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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Nitrogen fertilizer shortage threatens to cut global crop yields -CF Industries

    Prices of nitrogen fertilizer, one of the most commonly used fertilizers to boost production of corn, canola and other crops, are at their highest levels in more than a decade.

    Hurricane Ida also hit CF's ammonia plants in Louisiana in late August, forcing them to halt production.

    Strong global fertilizer demand looks set to last into at least 2023, CF Senior Vice-President of Sales Bert Frost said.

    U.S.-based CF's predictions of constrained crop production echo those last month of Norwegian rival Yara International ASA , which warned rising fertilizer costs would drive up food prices and could lead to famine.

    Russia will limit exports of nitrogen fertilizers for six months to try to curb any further increase in food prices, its prime minister said on Wednesday. China is also limiting nitrogen exports.

    The energy-fertilizer-population nexus | The age of loss

    Natural gas is an essential ingredient for the production of nitrogen fertilizer. It is used as feedstock for fertilizer, for heating the process and for producing electricity for the production process. Due to the high natural gas prices, Yara, one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world has cut its production in Europe by 40%. In the UK two important fertilizer plants also stopped their production due to the high natural gas prices. Also Fertiberia, a Spanish fertilizer company, closed one of its production plants in October.


    around half of the world’s population depends on synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to meet their nutritional needs. It is therefore imperative to address this situation as soon as possible in order to avoid a worldwide fertilizer shortage with dire consequences. And in the long run it is of course important to build a more resilient local agricultural system that is far less dependent on chemical fertilizers
    OTZ --- ---
    nejakej ten prototyp maji i na CVUT :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Americká společnost získala miliardy na jadernou fúzi, do roku 2024 má být první prototyp

    Sam Altman financuje fúzi v naději že se to stihne nějak tak aby to bylo na škálovatelný v boji proti klima kolapsu. Ekonomicky rentabilní prototyp mají mít 2024. Jsem už myslela že se toho nedožiji povídá se o tom od 80. let
    PER2 --- ---
    SEJDA: me z toho vynech, ja niceho takoveho neocekavam :)
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: parduje kazdeho z nas a nase ocekavani toho jak dosahneme nulove emise sklenikovych plynu v roce 2050
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    SHEFIK: Nějak je tu ticho po pěšině ohledně uhlíkové stopy programového cíle nového starosty NYC. Přešlo se to jakoby nic. Tohle házení klacků pod nohy klimatických cílů tu opravdu nikoho nezajímá?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Trochu benzinu do ohne

    Studie: Emise bohatých ohrožují dosažení klimatických cílů - Ekolist.cz

    Jedno procento nejbohatších lidí světa je na cestě k tomu, aby mělo až 30krát vyšší uhlíkovou stopu, než je zapotřebí k tomu, aby se globální oteplování omezilo na 1,5 stupně Celsia. Naopak emise nejchudších 50 procent populace klimatické cíle nepřevyšují. S odkazem na výzkum dvou evropských environmentálních agentur o tom informuje zpravodajský web BBC.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Can Digital Replica of Earth Save the World from Climate Disaster? - Scientific American

    The goal of this planetary megamodel is to simulate the effects of various natural processes and human activities on the planet and model scenarios of future evolution. For example, scientists might be able to model how replacing fossil fuel energy generation in a certain region with renewable power plants changes concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and how that shift, in turn, affects the rate of sea level rise.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    White House-Backed Carbon Tax in Sight for Biden’s Climate Bill - Bloomberg

    U.S. now within a single vote of passing a carbon tax, the single most effective climate mitigation policy
    PER2 --- ---
    love it:
    Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050
    TADEAS --- ---
    Pioneer Program - Climate Farmers
    TADEAS --- ---

    Young People's Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate depression is real. And it is spreading fast among our youth | Peter Kalmus | The Guardian

    The climate mental health crisis is already hitting those who have lost everything in worsening climate infernos. It’s already hitting farmers in Australia, India and elsewhere who face serious and sometimes insurmountable challenges growing food in a rapidly changing climate (which, incidentally, should be a climate wake-up call for anyone who eats). It’s hitting Indigenous and vulnerable communities, for whom climate breakdown is the culmination of centuries of colonial and social oppression. It’s hitting parents, who feel unable to protect their children; I sometimes cry while talking about climate breakdown when I think about my kids. And of course, it’s hitting young people.


    A recent survey by a team of psychologists probed the climate anxiety felt by 10,000 young people aged 16-25 from countries in the global south and north. In the survey, 77% said “the future is frightening”, 68% feel sad, and 63% feel anxious. 39% feel “hesitant to have children”. This distress correlates with a belief that climate action from governments is inadequate


    Therapy can help people struggling with climate anxiety and depression; but since climate emotions are driven by real, intensifying, physical processes on Earth, therapy only treats the symptom. Something that helps me is being part of a vibrant community of activists. I could not handle the weight of this knowledge if I had to do so alone.

    However, as everything gets worse – and unfortunately it will get worse – we’re all going to need more than friends, as important as they are. We’re also going to need a sense that, collectively, society is finally heading in the right direction, with emergency speed


    It is psychologically devastating to feel climate and ecological catastrophe closing in every day while watching those in power not only failing to act, but actively making things worse by expanding the fossil fuel industry. Instead of more empty words and distractions, humanity desperately needs real action. World leaders must orchestrate a rapid end to the fossil fuel industry, for the sake of us all – but especially for the sake of young people.
    BERENIKEE --- ---
    Jih Madagaskaru může být prvním případem klimatického hladomoru. Na vině je několikaleté sucho | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    BLAHOVEJ --- ---
    O mediálním rámování COPu.
    COP26: Taking on the takes | BusinessGreen Blog Post
    TUHO --- ---
    Financial Industry, With $130 Trillion, to Pursue Climate Goals - The New York Times
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Inside #COP26Glasgow; Is this the ambition needed to avert disaster? Discussion Prof. Kevin Anderson
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Climate misinformation on Facebook ‘increasing substantially’, study says | A new analysis reveals that an estimated 818,000 climate misinformation posts received 1.36m views everyday

    Climate misinformation on Facebook ‘increasing substantially’, study says | Facebook | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: ne ale jeste postnu jeden skvelej clanek na tema az ho vyhrabu .]
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