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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: jasne, lovci mamutu se jednoho rana vzbudili dali si moc silnou polivku z houbicek, prepadl je berserk a rekli si, ze by mohli vyvrazdit kompletne celou severni ameriku(nejen mamuty), pak zapalili vsechny lesy roztavili ledovce na severu vsechno splachli vodou, mamuty co vyvrazdili behem par hodin zase zmrazili a nakonec spachali ritualni sepuku a prikryli se popelem

    dneska je hold moderni asi vsechno svadet na lidi a jejich destrukcni schopnosti a podle nas soudime sve predky

    par vycucu
    Pasteboard - Uploaded Image
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: jde o to, ze pred zemedelstvim pusobi lidi skrz ohen a skrz naruseni tech stad bylozravcu a ze ty zmeny muzou bejt opravdu velky
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: lovci mamutů, neasi! A teda nejspíš i lovci obřích lenochodů... (kdo vyhubil dinosaury, to je jiná otázka :-)

    Jinak v Kalifornii mi přišlo, že se moc nedalo žít už před těmi 20 lety, když sem se tam byl podívat (teda možná tak na sever od SF...). Nicméně, pokud vím, tak se jich většina chce stěhovat na Mars...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    RADIQAL: tak i já mám celkem úspěšnou low income strategy, to je pravda :-) akorát to teda nevyužaduje ani žádnou moc strategii, mít low income :-)
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: More philosophically, the Pleistocene and early Holocene megafaunal extinctions can stimulate us to reevaluate what is natural in the world and what sort of natures we seek to conserve or restore. If we accept the increasing evidence for a strong human role in these early extinctions, it forces a look inwards and recognition of the deep prehistoric entanglement between humans and environmental change, a realization that some of the most dramatic human-induced changes to the nature of life on Earth and the functioning of the biosphere may have occurred even before the dawn of agriculture

    nevim uplne jak moc lidi dokazali tenkrat ovlivnit commet/asteroid impact, ale muzeme se nad tim urcite zamyslet (: (pokud tedy neverime na fantasy overkill hypothesis)

    z jineho soudku, normalne agroferti zumpu nepostuju, ale udelam vyjimku
    Kalifornský exodus. V nejlidnatějším státě USA se už téměř nedá žít - iDNES.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: kdyztak ten ebook kup (v ramci podporeni hdp) a nahod, rad si prectu.

    spis nez o kapital mu jde o udrzeni zivotni urovne v casech civilizacni stagnace nebo kontrakce.

    chapu to tak, ze kdyz civilizace narazi na nejaky energeticko materialovy limity nebo predely, musi se nejak reorganizovat, pokud to chce managovat spis s nizsim poklesem zivotni urovne. tzn jak prave muzeme udelat to, ze i s mensim mnozstvi vyuzitejch zdroju (at uz z duvodu organizacnich, nebo nejaky zasadnejsi degradace zdroju a stability prostredi, nebo kvuli zvysujici se ucinnosti a efektivite) ta zivotni uroven treba moc nedegeneruje. kapital s tim souvisi volne, coz rikas i ty. muzes mit super ekonomicky vysledky, zivotni uroven muze zaroven padat.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: nemohl sem si to odpustit. degrowth je proste civilizacni i ekonomickej nesmysl.

    leda by sme nas nabytej kapital (rozumej domy, auta atd.) zpatky rozebirali na puvodni suroviny, vraceli zpet do prirody a zili jako divosi.

    jenze kapital se tvoril v lidsky kulture odjakziva, to je to, co nas odlisuje od zvirat.

    ten problem neni v nabyvani kapitalu, tedy rustu, ale ve zpusobu jeho tvorby...

    kdyz bych to zkusil vysvetlit pomoci tobe blizkyho tematu/paralely - problem neni zemedelstvi/pestovani rostlin a chov zvirat, jez nas syti a v soucasnosti zpusobuje problemy jako eroziy ztratu biodiverzity, odcerpavani vody z pudy apod. problemem je zpusob, kterym to v soucasnosti delame, jez neni udrzitelny pro takhle rozsahlou lidskou populaci, resp. udrzitelny zivot na zemi
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Researchers Find a Way to Pull Carbon Out of The Air And Turn It Into Jet Fuel
    RADIQAL --- ---
    SHEFIK: Tyve, muj radical hardcore degrowth plan s very low density income strategy z toho dělá prácičku na dvě! hodiny. Dik za výcuc.
    Ještě budu muset zvážit, jesi raděj nepozvu svoju ženu na pizzu, než tohle. Oschlejma krajama nakrmim syna a mam to zadarmo.
    ROFL, ještě že má ta práce takový morální credit.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Greta Thunberg

