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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: to už jsou dneska taky stále více ledky, navíc jen krátkou dobu, mnohem nákladnější je veřejné osvětlení...
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    XCHAOS: Toť otázka, skleněný strop je mizerný izolant v zimě a energetické náklady na vytápění budou rozhodně větší, než náklady na svícení, navíc spousta obchoďáků přechází na ledky. V létě jsou pak tyhle obchoďáky draze klimatizovaný, opět ztráty skrze skleněný strop, sic zastínění aspoň redukuje solární zisky, které jsou u skleněného stropu v létě přímo brutální.

    KEB --- ---
    XCHAOS: a hlavně zakázat milion stopadesát světýlek na vánoce po městech...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Joe Biden Just Appointed His Climate Movement Liaison. It’s a Fossil-Fuel Industry Ally.

    On Tuesday, Politico reported that Biden is appointing US Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) to lead the White House Office of Public Engagement, where he is “expected to serve as a liaison with the business community and climate change activists.”


    Varshini Prakash, the Sunrise Movement’s executive director who served on Biden’s policy task force, said in a statement: “Today feels like a betrayal, because one of President-Elect Biden’s very first hires for his new administration has taken more donations from the fossil fuel industry during his Congressional career than nearly any other Democrat.”

    Prakash called Richmond’s selection “an affront to young people who made President-Elect Biden’s victory possible.”

    Biden has promised a $1.7 trillion plan to combat climate change, and has said the cause is one of his top priorities. During the Democratic primary, his campaign was criticized for working with an energy adviser linked to the fossil fuel industry while promoting a “middle ground” climate policy and opposing a ban on fracking. He was also criticized for attending a major fundraiser by a fossil fuel investor, even as he pledged to reject campaign money from fossil fuel industry sources.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: "s téměř nulovou uhlíkovou stopou" když to pěstují pod zářivkami? no nevím.... to je dobrý tak pro základnu na Marsu, ale tady na Zemi?

    Až si někdo vzpomene, že by supermarkety měly mít prosklené stropy místo zářivek, v létě částečně zastíněné (ideálně nějaké shrnovací či sklápací solární panely - v zimě pustit světlo, v létě vyrobit stín...) a bude to součást podmínek pro stavbu v územních rozhodnutí i podmínka stavebního povolení a kolaudace, vzbuďte mě....
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Infografika: Velké srovnání energetických scénářů ČR

    Srovnání scénářů
    V přehledu scénářů je pak vidět, že všechny scénáře kromě vládní scénáře NECP dosahují omezení emisí, které může být kompatibilní s cílem snížení emisí o 55 % do roku 2030 (v závislosti na tom, jak budou snižovat emise i v dalších sektorech). Scénář Ember splnění snížení emisí o 55 % téměř garantuje.

    Podle scénářů je pak úplný odklon od uhlí technicky proveditelný (dle Ember) a částečný odklon od uhlí do roku 2030 je dokonce ekonomicky žádoucí (dle Bloomberg NEF). Scénáře také do roku 2030 ve svých hlavních variantách nepočítají s velkým rozvojem skladování elektřiny nebo výroby zeleného vodíku, tedy spoléhají na technologie, které se již v současnosti používají ve velkém měřítku.

    Pro zajištění dodávek elektřiny a tepla do českých domácností v případech, kdy nesvítí a nefouká, využívají scénáře kombinaci vodních a přečerpávacích elektráren a instalovanou kapacitu zemního plynu (případně i uhlí, pokud s ním daný model počítá).
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Klimatický akcelerační program Climate Challenge jde do finále. A rovnou startuje ročník nový - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    KEB: tady jeste podobny, dava to "lokalnim potravinam" uplne jinej rozmer, kdyz sou pestovany primo v supermarketu :)

    Saláty pěstované přímo v supermarketu? Seznamte se s nápadem, který vyrašil v Berlíně
    TADEAS --- ---
    Trump Administration, in Late Push, Moves to Sell Oil Rights in Arctic Refuge

    The Trump administration on Monday announced that it would begin the formal process of selling leases to oil companies in a last-minute push to achieve its long-sought goal of allowing oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

    That sets up a potential sale of leases just before Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, leaving the new administration of Joseph R. Biden Jr., who has opposed drilling in the refuge, to try to reverse them after the fact.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    KEB: temhle vecem opravdu fandim

    Pilotní projekt vznikl v Utahu na farmě, která využívá dojnice k produkci mléka. V hangáru roste místo salátu pro městské hipstery mladé obilí. Jedno zařízení zabírá plochu o rozloze 80 metrů čtverečních. Produkovaná mladá pšenice a ječmen by za normálních okolností zabraly na poli rozlohu 20 hektarů. 


