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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Australian scientists achieve breakthrough with renewably powered carbon capture – pv magazine International

    Australian scientists have achieved a new breakthrough in carbon capture and storage. Their novel electrochemical process can store carbon dioxide in water with the power of solar or wind, while also producing by-products such as green hydrogen and calcium carbonate – perhaps the key to decarbonizing the cement industry.

    Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology have made a remarkable breakthrough with the development of an electrochemical process in which carbon dioxide is captured from the air and stored in water as a non-toxic calcium carbonate (chalk) in a renewably powered process that could also produce green hydrogen and decarbonize the cement industry. 


    We found we could use seawater once it had been treated to remove sulphates. To do this we first precipitated calcium sulphate or gypsum, another building material, and then carried out the same process to successfully turn CO2 into calcium carbonate, thus providing proof of concept of a circular carbon economy,” O’Mullane said. “Next, the hydrogen evolution reaction during electrolysis ensured that the electrode was continually renewed to keep the electrochemical reaction going while also generating another valuable product, green hydrogen. This means if this electrolysis process is powered by renewable electricity, we are producing green hydrogen alongside the calcium carbonate (CaCO3).” 
    PER2 --- ---
    pro zajimavost
    Pleistocene Park Foundation
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: a jeste:

    Farming fish in fresh water is more affordable and sustainable than in the ocean

    Optimistic projections say that smart mariculture—fish farming at sea—could increase ocean fish and shellfish production by 21 million to 44 million metric tons by 2050, a 36%-74% jump from current yields. Other estimates suggest that an ocean aquaculture area the size of Lake Michigan might produce the same amount of seafood as all of the world's wild-caught fisheries combined.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tohle by mohlo odlehcit morim

    Fish farms moving onshore
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Biden uspořádá klimatický summit, zve i Putina a Si Ťin-pchinga - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Solar Geoengineering Should be Investigated, Scientists Say - Scientific American
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Saúdská Arábie chce vysázet deset miliard stromů - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is underestimating methane emissions from oil and gas production in its annual Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, according to new research from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). The research team found 90 percent higher emissions from oil production and 50 percent higher emissions for natural gas production than EPA estimated in its latest inventory.
    KEVIN00 --- ---
    Volcano in Iceland Is One of the Largest Sources of Volcanic CO2
    High-precision airborne measurements, in combination with atmospheric modeling, suggest that the Katla subglacial caldera may be one of the planet’s biggest sources of volcanic carbon dioxide.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Soil Carbon Sink Doesn’t Grow With Atmospheric CO2, Study Finds

    Soil’s capacity to store carbon may be less than previously thought, according to a study published in Nature.

    The amount of carbon stored in soil is approximately triple that stored in living plants, but as rising CO2 levels increase plant growth, the scientists found, soil carbon storage decreases.

    We expected faster plant growth and more biomass to increase soil organic carbon, as extra leaves and biomass fall to the forest floor [but] it didn’t,” Stanford professor and senior author Rob Jackson told Earther.

    The findings, the scientists say, mean global heating could accelerate more quickly than previously expected. “If we really want to stop global warming,” César Terrer, who led the research while at Stanford University, told The Guardian, “we need to stop emissions, because ecosystems only take up a fraction of all the CO2 emissions.”
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: tak ja doufam, ze se 3 % uran nikdy mezi bezne lidi nedostane :) Jedine s vojenskou ostrahou.
    PER2 --- ---
    SEJDA: az seti zastavi golfskej proud a budes tady mit zimu, tak ti to prijde vhod, btw co delas s jadernym odpadem v lete?
    New material breaks world record for turning heat into electricity
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: co chces delat s teplem v lete?
    PER2 --- ---
    tohle je dobry :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Carbon capture marches toward practical use | Science

    Today's most popular approach, which uses chemicals called amines dissolved in water to for capture CO2, is too expensive for widespread use. But researchers are now developing a new generation of chemical CO2 traps, including an organic solvent, which was shown this month to reduce the cost by nearly 20%. When existing U.S. tax credits are added to the mix, carbon capture is nearing commercial viability.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    hydrogen locomotive

    All Eyes On Diesel-Killing Hydrogen Fuel Cell Locomotive in California
    SHEFIK --- ---
    hezkej koncept

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Having it all: Protecting biodiversity, carbon capture, and fish stocks | Ars Technica

    The first of the benefits they looked at is biodiversity. The second is an area's benefits to fish stock—its ability to enable more fish to spawn. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 90 percent of marine fish stocks in 2018 are either depleted, overexploited, or fully exploited. The third quality is the parcel's capacity to sequester carbon in its sediment. Some of the team's researchers previously mapped the carbon sequestration potential of different parts of the ocean, and they found that ocean sediments can sequester more than twice the amount that terrestrial soils can.


    Hypothetically, if the world's governments wanted to maximize for biodiversity, they would need a strategically located 21 percent of the ocean placed under marine protected areas. This would raise the average protection of endangered and critically endangered species from their current rates of 1.5 and 1.1 percent to 82 and 87 percent, respectively, the paper notes. This form of optimization would, coincidentally, protect 89 percent of at-risk carbon sequestering areas in the oceans.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Los Angeles has a plan for 98% clean power by 2030.
    100% clean by 2035

    "The path forward for the next decade is clear, NREL found: Build solar farms, wind turbines and batteries as fast as possible. Get solar panels on rooftops, electric cars in garages and electric heat pumps in homes. And invest in energy efficiency and “demand response” programs that pay people to use electricity during times of day when solar and wind power are plentiful."

    LA clean energy plan: Cut natural gas, fight climate change - Los Angeles Times
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