    The movie “I Am Greta” is now steaming on Hulu (USA), ARD Mediathek (Germany), DocPlay (Australia), Crave (Canada) and SVT play (Sweden).
    In early 2021 also on BBC, NRK, DR, YLE and approx 70 other countries including China, Russia and India.

    I.Am.Greta.2020.720p.WEBRip.800MB.x264-GalaxyRG (download torrent) - TPB

    TADEAS --- ---
    The faulty science, doomism, and flawed conclusions of Deep Adaptation | openDemocracy

    To be totally clear, we argue that all of the following are simultaneously true:

    1. There is an unprecedented global climate and ecological emergency. If governments do not undertake enormous measures to mitigate climate change, then some form of “societal collapse” is plausible — albeit in varying forms and undoubtedly far worse for the poorest people.

    2. Policymakers and society at large are not treating this grave threat with anything approaching sufficient urgency.

    3. The climate crisis is dire enough in any case to justify urgent action, including mass sustained nonviolent disruption, to pressure governments to address it swiftly.

    4. However, neither social science nor the best available climate science support Deep Adaptation’s core premise: that near-term societal collapse due to climate change is inevitable.

    5. This false belief undermines the environmental movement and could lead to harmful political decisions, overwhelming grief, and fading resolve for decisive action.

    6. Respecting the distinction between the coming hardships and unstoppable collapse clarifies our agency to minimise future harm by mitigating and adapting to climate change, whilst freeing us from moral and political blinkers.

    The Darkest Timeline

    In July, with Colleen Schmidt, who is 24 and has a degree in environmental biology from Columbia — and who acted as their de facto editor — they published a paper.

    “I would call it a hit piece on the paper and by implication, the framework and the movement,” Mr. Bendell said. “It was quite upsetting, and I wasn’t sure how best to respond.”

    About two weeks after Mr. Hall, Mr. Nicholas and Ms. Schmidt published their paper, Mr. Bendell released a second version of his Deep Adaptation paper.

    “This paper appears to have an iconic status amongst some people who criticize others for anticipating societal collapse,” he writes. “Therefore, two years on from initial publication, I am releasing this update.”

    The stark statement that had opened the original paper was altered. Once, it had said its purpose was to provide readers “with an opportunity to reassess their work and life in the face of an inevitable near term social collapse due to climate change.” Now, to emphasize that the idea remains unproven, it reads “in the face of what I believe to be an inevitable near-term societal collapse.” Mr. Bendell added a sentence stating plainly that the paper does not prove that inevitability.

    As the summer of 2020 ended, he announced on his blog that he would be stepping back from the Deep Adaptation forum, a decision he said he’d been planning for a year.

    In this quiet, he is working on a new paper. In it, he said, he plans to explain exactly how the coming catastrophe of our society will play itself out, describing the starvation and mass death that so many anticipate.

    The three young people who wrote the paper rebutting Deep Adaptation agree that the climate crisis has already resulted in horrific loss and that it will continue to exact a heavy toll. But they also believe that governments around the world can still make a difference and should be held to account, instead of being lulled into inaction by despair.

    “We’ve lost some things,” Ms. Schmidt said. “We could lose everything. But there is no reason not to try and make what can work, work.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: haters gonna hate
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: kupujte si co nejvic moji knihu, ktera je zamerena proti spotrebe a konzumu na tema degrowth :D a kdyby vam to konzumacne nastacilo, mam jeste svuj youtube channel, kde mi muzete nahanet liky :) ale jinak sem alternativec, co svejma myslenkama spasi svet

    no tak, jen za 11 euro, to vydelate ve vasi praci za chvilku. z knizky se dozvite, ze prace spotrebovava material a energii. stejne tak tistena verze my knihy i jeji distribuce. u elektronicky knihy zase energie potrebna pro provoz serveru, stazeni a podsviceni pri cteni.

    a abyste vedeli, ze to myslim vazne, uplatnil jsem degrowth princip i na velikost my knihy, ma totiz jen 20 tisic slov. mezi nimi najdete takove napady, jako: setrit, sedet doma, nepracovat, nejlepe se nehybat a pomalu dychat. utlumte svoji spotrebu jiz dnes za 11 eur!
    TADEAS --- ---
    2020 Can Green Hydrogen Production Be Economically Viable under Current Market Conditions

    This paper discusses the potential of green hydrogen production in a case study of a Slovenian hydro power plant. To assess the feasibility and eligibility of hydrogen production at the power plant, we present an overview of current hydrogen prices and the costs of the power-to-gas system for green hydrogen production. After defining the production cost for hydrogen at the case study hydro power plant, we elaborate on the profitability of hydrogen production over electricity. As hydrogen can be used as a sustainable energy vector in industry, heating, mobility, and the electro energetic sectors, we discuss the current competitiveness of hydrogen in the heating and transport sectors. Considering the current prices of different fuels, it is shown that hydrogen can be competitive in the transport sector if it is unencumbered by various environmental taxes. The second part of the paper deals with hydrogen production in the context of secondary control ancillary service provided by a case study power plant. Namely, hydrogen can be produced during the time period when there is no demand for extra electric power within a secondary control ancillary service, and thus the economics of power plant operation can be improved.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2016 Megafauna and ecosystem function from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene

    the wider environmental impacts of megafaunal abundance and loss are only just making their way into mainstream environmental thinking. In regions of recent or ongoing megafaunal decline, there are often concurrent changes in ecosystem structure, energy and nutrient flow, composition, and genetic structure that cascade from changes in megafaunal abundance. In looking at even wild landscapes where megafauna are long gone, imagining such landscapes as recently teeming with elephants, sabertooths, and other giant herbivores and carnivores can yield fresh perspectives on contemporary ecosystem questions, ranging from the distribution of tropical savannas and grasslands, through the natural ranges and abundance of extant animals, to the response of high latitude systems to climate change. Whether megafaunal rewilding is appropriate, acceptable, practical, or not, such a perspective challenges our thinking about what kind of nature we seek to conserve or create (33, 97, 98).

    In recent decades, Earth systems science has emerged as an important new discipline focused on understanding the interactions of the biosphere, atmosphere, and oceans in the context of global change. To date, in this new discipline, nonhuman or nondomestic animals are still largely invisible, assumed to be passive inhabitants and consumers of a world where plants dominate biogeochemical processes, with vegetation distribution and cover determined by abiotic factors (climate, soils, atmospheric CO2) and human decisions on ecosystem use. This viewpoint is a legacy of a world where animal control of ecosystem function has been diminished by massive extinction. Recognition of the view that much terrestrial surface cover is potentially strongly influenced by megafaunal top-down controls allows a more complete understanding of the interactions among humans, megafauna, fire, soils, and climate in determining the geography and structure of the biosphere. There is new appreciation of the significant role of megafauna in regional and global biogeochemical cycling, accompanied by the first attempts to mathematically model these processes, both on land (20, 51) and in the oceans (48, 86). New modeling approaches (105) explicitly allow for a trophic framework for quantitative representation of megafaunal effects in Earth system models. These approaches are still in their infancy, but, if we are to understand ecosystem functioning in the megafaunal past, or how megafaunal changes are one of the agents of contemporary global ecosystem change, or the possible role for megafaunal restoration in future ecosystems, such models can provide an essential quantitative framework that needs to be further developed and tested.

    More philosophically, the Pleistocene and early Holocene megafaunal extinctions can stimulate us to reevaluate what is natural in the world and what sort of natures we seek to conserve or restore. If we accept the increasing evidence for a strong human role in these early extinctions, it forces a look inwards and recognition of the deep prehistoric entanglement between humans and environmental change, a realization that some of the most dramatic human-induced changes to the nature of life on Earth and the functioning of the biosphere may have occurred even before the dawn of agriculture.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Giorgos Kallis

    I wanted to share with you the news about my new book, 'The case for Degrowth' is out

    2020 The Case for Degrowth

    This is the best thing we've written on degrowth to date, a pocket mini-festo of 20,000 words (at an equivalent price of 11 Euros), but dense with new ideas on how to articulate the personal, the communal and the political in a degrowth direction.

