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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Polský důl Turów už nemá pravomocné rozhodnutí EIA, tedy posouzení vlivů těžby na životní prostředí, které mělo být podkladem pro povolení těžby až do roku 2044. Rozhodl o tom dnes po odvolání právníků @FrankBold_PL polský soud, který zrušil tzv. “doložku okamžité vykonatelnosti” pro rozhodnutí EIA. Rozhodnutí soudu představuje další krok k tomu, že těžba v dole Turów bude nelegální i podle polského práva. Úřady chtěly zrušenou doložkou celý proces povolování další těžby urychlit.

    Důl Turów těží bez pravomocného posouzení vlivů na životní prostředí. Polský soud potvrdil porušení zákona | Frank Bold
    TADEAS --- ---

    Life in Plastic: Petrochemical Fantasies and Synthetic Sensibilities (Part 1)

    Plastics have been a defining feature of contemporary life since at least the 1960s. Yet our proliferating use of plastics has also triggered catastrophic environmental consequences. Plastics are derived from petrochemicals and enmeshed with the global oil economy, and they permeate our consumer goods and their packaging, our clothing and buildings, our bodies and minds. In this first episode of a two-part series, contributors to the volume LIFE IN PLASTIC: ARTISTIC RESPONSES TO PETROMODERNITY discuss plasticity and myth, stretchy superheroes, how plastic became gendered, plastic as a colonizing force, plastic in art and everyday life, and more. Featuring Caren Irr, Lisa Swanstrom, Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor, and Daniel Worden.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Land, Race and Empire

    Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022 discussion with Sam Siva, Corinne Fowler,
    Josina Calliste

    In this panel discussion, Corinne Fowler and Sam Siva will be in conversation about the colonial histories that have shaped the British landscape. Fowler’s book Green Unpleasant Land is a groundbreaking exploration of the links between agriculture and empire in England, and explores the racially exclusionary ways in which British rurality continues to be framed. Sam Siva is a grower and land rights activist with Land in Our Names (LION), a Black and Queer led collective that works to reconnect Black and People of Colour with land in the UK. Sam also works with the Right to Roam campaign, which seeks to increase public access to nature across England. Sam and Corinne bring their knowledge about the racialised history of British soil and discuss how to repair the violence that British land has borne witness to, as well as how to bring about future liberation for Black and Brown people through our relationship to the land.
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    Velký zemědělec kritizuje nové dotace: Chleba může stát 200 korun a rohlík 15 - Seznam Zprávy
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    Viktor Daněk

    Evropská komise zahájila proces zkrácení výplat dotací pro Polsko kvůli nezaplacené pokutě za nepřerušení těžby v dole Turów u českých hranic. Na dotaz
    @Radiozurnal1 to potvrdila mluvčí EK. Pokuta už převýšila 1,5 mld. Kč + úroky z prodlení. Polsko dostane avízo 10 dní předem.
    KEB --- ---
    Znečištění plasty a chemií už ohrožuje lidstvo, varují odborníci | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    Svět se obrací v prdel
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: 1h 50m, klima jako duchovni vyzva pro novy zodpovezeni otazek po tom kdo/kym je clovek nebo se ma stat clovek, konecne filosoficka antropologie na scene :)
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    TADEAS: okolo 12:00 vyklada zas o marine cloud brightening
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    TADEAS: 14:00 regenerative agriculture
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    Policy Gaps & Climate Repair | Sir David King & Professor Chip Fletcher
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    Dr Ye Tao talks with Clare Farrell | 23 November 2021 | Extinction Rebellion UK
    NOIK --- ---

    V současné době je cement po vodě nejpoužívanějším materiálem; prodává se buď v pytlích jako nejmenší jednotka pro kutily, nebo jako plná nákladní auta s hotovou betonovou směsí pro velké stavby. Vzhledem k tomu, že budoucnost betonu je více než kdy jindy zpochybňována kvůli jeho vlivu na oteplování atmosféry, se tato přednáška zabývá tím, jak by mohly architektonické humanitní vědy přistupovat k cementu jako k mezinárodně obchodované komoditě. Cement, kdysi kritický stavební materiál modernity 20. století, který se nyní naturalizoval, bude rozebrán z hlediska jeho minulosti, přítomnosti a budoucnosti: budeme se věnovat architektonické historii pece, která je centrem technologického systému; nedávným dominantním představám budoucích architektonických materiálů, procesů a technologií; a ekologickým přístupům k rekultivaci nepoužívaného lomu, čtenými jako podobenství o zacházení se všemi systémy Země. Je-li beton nejrozšířenějším geologickým znakem antropocénu a architektura na něm zůstává závislá, znalost globální historie cementu je nutná pro planetární přežití a spravedlnost.

    Kim Förster je historik architektury, publicista a pedagog, od roku 2019 přednáší na Manchesterské univerzitě, kde je součástí MARG (Manchester Architecture Research Group). Ve svém výzkumu a výuce se zabývá ekologií v architektuře, environmentálními, energetickými a materiálovými dějinami a také humanitním pohledem na cement jako kritický stavební materiál. http://www.kimfoerster.com

    Událost proběhne prostřednictvím platformy Zoom, registrace na https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-moqD4jHte_FXiu0whl2gOs3KB2ULIO

    Kim Förster: Uncementing Modernity: From the Kiln to the Quarry (on-line)
    TUHO --- ---
    Koncentrace metanu jsou nejvyšší v dějinách. Ohrožuje to řešení klimatické krize — ČT24 — Česká televize
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #climateImpact #costAnalysis #endlessGrowth

    Reaction To The McKinsey Climate Change Report - CleanTechnica

    The cost of doing something will also be far less than doing nothing. The insurance firm Swiss Re recently estimated the damage caused by a 2.6°C rise in global temperature by 2050 — which many climate scientists believe is likely to happen — would reduce global GDP by 14%. In October, the climate economist Nicholas Stern said, “The move to net zero can be the great driver of a new form of growth — the growth story of the 21st century.”
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    hallam v read

    Radical Flank or Moderate Flank? | Roger Hallam & Rupert Read Dialogue on Movement Strategy
    PER2 --- ---
    hydrogen is great, oh actually....
    Hydrogen in the Natural Gas Network
    TADEAS --- ---
    Myles Byrne

    To all who have panned Adam McKay's #DontLookUp, i have another set of metaphors for you:

    The wreck of the Estonia in Sept. 1994:

    William Langewiesche: The Sinking of the Estonia - The Atlantic

    'Survival that night was a very tight race, & savagely simple. People who started early & moved fast had some chance of winning. People who started late or hesitated for any reason had no chance at all. Action paid. Contemplation did not. The mere act of getting dressed was enough to condemn people to death, & although many of those who escaped to the water succumbed to the cold, most of the ultimate winners endured the ordeal completely naked or in their underwear. The survivors all seem to have grasped the nature of this race, the first stage of which involved getting outside to the Deck 7 promenade without delay. There was no God to turn to for mercy. There was no government to provide order. Civilization was ancient history, Europe a faint and faraway place. Inside the ship, as the heel increased, even the most primitive social organization, the human chain, crumbled apart. Love only slowed people down. A pitiless clock was running. The ocean was completely in control. Oddly enough, the relative distance that people had to travel seems to have made little difference.'

    To all who praised #DontLookUp but called it 'the first great climate change film': Don't Look Up is great, but as many such as @neiltyson have said, it's a documentary, not a film. First Reformed, She Dies Tomorrow, and Silent Running are all great films.

    To all who have criticised Adam McKay for posting 'wrong answers' to climate change: 'Remember after watching #DontLookUp that WE HAVE THE SCIENCE TO SOLVE THE CLIMATE CRISIS. Renewables, carbon removal and capture. It just needs to be scaled up & developed. We are missing AWARENESS, WILL AND ACTION. Without those three things we are in SERIOUS trouble' .. it's hopeful that you see that the 'approved' answers are unworkable.

    But there are two further realisations i see very few of you making:

    1. Only a few researchers have consistently and rigorously pointed out that we have no workable solutions. The degrowth needed seems impossible without collapse. We'll have to sit in the fire for awhile longer and see how collapse changes the landscape before we can move en masse. The way through can only be emergent, and cannot be prestated. [More here: https://neuroplastic.github.io/climate_social_contract_2020.html ]

    2. Adam McKay et al. get something powerfully right, that most climate researchers get wrong: climate change at this scale is not a civilisation-ending event, it is a world-ending event. We do not in fact face 'climate change', but the Gaian Bottleneck: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26789354/
    On the other side of the bottleneck, the Earth fails as a life-bearing planet. Unless .. How we respond is the key, not to our own survival, but to the survival of Earth as a life-bearing planet.

    Now, if you want to argue that this is a scientifically unprovable claim, i refer you back to the metaphor of the wreck of the Estonia. My actual unprovable claim is that it was always meant to be this way: humanity was evolved to both trigger and manage the transition of the planetary biome to self-managing homeostasis.

    Like #DontLookUp, the sinking of the Estonia is a good metaphor for climate change, with this key difference: Your choices from now forward will not decide whether you survive or die, but simply whether it is possible for you *as a class* to survive.

    Here are two questions, your answers to which are closely related: Are you critical of #DontLookUp? Do 1 billion die and 7 billion survive, or do 7 billion die and 1 billion survive, as we traverse the Gaian Bottleneck?

    If the answer is 1:7, then rule of law manifests sustainable developmental justice in the form of a world court prosecuting ecocide. This gives us a chance at surviving, naked or in our underwear. If our answer is 1:7, then maybe 1 billion will make it into the 23rd century.

    If our answer is 7:1, then effectively none of us survive, and the Earth dies.

    Happy 2022!
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