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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jj, programovatelna biomasa (programovani bioelektrickejch morfogenetickejch vzoru) je skutecne budoucnost :)

    Towards fungal computer

    Frontiers | Electrical Signaling, Photosynthesis and Systemic Acquired Acclimation | Physiology

    Despite specific differences, the network of electrical signaling is present at almost each level of complexity, from unicellular bacteria and fungi to multi-cellular organisms like plants and animals. In unicellular organisms, cell-to-cell electrical signaling plays a key role in the reproduction and coordination of colony behavior. For example, bacteria Bacillus subtilis generates electrical signals mediated by potassium ion channels to direct motility in a biofilm of their own community, to stop reproducing bacteria on colony periphery, and to leave core cells with a sufficient nutrient supply (Humphries et al., 2017). A polarization and dynamic coordination of the electrical signals underlies also the ability of plant cell groups to proliferation, proper morphogenesis, regeneration and orientation (Filek et al., 2002; Yan et al., 2009; Nakajima et al., 2015). Similarly, the bioelectric network of each cell and the bioelectric gradients serve as a kind of pattern memory of animal tissues and organs (Durant et al., 2017). The environmental signals, physical (e.g., light, temperature, humidity, electric fields, wounding), chemical (e.g., nutrients and various substances), and biological (e.g., symbiosis, pathogenesis), can alter local and systemic electrical responses and modify cell division and growth. However, once the connectivity patterns of electrical signaling are disrupted, organisms can no longer follow appropriate morphogenetic and functional pathways (Szechyńska-Hebda et al., 2010; Karpiński et al., 2013; Nakajima et al., 2015).
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Domy z hub


    Buildings and construction are responsible for 39% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions – and a whopping 21% of those emissions come just from the making of steel and concrete.

    sand for concrete is controlled by sand mafias

    next decades:
    "It's like building a Manhattan every month for the next 40 years," said Ayres, borrowing a line from Bill Gates.


    produce co2, but also act as a store of carbon

    combining mycelium, the 'roots' of fungi, with agricultural waste such as straw

    Living fungi

    might behave as a self-healing material, simply re-growing if it becomes damaged. Second, mycelium networks are capable of information processing.

    The next major goal for the FUNGAR project is to build a small, freestanding building. They plan to pull that off within a year and then spend time monitoring it as it ages. It is crucial, says Ayres, to be able to monitor the living structure and see how it changes.

    Why future homes could be made of living fungus
    TADEAS --- ---
    Zemědělství v EU: schizofrenní přístup k ochraně životního prostředí i klimatu
    TADEAS --- ---
    Does carbon pricing reduce emissions? A review of ex-post analyses - IOPscience

    Jessica Green

    New paper alert! Does carbon pricing reduce emissions? A review of ex-post analyses. Short answer? Not so much. Of the policy tools in the carbon toolbox, c pricing is the tiny flathead screwdriver used to fix glasses.


    A meta-review of all the papers that look at the effects of #carbonpricing *after the fact*. Not models. Not predictions. A careful look at what has happened in the real world.

    First: *very* few studies that meet this criteria. Only 37 by my count. Vast majority (70%) study EU c pricing. There is SO MUCH WE DON’T KNOW.

    Second: Overall reductions are *really* small: 0-2% per yr. And this doesn’t factor in leakage or potential additionality problems w/ offsets. Leakage doesn’t appear to be an issue in Europe, but looks like a big prob in US (CA and RGGI).

