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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: tak ciste ve smyslu ze je to podvod elity a tedy ze ten jev ma jen tu subjektivni, socialni povahu.

    paradox je, ze on to tak nejak podvod nebo neuprimnost te elity opravdu je, ve smyslu ze bylo vedome jednano v neprospech velkeho mnozstvi lidi i nelidi, akorat opravdu ne timto zpusobem :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYRLEM: a jaka je nase agency vuci mrakum? jakoze muzeme si nastavovat miru zastineni? samozrejme by to bylo fajn, jenze my kontrolujeme zatim jen nektere sklenikove plyny do nejake miry, tj. mame tam velkou miru agency (v jejich produkci) - potencialne to muzeme zastavovat a regulovat, mraky ne. ten navrh vyrabet mraky z morske vody nad poly, aby to zastavilo tani, tu je, ale nejspis je momentalne organizacne nerealizovatelny, takze kontrolu nad mraky nemame.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    SEJDA: "Dr. Clauser has developed a climate model that adds a new significant dominant process to existing models. The process involves the visible light reflected by cumulus clouds that cover, on average, half of the Earth. Existing models greatly underestimate this cloud feedback, which provides a very powerful, dominant thermostatic control of the Earth’s temperature.

    As viewed in visible light from space by the Sun, bright white clouds variably cover from one-third to two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. These clouds, in turn, reflect about 90% of the sunlight incident on them back out into space. Sunlight that reaches the Earth’s surface in the cloudless area, two-thirds of which is covered by oceans, is absorbed and evaporates seawater, in turn, producing cumulus clouds. It produces clouds at an increasingly abundant rate when the cloud-cover fraction is too small and the temperature is too high and vice versa when the fraction is too large. The resulting cloud-cover-fraction’s feedback-controlled variability then provides a very powerful input-power thermostat that stabilizes the Earth-surface’s heat input and its temperature. Changes in the radiative heat transfer rate (known as radiative forcing) associated with changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide is nearly two orders of magnitude smaller than the effective stabilization of the input-power provided by the cloud-based thermostat. The role of carbon dioxide may thus be considered negligible by comparison. It should be noted that reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and National Academy of Sciences repeatedly concede that the effects of clouds do indeed represent the greatest uncertainty in their climate predictions. But these organizations have made little progress in dealing with these deficiencies."
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: jakoze super bohaci kupuji super pocitace na kterych klimatologove nechavaji pocitat sve modely? :)
    anebo ze jim proste prihodi $ 500, aby tam CO2 "osolil"? :) Vlastne by to byla sranda, kdyby se ukazalo, ze super bohaci chodli po Vostoku/Gronsku/Antarktide a ukazovali "tu udelej vrt" a tu "udelej vrt".
    Ja jsem si to procetl, a nevidel jsem tam zadny argument, zadnou analogii, zpochybneni techniky, nic. Jenom odmitani. A tedy osoceni "nadhodnocovani efektu CO2".

    Mozna tim ale myslel spise nase subjektivni vnimani, mozna je to jenom zle prelozeno, ja to zle chapu nebo se mu to domotalo nez to vyslovil.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: v zasade bych tomu rad veril, je to docela prijemny nahled na vec ,)
    SEJDA --- ---
    NYRLEM: to patri do desinformaci .. tato laboratorni krysa asi v zivote zadny ledovec nevidela.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    Nositel Nobelovy ceny: „Příběh o klimatické krizi je podvod globální elity“ - Echo24.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: rekordy už jen pokud svou významností rekordně překonávají průměrný rekord ,)
    PER2 --- ---
    dalsi den, nove rekordy :p

    The temperature in China hit 52.2°C (126 °F) Sunday 16th July 2023
    That beats the old record by an almost inconceivable 1.7°C
    TUHO --- ---
    From carbon pricing to green industrial policy, economic ideas have shaped climate policy. Drawing on a new dataset of policy reports, we show how economic ideas influenced climate policy advice by major international organizations, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank, from 1990 to 2017. In the 1990s, the neoclassical notion of weak complementarity between environmental protection and growth dominated debates on sustainable development. In the mid-2000s, economic thought on the environment diversified, as the idea of strong complementarity between environmental protection and growth emerged in the green growth discourse. Adaptations of Schumpeterian and Keynesian economics identified investment in energy innovation and infrastructure as drivers of growth. We thus identify a major transformation from a neoclassical paradigm to a diversified policy discourse, suggesting that climate policy has entered a postparadigmatic period. The diversification of ideas broadened policy advice from market-based policy to green industrial policy, including deployment subsidies and regulation.

    The evolution of ideas in global climate policy | Nature Climate Change
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: turizmus v udoli smrti, aby si zazil vrazedne horko, tak to je skoro az na darwina
    TADEAS --- ---
    Historic Heat - Passing the Threshold
    TADEAS --- ---
    Emerging Tipping Points in Antarctica
    TADEAS --- ---
    Italy's 'Cerberus' heat wave named after monster guarding gates of hell | DW News

    tour of doom.:))

    Tourists flock to Death Valley to feel hottest heat ever recorded | DW News
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    insane flooding rain to Greenland - rapids in an atmospheric river
    TUHO --- ---
    Najväčší projekt využitia geotermálnej energie v strednej Európe bude v Košiciach | Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR
    TADEAS --- ---
    Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble | US news | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    J Pecho

    Prebiehajúca zmena klímy sa neprejavuje len nárastom globálnej teploty vzduchu, ale aj početnejšími, intenzívnejšími a dlhšími vlnami horúčav. Neobvykle intenzívne vlny horúčav, ktoré prešli v minulých rokoch naprieč Európou, výrazne prekreslili mapu rekordov. Prispelo k tomu aj extrémne leto 2021 v Stredomorí. Tú z leta 2021 vyhodnotili experti v mnohých ohľadoch ako porovnateľnú s rekordnými udalosťami z rokov 2003 a 2010, ktoré boli donedávna považované za extrémne vzácne. Podľa ďalších štúdií by sa podobne výrazné horúčavy opakovali bez vplyvu zmeny klímy v priemere raz za desiatky až stovky rokov.

    Mapa rekordných vĺn horúčav vyzerá úplne inak ako pred 20 rokmi - VEDA NA DOSAH
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