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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    unrelated - hyperpredátor na lovu superprasat

    Superprasata se připravují na invazi do USA, varuje kanadský zoolog - Ekolist.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    (Bill Clinton, 42. prezident USA)

    PDF STUDIE: https://web-assets.bcg.com/2c/3b/d04d4daa410bbe6cbf872947d2d0/ceska-cesta-k-uhlikove-neutralite.pdf

    Česko bude muset do transformace na bezuhlíkovou ekonomiku do roku 2050 investovat 3,2 bilionu korun, uvádí studie poradenské firmy Boston Consulting Group a Aspen Institute. S investicemi je podle nich potřeba začít hned a musí se zaměřit na podporu technologií, které lze vyvážet do zahraničí. Jedině tak si ČR v konkurenci evropských států udrží silnou pozici, uvedli autoři studie.

    Dosažení uhlíkové neutrality do roku 2050, ke kterému se zavázaly členské státy EU, povede podle studie v Evropě k výraznému přerozdělení bohatství.
    "ČR má šanci stát v tomto procesu na straně vítězů a být v řadě odvětví evropským technologickým lídrem, ať už jde o výrobu modulárních jaderných reaktorů nebo výrobu zeleného vodíku," uvedl řídící partner Boston Consulting Group Tomáš Wiedermann.

    "Pokud firmy nyní nezačnou výrazně investovat do změny svých výrobních technologií, za několik let ztratí svoji konkurenceschopnost. Ať už z toho důvodu, že budou muset platit vysoké částky za emisní povolenky, nebo proto, že například čeští subdodavatelé vypadnou z dodavatelských řetězců nadnárodních firem," upozornil Wiedermann. Bez dobře cílených investic může být podle něj ohrožena až desetina českého HDP.

    Česká cesta k uhlíkové neutralitě
    Další rána pro státní kasu. Povinný přechod na uhlíkovou neutralitu má stát biliony - Aktuálně.cz

    TUHO --- ---

    1/3 Návrh #lexOZEII ještě studujeme, ale na první pohled se zdá, že byrokratickou zátěží komunitní energetiku v Česku značně zkomplikuje. @JozefSikela nechal za zavřenými dveřmi připravit potenciálně nefunkční, složitý návrh. Ten je navíc úplně jiný, než projednaly resorty.

    2/3 O to je ale důležitější, že bude zákon konečně projednán na vládě a v #PSP, kde je šance předložit pozměňovací návrhy, které podpoří funkční komunitní energetiku. Pozitivní na návrhu je, že neobsahuje avizované územní omezení na 1 ORP.

    3/3 Bez zásadních oprav by to však bylo málo platné. Více budeme komentovat zítra ráno.

    TUHO --- ---
    Currently, most durable carbon removals, like direct air capture, are sold out or very nearly so.¹ Many durable carbon credits on the market today are pre-selling future vintages that will not be delivered for several years.² This means that although the carbon removed will be stored for 1,000+ years, it won’t actually be removed from the atmosphere until a future date. Less-durable carbon removal, like soil carbon and forestry, is available now, and in greater quantities. But, as it stands, on their own, neither option satisfies the net-zero requirements that so many purchasers would like to qualify for.

    The more durable carbon removals lack immediacy and could only be used to qualify for emissions that happen after the carbon is actually removed, while the less-durable options don’t store carbon dioxide long enough to compensate for fossil fuel emissions, which linger in the atmosphere for hundreds of thousands of years.³ To solve this issue Nori is proposing a ‘blended tonne’ that brings together the strengths of both —immediacy and durability — to offer a net-zero solution. By combining immediately available soil carbon credits with future available durable carbon removals, Nori is creating a product that sequesters carbon today while meeting the permanency requirements of net-zero standards.

    By pairing each highly durable carbon removal asset with a less durable one that is immediately available and has an overlapping timeline, purchasers may credibly claim to be taking net-zero-qualifying climate action now while they fund and await the delivery of their high-durability carbon removal.⁴

    The Carbon Removal Blended Tonne Whitepaper
    TADEAS --- ---
    UK or not UK?