    Third: On the whole, taxes do better on reductions than ETSs. Very important to consider as c pricing forges ahead

    Fourth: Limited effects + a lot of political controversy in big emitting countries like US, Australia, Canada, South Africa means we should really think hard abt whether this is a tool we should invest more time and resources in.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Inner Mongolia pursues coal-led recovery, defying Beijing's climate goals

    Inner Mongolia went on an industrial permitting spree in 2020 that will lock in annual coal use about the size of Germany’s if fully realised, despite China tightening its climate targets at national level.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    (podotýkám, že použití spojení "vymyslel" by předesílalo, že jsem o tom začal přemýšlet, aniž bych měl jakékoliv podněty, týkající se dosavadních pokusů, což není pravda - určitě jsem viděl solární kola dřív na youtube, než jsem nějaká začal stavět - ale spíš jde o to rozpoznat v tom rekvizity pro sci-fi příběhy z blízké budoucnosti resp. naformulovat "hi-tech bezdomovectví" pro blízkou budoucnost... on i nafukovací člun s uprchlíky by před 100 lety byl sci-fi, tak proč si nepředstavit, že uprchlíci z dalších vln prchajících před globálním oteplováním nebudou používat třeba levné výsadkové kluzáky vytvořené technologií cca na úrovni výsadků z 2.svétové války, které se budou v rozvojových zemích bastlit ze dřeva a plátna? a tahat do odletové výšky pomocí solární energie...)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ano, já se o solarpunkové vize snažil předtím, než tohle heslo existovalo ve wiki :-)
    [ XCHAOS @ Solární letadla a vzducholodi (pilotovaná/bezpilotní+stratosférické/elektrické létání+"létající auta"/VTOL) ]

    Ale 2200 je naprosto šílený časový horizont, při dnešním exponenciálním tempu růstu v řadě oborů. Přiznám se, že mi ta sci-fi imaginace poněkud schází, v zásadě lze kvalifikovat dva druhy vizí: blízkou budoucnost, mírnou extrapolaci současnosti, a tu si lze představit relativně ne-post-apokalypticky. Vzdálená budoucnost je vždycky složitá, buď je to v nějaké formě fantasticko-mystický úlet jako Duna apod. nebo ve formě hardcore sci-fi je to často poněkud šílené. A obecně řada těch predikcí je prostě jen směšná...

    Z hlediska hard-scifi, ve chvíli, kdy oteplování překročí příjemnou mez, se přikročí k hard-industriálním řešením, protože prostě lidská povaha je taková. Nabarvíme střechy, ale třeba i černé asfaltové silnice nabílo, případně střechy dokonce uděláme lesklé. Vysušené oblasti dostanou industriálně odsolenou mořskou vodu ve stylu blízkého východu. Nekontroverzní budou tradiční metody, jako třeba zalesňování, ale samozřejmě se postaví spousta přehrad, protože voda je prostě voda, když je na očích a dlouhodobé důsledky a náklady samozřejmě není populární řešit. Když můžou dnes v létě reflexními plachtami přikrývat alpské ledovce, tak to někoho určitě napadne i u těch Grónských ledovců, když začnou tát.... otatně, reflexní folie umíme velmi tenké už dnes...

    To vše nás ale čeká tak kolem roku 2050, ne 2200. V té době řada toho, co se dnes u nás pořád vnímá jako strašně progresivní, bude naprostý mainstream.. jako zeleň ve městě, zelené střechy, apod. Ale nebude to stačit, protože miliardy lidí v rozvojových zemích se budou pořád snažit kopírovat obsolete civlilizační vzorce, tak jsme je pořád kopírujeme i my.

    Já jsem samozřejmě solární lítání původně vymyslel, když jsem vymýšlel rekvizity pro nějaké sci-fi z relativně blízké budoucnosti, které by nemuselo být úplně dystopické, pokud jde o podobu života přímo tady dole na Zemi. Ve stejném kontextu jsem uvažoval o solárních kolech. Ale vzešlo to z přemýšlení o energetické autonomii, nejen o globálním oteplování. Znovu připomínám, že začátkem 90tých let připadalo většině lidí jako daleko větší hrozba, že buď ropa dojde, nebo "Rusko zavře kohoutky", šance nakoupit si na světovém volném trhu nebyly velké a globální oteplování byla tehdy pořád jen hypotéza na hranici měřitelnosti či statistické významnosti, a profesor Klaus poté začal říkat, že je to výmysl, takže....
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Česko čeká nový solární boom. I když mu politici nepřejí - Seznam Zprávy
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    mohl by se uplatnit XCHAOS

    Fiction contest calls for unheard-of climate solutions
    A new climate-fiction short-story contest calls for entries that imagine climate fixes beyond the imagination of scientists and engineers. Creative writers can submit stories envisioning the next 180 years of climate progress, preferably with narratives that allow hope for a better future rather than apocalyptic visions — something we could probably all do with right now.

