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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Solar Mitigation Battleground - CounterPunch.org


    TADEAS --- ---
    A Savory

    When I read trash like this I realize just how much sloppy lazy reporters are contributing to climate change- perhaps more even than the farmers blamed. Any simpleton should realize the cattle they show are not "grazing" when in factories on bare ground! Any simpleton should realize it is the industrial factory production favored, pampered and ensured by the agricultural policies of governments that is what is giving genuine farmers, ranchers and pastoralists a bad name. Why are so few people drawing attention to the laziness and lack of professionalism or even curiosity amongst such reporters?

    Agricultural Emissions to Push World Past 1.5°C of Warming, New Study Warns - EcoWatch
    NYRLEM --- ---
    TADEAS: odpovedel jsem ti na otazku. Pokud mas problem s diskusi tak se neptej.
    DZODZO --- ---
    NYRLEM: jaderna hrozba je mensi problem ako zmena klimy, atomovych bomb by som sa na globalnej skale tolko nebal (zdroj: https://www.martinus.cz/?uItem=657123 )
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: dobre, tak jsme bohatsi o to, ze vime cemu neveris, neexistuje to, nebo malo, neni to ovlivneno clovekem, nelze to resit :) zni to povedome, co s tim...
    NYRLEM --- ---
    TADEAS: Ekologickym problemum na urovni republiky. Neverim apokalypse mimo jadernou hrozbu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: co myslis "tomu"? rozhodovani? ano, v asystemickem rozhodovani jsme dobri (jako druh), je to vyvojova faze. momentalne se testuje, v jake variante projdeme uzkym hrdlem, pro vetsinu to moc dobre nevypada, sazim na extremne systemicky uvedomele miliardare :)
    NYRLEM --- ---
    TADEAS: ty ten newspeak trenujes, vid? Uvedom si, ze cim vic jsi v tomhle smeru abstraktni, tim mic s tim jsi schopen delat, protoze lidi, kteri se tomu venuji neoplyvaji abstraktnim myslenim ..

    SEJDA: normy se za 20 let nezmenily ani o pid, vychazi z technologie, ta se taky zasadne nezmenila. Problem je, ze zhmotnene naivni predstavy lidi, kteri nechapou komplexitu problemu, mohou v pripade rezignace na reseni vest k drastickym problemum. Pokud jde o provoz soustavy, na to jsou hotove presne modely, ktere plati. Vysmivat se fyzikalnim zakonum neni prilis moudre.
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: blbe se ore, drancuje se puda a nebere se ohled na odpadove hospodarstvi (napriklad odpadove hospodarstvi s co2). to je vysledkem zamereni se na dosazeni vysledku nejakeho typu (managementem nejakeho systemu) a upozadeni sirsich systemovych vazeb. to ma neocekavane dusledky. tento proces je dusledkem asystemickeho rozhodovani (jednani) vuci sirsimu systemu vazeb
    SEJDA --- ---
    NYRLEM: a kaudemu se za 20 let zmenilo prostredi ve kterem pracuje. Energetici s tim maji problem? Pak to jsou vesti hlupaci, nez si vsichni mysleli.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    TADEAS: system je hrozne hezke slovo, ale narazi na problem, ze ho nejsi schopen presne nafitovat ve vsech skalach. Navic se tim obvykle zaklinaji lidi, co odvadi pozornost od detailu. Davam prednost smysluplnym popisum problemu. Jakoze se treba blbe ore, drancuje se puda a nebere se ohled na odpadove hospodarstvi .. btw. nic z toho nema souvislost s narustem koncentrace co2.
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: muze za to rozhodovani, ktere nebere dostatecne ohled na system v nemz operuje
    NYRLEM --- ---
    SEJDA: ani na elektrofakulte to nebyl nejoblibenejsi obor a ceps je silne rigidny statni firma, ale ona to ma tak trochu v popisu prace. Ze zakona ji nejde o nic jineho nez s minimalnimi naklady zajistit prenos v parametrech pozadovanych normou. Je tezke byt progresivni, kdyz v dlouhodobem horizontu mezni nejistoty odpovidaji rozpadu soustavy a prechodu z vykonoveho na otackove rizeni ...