    Lords voted 154-68 to let Tory govt change the Public Order Act through the back door, Unprecedented.

    Our freedoms to protest gone; police have carte blanche, no accountability.

    Just Stop Oil

    You probably have no idea, because the media didn't cover it, but last night we lost our final defence against new, fascist, anti-protest laws.

    Tens of thousands of people
    petitioned Labour to vote to block laws in the House of Lords that had already voted down — but that the government snuck back in.

    Instead of acting as an effective opposition, Labour abstained.

    Those laws now make protest illegal if police deem it causes anything other than "minor inconvenience".

    A crowd outside the gates of a fracking site. A picket line. A demonstration outside the parish council. Any protest march.

    These will all now be illegal, should police decide they are more than minorly inconvenient.

    Ask yourself, what protest has ever fitted neatly into a working day? This government, with Labours help, has banned all protests aside from the ones they can ignore. Because that's what they intend to do: ignore the people.

    A country without the right to protest is sliding from democracy to dictatorship.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: každý ledovec k moři dopluje, některý dříve a některý ještě dříve

    PER2 --- ---
    trosku offtopic, ale tohle je bozi
    do budoucich polopousti super :)
    Land was barren. He dug 10-acre underground village & orchard
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Už i u Antarktidy mizí led. Vědci se bojí, že „bod zlomu“ je tady - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Mladí jdou často jen po velkých věcech, říká organizátor Klimatických dní – Nadace Partnerství

    Rozhovor s Jakubem Nekvasilem, studentem, který motivuje vrstevníky přemýšlet o klimatu
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: pro Indii, jako i vsechny ostatni, je to trest za nezavislost ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    EU’s biodiversity law under threat from centre-right MEPs | Biodiversity | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Efforts to assess risks to the financial system associated with climate change are growing. These commonly combine the use of integrated assessment models to obtain possible changes in global mean temperature (GMT) and then use coupled climate models to map those changes onto finer spatial scales to estimate changes in other variables. Other methods use data mined from 'ensembles of opportunity' such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Several challenges with current approaches have been identified. Here, we focus on demonstrating the issues inherent in applying global 'top-down' climate scenarios to explore financial risks at geographical scales of relevance to financial institutions (e.g. city-scale). We use data mined from the CMIP to determine the degree to which estimates of GMT can be used to estimate changes in the annual extremes of temperature and rainfall, two compound events (heatwaves and drought, and extreme rain and strong winds), and whether the emission scenario provides insights into the change in the 20, 50 and 100 year return values for temperature and rainfall. We show that GMT provides little insight on how acute risks likely material to the financial sector ('material extremes') will change at a city-scale. We conclude that 'top-down' approaches are likely to be flawed when applied at a granular scale, and that there are risks in employing the approaches used by, for example, the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System. Most fundamental, uncertainty associated with projections of future climate extremes must be propagated through to estimating risk. We strongly encourage a review of existing top-down approaches before they develop into de facto standards and note that existing approaches that use a 'bottom-up' strategy (e.g. catastrophe modelling and storylines) are more likely to enable a robust assessment of material risk.

    Acute climate risks in the financial system: examining the utility of climate model projections - IOPscience
    TADEAS --- ---
    Česká příroda zchudla nejvíc z širého okolí, říká index. Vědec vysvětlil proč
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: a co ta india, to je spatna karma za tazbu uhlia? :)

    ‘It was a set-up, we were fooled’: the coal mine that ate an Indian village | Coal | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: v podstě je zajímavé, jak se špatná karma Perského zálivu za těžbu ropy drží v Perském zálivu...
    TADEAS --- ---
    M England

    Out today in @nature our new paper showing how meltwater increases around Antarctica are set to dramatically slowdown the Antarctic overturning circulation, with a potential collapse this century. A🧵on how this work came about and what we found.