    Grist | 5 min read https://grist.org/fix/climate-fiction-writing-contest-imagine-2200-prizes/
    PER2 --- ---
    Biden to cancel $9bn Keystone XL pipeline's permit, says source. Rescinding permit is on list of executive actions thought to be scheduled for first day in office

    Biden Climate Team Says It Underestimated Trump's Damage. Agency reviews have found greater budget cuts, staff losses and elimination of climate programs than initially thought. The Biden team says the incoming president’s climate plans remain intact.

    Biden plans to fight climate change in a way no U.S. president has done before. By mobilizing his entire administration to take on the challenge from every angle in a strategic, integrated way. Slowing climate change will require a comprehensive and coordinated “all hands on deck” approach.

    celkem prijemna zmena proti trumpovi, tak snad prezije stredecni inauguraci
    TADEAS --- ---
    Bundestag bestätigt Antrag zur Förderung der Agroforstwirtschaft - Agroforst

    Thanks to the great work of the German Association for Agroforestry, the Bundestag (Germany's Parliament) last week approved the government coalition's proposal to promote the agroforestry sector - by an overwhelming majority!

    This calls on the government to shape the legal measures under the new CAP (Europe's Common Agricultural Policy) in such a way that a wide variety of agroforestry systems can be established. This is not only necessary from an ecological point of view, it is also needed so that farms can design agroforestry areas flexibly, and adapt them to both their location and their business objectives. It will be crucial to ensure that are no restrictions are placed on either the range of tree species or the number of trees within an agroforestry plot.

    Furthermore, a general right of use and conversion of the woody biomass will be essential for agroforestry's spread.

    Germany is a pioneer in having taken such a broad legislative decision in favour of agroforestry, and we hope it will be an example to other European member states who are currently designing their so-called agricultural "strategic plans", which define how they plan to spend European CAP subsidies over the next years.
    TUHO --- ---
    Gates společně se svou ženou Melindou postupně zakoupili 242 tisíc akrů, tedy asi 98 tisíc hektarů, zemědělské půdy ve Spojených státech, přičemž největší podíly byly podle magazínu The Land Report v Louisianě, Arkansasu a Nebrasce.
    Kromě toho zakoupili 25 750 akrů pozemků západně od města Phoenix v Arizoně, kde má být vybudováno nové předměstí. Podle The Land Report jsou pozemky vlastněné skupinou Cascade Investments, což je Gatesův soukromý investiční fond.
    Přestože není úplně jasné, proč Gates do pozemků investoval, podle serveru IOL tak mohl učinit kvůli očekávaní klimatické změny. V minulém roce totiž nadace Gatesových založila novou neziskovou organizaci Gates Ag One zaměřenou na pomoc malým zemědělcům v rozvojových zemích, která by farmářům měla pomáhat právě s řešením dopadů klimatické změny.

    Gates koupil obrovské zemědělské pozemky. Experti řeší, co tam vznikne - iDNES.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Guest post: How to ‘fairly’ share emissions from goods traded around the world | Carbon Brief
    TADEAS --- ---

    Paul Maidowski

    Mann is consistently ignoring social science & social movement literature, using his (by climate standards large) platform to impose simplistic & US-centric views on activists worldwide, drowning out the urgently necessary warning voices. Not remotely helpful.


