neprávem opomíjeným úložištěm uhlíku - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rebellion : The Nature of Things | CBC Canada | Extinction Rebellion

    Sparked by activist Greta Thunberg in Sweden and exploding around the world, the global climate protests have been some of the largest demonstrations in history. Rebellion, a documentary from The Nature of Things, is a vivid portrait of this extraordinary grassroots movement.

    David Suzuki joins the front lines of the protests, meeting the youth of this generational wave — often compared to the civil rights movement of the ‘60s, the Vietnam War protests, the gay rights movement, and the women’s movement. We meet Olivia Wohlgemuth from New York, age 17, as she plasters flyers on utility poles in Manhattan; Jerome Foster, who was mocked for his lonely vigil for climate justice in front of the White House when he was 16; and Sophia Mathur, of Sudbury, Ont., who at age 11 was the first Canadian student to join Thunberg’s school strike.

    Suzuki talks to veteran voices in the climate crisis: David Attenborough, famous for his BBC nature documentaries, shares his fears for the future of civilization itself; Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of the Extinction Rebellion movement that shut down the city of London, describes a tipping point in modern history; Bill McKibben — journalist, activist, and founder of the worldwide 350.org movement — reveals a 30-year conspiracy of the fossil fuel industry to tell “the most significant lie in human history.'

    First broadcast in November, 2020 on CBC (Canada)
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    TADEAS: vidím, že se teď zabýváš tímto tématem :) stíháš to všechno číst? dokázal bys vypíchnout ty zdroje, které nás aktivisty můžou nakopnout k tomu, abychom jednak překonali vlastní vyhoření, ale i změnit styl komunikace, aby např. vedení město nemělo dojem, že jsme jen nějací prudiči, ale aby sami pochopili, co je třeba dělat. Včera jsem se dívala na některé ty odkazy, ale upřímně, moc to nestíhám všechno projít. díky
    TADEAS --- ---
    Biden Considering New White House Office on Climate Change

    Democrat Joe Biden is considering creating a special White House office led by a climate “czar” to coordinate efforts to fight global warming if he is elected president, according to people familiar with the deliberations.


    Already, Biden has proposed a sweeping $2 trillion climate plan that calls for an emissions-free electric grid in 15 years, and includes a target of net-zero emissions across the entire economy by 2050.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Psychology Reading List

    Climate psychology is a relatively new field, rooted in psychotherapeutic ways of understanding human responses to the climate crisis. The writers listed below explore the nature of the human relationship to the rest of the natural world, the defences people use to avoid engaging with climate change, and the experiences of anxiety, loss, grief and mourning which people go through when they do face it properly.

    Climate psychology draws on psychoanalysis, Jungian psychology, Gestalt and other humanistic approaches and on psycho-social studies. It is a fast-developing field, aimed not just at theoretical understanding but at developing psychotherapeutic practice and at supporting the broad-based practical and professional networks who are struggling to act on climate change.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Why climate disasters call on us to take shared ownership of our own wellbeing

    ‪Helen L Berry‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

    Psychiatric epidemiologist Helen Berry is the first person in the world to hold this badass title: Professor of Climate Change and Mental Health, which her former employer - the University of Sydney - gave her. Berry’s extensive research shows that if we want to improve the wellbeing of the most vulnerable communities as things heat up, we must shift the bulk of responsibility for mental health care from the biomedical model to the wider social environment. Specifically, this means helping communities increase their social connectedness and social capital. Berry’s research demonstrates why we need a civic-minded approach to mental health innovation in the climate crisis; one that supports residents in a community to solve problems that they themselves define as being most concerning. Findings show that the entwined processes of self-determination, cultivating trust, and capacity building that are inherent to this approach, can prevent psychiatric harm in disastrous scenarios. Berry calls this “the pearl in the oyster” for mental health care in the climate crisis, and it was partly inspired by the pioneering work of a sociologist and psychiatrist named Alexander Leighton.


    Now imagine what this kind of approach could do for vulnerable communities who are living on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Instead of coordinating to get what’s required to watch movies, gentle institutional support could help the community come together to decide on whatever they wish to achieve. Maybe that would look like cultivating the conditions for local food security, dealing with toxic waste pollution, or getting residents equipped with low carbon air conditioners to prepare for the next heatwave. As more goals are accomplished, the community’s ability to solve its own problems would be trusted, hope for the future would grow, and emotional support would become widespread, translating into resilience. Then when disaster strikes, residents would be much more equipped to cooperate and rebuild.


    Research has shown that this kind of community cohesiveness can even outweigh the effectiveness of economic assistance and relief from aid or government groups to improve wellbeing. And as Berry told me when I interviewed her for my forthcoming book, “at no point would the words mental health ever even need to be mentioned.”⁠ So in this sense, community building and activism are some of the most powerful tools for mental health care (but no, not cures that promise to fix it all). And of course, coming together like this can help anyone (not only the most vulnerable people) fight the myth of individualism, which is what caused this whole frigging mess in the first place.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration — ProPublica
    TADEAS --- ---
    asociace klinickejch psychologu v UK, slusny

    ACP-UK Statement on the Need for Action to Address the Climate Crisis

    Our profession values the importance of acknowledging emotions; but still many of us will struggle to engage with the magnitude of what is happening to our world because doing so necessarily requires us to contemplate all that we have lost and stand to lose in the years to come. Climate change is our shared trauma.

