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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: "bez dostaku stabilni energie dalsi rozvoj zeme nezajisti." presne tal, s dodatkem, ze bez dostatku stabilniho klimatu a dostatevne funkcnich ekosystemu (ahoj, oceáne) ten rozvoj taky nezajisti.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    NYRLEM: vzhledem k tomu, co se v číně děje s počasím za poslední rok, jim tenhle optimismus dlouho nevydrží
    SEJDA --- ---
    NYRLEM: Historickym dluhem jsem myslel to, kdy a v jake mire, se emice CO2 produkovaly, protoze se CO2 castecne kumuluje, nebo mozna lepe receno jenom castecne odbourava. A to je arguemnt, ktery pouzivaji rozvojove ekonomiky vzdy: "vy jste si vybudovali pokrocilou ekonomiku s pouzitim fosilnich paliv, a po nas chcete, abychom se jich uplne vzdali?"
    CEZ si snizil emise tak, ze prodal uhelne eleketrarny. Udelat to musel, protoze podle pravidel o jednotnem a liberalnim trhu byl CEZ prilis velky pro cesky trh.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    SEJDA: o jakém historickém dluhu mluvíš? Já žádný dluh nemám a pokud jde o nějaký mravní postoj, máš pro něj čísla?
    Jak souvisí snížení emisí CO2 s privatizací je mi rovněž záhadou, čím jsem si ale jistý je, že nám to nenařídila EU :) už jen proto, že ČEZ dneska privátní není a spor o to se rovněž nevede. Co se nastavilo regulací byla výstavba odsíření.
    SEJDA --- ---
    NYRLEM: protoze jsme lepsi nez Cina? A taky mame vetsi historicky dluh?
    CEZ si snizi emise predevsim tim, ze elektrarny zprivatizoval, coz bylo narizene z EU.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    SEJDA: ČEZ samoyřejmě omezuje produkci CO2 už dlouhá léta - jednak výměměnou technologií za účinnější (Ledvice, Počerady, Tušimice, Prunéřov) a jednak odstavováním dožitých uhelných elelktráren. Co mi ovšem nejde do hlavy, proč se taky nezavážeme, že to budeme snižovat po roce 2030, mohli jsme mít dneska podstatně levnější elektřinu a plyn ..
    SEJDA --- ---
    NYRLEM: a? Cina taky rekla, ze od roku 2030 bude produkci CO2 omezovat. Tj. pokud potom postavi novou uhelnou elektrarnu/teplarnu/kogeneracni jednotku udela to nahradou za 2 .. a ted ukaz jak jsme v CEZku napred, alespon o 2 roky.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    New oilfield in the North Sea would blow the UK’s carbon budget | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO: a nebude to spis vsema tema pesticidama na polich a masivnim svetelnym smogem nez zmenou klimatu?
    DZODZO --- ---
    foukej foukej vetricku... https://9gag.com/gag/ajVO0z8

    zo silnych vetrov mam docela vetry, vzdy ked tu fuci jak sproste a klepe sa cela strecha tak iba cakam, kedy nam jedneho pekneho dna odleti
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: nie je to zas tak davno, este za vlahych letnych noci okolo 2010-2011 som nadaval na zaspinene sklo od hmyzu, ale v poslednych rokoch vymizol ako sibnutim carovneho prutika, ked sa nejaky rozplacne o sklo, tak ma to skor potesi ze aha hmyz este existuje!
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Losing your home is a massive thing’: how the climate crisis came to Norfolk | Coastlines | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Klimatologie na MUNI
    Česká zemědělská produkce zažila za posledních 2 000 let výrazné extrémy, které zahrnují období, pro něž neexistuje analogie ani v současnosti. To je hlavní závěr článku od Maxe Torbensona, který s týmem dalších odborníků rekonstruoval hydroklimatické podmínky vegetačního období na J ČR a SV Rakouska na základě izotopů uhlíku a kyslíku v letokruzích stromů.
    Potvrdil mj. výraznou suchou periodu v rámci středověké klimatické anomálie (920-1000) i na poč. 16. stol., jakož i vlhká období v průběhu 3., 5. a 7. stol. Dlouhodobě pak směřuje náš region k současným teplejším a sušším podmínkám.

    Central European agroclimate over the past 2,000 years
    Central Europe has experienced a sequence of unprecedented summer droughts since 2015, which had considerable effects on the functioning and productivity of natural and agricultural systems. Placing these recent extremes in a long-term context of natural climate variability is, however, constrained by the limited length of observational records. Here, we use tree-ring stable oxygen and carbon isotopes to develop annually resolved reconstructions of growing season temperature and summer moisture variability for central Europe during the past 2,000 years. Both records are independently interpolated across the southern Czech Republic and northeastern Austria to produce explicit estimates of the optimum agroclimatic zones, based on modern references of climatic forcing. Historical documentation of agricultural productivity and climate variability since 1090 CE provides strong quantitative verification of our new reconstructions. Our isotope records not only contain clear expressions of the Medieval (920-1000 CE) and Renaissance (early 16th century) droughts, but also the relative influence of temperature and moisture on hydroclimatic conditions during the first millennium (including previously reported pluvials during the early 3rd, 5th, and 7th centuries CE). We conclude, Czech agricultural production has experienced significant extremes over the past 2,000 years, which includes periods for which there are no modern analogues.

    Central European agroclimate over the past 2,000 years in: Journal of Climate - Ahead of print
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    The world’s top 1% of emitters produce over 1000 times more CO2 than the bottom 1% – Analysis - IEA
    TADEAS --- ---
    Josef Pecho

    Termohalinná pumpa vo Wedellovom mori je pre oceány veľmi dôležitá. Ak skolabuje, oceánske prúdy sa zmenia na celej planéte, a Antarktída sa začne ešte rýchlejšie roztápať. A to všetko pravdepodobne zažije ešte súčasná [moja] generácia.

    Oceánske prúdy pri Antarktíde sa prudko

    Oceánske prúdy pri Antarktíde sa prudko spomaľujú, čo bude mať katastrofálne dôsledky na klímu. V novej štúdii pred tým varujú austrálski vedci. Dôvodom sú rýchlo sa roztápajúce ľadovce.

    Abyssal ocean overturning slowdown and warming driven by Antarctic meltwater
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘You’re doing the right thing’: climate activists plan to disrupt Grand National | Grand National | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---

    Last week’s SPM report makes stronger statements than previous IPCC assessment summaries, but then again the situation is now much worse. Thousands of scientists have spent hundreds of thousands of hours developing the six full reports on which the SPM is based. Much of what was done is lost or downplayed in the SPM, though some strong messages survived, including that more than 3.3 to 3.6 billion people are living in places “highly vulnerable” to climate impacts and new extremes.

    But there is a tendency to put into future tense what should be present tense. The SPM says that warming of more than 1.5 degrees would be devastating for Earth’s people and ecosystems, but that is already the case because a number of crucial climate systems have already passed their tipping points at the current level of warming of 1.2 degrees. A search of key words relating to system tipping points and their consequences in the SPM is instructive: “feedback” appears once, “cascade” and “hothouse” not at all, “tipping” gets one mention, as does “Antarctic”.

    There is no admission that limiting warming of 1.5 degrees is not a desirable outcome and would involve, amongst many outcomes, eventual sea-level rises measured in many metres and likely in the tens of metres.

    And again, the SPM says that beyond the 1.5 degrees threshold, scientists have found that climate disasters will become so extreme that people will not be able to adapt. But that is already happening. People are already fleeing from desertification of the dry subtropics, from unprecedented drought, and from the salination of their land, today.

    In the report and the media commentary, there has been confusion about the feasibility of keeping warming below 1.5 degrees. Given the projected increases in emissions in the short term, which may not plateau till this decade’s end, and then remain high, the world is not within co-ee of keeping warming to 1.5 degrees (or even 2 degrees), and talk of 1.5 degrees is really about scenarios that involve significant overshoot and then trying to cool back to 1.5 degrees by century’s end.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Code Red: IPCC: Separating the science from the politics?

    A key feature of IPCC reports on the physical science has been to elevate climate models to the centre of the process, whilst relegating the bigger picture understandings that come from climate history (paleoclimatology) to a secondary position. Paleoclimatology teaches that in the long run each one degree of warming will raise the oceans by 10-20 metres. Models, unable to properly include cryosphere processes, suggest sea-rises to 2100 so small that the projections are not credible, a process of scientific reticence highlighted by NASA science chief James Hansen as far back as 2007.

    Current climate models are not capturing all the risks, such as the stalling of the Gulf Stream, polar ice melt and the uptick in extreme weather events. Prof. Michael Mann says that “when it comes to certain important consequences of the warming, including ice sheet collapse, sea level rise, and the rise in extreme weather events, the [IPCC] reports in my view have been overly conservative, in substantial part because of processes that are imperfectly represented in the models.”

    Another fundamental problem is the approach to risk. IPCC carbon budgets regularly include risks of failure (overshooting the target) of 33% or 50%, that is, a one-in-two or one-in-three risk of failure. Thus a 2-degree carbon budget with a 50% chance actually has a 10% risk of ending up with 4 degrees of warming, which is incompatible with the maintenance of human civilisation.

    These are risks of failure that no government or person would agree to in any other aspect of life — whether it be buildings and bridges, safety fences or car seats — where acceptable failure rates are tiny fractions of one per cent
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