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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Scientists: Earth is substantially hotter than at any time during past 12,000 Years; entire Holocene was Cool

    Climate crisis: world is at its hottest for at least 12,000 years – study | Environment | The Guardian

    JIMIQ --- ---
    u té Číny to povede akorát ke snížení kapacity faktoru u uhelných elektráren, už teď jsou pod 50%
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Čína loni spustila třikrát více uhelných elektráren než zbytek světa - iDNES.cz

    2020: a dismal year for coal power - China Dialogue
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: pěkně kecaj. Pokud těží stromy až v době kdy už je kůrovec stejně vylitanej, tak už to je úplně jedno. Kácení takových stromů, ale zdržuje těžební firmy od včasných zásahu proti čerstvě napadeným stromům. Navíc stát tu těžbu mnohde dotuje
    SEJDA --- ---
    WOODMAKER: akorat by to chtelo aby si grafy do roku 2010 aktualizovali .. prece jenom ignorovat posledni desetileti nejde.
    KEB --- ---
    Lesníci se ohrazují proti tvrzení, že boj s kůrovcem produkuje více CO2 než všechna auta v zemi - Ekolist.cz
    LINKOS --- ---
    Hledám, nějaké výhledy co se bude dít v Čechách při jakém oteplení, je něco takového?
    DRSH --- ---
    Loňský rok byl nejteplejším ve Evropě. Z grónského ledovce odtálo 600 bilionů kubíků vody | Plus
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Jan Rovensky

    A jdeme do finále...
    Je to rozehraný dost slušně: 7 ministrů ze 14 je pro konec uhlí v roce 2033, jeden pro 2038, zbytek zatím lavíruje.
    2033 není žádná aktivistická utopie, ale mainstream: podporuje ho ČSSD, TOP09, Piráti, STAN, ale i část ANO (včetně nejméně dvou ministrů), další se přidávají.
    Experti jako Radim Tolasz či Bedřich Moldan.
    A Mladé ANO.
    KEB --- ---
    Green Deal není hrozba, ale šance, věří miliardář Martin Vohánka | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys
    TADEAS --- ---
    integralni soucasti vykladu planetarity musi byt ohen, jednak jako pohon pro civilizaci 1.0, jednak jako technika managementu ekosystemu (HM framework)

    2017 Firepower: Geopolitical Cultures in the Anthropocene

    The human control of fire is a relatively neglected part of the discussion of the contemporary transformation of the planet. Thinking about it in terms of geopolitics is a way to link climate adaptation, extinction and the possibilities of extending traditional analyses of political ecology to the global scale. Such thinking is explicitly rejected as the appropriate premises for foreign policy action by the Trump administration which poses American greatness in terms of traditional understandings of firepower. This clash of geopolitical cultures is now key to global politics, where dramatic landscape transformation, related species extinctions as well as climate change results directly and indirectly from human control of combustion. Firepower is a matter of military technology as well as, in the form of fossil fuel combustion, the essential energy source that fuels the global economy. Focusing on combustion as a key geophysical force in contemporary geopolitics offers useful insights into the Anthropocene discussion and, in particular, the two planetary boundaries of climate change and biodiversity loss, which are key to contemporary efforts at global environmental governance.

    We Did Start the Fire: Climate Change & the Curse of Hope

    One possible beginning for the Anthropocene which has not received as much attention is the prehistoric domestication of fire by humans. As early as a million years ago, hominids began using fire in a controlled way. That’s actually before Neanderthals and modern humans diverged on the family tree. James Scott, author of Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, describes the revolutionary impact of the domestication of fire:

    The effects of anthropogenic fire are so massive that they might be judged, in an evenhanded account of the human impact on the natural world, to overwhelm crop and livestock domestications. Why human fire as landscape architect doesn’t register as it ought to in our historical accounts is perhaps that its effects were spread over hundreds of millennia and were accomplished by ‘precivilized’ peoples also known as ‘savages.’ In our age of dynamite and bulldozers, it was a very slow-motion sort of environmental landscaping. But its aggregate effects were momentous.”

    2017 Scott - AGAINST THE GRAIN : a deep history of the earliest states.

    2001 Pyne - Fire: A Brief History

    "Fire: A Brief History packs into one slender volume a sweeping tale of fire, and man's interactions with fire, from prehistory to the dawn of the twenty-first century. Pyne's perceptive words and tightly organized sentences allow him to suggest many thought-provoking ideas and to bring to his audiencea fascinating story of fire's role in shaping our world.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    nic objevnyho, ale dovry zamysleni

    How Realistic Is Carbon Capture?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    hezky obrazek

    TADEAS --- ---

    The Politics of Globality since 1945: Assembling the Planet - 1st Edit

    dl: http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=6FA2C9C488C34BA3FFE835E07FC8C8DE

    1 New Earths: Assessing Planetary Geographic Constructs
    2 Terraforming Planet Earth: The Age of Fallout
    3 Classical Realism for the Twenty-First Century: Responding to the Challenge of Globality
    4 Mastering the Globe: Law, Sovereignty and the Commons of Mankind
    5 Futures of Mankind: The Emergence of the Global Future
    6 Anthropocene Incitements: Toward a Politics and Ethics of Ex-orbitant Planetarity
    7 Climatic Globalities: Assembling the Problems of Global Climate Change
    8 Envisioning ‘Global Security’? The Earth Viewed from Space as a Motif in Security Discourses
    DRSH --- ---
    Environmentalista Tadeáš Žďárský: Vize nerůstu. Růst totiž znamená, že planeta je na pokraji kolapsu | Plus
    DRSH --- ---
    Miliardy z Modernizačního fondu dostanou firmy, které spalují fosilní paliva. Omezuje to soutěž, varuje právnička | Plus
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Rupert Read - Parents for a Future

    Rupert Read helps us to understand the direness of our predicament while showing us a metaphor and a method a way of thinking by which we might transform it. From the relatively uncontroversial starting point that we love our own children, we are introduced to a logic of care that iterates far into the future: in caring for our own children, we are committed to caring for the whole of human future; in caring for the whole of human future, we are committed to caring for the future of the natural world. Out of such thinking, hope emerges.

    As Read demonstrates in this urgent call to action, accepting that we care for our own offspring commits us to a struggle on behalf of us all.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: urcite nespocitalii, hur dur.
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