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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    hitting the fan...

    Robust acceleration of Earth system heating observed over the past six decades

    Global heating of the Earth system is unequivocal. However, detecting an acceleration of Earth heating has remained elusive to date, despite suggestive evidence of a potential increase in heating rates. In this study, we demonstrate that since 1960, the warming of the world ocean has accelerated at a relatively consistent pace of 0.15 ± 0.05 (W/m2)/decade, while the land, cryosphere, and atmosphere have exhibited an accelerated pace of 0.013 ± 0.003 (W/m2)/decade. This has led to a substantial increase in ocean warming, with a magnitude of 0.91 ± 0.80 W/m2 between the decades 1960–1970 and 2010–2020, which overlies substantial decadal-scale variability in ocean warming of up to 0.6 W/m2. Our findings withstand a wide range of sensitivity analyses and are consistent across different observation-based datasets. The long-term acceleration of Earth warming aligns qualitatively with the rise in CO2 concentrations and the decline in aerosol concentration during the same period, but further investigations are necessary to properly attribute these changes.

    Robust acceleration of Earth system heating observed over the past six decades | Scientific Reports
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: make the y axis great again! it will be jůůůdž!

    The United States just experienced by far its warmest December ever recorded.

    2023 was provisionally the second warmest year on record for the UK, with Wales and Northern Ireland having their respective warmest years in a series from 1884.

    TADEAS --- ---
    JINDRICH: off the charts :D
    JINDRICH --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Lidstvo si fakt zavira vsechny vratka...

    Ugandě došly kobylky. Vítaný zdroj bílkovin zmizel kvůli kácení lesů - iDNES.cz

    Profesionální lovci kobylek v africké Ugandě mají stále větší potíže naplnit svými úlovky pytle určené pro trh. Protože v zemi ubývá lesů, pastvin a bažin, kde se hmyz rozmnožuje, nemají už co prodávat.
    Letošní rok byl ale jiný. V centrální Ugandě, která je jejich hlavním hnízdištěm, se hmyz objevil jen na pouhých sedm dní. To vyvolalo znepokojení i na nejvyšších místech v zemi. „Kde jsou,“ ptal se dokonce ugandský prezident Yoweri Museveni. Mohou za to snad klimatické změny? ptal se.
    Pokaždé, když vykácíme lesy, změní se počasí. Vítr kobylky prostě odfoukne daleko odsud,“ dodává.
    PER2 --- ---
    kdyz se vam nechce cekat na rust hladiny oceanu

    Study: From NYC to DC and beyond, cities on the East Coast are sinking
    Study: From NYC to DC and beyond, cities on the East Coast are sinking

    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Green Investments Begin To Pay Off For Big Banks - CleanTechnica

    For the second year in a row, global banks made more money from green investments like underwriting bonds and providing loans for green projects than they earned from financing oil, gas and coal activities. The world’s biggest lenders generated a total of about $3 billion in fees last year from lining up debt for deals marketed as environmentally friendly, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. By comparison, the fossil fuel sector brought in less than $2.7 billion in aggregate earnings from fossil fuel transactions. That’s not a huge disparity, but it an indicator that green investments are beginning to find favor with large banks, which is important because one of the barriers to investments in clean energy is a lack of access to capital.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: jinak teda oprava, vcera jsem cetl oficialni duvod proc GM upousti od Ev/Boltu. Chce od 2025 spustit novou bateriovou Ultima platformu pro Bolt 2.0, jez se ma financne vyrovnat spalovakum. Do te doby rozhodnuti nevyrabet osobni EV.

    Nevim do jaky miry je to vymluva managementu, nebo racionalni kalkul. Spis bych vsazel na to prvni, pac se 2025 urcite nestihne a prijdou mezitim jak o zkusenosti, tak cast trhu, navuc zaviraj funkcni tovarnu na soucasnej bolt, kterej vubec nemel spatny prodeje a mel velmi dobry reference...

    Clanek uz se mi nedari dohledat, ale pripadne keyword 'gm ultima'
    DZODZO --- ---
    JIMIQ: obracanie o 180 stupnov patri k nemeckej firemnej kulture, netyka sa to iba elektromobilov

    SHEFIK: tam asi dost pomohli tie "dotace pro chude"
    MARSHUS --- ---

    This is fine (stav ledu na velkých jezerech severní ameriky).
    KEB --- ---
    SHEFIK: a nečeká trh na dobudování infrastruktury? Protože mít na sídlišti bev je velmi komická představa
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: je fakt, ze ty dotacni salta s hejbou s poptavkou nejvic, ale spis si myslim, ze ty rozhodnuti automobilek jako gm zamerit se opet na spalovaky nejsou kvuli spatne navrzenejm elektromobilum. Imho si chtej spis urvat ze soucasnyho trhu maximum, no future pristup. Board slizne odmeny a automobilka se v letosni dekade odporouci.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: je to trochu ve stylu “udelali jsme spatny/drahy elektromobil a lidi ho nekupuji, tak to musi znamenat ze lidi nechtej elektromobily” :)

    A taky nemecka vlada ktera je schopna se dvacet let drzet odstupu od jadra ale podporu elektromobilu obracej o 180 stupnu kazdej druhej rok
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: imho aktualne uz zpomaluje, ale trend je nezvratnej :)

    Moc nerozumim tem kratkozrakejm obratum automobilek, ale kdo chce kam...
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: mam trochu strach jestli se to letos nespomali :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: nesmysl

    Fotky: Evropu sužuje velká voda, záplavy postihly Británii, Francouze i Němce - Seznam Zprávy
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Třetina světa v posledních dekádách citelně vysychá, zjistili vědci z CzechGlobe - Akademie věd České republiky
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Related, podobny, nebo i lepsi cisla po zapadni evrope

    The révolution is on: France has record year in EV sales | Electrek

    It was a very good year in France for electric cars, for all kinds of reasons – among them, new cheaper cars entering the market supported by generous government subsidies. In 2023, 26% of new cars sold in France were battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, a huge 47% jump from 2022.


    Odhad globalne 18% za 2023

    Electric vehicles - IEA
    TADEAS --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam