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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    How regenerative farming could help Canada meet its new carbon emission targets | CBC News
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    How one man created a forest in a cold desert of Himachal Pradesh

    AD Negi is a retired bureaucrat. He has voluntarily planted and nurtured a 65 ha of lush green forest in a cold dessert area of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Český les je poušť. Aplikujeme tam pesticidy, které v jiné krajině nechceme, říká biolog Hula | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Péče o les dnes vyžaduje odlišný přístup, než za dob Marie Terezie nebo od roku 1870, kdy se ve zdejších lesích začalo hospodařit intenzivně. Důvodem je mimo jiné klimatická změna.

    Hula se obává, že stávající lesní zákon ji moc nebere v potaz a že vylučuje možnost přirozené obnovy lesa. „Zase se tam cpe smrk, protože prostě je to nejlevnější sazenička,“ doplnil biolog. Je přesvědčen, že podobný problém čeká generaci současných dětí a řešit se bude ještě za 100 let.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Country Report | Green Recovery Tracker

    In April 2021, after a contentious process, the Czech government presented a new version of its draft Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), with significant changes relative to previously released drafts. Throughout the process, civil society actors have criticized the lack of opportunities for effective participation. Together with other available financial instruments, the RRP can principally be seen as a positive contribution to much-needed progress on the green transition in Czechia. Nevertheless, the government’s application of the climate tracking methodology does not always stand up to closer scrutiny, and the risk of a high carbon lock-in through investments in fossil gas projects remains a particular issue.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Brazilian Amazon released more carbon than it absorbed over past 10 years | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian

    From 2010 through 2019, Brazil’s Amazon basin gave off 16.6bn tonnes of CO2, while drawing down only 13.9bn tonnes, researchers reported Thursday in the journal Nature Climate Change.

    The study looked at the volume of CO2 absorbed and stored as the forest grows, against the amounts released back into the atmosphere as it has been burned down or destroyed.

    “We half-expected it, but it is the first time that we have figures showing that the Brazilian Amazon has flipped, and is now a net emitter,” said co-author Jean-Pierre Wigneron, a scientist at France’s National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate crisis: our children face wars over food and water, EU deputy warns | Green politics | The Guardian

    Older people will have to make sacrifices in the fight against climate change or today’s children will face a future of fighting wars for water and food, the EU’s deputy chief has warned.

    Frans Timmermans, vice-president of the EU commission, said that if social policy and climate policy are not combined, to share fairly the costs and benefits of creating a low-carbon economy, the world will face a backlash from people who fear losing jobs or income, stoked by populist politicians and fossil fuel interests.

    He said: “It’s not just an urgent matter – it’s a difficult matter. We have to transform our economy. There are huge benefits, but it’s a huge challenge. The biggest threat is the social one. If we don’t fix this, our children will be waging wars over water and food. There is no doubt in my mind.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate activist arrested after gluing himself to Westminster Bridge | Extinction Rebellion | The Guardian

    A man has been arrested after gluing himself to Westminster Bridge in London in protest at a lack of government action two years after parliament declared a climate emergency.

    It was among a wave of “rebellion of one” protests on Saturday, organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR), in which hundreds of activists blocked roads by sitting alone wearing signs expressing their fears about the future.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: hrozny to poslouchat

    hallam rika jinymi slovy to samy :))

    Advice to Young People as they face Annihilation | Roger Hallam | 2021
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    Johan Rockstöm speaks on exponential Growth of climate leadership, solutions and sustainable finance
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    BREAKING: The XR activists who took on oil giant Shell - and won - Extinction Rebellion UK
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    The Guardian and the froth of the Political Class | Roger Hallam Video
    DZODZO --- ---
    este budeme nostalgicky spominat na doby, kedy sa bojovalo o ropu, az zacne boj o vodu, to bude horsie

    Střet o vodu mezi Tádžikistánem a Kyrgyzstánem má přes deset mrtvých - Novinky.cz
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat: Why Well-Raised Meat Is Good for You and Good for the Planet – Tipy na knihy od čtenářů Jan Melvil Publishing

    Možnost hlasovat, aby Melvil přeložili sacred cow, jako že hovězí = Regen zemědělství
    SHEFIK --- ---
    How Green Is Wind Power, Really? A New Report Tallies Up The Carbon Cost Of Renewables

    Good news: amortizing the carbon cost over the decades-long lifespan of the equipment, Bernstein determined that wind power has a carbon footprint 99% less than coal-fired power plants, 98% less than natural gas, and a surprise 75% less than solar.
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    Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet | Doc Preview
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    Původ CO2 emisí v roce 2019 (tmavší je horší)

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    Britská zpravodajská služba MI6 začala špehovat vyspělé průmyslové země, zda dodržují své klimatické závazky. V prvním rozhovoru, který kdy představitel MI6 poskytl britské rozhlasové stanici, to řekl současný ředitel rozvědky Richard Moore. Vyjádřil se též k špionážním aktivitám Ruska, které označil za „upadající mocnost“.

    Britská tajná služba MI6 začala se zelenou špionáží, přiznal její šéf - iDNES.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Takhle si ničíme přírodu: Google Earth přidal časosběrná videa, která ukazují vliv klimatických změn – Živě.cz

    Dí­ky Go­o­gle Earth si ale mů­že­te udě­lat ob­rá­zek, jak se svět kvů­li vý­ky­vu tep­lot změ­nil, a to do­slo­va. Služ­ba do své vir­tu­ál­ní Ze­mě při­da­la ně­ko­lik ča­sosběr­ných 3D vi­deí, kte­ré uka­zu­jí vý­voj kra­ji­ny za ně­ko­lik de­sí­tek let, zejmé­na pak v re­gi­o­nech, kte­ré jsou kli­ma­tic­ký­mi změ­na­mi po­sti­že­ny nej­ví­ce.
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