    As a profession we are well trained to reflect on our reality and to support others to engage with the resulting distress in containing ways. The profession has also come a long way towards recognising the importance of social action on issues such as racism and inequality[3], [4]. We believe that collective action is good for personal wellbeing, and also has far greater impetus for political change than individual actions. And so we must connect with the despair and work through our denial, supporting others to do so too, including those with power, because we must act. The window of opportunity has not yet closed, but it soon will; and we need action for there to be hope.

    Practitioner psychologists and the trauma of climate change. An open letter demanding immediate and effective action.

    “We will see acute trauma on a global scale, in response to extreme weather events, forced migration and conflict. This would be in addition to the chronic trauma associated with long-term risks, such as the threat of danger to life. For children growing up in a landscape of ever-increasing danger and parental stress, we risk developmental trauma becoming a ‘normal’ part of childhood experience.”

    “All health professionals have a duty and obligation to engage in all kinds of non-violent social protest to address the climate emergency”

    – Richard Horton, Editor of the Lancet[12]

    TADEAS --- ---
    Adam Corner @AJCorner
    We've been working on something big: a toolkit for avoiding a culture war on climate change

    Coming on 18th Nov, and based on research led by @MiC_Global released today, Britain Talks Climate is a resource to engage across the whole of society

    Britain Talks Climate: a toolkit for engaging the British public on climate change - Climate Outreach

    Against a backdrop of growing concern about polarisation, our Britain Talks Climate project – released on 18 November – will support the climate community by providing an evidence-based, shared and strategic understanding of the British public and how to engage across the whole of society.

    Going beyond ‘left vs right’ or ‘leave vs remain’ to uncover seven nuanced segments of the British public, Britain Talks Climate captures our differences but also our commonalities.

    ‘Culture wars’ are fought by tiny minority – UK study | Society | The Guardian

    A disproportionate amount of political comment on social media is generated by small, politically driven groups, according to the analysis. It found that there was actually widespread agreement in the UK over topics such as gender equality and climate change – often seen as culture war issues.
    TADEAS --- ---
    'Hijacked by anxiety': how climate dread is hindering climate action | Environment | The Guardian

    climate anxiety – a sense of dread, gloom and almost paralysing helplessness that is rising as we come to terms with the greatest existential challenge of our generation, or any generation.

    Now an increasing number of psychologists believe the trauma that is a consequence of climate breakdown is also one of the biggest obstacles in the struggle to take action against rising greenhouse gas emissions. There is a growing sense that this trauma needs a therapeutic response to help people beyond paralysis and into action.

    A deep sense of dread and vertiginous anxiety may be the most rational response to the dizzying pace of the climate breakdown in 2020, but it is seldom the most helpful when it comes to affecting change on the scale needed to limit the unfolding crisis.

    Caroline Hickman, a psychology lecturer at the University of Bath, says climate trauma has been lurking within western society’s collective psyche for the last 40 years, rendering most people unable to act on the looming crisis we have known for decades would come.


    “When we look at this through the lens of individual and collective trauma, it changes everything about what we do and how we do it,” says Dr Renee Lertzman, a US-based pioneer of climate psychology. “It helps us make sense of the variety of ways that people are responding to what’s going on, and the mechanisms and practices we need to come through this as whole as possible.”

    Lertzman works with some of the biggest organisations in the world to change the way leaders “show up” in the climate conversation. She believes anyone with a public voice has a responsibility to act as a guide, not as a doomsayer or cheerleader. “We already know a lot about what the conditions are now that promote healing and promote working through trauma. It’s just that, for the most part, we haven’t yet applied that to a climate trauma context,” she says.

    In simple terms, she says, the human psyche is hardwired to disengage from information or experiences that are overwhelmingly difficult or disturbing. This is particularly true if an individual feels powerless to affect change. “For many of us, we’d literally rather not know because otherwise it creates such an acutely distressing experience for us as humans.”


    this makes communicating the reality of the climate crisis, and examining the complex societal structures behind it, a psychological dilemma with existential consequences. In its most extreme form this inability to engage presents itself as a complete denial of the climate crisis and climate science. But even among those who accept the dire predictions for the natural world, there are “micro-denials” that can block the ability to take action.

    A mind intent on avoiding the stark reality of the climate crisis can slip into a defeated eco-nihilism or cling to the gung-ho optimism of a free-market “solutioneer”. In this way, many are able to hold the idea of the climate crisis in mind, while continuing the behaviours that exacerbate it.