    Navíc robotický systém ušetří 95 procent vody, která se spotřebuje na produkci krmiv tradičním způsobem na polích. Snižuje také uhlíkovou stopu zemědělství tím, že se krmivo nebude přepravovat přes půlku planety, jak k tomu nyní často dochází. 


    v novém hangáru je desítka zařízení Olympus, která produkují čerstvé krmivo. Každé je osm metrů vysoké a dokáže "vyrobit" krmivo v průměru jednou za šest a půl dne. Vše je automatizované. 


    Mléčná farma uvedla, že během testovacího období dosahuje se stovkami krav lepších výsledků dojivosti než se standardními krmivy, jež používala dříve. Zelená píce je výživnější, krávy jí spotřebují méně a mají kvalitnější mléko.
    KEB --- ---
    V USA testují vertikální farmu. Nakrmí skot a šetří spotřebu vody a zemědělskou plochu | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys
    TADEAS --- ---
    Potential role of veterinary flea products in widespread pesticide contamination of English rivers - ScienceDirect

    • Environmental impact of pesticides used in veterinary flea treatments largely unknown

    • Analysis of potential sources of fiprole and imidacloprid in English rivers

    • Comparison of Environment Agency water monitoring data with reported toxicity limits

    • Sewage works indicated as a possible route to rivers for fiproles and imidacloprid

    • Veterinary flea products are a potential source of pollution and ecosystem harm

    Shocking state of English rivers revealed as all of them fail pollution tests | Rivers | The Guardian

    All English rivers have failed to meet quality tests for pollution amid concerns over the scale of sewage discharges and agricultural and industrial chemicals entering the water system.

    Data published on Thursday reveals just 14% of English rivers are of good ecological standard, a rating that suggests they are as close to their natural state as possible.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dalsi dilek transition :)

    Royal Dutch Shell will cut its crude processing capacity in Singapore by half and expand its portfolio of lower-carbon energy solutions, the company announced on Tuesday (10 November).

    The move is in line with the company’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050, announced in April this year, and comes amid a drop in global oil demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Sara Ahmed, an energy analyst at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), an energy think tank, said the pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the existing economic system, accelerating trends such as the switch to green energy and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing.

    Shifting to low-carbon alternatives, she told Eco-Business, is a way to diversify out of risks of stranded assets and stranded labour as the economics of fossil fuels continue to deteriorate.
    Although some workers will lose their jobs during the transition, “it allows for the workforce to be well positioned for jobs of the future that will ensure greater stability, such as in renewable energy, energy efficiency, grid modernisation and storage, and electric vehicles”, she noted. 

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Jeff Bezos Rolls Out First Tranche Of Earth Fund Money

    The obstacle isn’t finding solutions, it is securing the funding to scale solutions quickly. Our hope is that this gift encourages other philanthropists to support climate solutions on the scale needed. Thanks to this and other funding, we will cut methane pollution from the oil and gas industry by 45 percent by 2025, which will be the same 20-year benefit of closing a third of the world’s power plants,” Krupp declared.


    The World Resources Institute will receive $100 million over five years and will use the funds to promote two major initiatives. This first will develop a new satellite powered land use and carbon emissions monitoring system to measure the impact of conservation and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands and agricultural lands on reducing emissions. The other will encourage the electrification of school buses. The goal is to have more than 450,000 of them in service by 2030.


    Other recipients of awards from the Earth Fund include the Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund — $43 million, ClimateWorks Foundation — $50 million, Eden Reforestation Projects — $5 million, Energy Foundation — $30 million, NDN Collective — $12 million, Salk Institute for Biological Studies — $30 million, and the Union of Concerned Scientists — $15 million.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The decline of oil has already begun - Greenpeace International

    I recall my father estimating that the peak might be around 90 mb/d, which now looks close, perhaps slightly optimistic. About half of global oil production depends on the world’s top three producer nations; the US, Russia and Saudi Arabia. World production outside these three peaked in 2017 at about 52 mb/d, and has since declined by 6%. “Not every nation other than the big three have peaked,” Patterson reports, “but cumulatively they have peaked.”

