norsko anekdoticky year the price of electricity has gone up a lot i Norway, where I live.
Norwegians are used to low price on electricity, and many can only warm their houses with electricity.
Many live in huge houses, and some remove snow and ice from their driveways with kabels in the ground, using lots of power.
This is absolutely hard for low income households, with an extra cost they may not have money for.
But EVERYBODY is freaking out.
People are saying they refuse to cut back on power use and to lower the inside temperature and wear extra clothes inside like an ekstra sweater and wollen socks is unacceptable.
Electricity should be some form of right we have as norwegians, to spend as much as we like. - Not everybody feels this way, but plenty.
And they vow to start to burn garbage, paper, cardboard etc to keep the temperatures up, and want to abandon all green low-carbon habits out of spite etc.
Many places now use snow canons to produce fake snow, and they spent an insane amount of power, but we have much less natural snow than before, but still want to go skiing.
The prices are high in part because we sell green electricity to europe, reducing their need for coal power.
All of this leaves me with the knowledge that norwegians are not very resilient, are not prepared for any form of collaps or indeed change for the worse, and are very selfish and short sighted.