    “Frankly, what a lot of us are doing unintentionally is simply retraumatising each other over and over again,” Lertzman says. “I feel like we have allowed ourselves to be hijacked by our own anxiety, our own urgency, our own recognition of the high stakes, such that it makes us tone deaf and blind to the human dimension of this story, which is that we all want to be heard and seen and respected and valued, and we all want to feel like we’re part of the solution. What we’re seeing right now is the impact of that.”


    “A measure of mental health is having the capacity to accurately emotionally respond to the reality in our world. So it’s not delusional to feel anxious or depressed. It’s mentally healthy,” Hickman says.

    This “internal activism” can gently dismantle defences, while still demanding change, by acknowledging the desire to cling to our psychological defences and working around it. It gives rise to what she calls “radical hope”: a belief that meaningful action can make a difference, which is rooted in the reality of the crisis rather than a naive belief that it might not be as bad as we think.

    We have to help people to navigate these feelings by increasing our emotional resilience and emotional intelligence. We need to talk around people’s defences. If their defences are triggered by what you’re saying you can forget it,” says Hickman. “They won’t hear you.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    US election: Climate crisis struggles to influence voters | Climate Change | DW | 30.10.2020

    The 2020 US election is the most polarized in terms of climate change concern, says Alec Tyson, associate director of research at Pew Research Center. Only 11% of Trump supporters say climate change is very important to their vote, the issue ranking last in importance out of 12 issues. This compares to 68% of Biden voters — though climate is outranked by racial and ethnic inequality (76%), among other concerns.

    The widespread lack of concern about climate change among Trump supporters has helped sideline the issue, Tyson argues. "Issues that are important to both campaigns, where they are vigorously engaged with one another, are going to get more visibility," he said.

    Climate is far less polarized in Britain, for example, and even Germany — despite a rising tide of climate denialism pushed by far right political parties like the Alternative for Germany (AfD) — according to Susie Wang, a researcher at Climate Outreach. After over a decade of work communicating climate change issues to center-right and conservative voters in the UK to avoid polarization, the broad British political spectrum that was so divided on the issue of Brexit is more unified on climate action.

    By contrast, the climate message in the US can fall victim to a stark political partisanship that "pushes people apart rather than bring them together," Wang told DW. This ideological divide "doesn't leave any space" for conservatives to state their support for climate change action.

    "The US is probably the most polarized country in the world on climate change," said Wang.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Is there a therapy for climate-change anxiety?

    Necessary Derangement: Steffi Bednarek in conversation with Sophie Holdstock

    What does it take to stay with the necessary derangement of the habitual ground that our time seems to be calling for? And what is the role of psychotherapists in a time of death of the collective familiar, a time when we can’t rely on old habits to get us out of trouble?

    In order to fully be able to support others on this journey, we may need to attend to our own responses and our perhaps unexamined visions of the future. How do we participate in the collective amnesia and anaesthesia of our time?

    Together with British Gestalt Journal, Steffi Bednarek sets a container for a small journey of exploration on how to do justice to a world that may need us to step into the biggest and largest version of ourselves, at the annual BGJ Seminar Day 2020. We ask what skills and resources we already have and what needs to be fostered in order for us to rise to the enormity that lies ahead. How can we be of service in a time when life around us is dying? Can we attend to something that transcends our own self interest?

    Steffi’s work is informed by Gestalt Therapy, climate psychology, soul-centric perspectives, nature connection, deep ritual and grief work.

    Steffi Bednarek on Necessary Derangement at the upcoming BGJ Seminar Day — British Gestalt Journal

    'What is the role of psychotherapists in a time of death of the collective familiar?’ In what ways would you like to see the field of psychotherapy change in the coming years?

    Firstly, maybe our whole idea of who the client is, needs an element of derangement. You go to therapy as an isolated cell and you work on your interiority. This pre-supposes an externality as though there is a clearly delineated inside and outside rather than recognising how wildly entangled we are with everything.

    I talked about this in 'How wide is the field’, where I explored the aspects of psychotherapy that mirror the problematic values of the dominant capitalist paradigm. I would love to have wider critical discussions about the anthropocentrism in our theories, the individualistic notion of Self, which encourages ideas of personal growth and emphasises an ideology of separability.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Assembly UK — Process & Outcomes Tickets, Thu 12 Nov 2020 at 11:00 | Eventbrite

    Climate Assembly UK Launch Video

    Climate Assembly UK was a UK-wide citizens’ assembly with randomly selected participants commissioned by six select committees of the House of Commons that took place earlier this year and published its report in September. The assembly considered important policy options that will guide the UK’s path to net-zero green-house gas emissions. The project involved 108 randomly select citizens from across the UK come together over several weekends to learn about climate change and develop recommendations to parliament on what measures should be implemented, and how decisions should be made as part of the net-zero transition.

    This workshop will provide insights into the process design, and what we can learn from the citizens’ deliberations, as well as talk about the role of citizens' assemblies and deliberative democracy in the context of the climate crisis.
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