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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    PER2: OK. Máš tři dospívající děti. Jedno utrácí rodinné finance za drogy. Druhé za alkohol. Třetí si pokaždé cestou ze školy koupí velmi drahou zmrzlinu, která ale stojí marginální částku oproti alkoholu a drogám. Víš že s prvním a druhým dítětem nic nesvedeš. Na druhou stranu víš, že pokud si to třetí přestane kupovat zmrzlinu, zachrání to rodinný rozpočet. Přijde Ti fér striktním zákazem šikanovat třetí dítě?
    PER2 --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: tak to asi nerozumim cesky
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    PER2: ano a o tom píšu.
    PER2 --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: to ze na ukrajine probiha valka, nijak neodstranilo oteplovani planety a problemy s tim spojene, spise naopak
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Tadeáš mě asi zase smaže, protože tady se nosí jen jedna pravda, ale když se podíváte na uhlíkové, materiální, sociální atd.atd. škody již nyní vytvořené válkou na Ukrajině, tak o čem se tu ještě chcete bavit? Putler vyhrožuje koncem světa a vy tu budete diskutovat o zvýšení hladiny světových moří o centimetry?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Dusty Hinz
    28. říjen 2021

    I think one of the fundamental questions of our time is, are we down to walk away from the comforts and ease that modern, technological, fossil fuels-based, industrial civilization provides us? Yet it is excruciatingly rare that I ever hear the question asked.

    If we are not, if we are going to ride this thing out to the scorched-earth bitter end, which is what it seems, then most other things are just bull shit posturing and fantastical techno-saviorist illusions.

    There is a zero sum game between all human activity and the rest of all nature. There is no techno-futurist utopia. Solar panels and wind turbines are not going to save us. In fact, as Jeff Gibbs says, we would do well to stop calling these forms of energy "renewable" or "sustainable", and should instead call them "technological energy".

    Not once, never have I ever heard on NPR when they are discussing climate change, a reference to the need for what I will call an ecological, bioregional embeddedness. Nothing even remotely close to this concept.

    I also think that just using the term "climate change" as a catch-all for all environmental issues is reductive and does a disservice to the multitude of crises that we face. As if, hey, let's just suck some carbon out of the atmosphere and we can go back to business as usual....this line of thinking is a fatal mistake.

    Mostly, a far-ranging, full-on assault is being waged against all of nature. So I prefer to use the term "eco-catastrophe" or "the converging eco-catastrophes".

    I don't think people really grasp the extent to which pretty much all aspects of modern life are bound up with the abundant use of fossil fuels, and thus, the monumental amount of sacrifice and hard-work it would take create an *actually* sustainable world that did not use them.

    It would take an upending. The vast majority of people would have to do something completely different on a day-to-day basis. Literally, the physical, material aspect of it all. They may not even be able to live where they currently live (cue the person that says "oh, you are talking about forced relocations"...no, what I am saying is that if something is not sustainable, then it's not sustainable, and there is no getting around that fact.)

    So, what I am saying, is that without a collective social vision, in which most of the population coalesces around a place-based, ecological, bioregional embeddedness, which would think deeply about the systems that we need and from my view would be agrarian and horticultural with a healthy dose of rewilding, and would prioritize agroforestry efforts...without this, the future seems to be one destined for a tragic, bleak, scorched-earth.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Tyre Extinguishers – deflating SUV tyres as a form of climate action | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    Acting autonomously and, usually, under the cover of darkness, the activists have used lentils to deflate tyres by placing one inside the tyre valve, holding it open and slowly bleeding air until the tyre is flat. The group calculates they’ve deflated the tyres on at least a thousand vehicles in two weeks.

    The response from the public has been much more welcoming than they expected.

    SUVs were the second largest contributor to the increase in global carbon emissions from 2010 to 2018. Each year, SUVs belch out 700 megatonnes of CO2, about the entire output of the UK and Netherlands combined.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Peter Carter

    Simultaneous heat waves affect Arctic and Antarctic. Antarctic temperature is a record, and Antarctic sea ice (summer) was a record low. More evidence to suggest that the planet has entered a climate state that humans have never experienced.

    Antarctica, Arctic undergo simultaneous freakish extreme heat

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Reforestace jako přechodné řešení

    Temporary nature-based carbon removal can lower peak warming in a well-below 2 °C scenario | Communications Earth & Environment
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    Warsaw’s population has risen 17% due to refugees from Ukraine | Notes From Poland
    TADEAS --- ---

    Ekoschémata – základní údržba TTP – požadujeme přesun opatření základní údržba TTP z navrhovaného I.pilíře zpět do II.pilíře, kde je třeba zajistit dostatek finančních prostředků k tomu, aby podpora ošetřování TTP (základní i nadstavbové managementy) byla ponechána minimálně na aktuální úrovni. Uvolněné finanční prostředky ponechané v I. pilíři je možné alokovat na zajištění ambicióznějších Ekoschémat (např. systémové podpory agrolesnických systémů, nové konturace krajiny a trvalých krajinných prvků), což ostatně požaduje i Evropská Komise a široká veřejnost, tak budou mít skutečný environmentální dopad (tj. ocenění mimoprodukčních funkcí a zlepšení kvality půdy, zádrže vody, biodiverzity a ukládání uhlíku apod..).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Letošní zima patřila mezi pět nejteplejších, zároveň byla neobyčejně větrná - Aktuálně.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Home | International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists Initiative

    @unitednations officially declared 2026 the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists!

    As the IYRP initiative, we’ll keep working hard for a worldwide understanding of the importance of rangelands and pastoralism for nature, climate, society and for our future.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Johan Rockstrom

    The German Emissions Report 2021 is out, and curves are still not bending. The only remedy is an increasing #carbonprice combined with a social compensation scheme. Full statement by my co-director #Edenhofer here:

    PIK Statement on the German Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report 2021 — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Welcome to the world of tomorrow.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Holes the size of city blocks are forming in the Arctic seafloor

    Marine scientists have discovered deep sinkholes -- one larger than a city block of six-story buildings -- and ice-filled hills that have formed "extraordinarily" rapidly on a remote part of the Arctic seafloor.

    Mapping of Canada's Beaufort Sea, using a remotely operated underwater vehicle and ship-mounted sonar, revealed the dramatic changes, which the researchers said are taking place as a result of thawing permafrost submerged underneath the seabed.

    The changes the scientists observed occurred between 2010 and 2019, during which four mapping surveys had taken place, covering an area of up to 10 square miles (26 square kilometers).


    We know that big changes are happening across the Arctic landscape, but this is the first time we've been able to deploy technology to see that changes are happening offshore too," said marine geologist Charlie Paull, a senior scientist at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and one of the lead authors of a study on the phenomenon published Monday in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PNAS.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Greening the Desert, Alejandro Carrillo_9-15-20
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