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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    What is Mistra Geopolitics?
    Mistra Geopolitics is a research programme that examines the dynamics of geopolitics, human security and environmental change. The results will be of special relevance for Sweden, Swedish actors and policymakers on the European level.

    Read Mistra Geopolitics annual report 2022

    Mistra Geopolitics | What is Mistra Geopolitics programme?
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle je prej dobry, ale necetl jsem jeste. Mozna by zajimalo Ymladris

    Stojíme na počátku jedné z nejhlubších a nejrychlejších transformací společnosti v lidských dějinách. Tato kniha přináší nová fakta a fascinující příběhy změn z celého světa a shrnuje potřebné kroky k zastavení klimatické krize. Popsaná řešení nejsou žádným zeleným šílenstvím ani cestou úspor a odříkání. Je to naše největší příležitost, jak vytvořit čistší, zdravější a spravedlivější budoucnost. Okno této příležitosti se ale rychle zavírá, tak ji neprováhejme!

    Klima je příležitost: Opravdová řešení pro naši budoucnost na Zemi | Databáze knih
    DZODZO --- ---
    to bude beh na Dlouhou trat
    TUHO --- ---
    Trosku prumyslovy propagandy. Aneb mozna by nekdo Dlouhymu mohl rict o existenci globalniho oteplovani, ocividne se k nemu ta informace jeste nedostala...

    Green Deal bude pro Česko běh údolím smrti. Máme na tom svůj podíl, říká Dlouhý - Aktuálně.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    What the hell happened to Green politics? With Yanis Varoufakis, Julijana Zita and more (Diem25)
    TUHO --- ---
    ‘Off-the-charts records’: has humanity finally broken the climate? | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---

    Our Fragile Moment | MICHAEL E. MANN
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘We’re not doomed yet’: climate scientist Michael Mann on our last chance to save human civilisation | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    So it’s a question of how bad we’re willing to let it get,” he says. “1.5C is already really bad but 3C is potentially civilisation-ending bad.”

    Widespread heatwaves, wildfires and floods clearly linked to global heating have given urgency to the call for action, Mann says: “But urgency without agency just leads us towards despair and defeatism. That’s what the polluters would like, to take all those climate activists and move them from the frontlines to the sidelines.”

    Ending the climate emergency is possible, Mann says: “We know that the obstacles to keeping warming below catastrophic levels are not yet physical and they’re not technological – they’re political. But there’s some pretty big political obstacles right now.”

    “Here at Penn State, there’s so much anxiety, fear and despair, and grief even,” he says. “Some of it comes from the mistaken notion that it’s physically too late and I want to dispel that notion. But part of it comes from an understandable cynicism about our politics, and that’s a much bigger challenge.”


    The UN’s major climate summit, Cop28, begins at the end of November and is being hosted by the United Arab Emirates, which Mann calls “very disturbing”. The UAE has the third biggest net zero-busting plans for oil and gas expansion in the world and the president of Cop28 is also the CEO of Adnoc, the UAE’s state oil company

    “It just feels wrong to allow them to adopt the imprimatur of global climate action by hosting Cop28,” Mann says. “It is legitimising behaviour on their part and on the part of other petro states that is fundamentally at odds with the task we have ahead. I find it very disturbing.”

    Mann has been a top target of climate deniers since the publication of the hockey stick chart. He is scathing about Elon Musk’s running of the social media platform X, formerly called Twitter.

    “Musk used to be held out as an environmental hero, because of his role with Tesla,” Mann says. “But increasingly, he’s shown his true colours, his political allegiance to Trump and fascism.”

    “Twitter was a global public square, a forum for communicating about the climate crisis,” he says. “What Musk has done is turn it into a toxic forum for the promotion of climate denialism and everything that’s bad in the world. It’s stunning.” Mann noted that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, one of the “worst petro state actors”, played a $1.9bn role in Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

    Mann also pointed out that Prince Alwaleed was a key backer of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire until 2017. “Rupert Murdoch has weaponised his global media network for the promotion of climate denialism and to attack renewable energy, which plays to his ideology and to the interests of some of the powerful petro-states, specifically Saudi Arabia.”
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: to vypada velky podle reakci
    TADEAS --- ---
    Autumn heat continues in Europe after record-breaking September | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Europe takes climate fight global as carbon border tax goes live – POLITICO
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Evoluce je neuveritelna. Na druhou stranu, z pohledu evolucniho biologa takovej objev uz ani nemuze bejt prekvapenim :)

    A Revelation About Trees Is Messing With Climate Calculations | WIRED

    In a paper published this month in Science Advances, Dada’s team establishes a new heavy hitter in cloud creation: a kind of chemical released by trees. Trees emit natural volatiles like isoprene and monoterpenes, which can spark cloud-forming chemical reactions. Dada’s new work focuses on an overlooked class of less abundant volatiles called sesquiterpenes, which smell woody, earthy, citrusy, or spicy, depending on the molecule and type of plant or microbe that emits them.

    The team shows that sesquiterpenes are more effective than expected for seeding clouds. A mere 1-to-50 ratio of sesquiterpene to other volatiles doubled cloud formation.
    This research could help refine estimates of what the atmosphere was like before industrialization. Maybe we’ve been undercounting the world’s aerosol population by overlooking a large portion of those that come from trees. If so, climate models will need retooling.
    Lab tools have only recently become sensitive enough to understand which ones contribute the most.
    But scientists have trouble simulating just how many aerosols should be accounted for in models. “It’s been a long-standing problem,” Fan says. “A lot of climate models overestimate anthropogenic aerosol forcing.” Perhaps that is because they are underestimating the prevalence of natural aerosols—from microbes, plants, and trees—before the industrial revolution. “Maybe what we're using as our reference point may actually not be as low-aerosol as we thought,” agrees Zuidema.
    For example, heat stress, extreme weather, and droughts cause plants to release more biogenic volatiles—which seed more clouds. Deforestation and heat stress are pushing treelines to migrate to higher altitudes and latitudes. That affects where clouds form.

    “It’s a feedback loop,” Dada says. “The climate is affecting the cloud formation, and the clouds are affecting the climate.”
    TUHO --- ---
    Over the last decade, the world warmed by 0.25 °C, in-line with the roughly linear trend since the 1970s. Here we present updated analyses showing that this seemingly small shift has led to the emergence of heat extremes that would be virtually impossible without anthropogenic global warming. Also, record rainfall extremes have continued to increase worldwide and, on average, 1 in 4 rainfall records in the last decade can be attributed to climate change. Tropical regions, comprised of vulnerable countries that typically contributed least to anthropogenic climate change, continue to see the strongest increase in extremes.

    Increasing heat and rainfall extremes now far outside the historical climate | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
    TUHO --- ---
    Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    SHEFIK --- ---

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Už prý známe špouštěč velké klimatické změny před 8000 lety

    Mělo by to podle nich být náhlé mocné tání ledovců východní Kanady a severovýchodu USA.

    V závěru studie vědci uvádí, že jejich poznatek by měl přinést větší jasno do prognóz klimatu. Škoda, že nejsou konkrétnější a nechávají průchod naší fantazii. Pokud totiž tvrdí, že oním holocénním nedávným spouštěčem změny klimatu bylo tání kanadských ledovců a následkem čehož se nám tady v Evropě na dlouhou dobu zimou klepaly brady, nemohlo by tedy nynější překotné tání Grónského ledovce, který je od těch holocenních co by kamenem dohodil, mít efekt podobný?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    True zero carbon cement. Drzet palce

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Převratný cement se vyrábí elektrolýzou za pokojové teploty

    Pokud jde o finanční náklady, odborníci odhadují, že by se elektrolyzovaný cement měl prodávat za cenu asi o 15-158 procent vyšší než cena standardního cementu. Sublime Systems původně začínali s výrobou gramových množství. Teď mají k dispozici výrobní zařízení, které produkuje 100 tun cementu ročně. V roce 2026 plánují spustit pilotní továrnu s kapacitou asi 25 tisíc tun ročně. Pokud uspějí, měla by se v letech 2027-28 rozjet plnohodnotná továrna, co ročně vyrobí asi 1 milion tun elektrolyzovaného cementu. Sublime Systems věří, že se z toho stane revoluce ve výrobě betonu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘The earth is sick’: Storm Daniel has passed, but Greeks fear its deathly legacy | Greece | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: dementi
    TADEAS --- ---
    počasí, bylo je a bude

    Evropa pod pokličkou. Blíží se další vlna veder - Novinky
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