    TADEAS: muze za to co2 nebo chovani ke krajine? I na jizni morave lidi zacali na polich sbirat kridove zkameneliny, protoze 2m vrstva humusu smyly deste. Na bilancovani prvniho jsou tu povolenky a nejsou videt prime dopady, druhe prakticky nikdo neresi. V tom vnimam zasadni problem, hromadu jevu si privlastnili teoretici klimaticke zmeny "resi se globalne", tj. neresi se, nejsou money.
    DZODZO --- ---
    - Halo... Turecko? Tu rok 2023, mam pre vas zlu spravu.

    Drsné záběry z tragických záplav v Turecku: Kamion za jízdy strhla voda - Novinky
    TADEAS --- ---
    Parts of China sees record-breaking temperatures | Reuters

    BEIJING, March 9 (Reuters) - Parts of northern China were hit by high temperatures on Thursday that smashed seasonal records, with the city of Shahe hitting 31.8 Celsius (89 Fahrenheit), official data showed.

    Besides Shahe, regions such as Gaoyi, Yongnian and Handan, all in Hebei province, surpassed the 30C mark earlier in the year than ever before, as well as experiencing their highest temperatures on record for the first half of March.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Krajina na obrazoch Ota Hudeca je pustá a bez vody, no aj tak sa vám bude páčiť
    TADEAS --- ---
    slovenska dust bowl

    Polícia SR


    Robert Dohál

    Last Saturday in Hohenau we experienced a rare natural phenomenon here. There comes a dust storm A strong northwest wind blew more and more waves of dust from the fields northwest of the town. Actually, until now, this would have been a non-exceptional report about a natural phenomenon of a special kind. Just need to tighten things up a bit and correct the report a bit.

    So the actual truth is this:

    The dust of the fields was soil. Its finest, most valuable particles of mostly organic origin were blown by the wind in thousands of tons from the surrounding fields. A small dust bowl, so to speak (windosion in the American Great Plains in the 1930s). But the truth still looks a little different. In fact, the cause was not the wind, but irresponsible farmers who had to "prepare the soil for sowing" a few days earlier. Bare floors with a broken soil structure are unable to withstand wind or water erosion. Of course, when "preparing the soil", the farmers did not know what was coming their way. But the truth is, they should have always had to expect this situation and maintain the land in a way that prevents such a scenario. This is called "Regenerative Farming", its base is direct sowing into unprepared soil - No till. A number of farmers here in the cadaster are doing ecological farming. This means they are getting rid of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. So the soil should be healthy. But healthy soil does not erode. So maybe we should reconsider what organic farming really is.

    Back to yesterday again though And am also a farmer I ran a company in Slovakia and that’s where I come from too. There were "dust storms" there yesterday as well. Every time something like this happens, people rant about communism, about the kolchos, about the large land areas, about the "agrarbarons" who took over and privatized the original kolchoses and are destroying the Slovak landscape. When I got in my car yesterday and drove through the Hohenau and Rabensburg areas, I found that everything is the same. The same erosion in Austria as in Slovakia. It doesn't matter at all who owns the farm and the land and how big the plots are, it only matters whether they are managed by a well educated farmer or a fool who doesn't want to educate himself and change something about his agriculture.

    And one more thing I figured out. 90% of the dust came down to the village from a huge plot that I believe is managed by Lichtenstein. So not the Liechtenstein family personally, but some administrator the family employs there. So even the top companies employ stupid and uneducated managers, who are convinced that the main criterion for their success is high returns, and who don't care if the country still produces anything in 50 years. The Principality of Liechtenstein should know something about this. And if they don't know how to do it, I'm happy to advise them.
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: ja trpim starou krivnou od CEPS, a to kdyz za 10 mld. Kc vybudovali vedeni pro odkloneni pretoku, namisto toho, aby se tech pretoku snazili vyuzit stejne jako Rakusaci. Podle mne nejenom tento duchodce ale i mnoho jinych z CEPSu trpi nejakymi stihomamy.
    Kdyz jsem chodil na elektrotechnickou prumyslovku chodilo ze 100 lidi na silnoprodoud tech 18 nejslabsich a +/- 2 takovych, ze to chteli delat z nadseni, samozrejmne pak ani jeden z tech 2 silnoprodoud nedelal.
    TUHO --- ---
    SEJDA: Jo, z dezinformaci jsem si to vytahl
    TUHO --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam