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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    Bohatá technická tradice, šikovní inženýři, ale také ještě stále docela levná pracovní síla. Právě z těchto důvodů patří Česko k velmocem ve výrobě tepelných čerpadel. Do jejich produkce se tu pustily domácí firmy i zahraniční koncerny. „První tepelná čerpadla se v tuzemsku vyráběla již od doby socialismu, zpočátku zejména pro průmyslové využití,“ řekl HN Petr Horký, ředitel Asociace pro využití tepelných čerpadel.

    Česko jako velmoc tepelných čerpadel. Podívejte se, kde se tato velmi žádaná a drahá zařízení vyrábí | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)
    TUHO --- ---
    Martin Abel
    Policy Consultant at Ministry of the Environment - I'm beating a path for smart siting of renewable energy sourcesPolicy Consultant at Ministry of the Environment - I'm beating a path for smart siting of renewable energy sources
    👉 Pokud pustíme potravinářská biopaliva, přijdeme jen o 0,8 % energie, zato se nám uvolní obrovské množství půdy pro jiné účely (včetně její regenerace).
    💡 To bylo hlavní sdělení textu, který jsme s Climate Team (AMO.cz) publikovali loni v létě, jakmile vyšla data o sklizni za rok 2021. A bylo to loni, kdy stát zrušil povinné přimíchávání biosložky do pohonných hmot. Co se změnilo?
    Lautr nic. ČEPRO biosložku vesele přimíchává dál, produkce MEŘO je meziročně prakticky stejná (https://lnkd.in/eRGTrJWX) a Ethanol Energy, velký český dodavatel bioetanolu, hlásí ve výroční zprávě zvýšený odbyt (https://lnkd.in/ebz2Akr8) a navyšuje výrobu (https://lnkd.in/eHeg4i_E).
    🔔 Nic naplat, my prostě potřebujeme mezinárodní řešení a odvážnou regulaci hospodaření na zemědělské půdě, odtrženou od agrární lobby, zato provázanou s obnovou přírody a moderní energetikou.

    Původní research paper ke stažení:
    Výroba biopaliv a její dopady na českou krajinu - Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
    TUHO --- ---
    In our new study, published in Nature Climate Change, we use ice-core records from across Antarctica to produce a reconstruction of temperature changes going back more than a millennium.

    Our findings suggest that Antarctica is warming twice as fast as the global average, with around 20-50% more warming than estimates from the latest climate models.

    Polar amplification
    There are various reasons why the Earth’s poles are expected to warm faster than the global average, a phenomenon known as polar amplification.

    A key factor is the presence of so much snow and ice. These are extremely bright and so reflect a large proportion of the incoming radiation from the sun – far more than, say, the ocean or bare land. This property of reflectivity is known as “albedo”.

    Guest post: Ice cores reveal Antarctica is warming twice as fast as global average - Carbon Brief
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Kees van der Leun: "The extent of the drought in Amazonas. The top ph…" - mastodon.energy
    sucho v Amazonii
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Waldo Jaquith: "Cargo ships are finding that using sails allows t…" - Mastodon
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    Roger Hallam talks with Nick Robinson | BBC Radio 4 | October 2023
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    Big Oil Using Fortnite And TikTok To Get Kids Into Fossil Fuel
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    ach jo...
    Germany Will Keep Keep Its Coal Power Plants on Standby For Another Winter - Slashdot
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    The Earth4All model of human wellbeing on a finite planet towards 2100
    JINDRICH --- ---
    TADEAS: tímhle tempem tak bude klidně už na jaře...
    TADEAS --- ---
    příštím létem vás budou provázet příjemné teploty mezi 40 a 50.stupni celsia. příjemný pobyt na pláži zajišťuje frontex, váš partner pro bezpečnou evropu.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Příjemné počasí se v neděli pokazí, příští týden však slibuje až 25 stupňů - iDNES.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    What the Latest Health Check Tells Us About the State of Our Planet | TIME

    We are so close to failing on avoiding climate disaster that we do not only need speed and scale. We also need concerted efforts on all fronts. It is a major mistake in the current climate action debates, when big actors with interests in the oil, gas, and coal industry, use investments in nature based solutions or technologies for carbon dioxide removal (CDR), as “offsets” for the inability to phase out fossil-fuels. This will not work. Science is clear on this point – we need to phase out fossil-fuels AND restore nature to secure carbon sinks in soils and forests, AND to invest in CDR technologies. Additionality is the word of the day, not substitution.


    We are losing Earth resilience. Terrestrial ecosystems on land are increasingly shifting from sink to source, due to water scarcity, deforestation, disease, land degradation and fires. The Ocean continues to absorb 90 % of heat and 25 % of CO2 from human emissions, but there are increasingly signs of massive stress on marine systems. When we need a strong planet more than ever – to buffer the stress caused by fossil-fuel burning and land use change, we are in an all-time-low in terms of Earth’s capacity to buffer our climate debt.


    The first global stocktake has now been delivered for climate, but must be carried out for all Planetary Boundaries. We have budgets for safe levels of freshwater, natural land, biosphere integrity, pollutants. They are finite and equally important for the outcome of human development. In short, the world needs to measure and manage the entire planet, a true “planetary stewardship” to have a chance of positive human development, anywhere in the world.

    3. A global reform in governance is required, where all nations develop and adopt principles of how to collectively manage all the global commons that regulate the stability of the climate system and the Earth system as a whole. Today only four global commons are considered in the legal or institutional framing, namely, the high-seas, Antarctica, outer Space and to some extent the atmosphere. These are considered global commons, primarily because they are located outside of national jurisdiction, i.e., they are owned by nobody, and thereby by everybody. This premise, based on how to deal with collective use of common pool resources, must now be widened, to include the biophysical systems that we all depend on for the stability of the planet. My suggestion is to start with the climate tipping elements, e.g., the heat circulation in the ocean, the large rainforest systems, and the Greenland ice sheet.


    In the midst of all the Earth risks, and the need to comply with science aligned targets, we have ample and rising evidence that sustainability is the only window still open, to achieve prosperity and equity for all now and in the future. In many economic sectors, sustainable innovations and solutions provide more competitive and cost-efficient offers to people. We are at the beginning of the end of the fossil-fuel driven global economy. In fact, our challenge is not whether we will be phasing out fossil-fuels, it is whether we are going to be too late. Sustainability is no longer an environmental issue only. And it is certainly not about sacrifice and trade-offs. It is the path towards a modernity2.0. Time to put in a high-gear and start delivering.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

    Despite three decades of political efforts and a wealth of research on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990. Exploring this rise through nine thematic lenses—covering issues of climate governance, the fossil fuel industry, geopolitics, economics, mitigation modeling, energy systems, inequity, lifestyles, and social imaginaries—draws out multifaceted reasons for our collective failure to bend the global emissions curve. However, a common thread that emerges across the reviewed literature is the central role of power, manifest in many forms, from a dogmatic political-economic hegemony and influential vested interests to narrow techno-economic mindsets and ideologies of control. Synthesizing the various impediments to mitigation reveals how delivering on the commitments enshrined in the Paris Agreement now requires an urgent and unprecedented transformation away from today's carbon- and energy-intensive development paradigm
    XCHAOS --- ---
    September Broke the Global Heat Record by a 'Gobsmackingly Bananas' Margin - Slashdot
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    „Neskutečné.“ Teplotní rekord letošního září zaráží vědce - Seznam Zprávy
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    🏆 Přepisujeme tabulky... 🍁📅 Letošní září v Praze-Klementinu bylo vůbec nejteplejší od roku 1775 - tedy od počátku klementinských měření.
    🌡 S průměrnou měsíční teplotou 19,6 °C se umístilo na 1. místě z 249 dosavadních září.

    🥈🥉 O pouhé dvě desetiny stupně předstihlo září 1798 a o půl stupně září 1947. O necelý stupeň bylo překonáno i poměrně nedávné, velmi teplé září 2016.

    🔎 Odchylka od normálu 1991–2020 byla +3,6 °C. S touto odchylkou bylo září teplotně mimořádně nadnormální.
    ℹ️ (Odchylka od starého normálu 1961–1990 i od dlouhodobého průměru 1775–2014 by byla +4,4 °C.)

    ☀️ Nejvyšší průměrnou denní teplotu v září 2023 naměřili meteorologové 12. 9. - a to 23,9 °C. ❄️Naopak nejnižší 24. 9. - a to 14,2 °C.

    👉👨‍🔬 Další zajímavosti má pro vás meteorolog Pavel Jůza z ČHMÚ zde:

    JIMIQ --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam