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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SEJDA --- ---
    MASTODONT: zeleny demagog? Kazdy kdo se mylil je demagog? Ty budes radny kus ..
    MASTODONT --- ---
    TADEAS: Není nutné používat caps lock, to je přece u zelených demagogů normální a málokoho to překvapí :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    MASTODONT --- ---
    Biopaliva produkují až třikrát více emisí CO2 než diesel vyrobený jen z ropy??? Zajímavé, v roce 2011 to přece bylo jinak:

    JAKÁ JE SKUTEČNOST: Biopaliva vedou k úspoře skleníkových plynů - některá méně, některá více, ale k úspoře CO2 dochází vždy.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Studie: Kvůli biopalivům zmizely pralesy o rozloze Nizozemska, je z nich více emisí než z ropy - Zdopravy.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: prekvapive aplikovana teorie chaosu :) lidi si neuvodumujou, jak je aktualni rovnovaha krehka a ze kazdym dalsim managementem zemekoule vlastne tyhle balancni mechanismy, jez se vytvarely miliony+ let vic a vic nabouravame
    TADEAS --- ---
    World ‘must step up preparations for extreme heat’ | Climate change | The Guardian

    Geert Jan van Oldenborgh of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, said that up until last year standard climate models had assumed that there was an upper boundary to heatwaves that moved roughly twice as fast as broader global heating trends.

    “We thought we knew what was going on … Then this heatwave came which was way above the upper bound. With the knowledge of last year this was impossible. This was surprising and shaking,” he said. “We are now much less certain about heatwaves than we were two weeks ago. We are very worried about the possibility of this happening everywhere but we just don’t know yet.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Dominic Lawson will be Hanged for Climate Crimes | Hampstead Heath | London 2021 | Roger Hallam
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DZODZO: spis se rekalkuluje riziko a dopad bude na spotrebitele. Vzhledem k tomu ze navyseni ceny nebude pro kazdeho, bude potreba dorovnat i tenhle propad, takze pujde o nelinearni navyseni. Vlastnictvi majetku se tak vyrazne prodrazi, vcetne neprimych dopadu na pronajmy a nasledne i na vyrobky s vlastnictvim/pronajmem souvisejici

    Pojistovnam to v dlouhodobem horizontu bude fuk, ale samozrejme je i v jejich zajmu mit rizikovost nizsi a resit co nejmene likvidaci. Navic to muzou marketingove zaobalit jako konkurencni vyhodu 'savior of the planet'
    DZODZO --- ---
    poistovne budu mat asi eminentny zaujem nepoistovat fosilne projekty, ked vidia, ze im z toho akurat rastu vydaje

    Pojišťovny mají nahlášeny z červnových bouřek škody za 3,8 miliardy - Novinky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    (PDF) Andreucci et al 2021 Book Rethinking Sustainability

    RESTORE - REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy'', and highlights how sustainability in buildings, facilities and urban governance is crucial for a future that is socially just, ecologically restorative, and economically viable, for Europe and the whole planet. In light of the search for fair solutions to the climate crisis, the authors outline the urgency for the built environment sector to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies, as well as a just transition. As shown in the chapters, this can be done by applying a broader framework that enriches places, people, ecology, culture, and climate, at the core of the design task - with a particular emphasis on the benefits towards health and resilient business practices.

    This book is one step on the way to a paradigm shift towards restorative sustainability for new and existing buildings. The authors want to promote forward thinking and multidisciplinary knowledge, leading to solutions that celebrate the richness of design creativity. In this vision, cities of the future will enhance users’ experience, health and wellbeing inside and outside of buildings, while reconciling anthropic ecosystems and nature.
    TADEAS --- ---
    aneb pocasi neni podnebi, a vykyv globalni teploty znamena brutalnejsi vykyvy teploty

    Historic heat wave in Lapland:In #Norway impressive 34.3C at Banak,it's the highest temp. ever above 70N in Europe and new record for Troms and Finnmark county. In #Finland 33.6C at Kevo,new record and highest temp. in Finnish Lapland since 1914,also record with 32.5C at Nuorgam.


    TADEAS --- ---
    Ben See


    1. We're at 417ppm
    J. Hansen: that's 3.5°C eventually

    2. We face 427ppm by 2025
    That's like climates +3M yrs ago

    3. Corporate plans: +450ppm by 2036
    Many scientists: worst impacts likely

    4. Trajectory: 550ppm by 2047
    Unsurvivable 5°C sooner or later?

    5. We can still act
    TADEAS --- ---


    Scientists study the Miocene because present-day and projected future CO2 levels are in the same range as those reconstructed for the Miocene. Therefore, if we can understand climate changes and their biotic responses from the Miocene past, we are able to better predict current and future global changes. By comparing Miocene climate reconstructions from fossil and chemical data to climate simulations produced by computer models, scientists are able to test their understanding of the Earth system under higher CO2 and warmer conditions than those of today. This helps in constraining future warming scenarios for the coming decades. In this study, we summarize the current understanding of the Miocene world from data and models. We also identify gaps in our understanding that need further research attention in the future.

    1 Introduction
    KAMAMURA2 --- ---
    Vědecké bádání posledního desetiletí teprve jasně ukázaly, jak zoufale zabednění byli klausovci a celá ta připitomnělá banda jejich nohsledů. Modrá, nikoliv zelená planeta.
    KEB --- ---
    Komise navrhne zpřísnění pravidel pro využívání biomasy
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    toto ma byt dobra knizka co dava nejaky nadeje ohledne organizace zespoda, jako ze v nejakym tom rozpadu. doporucoval clovek co se ted vratil z Hrusek, ze nejaky aspekty situace tam mu pripomenuly tuto knihu

    Library Genesis
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: https://cellbasedtech.com/lab-grown-meat

    Cells are given nutrient rich cell culture medium (aka food), which enables cells to grow and form into meat.

    This cell culture medium contains many critical components including amino acids, vitamins, glucose, inorganic salts, and growth factors. The growth factors are by far the most complex and expensive component to cell culture media. The exact composition of the cell culture media is dependent on a given cell line and cell species, meaning there is no one-size-fits-all approach for the most efficient media solution.
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: ma otazka tohle vsechno samozrejme zahrnovala :) a je jasny, ze oni budou ukazovat krasny cisla, co se budou investorum libit, ale realita bude asi trosku jinde
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: dohledas cim zivi ty bioreaktory?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam