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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---
    XCHAOS: zapominas na to, ze carbon capture je pro lidstvo zasadni, jeho realizace vyjde levnejc, nez 'do jothing' scenar

    Viz ipcc

    Elon Musk, Alphabet, & Joe Biden (USA) Just A Few Investing Billions Into Carbon Removal - CleanTechnica

    The news comes after an April report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that the need for carbon removal is “unavoidable,” if the world hopes to reach global temperature targets necessary to prevent climate catastrophe. The panel hopes to see carbon removal technology use increase a thousandfold within the decade — despite the difficulty in doing so financially, politically and affordably.


    Plus mam pocit, ze si tu kazdej u carbon capture predstavi ty svycarsky vetraky, ktery musi prohnat skrz obrovsky mnozstvi vzduchu aby z nej tech 0,04% co2 zachytili. Jenze tohle je jen jedno z reseni. CCS je sirokej pojem, kterej zahrnuje obrovsky spektrum moznosti, vcetne tech organickejch, jako je napr. pestovani ras v oceanech a ukladani je na poustich, regenerativni zemedelstvi atd.

    Tady pripadne od ipcc 300+ stranek. Zkusim sepsat nejakej summary blog.

    Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: Special Report of the Intergovernmental ... - IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Working Group III. - Google Books
    DZODZO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: vyrobu syntetickych paliv by som z toho vynechal, pokial chceme to CO2 zo vzduchu skutocne odsavat a nie iba vyrovnat na 0, takze nam ostavaju napr. umele hnojiva?
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: spíš větrná ve dne, když bude současně i dostatek z FV, ne? V noci nebude FV žádná :-)

    jakmile se pohne trh s akumulací, bude podle mě výhodnější akumulovat, než plýtvat přebytkama na carbon capture. just saying...
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: Ta uz levna nebude nikdy. Levna bude jen vetrna energie v noci / narazove.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ...pokud to be nebude levná energie z uhlí nebo zemního plynu :-)
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: Rozsah je ted titerny. Stejne jako byla penetrace elektroaut v roce 2011.
    Vyplati se to ve chvily kdy bude dan za vytezene fosilni palivo. V tu chvily budou skladky komunalniho odpadu zlaty dul a spalovny komunalniho odpadu se predelaji na "syngasovny".

    Ale zpet k puvodnimu. CO2 → syngas se dela v malych (skalovatelnych a levnych) mikrovlnych reaktorech. Tzn. muze to byt cast skalovatelneho prumyslu = proces automaticky nabehne pri nadbytku leve energie.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: no ok, ale nejdřív by to muselo cenově konkurovat generickým procesům petrochemického průmyslu, že jo.. což asi nebude. jako ocenuju spojení s továrnou na odsolování mořské vody, všechno to jsou kroky správným směrem... ale ten rozsah je naprosto titěrný ve srovnání s tím, co by bylo potřeba.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: Z CO2 kyselinu chlorovodikovou urcite nedelaji. Kyselina chlorovodikova se vyrabi z chloru, ktery vznika pri vyrobe hydroxidu sodneho z NaCl jako vedlejsi produkt. Protoze surovina je levna a je ji nadbytek, kyselina chlorovodikova patri mezi nejlevnejsi materialy.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    DZODZO: Cokoliv co jde udelat ze syngasu. CO2 → syngas → material

    XCHAOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: zatím dělaj kyselinu chlorovodíkovou. té se nespotřebuje bůví kolik miliard tun...

    ok, kdyby šlo opravdu z CO2 dělat co já vím, uhlíková vlákna, tak neřeknu. ale to nikdo neumí. víceméně by si mohl z CO2 vyrábět třeba uhlí a vracet ho pod zem :-)
    DZODZO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ake su priklady tych materialov? da sa z toho spravit napr. karbonovy interier do aut? nieco aby to malo ekonomicky zmysel, inak sa do toho nikto nepohrnie
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: Me ne, pokavad se ten CO2 pouzije na vyrobu syntetickych materialu s dlouhou zivotnosti.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: tzv 'carbo cult' :D
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Lapače CO2. Havaj jako první čistí oceán a Biden dá 80 miliard do vzduchu - Seznam Zprávy
    jeho kapacita pro zachytávání oxidu uhličitého činí pouze 36 tun ročně
    Aby se lidstvo vyhnulo aspoň těm nejhorším dopadům klimatické změny, bude do roku 2050 nutné odčerpávat až 6 miliard tun CO2 ročně

    vůbec nevím, jak tohle komentovat, ale carbon capture mi přijde jako nejabsurdnější projekt v lidské historii
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: to je re:TADEAS

    the fossil fuel extraction culture, they know they have been providing the energy for this wonderful human experiment. this knowledge is the core of their identity. they are proud of themselves for it. can you blame them for your consumption of what they provided to you?
    TADEAS --- ---
    EXCLUSIVE: Qatar Minister says West reaping consequences of 'demonising' oil companies
    TADEAS --- ---

    our desire to be right, the comfort of confirmation that everything you learned can assumed to be correct and that our struggle is the only one that matters - it is getting in the way of understanding the world around us, or understanding others, all too easily.

    the cornucopians, they have no bad intentions - they just want our wonderful, magical world to continue. their gaze is focused on the beauty of human ingenuity. who could blame them? we could explore space together, in peace, till the end of times.

    the climate youth, they are not mislead or naive. they are maybe the most aware generation of our species that ever existed. they see humanities lost future in all its terrifying clearness, because they will have to live, or survive in it. who could blame them?

    the fossil fuel extraction culture, they know they have been providing the energy for this wonderful human experiment. this knowledge is the core of their identity. they are proud of themselves for it. can you blame them for your consumption of what they provided to you?

    the political class, who has to negotiate between all these groups, which is for sure no fun, they won't think anything different than that they have done their best. they see that confirmed, every time they get re-elected. so can you blame them?

    so at the end of the day, no one is to blame. every group will tell themselves that their assumptions were right and they have done their very best to resolve the situation. yet still, it persists. so what now? every group keeping on rambling in their respective incomplete ways?

    and here is my little lie, what i am telling myself to justify my insignificant existence: what if we learned listening to each other, in humility and awareness that our POV will always be incomplete, and try to understand each other instead of seeking to validate our lives?
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    Leon Simons

    CO2-eq reached a record of 508ppm 2021! The warming caused by greenhouse gases increased by about 50% since 1990.

    Total radiative forcing from well mixed greenhouse gases is estimated at 3.22 W/m².

    Aerosols are not included in this. Sulfur aerosols caused a negative forcing of about 1 W/m² by reflecting sunlight, reducing warming to date by about 0.5 °C (0.2-0.9 °C). But health and environmental regulations are reducing sulfur emissions and their cooling/dimming effect.

    There is an Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) of about 1.2 W/m², which keeps increasing.

    This all indicates that the world could experience rapid global warming if we keep increasing the greenhouse gases in the air, while reducing sulfur emissions.

    In our ongoing research we refer to this as a potential aerosol termination shock (term generally used for sudden stop of solar geoengineering).

    This scenario of rapid warming (over 0.2 °C/decade) and globally increasing rainfall can not be excluded.


    TADEAS --- ---
    When articles tell us that the last time CO2 was at today's level the earth was 3C warmer and seas were 15-25m higher, it's not designed as an IQ test. They're telling us what's going to happen.

    Dire future etched in the past: CO2 at 3-million year-old levels
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