    Most of Russia’s oil comes from aging fields in Western Siberia that are in decline, and Minister of Energy, Alexander Novak, has warned that Russia’s oil production could drop by 40% by 2035. Saudi Arabia – in spite of threatening to increase production – also appears to be in decline. According to Bloomberg, the giant Ghawar oil field in Saudi Arabia is “fading faster than anyone guessed.” Last year, Saudi Aramco oil company published financial figures, revealing that Ghawar’s historic production has declined by 24% in six years.

    Aramco reports a natural decline rate of 8%, which means their production would fall by half in less than nine years, without investing billions annually into new wells and new technology on marginal sites. In 2005, Saudi Arabia increased its operating rig count by 144%, to increase oil production by 6.5%.

    According to a 2019 Geological Survey of Finland report, the world average decline rate on post-peak production is 5 to 7%, meaning that oil production could plummet to half its current volume in the next 10 to 14 years.

    Over the past decade, only a massive, expensive, noxious, water-and-chemical-intensive fracking campaign in US shale fields has kept the “all liquids” petroleum peak at bay, at least until 2018. However, even this ‘shale boom” is a ruse, made possible by massive debt and unpaid environmental costs.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Intensifying pastoralism may not reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Wildlife-dominated landscape scenarios as a baseline in life-cycle analysis

    Livestock-related Life Cycle Analyses (LCA) have consistently identified extensive livestock systems as the most emission-intense sources of greenhouse gases, which has triggered calls for a livestock intensification policy, including the promotion of monogastrics in zero-grazing systems. This is in contrast with advocates for pastoralist systems that depict them as biodiversity-friendly and helpful against land degradation. Here we reconcile both perspectives by showing that grazed ecosystems have a certain level of natural baseline emissions, which will be caused either by free ranging livestock or by wild animals able to digest cellulose. Such emissions cannot be considered anthropogenic and policies aimed at intensifying pastoralist production will therefore not have a positive effect on climate change. Future LCA should include baseline emissions from ecosystems.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    jeden dedikovanej Tadeasovi. Carbon soil capture. S dovolenim sem vyuzil par tvych linku a postu. kritika vitana. bohuzel pisu ve spechu, nez se mimino probudi

    Climate change: capturing carbon with soils – Game Changer
    TADEAS --- ---
    "The 2021 Glasgow climate COP is almost bound to fail us" - Prof Rupert Read at the Alternative COP
    PAD --- ---
    Trochu jiny zpusob agrivoltaiky - vcelareni ve stinu panelu!

    Solar Power Is Playing A Growing Role To Save The Bees -- #CleanTechnica Exclusive

    Community Energy, Inc. is one such company. It provides reliable, carbon-free energy including grid-connected solar, wind, and storage projects. The 2.6 MW (DC) Elizabethtown College solar project utilizes a fixed-tilt racking system and is expected to produce around 3,300 megawatt-hours annually. The power is delivered to Elizabethtown College, which also hosts the site.

    But the Elizabethtown College solar site offers more than the typical solar farm, which can provide space for much-needed habitat. This site is also a “solar apiary” – a solar energy project designed to benefit pollinators. For nearby farms growing crops that rely on pollinators – at a time when thousands of wild pollinators are at risk of extinction – this type of project plays a role in supporting the food supply.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tak malo mw a kolik emisi se usetri

    Turboden chosen to build 4 MW geothermal plant at Kirchweidach, Germany | Think GeoEnergy - Geothermal Energy News

    The 4 MWe ORC turbogenerator will exploit geothermal brine from deep geothermal wells, to produce power that the German Company FG Geothermie GmbH will sell to the local grid. The saving of CO2 emission per year is estimated in about 13.850 Ton/year.


    Turboden geothermal fleet in Bavaria is growing. In the Region Turboden has already delivered other 5 geothermal plants. The list includes three geothermal plants built for the local utility SWM/ Stadtwerke München, for a total of 16.2 MWe, one geothermal plant for Geothermische Kraftwerksgesellschaft Traunreut GmbH of 4.1 MWe, and one geothermal plant for Geothermie Holzkirchen GmbH, of 3.4 MWe.
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