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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: good for them
    China: Heavy rains cause deadly floods in Henan province | DW Learn German
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: atm maji pulku reaktoru mimo provoz(maintenance/koroze), uz se to tu resilo a dalsi elektrarny snizuji vykon kvuli chlazeni, limity vypousteni teply vody do reky.... jak to bude v zime vi buh

    France should not have major energy problems this winter -EDF executive | Reuters
    TADEAS --- ---
    China halts cooperation with US over climate and military issues after sending missiles over Taiwan island – live | Taiwan | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    Source of River Thames dries out ‘for first time’ during drought | Rivers | The Guardian
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: Dobry video. Konecne nekdo kdo OZE mluvi alespon trochu realisticky. Nektere veci prehlizeji (synteticky methan, srovnani energeticka narocnost vodiku vs. battery

    V zasade OZE + jadro + storage/backup. Souhlasim. Elector Dad tam IMHO dal jediny spatny odhad a to je prumerna kapacita baterie elektroauta v roce 2050. Jsem ochotnej se vsadit, ze kromne nejakych auticek na rozvazeni pizzy bude vsechno normalne hodne pres 100kWh. Naopak odhad pod ktery bych se podepsal je ze elektroaut bude v roce 2050 v CR mezi 3-5M.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Česká energetika postavená výhradně na slunci a větru? | Electro Dad # 384
    TUHO --- ---
    Nekdo s prehledem, co se to deje v ty Francii? .]

    Come winter, it will get much worse. For December, baseload French power is trading above 1,000 euros, almost double German prices, while peakload power — typically in the evenings when families gather for dinner and the heating is on — is changing hands at more than 2,000 euros. In practice, that means traders expect French power demand may be so high relative to supply that so-called hourly prices will bump against the 4,000-euro limit set by the exchange many times in December. The market, aware of what’s coming, is trying to kill consumption ahead of time, in an effort to avert blackouts. It’s a costly way of attempting to force electricity-intensive companies, such as smelters, to plan to shut down in December.
    The French problem is spilling over into the rest of Europe, including the UK. EDF, long a source of national pride as well as low-cost electricity exports, is having to buy power to meet daily requirements. Earlier this month, the French grid made an emergency request to the British network for extra power — and that was in summer, when demand is low.

    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    TADEAS: prosím o zdroj, dík. asi to není někde i v češtině, co?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Grasslands store approximately one third of the global terrestrial carbon stocks and can act as an important soil carbon sink. Recent studies show that plant diversity increases soil organic carbon (SOC) storage by elevating carbon inputs to belowground biomass and promoting microbial necromass contribution to SOC storage. Climate change affects grassland SOC storage by modifying the processes of plant carbon inputs and microbial catabolism and anabolism. Improved grazing management and biodiversity restoration can provide low-cost and/or high-carbon-gain options for natural climate solutions in global grasslands. The achievable SOC sequestration potential in global grasslands is 2.3 to 7.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per year (CO2e year−1) for biodiversity restoration, 148 to 699 megatons of CO2e year−1 for improved grazing management, and 147 megatons of CO2e year−1 for sown legumes in pasturelands.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Neco pro tebe ,) Specialni cislo Science o travach.

    Science | AAAS
    PER2 --- ---
    Workers in Iraq given day off as temperatures rise above 50C

    chtel bych videt jak cesi knouraji, kdyby tu par dni bylo "jen" 40C
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: rieky nevysychaju iba v slnecnej stredomorskej italii

    V Rajeckej doline vysychá rieka Rajčanka - Správy RTVS
    TADEAS --- ---

    Netherlands declares official water shortage as extreme heat imperils Europe's crops
    PER2 --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: vis kde se v lete bere v rekach voda?
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    PER2: Takže pokud v zimě na horách prší místo sněžení, tak se ta voda někam "vypaří" namísto toho, aby na jaře stekla do údolí?
    PER2 --- ---
    The Western US is an empire built on snow. And that snow is vanishing.

    Disappearing snowpack is accelerating the historic drought across the Western US, and so far government responses haven't matched the scale of the problem

    PER2 --- ---
    THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The Dutch government declared a national water shortage Wednesday caused by the hot, dry summer that is parching much of Europe, and formed a national team to draw up measures to manage supplies, while asking the public to also chip in with savings.

    “The water shortage is already having a negative effect on shipping and agriculture in particular,” said Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Mark Harbers.

    He urged people “to think carefully about whether they should wash their car or completely fill their inflatable swimming pool. The Netherlands is a water country, but our water is precious here too.”
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