    Why politically naïve: the opportunity costs of fixating on shallow surface level questions (pricing) are high. Obviously we need changes in prices, no one’s disputing that, but via entirely different levers & the type of social movement building that Mann’s actively undermining


    we all like *the idea* of carbon pricing—on paper a smooth silver bullet. Take an insanely messy complex real world problem & smoothly internalize externalities. The problem is, the economics are false @ProfSteveKeen ( https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14747731.2020.1807856?journalCode=rglo20 ) & of course it will never work at scale


    Great overview, shared elsewhere here already, why we need to do the hard work of politics rather than continue to create plausible deniability with carbon pricing type debates that will always fall short, because pricing’s linear, never a systemic change:

    The Trouble with Carbon Pricing | Boston Review
    TADEAS --- ---
    Living in Denial | The MIT Press

    If our failure to act on predictions is itself predictable, what can we do about it? Figuring out why people cling to the status quo, even while alarm bells are going off, then becomes the real priority.


    Global warming is the most significant environmental issue of our time, yet public response in Western nations has been meager. Why have so few taken any action? In Living in Denial, sociologist Kari Norgaard searches for answers to this question, drawing on interviews and ethnographic data from her study of "Bygdaby," the fictional name of an actual rural community in western Norway, during the unusually warm winter of 2000-2001.

    In 2000-2001 the first snowfall came to Bygdaby two months later than usual; ice fishing was impossible; and the ski industry had to invest substantially in artificial snow-making. Stories in local and national newspapers linked the warm winter explicitly to global warming. Yet residents did not write letters to the editor, pressure politicians, or cut down on use of fossil fuels. Norgaard attributes this lack of response to the phenomenon of socially organized denial, by which information about climate science is known in the abstract but disconnected from political, social, and private life, and sees this as emblematic of how citizens of industrialized countries are responding to global warming.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    State of the climate: 2020 ties as warmest year on record | Carbon Brief

    TADEAS --- ---
    meta-metabolome ecology

    Ecological Modeling Applied to Metabolomics Opens New Area of Scientific Inquiry | PNNL

    An ecological meta-community contains multiple communities of biological species distributed through space. Processes governing meta-community dynamics are often studied through an approach called null modeling. Now, researchers, led by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), have shown that this approach can be extended to organic molecules fundamental to biogeochemical cycling across all ecosystems. They developed this new conceptual paradigm and created the tools to turn the concepts into a quantitative framework. To demonstrate the approach, the team further applied the methods to organic metabolites collected along a well-studied section of the Columbia River. The outcome is the foundation for a new line of scientific inquiry they call “meta-metabolome ecology.”


    This approach enables researchers to track processes governing organic metabolite profiles through space and time in natural ecosystems. This is key to develop predictive, mechanistic models that link molecular properties to emergent ecosystem function from local to global scales, such as reactive transport and Earth system models. River corridors are an example of an ecosystem that can benefit from this type of analysis. They are major biogeochemical engines of the Earth system, yet challenges connecting processes and features across scales still exist. Furthermore, the science opened by this study will allow microbial taxa to be more directly coupled to the organic molecules involved with metabolic reactions that underlie biogeochemical function


    To better understand processes that constrain or promote variation in metabolomes, researchers integrated metabolite data with tools and concepts from community ecology. They used metabolite data collected from ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometric analysis of filtered river water and subsurface pore water collected from a well-studied stretch of the Columbia River. These data were generated at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), a DOE Office of Science user facility at PNNL.

    With these data, the researchers developed several metabolite dendrograms to group molecules based on common traits, such as elemental composition, structural features, and biochemical transformations. Next, they performed ecological null modeling, a common approach used in meta-community ecology but never before applied to organic metabolite assemblages. The null models quantified processes that governed the assembly of molecules into metabolomes.

    The researchers found metabolites that were potentially biochemically active were more deterministically assembled than less active metabolites. Organic metabolites that are biochemically active and deterministically organized are most important to represent in mechanistic models.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Xbox's 'Instant On' Feature Could Consume 4 Billion kWh By 2025 - Slashdot
    SHEFIK --- ---
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