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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Debatují: Jiří Urban, jeden ze zakladatelů ekologického zemědělství v ČR,
    Martin a Jana Rosenbaumovi, agroekologičtí zemědělci,
    Jaroslav Šebek, předseda Asociace soukromého zemědělství ČR, zemědělec
    Moderuje: Tomáš Uhnák, spolupracovník Sedmé generace
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Zemědělství v ČR: jakou budoucnost si zvolíme?
    Jakou cestou by se mělo vydat zemědělství v ČR? S jakými výzvami se potýkají dnešní konvenční i ekologičtí farmáři?
    TADEAS --- ---
    The responsibility of intellectuals in the age of climate breakdown.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Evropu mají zaplavit čínské elektromobily, právě dorazily - iDNES.cz
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Žal žen | dafilms.cz

    za 60 kč můžete shlednout film Žal žen, co loni dělala andrea culkova a zeny z XR

    XCHAOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: hmm, koho by to jen bývalo napadlo, že...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Čeští občané žádají klimatickou neutralitu, předali vládě petici

    Jakub dotahl petici za klima do konce

    PAD --- ---
    JIMIQ: nemusi - mikrozdroje do 10kW nepotrebuji zadnou licenci od ERU (jestli je to to, cos myslel)
    JIMIQ --- ---
    střešní FVE už se nemusí registrovat, ne? Těch by mělo bejt řádově desítky MW
    DZODZO --- ---
    neviem ci su tam uplne vsetky zdroje, ale moc sme toho nepridali v renewables :)

    Registrace — Čeština
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: lacnejsie bude asi ten uhlik ukladat do pody :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    hm :( ...tak snad se technologie casem zlepsi

    Obří pračky vzduchu vyrobí třikrát víc emisí, než vyčistí - Ekolist.cz

    Kdybychom touto cestou chtěli – byť s pomocí obnovitelných zdrojů energie - odstranit z atmosféry jednu jedinou gigatunu CO2, tedy čtyřicetinu našeho globálního problému, museli bychom využít dvounásobek solární a větrné energie než kolik momentálně máme celosvětově k dispozici.“
    SHEFIK --- ---
    cirkularni moc

    Your pee could be the golden ticket to a greener world | Popular Science

    At the Rich Earth Institute in Vermont, researchers have been collecting urine from nearby residents and running field trials. The institute is tapped into a community network, where about 200 people contribute with the help of special toilets that separate urine from poo. In tests comparing urine, synthetic fertilizer, and no-fertilizer controls, they’ve found no difference in yields from hay fields fertilized with pee and conventional fertilizer.  “[Urine recycling]’s addressing two problems at once,” says research director Abraham Noe-Hays: wastewater’s surplus of pee and agriculture’s need for nitrogen. “And it’s a circular economy when you’re reclaiming urine, because what you used to think of as waste is now actually the raw material.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    “…One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none of his business, or he must be the the doctor who sees the marks of death in a community that believes itself well and does not want to be told otherwise…”
    ALDO LEOPOLD, A Sand County Almanac (1959)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Reaching UK net zero target cheaper than we thought, says climate adviser | Environment | The Guardian

    When the Climate Change Act was passed in the UK in 2008, the government estimated that the cost of meeting its then target of an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050 would be about 2% of GDP over that period. Now, the costs are expected to be well below that, and likely to fall further.

    “I don’t particularly see problems [in decarbonising the economy] – what I see is an absence of a plan,” he told the Guardian. “We have to get to the point by about the start of the next decade where all new investments, every new car, every new van, every new boiler, every new bit of plant and machinery for a business – that needs to be zero carbon by then, or at least have a plan in place to become zero carbon. The biggest challenge that I see at the moment is that we haven’t got a plan that looks anything like that for the UK at the moment.”

    In some sectors, moving to zero carbon will represent a cost saving. Electric cars, for instance, will be cheaper to run than petrol or diesel vehicles. Eventually, the same is likely to be true of low-carbon domestic heating, after the cost of switching. But until now, the main mechanism for paying for the move to a low-carbon economy has been additions to energy bills, which fall disproportionately on poorer people.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Vědci zkoumají, jak a proč umírají stromy v Amazonském pralese. Zdá se, že je to důležité - Ekolist.cz

    Podle zjištění studie se zdá, že klimatická změna favorizuje především rychle rostoucí druhy stromů. Zároveň ale dochází k tomu, že tyto druhy odumírají v mladším věku. „Tím, že mají rychle rostoucí druhy stromů kratší životní cyklus, klesá schopnost celého lesa ukládat uhlík,“ vysvětluje David Galbraith z univerzity v Leedsu.
    PER2 --- ---
    novy satelit na sledovani oceanu miri na svou destinaci (snad uspesne)
    Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Mission

    Sentinel-6 Launch Press Kit | Home Page
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: aneb neplanovany degrowth
    SHEFIK --- ---
    US Emissions to Drop 9% in 2020, Putting Country Back on Track for Paris Commitment | Greentech Media

    It's a sign of the impact that COVID-19 shutdowns and the ensuing recession have had on life in the U.S. When workers stayed home and the streets emptied out, it reduced emissions from transportation, which accounted for the largest decline at 4 percent of economywide emissions. The power sector drove another 2.8 percent decline, while reduced industrial activity lowered emissions by another 1.6 percent.

    The drastic reduction in planet-warming emissions did not result from concerted action on climate change, so much as an unprecedented and deadly pandemic. Without the COVID-19 crisis, the U.S. would have released just 1 percent less carbon than in 2019, BNEF estimated. The mandated cessation of activities to stop the spread of coronavirus led to the additional reduction of 8 percent.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    zpatky k velrybam..

    Fishing saps the ocean's power to capture carbon - Futurity

    Fishing reduces carbon sequestration in the ocean, researchers report.

    A fish that dies naturally in the ocean sinks to the depths, taking with it all the carbon it contains. Yet, when a fish is caught, most of this carbon is released into the atmosphere as CO2.

    The researchers estimate that because of this overlooked phenomenon, carbon emissions from fishing are actually 25% higher than what, until now, was considered to come from fuel consumption alone.
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