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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    Docela peknej dokument o klimaticky krizi ze Slovenska

    Po nás potopa | dokumentárny film o zmene klímy na Slovensku
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: rozumim, ze se ptas, v cem je problem, kdyz zase odtece do prirody. predpokladam ze je to stejna trida problemu jako "francouzi odstavuji jaderky protoze je neni cim chladit" ale technicky nevim
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: to chapu, ale co se s tou teplou/horkpu deje dal?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    computing generuje horko, musis ty saly chladit, asi se to chladi vodou
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: servery pijou vodu, nebo kam se ztraci? Clanek neni moc specifickej.

    Doufam ze se na tech serverech aspon tezi bitcoin :))
    TADEAS --- ---
    žíznivý mrak

    “Roughly one-fifth of the data center servers in the U.S. source water directly from moderately to highly water-stressed watersheds…” https://t.co/8ebnlbgyAi

    West megadrought intersects with data center water use - Protocol
    TADEAS --- ---
    A powerful heatwave heads into western Europe this week, with low 40s forecast in France and close to +45 °C in Spain

    UK weather: Brutal heat dome quickly heading towards UK | Metro News
    TADEAS --- ---
    cool summer breeze

    Firefighters scramble to put out wildfires in France, Portugal and Spain amid heatwave | Euronews

    Temperatures in central Portugal were forecast to hit 44 C on Thursday. In June, 96% of the country was classified as being in either “extreme” or “severe” drought.

    In neighbouring Spain, at least 5,500 hectares have been destroyed by a fire in Las Hurdes in Extremadura, western Spain, this week.

    The blaze has forced the evacuation of about 400 residents from eight villages, the regional government said on Thursday

    Meanwhile, more than 1,000 firefighters have been battling since Tuesday to bring two wildfires under control in southwestern France near Bordeaux.

    The blazes have already burnt more than 7,000 hectares of forest and grassland and prompted the evacuation of as many as 10,000 people along the Atlantic coast.

    Fuelled by strong winds, fires have also raged along Croatia’s Adriatic Sea coast as well, with the most dramatic situation reported near the town of Sibenik, where water-dropping planes and dozens of firefighters struggled to contain the flames that briefly engulfed some cars and a church tower.

    Two firefighters were killed in Greece when their helicopter crashed in the Aegean Sea on Wednesday near the island of Samos.

    In southwestern Turkey, a blaze erupted close to the village of Mesudiye, near the Aegean Sea resort of Datca, and was moving toward homes in the area, according to the provincial governor’s office. It said at least nine water-dropping helicopters and five planes were deployed to battle the fire.

    Meanwhile, the UK's Met Office weather agency warned on Friday that record temperatures expected next week pose a risk of “serious illness or danger to life.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    As Europe bakes in heatwave, wildfires rage from Portugal to Croatia | Reuters
    TADEAS --- ---
    European Climate Camps Summer 2022 // Acampamentos Climáticos na Europa Verão 2022 - Climáximo
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: no v tomhle vedru se jim bude prchat blbě... leda po nocích...
    PER2 --- ---
    China’s most populous city, Shanghai, has issued its highest alert for extreme heat for the third time this summer as sweltering temperatures repeatedly tested records this week.

    The commercial and industrial hub of 25 million people declared a red alert on Thursday, warning of expected temperatures of at least 40C (104F) in the next 24 hours. Temperatures soared as high as 40.6 C in the afternoon but fell short of Wednesday’s 40.9 C, which matched a 2017 record.

    Extreme heat conditions have also taken hold in parts of Europe. Firefighters have been battling wildfires in Spain, Portugal, France and Croatia.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Ja myslel trosku dlouhodobejsi vyhled, uz myslim na ty klimaticke uprchliky
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: jako chceš je tam dostat příští týden? jak? teleportovat?
    JIMIQ --- ---
    XCHAOS: Sibir se primo nabizi
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: v noci se ochladí na krásných 35, co bys nechtěl...

    no teda, podle mě tohle moc přežít nejde. to by mi zajímalo, kam se ty miliony lidí schovaj...
    PER2 --- ---
    v iraku by chtel zit kazdy...

    YEETKA --- ---
    inspirativní povídání o tom jak příprava na to nejhorší může být nejen posilujícím prvkem při klima žalu

    Founder of The Creative Arts Recruitment Squad and The Post Apocalypse School of Teesside Lisa Lovebucket shows us how learning to prepare for the worst may give us the resilience we need to avoid apocalypse altogether.

    Lisa Lovebucket | Team Human
    DZODZO --- ---
    Tito sa nepriliepaju k asfaltu, ale tiez zavadzaju na ceste :)

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam