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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: ono je imho jedno, jestli je nekdo vzyvac neceho nebo ne, v ty systemicky rovine je spousta veci rozjetejch, nevyhnutelnejch. to ze resime nejaky socialni problemy, ze mame nejakej zivotni pocit, oteviraj nebo zaviraj se nam v nasich biografiich nejaky moznosti, to jede na podkladu desitek a stovek let nejakejch civilizacnich dynamik. to ze regionalne pujdeme dolu, ze to obnasi nejaky zmeny v zivotnich perspektivach, problematiku prechodu k dobrovolnymu nebo nedobrovolnymu nerustu (coz systemove je irelevantni), to je proste tak. jsou v tom ruzny miry volnosti a to dava prostor pro management te situace, je to otazka jak moc schody kolapsu (valky, pandemie, prirodni katastrofy a nemoznost se s nima nasledje dobre vyporadat), vs jak moc nejaka elegantnejsi varianta tehoz ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: Kdybych chtel bejt vtipnej, tak reknu, ze mene neceho znamena klidne vice matematika vubec nepopira, dokonce se to uci na zakladni skole a rika se tomu neprima umera .))
    Ale vtipnej nechci bejt, tak jenom vyjadrim podezreni, ze vzhledem k mimobeznosti kritky si ten clanek necet.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: ano, na papire vypada komunismus take dobre. Skoda jen, ze matematika veli, ze mene neceho proste znamena mene. Pak tu mame mezistatni konkurenci, zadne globalni dodrzovani stejnych politik nikdy nenastane. A pak, lze prohlasit, ze aktualne socialni a ekologicke vydaje nemame? Pri degrowth jich nebude vic.

    Jedine, na cem muzes ziskat je efektivita utilizace/ucelu penez. To lze ale pri jakekoliv politice, neni to vysadou nejakych degrowth utopii.
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: skandovani degrowth mas tu

    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: tak nejak si to predstavuju

    Jen doufam ze vsichni ti vzyvaci degrowth nezacnou misto utahovani svych opasku, po kterym prahli, do roka skandovat, ze za babise, SPD a komunismu bychom se meli lip
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: jak predpovedela systemicka kabala ,)

    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: tak tuhle cast nijak nerozporuju ,) jenom ta druha vypadala, jakoze mluvi ontech letadlech, zatimco mluvila o tom, ze je nutny zvysovat dane bohatym ,)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    RELEASED: Global Climate Report for August 2023. Learn more about significant global weather and climate events and how they compare to the historical record:

    Assessing the Global Climate in August 2023 | News | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO: Carlson neni vubec dulezity. To co Bregman rikal ovsem obsahuje jednu velmi dulezitou vec, kterou zkousis zakecat tim, ze slo o dane:

    “I mean 1,500 private jets have flown in here to hear Sir David Attenborough speak about how we’re wrecking the planet," he said.

    Dokud se tohle nevyresi, cely klimaalarmismus bude pro bezne lidi vypadat jako pimprlata pro nejvetsi bohace.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tak hura na evropskej degrowth. Kdyz nad tim premyslim, mohl by to byt jeden z klimatickych tipping pointu. Cim hur nam bude, tim vice levnych reseni (bez prirazky za sustainability) bude lidstvo uplatnovat. Oreze 'zbytne' sluzby (napr. socialni prispevky), bude se vic zadluzovat, nebude strategicky investovat (napr. na klimatickou adaptaci, nasledky katastrof), zvysi se nezamestnanost, roztoci se degrowth spirala, v duchu Velke deprese

    Nižší prosperita i výkonnost evropských ekonomik. Spotřeba plynu se propadá - iDNES.cz

    Je to velmi slabá poptávka, která negativně dopadá na prosperitu evropských průmyslových firem i výkonnost některých ekonomik. Podle odborníků ze společnosti S&P Global Commodity Insights bude letošní poptávka po plynu v evropském průmyslu až o 20 procent nižší než v roce 2021.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2023 Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries

    This planetary boundaries framework update finds that six of the nine boundaries are transgressed, suggesting that Earth is now well outside of the safe operating space for humanity. Ocean acidification is close to being breached, while aerosol loading regionally exceeds the boundary. Stratospheric ozone levels have slightly recovered. The transgression level has increased for all boundaries earlier identified as overstepped. As primary production drives Earth system biosphere functions, human appropriation of net primary production is proposed as a control variable for functional biosphere integrity. This boundary is also transgressed. Earth system modeling of different levels of the transgression of the climate and land system change boundaries illustrates that these anthropogenic impacts on Earth system must be considered in a systemic context.
    TUHO --- ---
    degrowth meets modern minetary theory

    Degrowth lacks a theory of how the state can finance ambitious social-ecological policies and public provisioning systems while maintaining macroeconomic stability during a reduction of economic activity. Addressing this question, we present a synthesis of degrowth scholarship and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) rooted in their shared understanding of money as a public good and their common opposition to artificial scarcity. We present two arguments. First, we draw on MMT to argue that states with sufficient monetary sovereignty face no obstacle to funding the policies necessary for a just and sustainable degrowth transition. Increased public spending neither requires nor implies GDP growth. Second, we draw on degrowth research to bring MMT in line with ecological reality. MMT posits that fiscal spending is limited only by inflation, and thus the productive capacity of the economy. We argue that efforts to deal with this constraint must also pay attention to social and ecological limits. Based on this synthesis we propose a set of monetary and fiscal policies suitable for a stable degrowth transition, including a stronger regulation of private finance, tax reforms, price controls, public provisioning systems and an emancipatory job guarantee. This approach can support broad democratic mobilization for a degrowth transition.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: s tím docela souvisí tohle - beru zpět, že carbon capture nedává smysl, pokud se carbon capture nedělá u komínů uhelných elektráren, ale u výdechů z kancelářských budov, tak docela smysl dává:
    Engineers Want to Make Methanol by Pulling Carbon Right Out of the Air - Universe Today
    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: popisek trosku vytrzenej z kontextu. mluvil o tom, ze je treba danit bohaty - a ze na konferenci nikdo nemluvi o daneni bohatych (na konferenci hasicu, kde nikdo nemluvi o vode). jinak je to ot, ale kdyz sk to nacal, pozval si ho i tucker carlson (ale intervire neslo podle jeho pllanu, tak ho neodvysilal, nastesti si to bregman nahraval)

    TUHO --- ---
    klimatickou agendu ma po timmermansovi prejmout typek, ktery pracoval tumtudummm… pro Shell! fuck me

    In order to protect the integrity of the European Unions' climate action, we urge you to ensure that the EU Commissioner nominee Wopke Hoekstra is not given the climate portfolio as planned.

    As a former Shell employee with a history of support for policies and initiatives that are in conflict with climate solutions, this would be a dangerous appointment. We are asking for a climate champion leading the EU's green transition and not someone who is friendly with the fossil fuel industry. And that we address the corporate capture of EU politics with a conflict of interest framework.

    Take action for a real EU climate leader
    NJAL --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    “This is crazy,” you must be saying, “why don’t you measure the aerosol climate forcing, instead of this round-about inference via detailed effect on EEI and absorbed solar energy?” Good question. The short answer is that we (the first author and others) tried, but, in career-long failure could not persuade NASA to fly a small satellite with the two instruments (a high precision polarimeter and an infrared spectrometer) needed to monitor the aerosol and cloud microphysics that define the aerosol climate forcing.[14] The short explanation is that NASA preferred large, slow, multi-billion dollar missions as needed to support the budgets of the large NASA Centers. Throw in a climate-denier NASA Administrator, who, in angry response to our persistence, struck out the first line of the NASA Mission Statement “To Understand and Protect the Home Planet.”[15]
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global Warming is Accelerating. Why? Will We Fly Blind?

    Abstract. Global temperature in the current El Nino exceeds temperature in the prior (2015-16) El Nino by more than the expected warming (0.14°C in 8 years) for the global warming rate since 1970 (0.18°C/decade). Proximate cause of accelerated warming is an increase of Earth’s Energy Imbalance (EEI), but what caused that? Indirect evidence points to a decline in the cooling effect of human-made aerosols. Failure to measure aerosol climate forcing is partly compensated by precise monitoring of EEI details. However, there are no adequate plans to continue even this vital EEI monitoring – which will become even more important as humanity realizes its predicament and the fact that we must cool the planet to avoid disastrous consequences and restore a bright future for young people – let alone plans for adequate aerosol monitoring.
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