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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: Toto je pro mě záhada. Psali jsme ten rozbor Česko 2050, amatérský, nic oficiálního neexistuje, zejména ne model pro druhou polovinu století. Jak je možný, že to není první dotaz, "co konkrétně hrozí"?
    Psala jsem i hlavenkovi ať kraj (piráti) zaplatí analýzu od Czech globe a popularizaci od špičkových vypravěčů, ale odepsal že v tom nevidí smysl. Můj závěr - lidi uvažuji úplně jinak než já
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TADEAS: já vím, že to nechceš slyšet, ale pro konzervativní nacionalisty to naprostej smysl dává. I nejhorší předpovědi házejí Čechy někam do Španělska, to je klima, se kterým se dá pracovat vcelku pěkně. Stačí dostatek přehrad a zadrátovaný hranice, aby nám tu nikdo tu siestu nerušil.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: mel se ho ten clovek zeptat: Nezbývá než se adaptovat? - A na co se teda mame adaptovat? jestli ma teda ten realnej obrazek toho co znamena se adaptovat na 3C? podle me absolutne nema
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: tak je to ilustrace toho short-termismu: nejde to udelat rychle, tak na to serem. jasne, dobra strategie, much intelligence
    DZODZO --- ---
    aha, ja som sa zameral hlavne na ten zaciatok, ze to nepojde stabilizovat rychle, stale mam v hlave to roztopene gronsko :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: zrika se to zodpovednosti za rozhodnuti. rozhodli jsme se, ze nebudeme mitigovat, protoze 'klima rychle do normalu nevratime'. adaptaci ho navic nevratime vubec nikam, adaptaci ho muzem klidne dal destabilizovat.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DZODZO: "nezbyva nez se adaptovat" ... tech scenaru bude urcite vic ne?
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: v com je dezinfo ta druha veta? to prve a tretie chapem
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: hranicne dezinfo ne ,)

    Obecně vzato jsem velmi proti tomu, aby se stanovilo hezké kulaté datum a k němu nějaký cíl, který je nutno splnit
    Klima rychle do normálu nevrátíme, ani kdybychom zítra přestali topit, jezdit, svítit, vyrábět. Má setrvačnost mnoho desítek let. Nezbývá než se adaptovat.
    u bateriových elektromobilů je stopa vyšší než u aut na vodík.
    SEJDA --- ---
    Tak ja nevim, ctu ministra Brabce .. nevim kde ho vyhrabali, ale zase se blizi volby, tak ho museli probudit ze zimniho spanku .. a nejak nevim, co si vlastne mysli. Mluvi o druhych, o tom, ze je vsechno slozite protoze jedni jsou na levo a druzi na pravo, ale on sam zadny konsenzus nenabizi, nikam se nepriklani.

    Tedy vlastne ani, da se tam najit nazor ministra Havlicka, se kterym se Brabec ztoznil (jak jinak). Ma rad vodik, kdo vi proc. Ja mam radeji elektrony nez protony :D

    Brabec: Povodně a sucho teď budou chodit ruku v ruce - Novinky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    The oil and chemical industry is lobbying against global regulation of microplastic chemicals - Unearthed

    Trade groups representing the world’s biggest oil and chemical companies – including BASF, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Ineos, BP and Shell – are opposing the global regulation of toxic and persistent chemicals in microplastics, according to documents obtained by Unearthed.

    The industry argued that there is still insufficient evidence to justify the incorporation of the plastic additive UV-328 into the Stockholm Convention, the UN’s global treaty on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) – chemicals which, once released, do not easily break down in nature.

    Its inclusion would lead to bans on its production and use – and could be a landmark for the regulation of chemicals that spread around the world via microplastics and plastic waste.
    TADEAS --- ---

    ‘Reckless’: G20 states subsidised fossil fuels by $3tn since 2015, says report | Fossil fuels | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    letter — COP26 Climate Action Plan

    The UK Climate Change Committee(5) has warned the Government to prepare for 4°C of heating. Globally we face a wildfire future awash with unknowns. London and many coastal cities could become unviable.

    The new U.K. climate finance plan would end all subsidies as shown by the World bank(6) and International Institute for Sustainable Development report(7). Stopping all fossil fuel financing across public and private sector value chains should be a core priority for COP26. This has a projected value of at least $700 billion(8) and well over $2 trillion per annum after subsidies are added.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Paul Maidowski

    @jrockstrom says 1.5/2C are still possible IF X, and then lays out a bunch of elements of X which he *knows* to be impossible. Be grateful for voices like @MarkCranfield_ who have good intuition & cry wolf, where others don't dare to.

    PER2 --- ---
    za zdroj nerucim

    SHEFIK --- ---
    #humanImpact #nrgySurplus

    Earth's energy imbalance removes almost all doubt from human-made climate change
    The changes to Earth's energy system have major ramifications for the planet's future climate and humanity's understanding of climate change. The Princeton University researchers behind the paper found that there's a less than 1 percent probability that the changes occurred naturally.
    With more and more changes to the planet, we've created this imbalance where we have surplus energy in the system," said Shiv Priyam Raghuraman, a graduate student in atmospheric and oceanic sciences at Princeton and lead author of the study. "That surplus manifests as different symptoms."
    There isn't this equilibrium between energy coming in from the sun and energy going out," Raghuraman said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Dr. William Rees, who coined the term #EcologicalFootprint, speaks with us about the untenable situation that humanity is in. Dr. Rees is not shy about his sense that we are now in complete overshoot in terms of civilization's unsustainable use of Earth's non-renewable resources and dumping the wastes of our industrial/consumerist economic model of infinite exponential growth on a limited planet.

    Overstepping Our Ecological Footprint - Dr. William Rees

    Can We Avoid Ecological Collapse?
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