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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
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    Náklady na dekarbonizaci budou nižší než škody způsobené změnou klimatu, říká Evropská centrální banka

    Ve studii se Evropská centrální banka (ECB) zaměřila na modelování ekonomické aktivity více než 4 milionů firem po celém světě a přes 1600 evropských bank v závislosti na budoucím přístupu ke změně klimatu.

    Výsledky studie ukazují, že se firmám a bankám z dlouhodobého hlediska vyplatí přejít co nejdříve ke klimaticky neutrálnímu hospodářství, ačkoliv tento krok nese krátkodobé náklady.
    PER2 --- ---
    tomu rikam poradna podpora elektromobility ;)
    sry za odkaz z hovinek

    Britům došel benzín. Trhněte si, my se nevrátíme, vzkázali jim kamioňáci z EU - Novinky.cz
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    Cop26 climate talks will not fulfil aims of Paris agreement, key players warn | Climate crisis | The Guardian
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    KEB: tak furt tam je ten rozměr čištění moří, kdyby z toho byl místo odsolené vody třeba vodík, který by nahradil fosilní paliva přes zimu...
    KEB --- ---

    IMHO dobrý, ale klimaticky k prdu, protože pálení plastů je zase pálení fosilních paliv
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    XCHAOS: rad si poslechnu teorii nadchazejiciho velkeho planetarniho stehovani ,)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no spíš prostě odcházej odněkud, kde to v horším případě není k životu, v lepším se akorát strašně nuděj. klimatická migrace je vážný problém... akorát si nemyslím, že zrovna Haiti je ten případ, no (stejně jako třeba Afghanistán je... Sýrie, tam to už je jiná).

    Největší změnou klimatu způsobený hladomor je toho času na Madagaskaru.. ale ty lidi ani nemaj resourcy z toho ostrova vůbec nějak odejít. Společným znakem úspěšné migrace je, že ty lidi se dostali do pohybu předtím, než vyhladověli...
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    XCHAOS: primarne kazdej migrant ti chce ukrast misto k zivotu, tam bych zacal
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    TADEAS: no ale imigranti z Haiti jsou spíš nějaký obecně zemětřesný/zoufalostní migranti, než klimatický migranti, ne?
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    “Does Not Present Sufficient Cause”

    “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a new report detailing observations of a rapidly changing climate in every region globally, the decision said. “This report does not present sufficient cause to supplement the (environmental impact statement) at this time.”


    President Joe Biden has been touring climate-ravaged areas of America, warning that climate change is a “code red” emergency for the planet. And yet, his administration has continued to boost fossil fuel projects and is now preparing to vastly expand offshore drilling.

    The White House argues that a court order it opposes and is appealing requires federal officials to lease more than 78 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico for fossil fuel exploration. Environmental groups, however, assert that federal law gives the administration broad discretion over whether or not to hold such sales.

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    planet of the future / dalsi z mych manipulativnich prispevku k migraci

    Biden Administration Eyes Guantanamo Bay To Hold Migrants

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is seeking bids for a private company to run a migrant holding facility at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a government contract solicitation, after more than 10,000 Haitian migrants were packed into a makeshift camp underneath a Texas bridge this month after entering the U.S. illegally.

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    XR Cambridge

    Let's imagine we fix the energy system. Fossil fuels gone. How do we fix the mass extinction, deforestation, emptying seas, agricultural & chemical pollution? These issues raise more profound questions about economic structures than climate and is why some commentators avoid them
    JIMIQ --- ---
    VFX Artist Reveals how Much Solar is Needed to Power the ENTIRE World
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    Jason Hickel

    As COP 26 approaches, remember that with existing policies we are headed for 2.9 degrees of heating, which could displace 1.5 billion people, wipe out 30-50% of species, and render much of our planet uninhabitable. The status quo is a death march.
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    Climate activists end hunger strike

    Olaf Scholz has promised to talk to the climate activists, who recently didn't want to drink any more, within four weeks. They are now ending the hunger strike.

    the SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz had promised a public discussion within the next four weeks about the climate emergency, tweeted the 21-year-old Henning Jeschke. The SPD confirmed the information.

    "I'm glad that the strikers break off and drink and eat again," tweeted Scholz. "Life comes first. I stand by my interview offer after the election, I will stick to it."

    The two had asked Scholz to declare a climate emergency. Scholz has called for the action to be canceled and offered to talk to them after the election. This offer was renewed on Saturday.

    "In this election campaign, which is about everything, people still pretend that everything could go on like this," said Jeschke, justifying his decision not to want to drink any more. The 21-year-old criticized Scholz who couldn't even say a climate emergency. "We don't accept the murderous attitude towards the younger generation." Bonasera had said: "I am not ready for political ignorance to prevail over what is important."
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    Global climate change strike held across Italy amid distrust of politics
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    Fridays for Future calls global climate strike | DW News
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    United In Science 2021: A multi-organization high-level compilation of the latest climate science information

    COVID-19 did not slow the relentless advance of climate change. There is no sign that we are growing back greener, as carbon dioxide emissions are rapidly recovering after a temporary blip due to the economic slowdown and are nowhere close to reduction targets. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere continue at record levels, committing the planet to dangerous future warming, according to a new multi-agency United in Science 2021 report.

    United in Science 2021 - video message from United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres
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    The election campaign of our lives

    If you take the future political programs of all parties seriously - and you have to in this case - then there is no party that has developed a policy for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees . Not even the Greens, who with their marketing talk of the “1.5-degree path” - with the kind support of Fridays for Future - have disguised that they want to go up to 1.8 at best, which has long been an illusion. While the governing parties CDU / CSU and SPD aim loosely towards 3 degrees. To put that into perspective, you have to imagine that they wanted to limit unemployment to 40 million Germans. Something was going on - and rightly so.

    During that time, Bernd Ulrich put it in a nutshell that SPD candidate Olaf Scholz, with his idea of countering the climate crisis with “moderate” politics , wants to break into a radically changed future for us - radically worse than it is today. If “Keep it up” means that we want to continue to live in freedom, democracy and relative prosperity through a functioning economy, then we need serious future policies now so that things can continue.


    Apparently there is an unspoken agreement not to talk about the central issues of the future. Or we journalists have accepted the agenda of excluding the future, which is specifically set by the two parties that have nicely distributed power and posts for tens of years. Those who have achieved a lot in the fossilized post-war world with their reformist measure-and-measure politics, but who have now not come out of their dysfunctional mode and continue to pretend it makes a terribly big difference which of the two pursues the illusionistic further- so leads.

    Hardly anyone talks about the fact that the climate policy advocated by Scholz and Laschet is nowhere near enough to comply with the Paris climate agreement, which these parties signed themselves. Not even to keep the German economy going. Instead, the question repeatedly asked whether someone - looking closely at the Greens chairman Baerbock - wants to "forbid" something. With this spin, the attempt to solve a problem becomes a problem, the problem no longer exists.

    I don't forbid anything, says Scholz, always supporting the state. He wants to score with that, and maybe he does, but it is also unconditional surrender before the fight for our future has even begun. Or not? In any case, you have to talk and argue about that, you have to ask questions in between, you have to have specialist knowledge and an eye for the future as a whole - and that is too often lacking for us journalists.
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