    In other news, I am happy to share with you in the link below some of my other publications this year: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y5qjdk63qo6p46h/AADE1e9ZnWME0cl-E9ZwQLzIa?dl=0

    - a paper with Giacomo D'Alisa on degrowth and the state, where we pre-figured the politics of 'the case for' book.
    - a paper with Tilman Hartley and Jeroen van den Bergh where we examine what type of policies could increase equality if there is no growth.
    - our 'hit' paper with Jason Hickel TADEAS on green growth and whether it is possible (spoiler - it is not).
    - and a paper with a team of authors led by Iago Otero calling for biodiversity policies without growth.

    I've also put some order into my Youtube channel, which you can check out and find some short presentations and discussions of 'the case for', as well as some older presentations of my previous book, Limits. https://www.youtube.com/user/giorgoskallis
    TADEAS --- ---
    2015 Exploring the influence of ancient and historic megaherbivore extirpations on the global methane budget

    Here, we quantify one potential effect of the decline of large herbivores: the reduction of the greenhouse gas methane released as a byproduct of plant digestion. We examine three time periods where large-scale losses of megaherbivores occurred—the African rinderpest epizootic of the 1890s, the massive Great Plains bison kill-off in the 1860s, and the terminal Pleistocene extinction of megafauna. We find detectable decreases in the global methane budget related to the extirpation of megaherbivores. Our findings underscore the importance of large mammals in regulating ecosystems and feedbacks on climate.


    Using global datasets of late Quaternary mammals, domestic livestock, and human population from the United Nations as well as literature sources, we develop a series of allometric regressions relating mammal body mass to population density and CH4 production, which allows estimation of methane production by wild and domestic herbivores for each historic or ancient time period. We find the extirpation of megaherbivores reduced global enteric emissions between 2.2–69.6 Tg CH4 y−1 during the various time periods, representing a decrease of 0.8–34.8% of the overall inputs to tropospheric input. Our analyses suggest that large-bodied mammals have a greater influence on methane emissions than previously appreciated and, further, that changes in the source pool from herbivores can influence global biogeochemical cycles and, potentially, climate.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2017 Integrating Herbivore Population Dynamics Into a Global Land Biosphere Model: Plugging Animals Into the Earth System

    In this study, we coupled herbivore population dynamics in a global land model (the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model, DLEM 3.0) to simulate populations of horses, cattle, sheep, and goats, and their responses to changes in multiple environmental factors at the site level across different continents during 1980–2010. Simulated results show that the model is capable of reproducing observed herbivore population dynamics across all sites for these animal groups. Our simulation results also indicate that during this period, climate extremes led to a maximum mortality of 27% of the total herbivores in Mongolia. Across all sites, herbivores reduced aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and heterotrophic respiration (Rh) by 14% and 15%, respectively (p lower than 0.05). With adequate parameterization, the model can be used for historical assessment and future prediction of mammalian herbivore populations and their relevant impacts on biogeochemical cycles. Our simulation results demonstrate a strong coupling between primary producers and consumers, indicating that inclusion of herbivores into the global land modeling framework is essential to better understand the potentially large effect of herbivores on carbon cycles in grassland and savanna ecosystems.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2020: The Year Things Started Going Badly Wrong | Our Finite World


    I've been calling Gail's work the "Critique of Thermodynamic Economy." It is distinct from the Marx-Engels "Critique of Political Economy" set out in the volumes of Das Kapital. In the days when that early work was written, the question of the energy return on investment was not even called into question. It was all about the capital-labour equation.

    It was imagined, in the 1860s-1890s, that high-quality energy was infinite in supply, so it was not the matter of concern; rather, the fate of labour was the concern.

    Now, in the 21st, we've entered a whole other new era when I think the Critique of Thermodynamic Economy is the crucial thing to get correct about. Gail is steering us in that direction, I think.
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