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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: pršeli migranti?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ondřej Novák: Jak může prezident Pavel spojit rozdělenou společnost? Tématem klimatické bezpečnosti | Obnovitelně
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: "Naznačují také, že pokud by bohatí lidé po celém světě, včetně některých rozvojových zemí, snížili své emise, nejchudší vrstvy populace by mohly své emise zvýšit, a dosáhnout tak kýžené prosperity."
    DZODZO --- ---
    planoval tu niekto ten novy zeland ako safe haven pred klimatickymi migrantmi?

    Auckland floods: city begins clean-up after ‘biggest climate event’ in New Zealand’s history | Auckland | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ovzduší nejvíc škodí „elity znečišťovatelů“, naznačuje studie - Seznam Zprávy
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: jak čtu PROFITABLE, tak Exxon loni prakticky ZDVOJNÁSOBIL ZISK, akcionáři si mohou naplit garáže více jeepy a tryskáči

    Energetická společnost ExxonMobil, která je největším producentem ropy ve Spojených státech, za loňský rok zvýšila očištěný čistý zisk na rekordních 59,1 miliardy USD (1,3 bilionu Kč) z 36,1 miliardy USD v předchozím roce.

    Subscribe to read | Financial Times
    TUHO --- ---

    In a hand-written letter in 2020 for a project that asked climate scientists how they felt about the future, Steffen wrote: “I’m angry because the lack of effective action on climate change, despite the wealth not only of scientific information but also of solutions to reduce emissions, has now created a climate emergency.

    “The students are right. Their future is now being threatening by the greed of the wealthy fossil fuel elite, the lies of the Murdoch press, and the weakness of our political leaders. These people have no right to destroy my daughter’s future and that of her generation.”

    Will Steffen, ‘courageous’ climate scientist, dies in Canberra aged 75 | Australia news | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    zemrel will steffen :( jeden z top soucasnych vedcu - spoluautor studii o trajektoriich zemskeho systemu v antropocenu, kvantifikace kritickych planetarnich hranic a dalsich…

    jedna z jeho prednasek z posledni doby

    Planetary Boundaries: 2022 Update with Professor Will Steffen - Greenprints Exchange Workshop Series
    TADEAS --- ---

    Future demand for electricity generation materials under different climate mitigation scenarios: Joule
    TADEAS --- ---
    A statement by Prof. Dr. Niko Paech on the Last Generation. Please spread this wide and wide!

    "Climate change is the greatest threat human civilization has ever faced." Unfortunately, we are experiencing that the German government -- notably contrary to its own declarations and corresponding resolutions -- is not fulfilling its responsibility in this regard. Even the Federal Constitutional Court recently established that. And currently, the most important environmental association, the BUND, is filing a lawsuit against the federal government because it violates current climate protection laws. Various social movements have become active to tackle the life-threatening abuse. Anyway, protest forms an integral part of the spectrum of democratic and rule of law opinion. But in this case, a moment of special proportion is added: Never has humanity been in greater danger. Based on this, the actions of the "uprising of the last generation" are quite mild, even compared to the riots of earlier demonstrations around the late 60s or within the framework of the anti-AKW movement in the 70s and 80s.

    The uprising of the last generation does not dare to impose radical or new goals to a majority of the population or the federal government, but invokes a social consensus regarding overdue climate protection measures. This will not only reveal a deficit in enforcement, but protects the rule of law. Because a rule of law, on its basis and by its rules decisions -- in this case, of vital importance! -- be caught, which subsequently have no significance because their implementation is delayed or suspended by the relevant authorities, robs them of their own legitimacy. In the long term, trust in the rule of law and parliamentary democracy will thus be destroyed. So: this is about more than climate protection, namely, it is also about the integrity of the political system. "

    Teacher Dr. Niko Paech.
    MARASAN --- ---
    TADEAS: neni to zas neco jakoze v zemi sice jsou, ale nejsme schopni je vytezit v rozumnym case?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Pro přechod na zelenou energii máme dostatek nerostných surovin, říká studie - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---

    Globálne otepľovanie sa zrýchľuje, hrozí reťazová reakcia - VEDA NA DOSAH
    KEB --- ---
    Role ropných společností v popírání změn klimatu


    Pokec s nějakým Peckou...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    UK Scientists Discover Method To Reduce Steelmaking's CO2 Emissions By 90% - Slashdot
    TUHO --- ---
    The Understatement Of Existential Climate Risk
    This latest Breakthrough report argues for an urgent risk reframing of climate research and the IPCC reports. What Lies Beneath is the inside story of how climate policy-making has become embedded in a culture of failure and scientific reticence. The report brings together the voices of some of the world’s leading scientists.

    What Lies Beneath | Breakthrough
    SLL_QUY --- ---
    Bloomberg: Zelené investice se poprvé vyrovnaly investicím do fosilních paliv - Ekolist.cz
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    call for papers - 25th International Conference on Grey Literature: "Confronting Climate Change with Trusted Grey Resources, 13.-14.11. 2023 v Amsterdamu: https://textrelease.com/gl25callforpapers.html Kdybyste někdo chtěl jet
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