    Abyssal ocean overturning slowdown and warming driven by Antarctic meltwater | Nature
    TADEAS --- ---

    O novém dotačním titulu Agrolesnictví v Událostech na ČT24
    TADEAS --- ---
    As the ice melts, a perilous Russian threat is emerging in the Arctic | Barry Gardiner | The Guardian

    The eight Arctic states – Canada, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the US and Russia – have long collaborated on scientific research through the Arctic Council, a non-military body. Until now. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Arctic Council meetings ceased. So did cooperation with Russia. This has hampered progress on climate and environmental research and turbocharged the militarisation of the Arctic.

    The success of the Arctic Council depended on its geopolitical balance. It is not a security alliance and has always tried to remain independent from politics. Five of the eight countries were part of Nato; the other three were not. That has now changed. Finland joined Nato in April. Sweden is in the process of joining. Soon, Nato will literally be surrounding Russia in the Arctic.

    To understand why this matters, we must first understand the climate emergency taking place in the region. Summer sea ice has declined by 30% in the past 30 years; 90% of old ice, which is classified as five years old or more, has gone. That ice used to act as the great heat shield for the planet, reflecting back the sun’s rays. But the loss of ice is producing a vicious spiral of heating. The Arctic is now warming three times faster than the global average. This process is called Arctic amplification. It means that scientists now project an Arctic free from summer ice by 2040–45.

    As the ice cover is lost, a trans-polar route is opening to connect east Asia to Europe and the eastern coast of North America. And the ice barrier that once protected Russia’s northern shore will be exposed as never before. Russia represents 53% of the Arctic coastline and the need to protect its northern border as the ice barrier melts is a key national security concern.

    Vladimir Putin already had ambitious plans for the northern sea route, seeking to more than double the cargo traffic. But over the past six years, Russia has also built 475 military sites along its northern border. The port of Severomorsk, on the Kola peninsula, is the base of the country’s northern fleet. In recent years, the Russians have reactivated 50 Soviet outposts in the Arctic and equipped its northern fleet with nuclear and conventional missiles.

    The challenge of all this has not been purely logistical. As the permafrost thaws, the structural base for roads, buildings and other key infrastructure has collapsed. Russia is trying to deploy huge amounts of infrastructure and military capacity to build structures on land that is disintegrating, across roads that are disappearing


    On a recent visit to the Ny-Ålesund international research station on Svalbard, it was depressing to hear that scientific cooperation with Russia on climate matters has effectively ceased. The Arctic is an environment where cooperation is essential. Arctic science must be done over the long term, and the relationships and trust built up between partners offer predictability and greater stability. In a region that is becoming over-securitised, every opportunity to minimise accidental misunderstandings and avoid a military response should be seized.

    A militarised Arctic would undermine scientific cooperation and pose an existential threat. Somehow, we need a diplomatic effort to separate the politics of war from the imperatives of climate research.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fyzika oblakov a zrážok | Meteorológia fyzikálne pokusy | Jaroslava Slavková
    TADEAS --- ---
    The global economic costs of climate change inaction - Oxford Economics

    Our new damage function redefines the BHM damage function in terms of warming (that is, the change in global average temperature relative to pre-warming levels). Through this warming definition, it considers temperature anomalies from historical norms, which we show to be more economically consequential than average temperature levels. Our new damage function also accounts for volatility and extremes of the temperature distribution. The resulting estimates show that as the global warming goes beyond its current 1.1°C, productivity growth falls faster worldwide than previously estimated.

    Under this new specification, we find that 2.2°C of warming by 2050 has the potential to reduce global GDP levels by up to 20%. Warming of up to 5°C by 2100 would lead to economic annihilation, consistent with scientific research on mass extinction thresholds.

    It is also important to note that this estimation suggests that cooler countries, in contrast to BHM (Chart 1), no longer benefit from modest warming. Instead, all countries see significant losses in productivity growth from additional warming (Chart 2).
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