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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    stop civilization

    Skupina, která se říká Vulkangruppe, se v dopise přihlásila k „útoku na elektrickou síť“ poblíž továrny Tesly. „Dnes jsme sabotovali Teslu,“ stojí v jejich psaní. Firmu obviňují z extrémního vykořisťování a požadují „úplné zničení továrny gigafactory“. „Tesla spotřebovává zemi, zdroje, lidi, pracovníky, a na oplátku každý týden vyplivne 6000 SUV, zabijáckých aut a monster trucků,“ napsali.

    Továrna Tesly přerušila výrobu kvůli požáru. K němu se přihlásili extremisté - iDNES.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    The public debate on climate policies and decarbonisation measures is undergoing significant changes in the European Union. Public opinion in Member States across the EU is influenced by a number of interrelated challenges - be it rising energy prices, the need to ensure energy security, or the demand for rapid implementation of measures under the European Green Deal. The clash between economic interests and environmental objectives has become a central issue across the EU and represents a major challenge to public acceptance of the forthcoming economic transformation.

    Clash of Perspectives: Analyzing the Climate Debates in CEE+ Region before the 2024 Election - Association for International Affairs
    TADEAS --- ---
    threatened assets with a view ,)

    On the brink: California’s luxe clifftop mansions in peril after record rain | California | The Guardian

    The torrents of water coming from the sky are having ripple effects on the cliffs that hold up some of California’s most expensive real estate

    Money to protect properties in California from the onslaught of the climate crisis – stronger storms, higher seas, and landslides – will eventually come from the state. The cost of publicly funded disaster relief programs and state-subsidized insurance payouts will be assumed by everyone, including those who have no part in luxury homes with a view
    MATT --- ---
    KOCOURR: Aha, tak tam moc nevim, ale neco by se dalo asi vykoukat z dat CHMU.

    TADEAS: ja predevcirem koukal na tohle, docela zajimavy
    Arctic Sinkholes I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS
    TADEAS --- ---

    PER2 --- ---
    lets go

    TADEAS --- ---
    Antarctica Is Undergoing a “Regime Shift” – New Research Uncovers Fundamental Changes in Polar Climates

    "2023’s record-high North Atlantic SST and record-low Antarctic sea ice cover extremes were similar to what we might expect to see in a world that had reached the 3°C threshold of global warming."
    TADEAS --- ---
    L Simons

    New preprint confirms that global warming is accelerating.

    The rate of increase of Ocean Heat Content increased with 0.36 W/m² per decade from 2005 to 2023.


    ESSDD - IAPv4 ocean temperature and ocean heat content gridded dataset
    PER2 --- ---
    kulturni okenko, tohle mi neironicky prijde super, s tou muzikou to ma vahu (:
    Ve Varšavě se ekoaktivisté pokusili narušit koncert Národní filharmonie.
    Dvě dívky vylezly během koncertu na pódium a začaly vykřikovat výzvy k boji proti změně klimatu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Fastest Warming on Earth

    In the High Arctic, scientists discovered million-year-old methane (CH4) trapped under some of the world’s mightiest glaciers detected via unprecedented groundwater springs. Analyses of 123 springs found CH4 in all but one. As the massive glaciers recede, space opens at the edge of permafrost, releasing ancient methane. This is one more totally unexpected global warming headache.

    Methane detected in the High Arctic puts a big hole in the Global Methane Pledge of more than 100 countries that agreed to cut emissions by 30% by 2030. It’s an add-on that nobody knows how to deal with.

    The High Arctic location is Svalbard, Norway (pop. 2,642) which is the fastest warming region of the planet only 700 miles from the North Pole. Ironically, the fastest warming is the farthest northern human outpost, deep into the Arctic North.

    “On the Dot with David Schechter,” CBS News released a 45-minute film on December 4th, 2023, documenting the warmest place on Earth: Ancient Methane Escaping from Melting Glaciers Could Potentially Warm the Planet Even More.

    Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more - CBS News

    Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more
    JINDRICH --- ---
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Není to pravda (ale mohla by být.. ;)

    Testovani hranic AI: Nevěřte tomu, co vidíte
    KOCOURR --- ---
    MATT: Žďárské vrchy, matně si vzpomínám, že to bylo někdy v období konec léta/začátek podzimu.
    MATT --- ---
    TUHO: docela bych tomu veril, zvlast kdyz z ropy proste zijou a s ovlivnovanim politik maj velke zkusenosti.. zrovna premejslim, jak moc to mel klaus z vlastni hlavy a kolik ho nekde postrcili... dukazy se budou hledat blbe, fungujou jak mafie, spoustu toho mohli delat "uzitecni idioti" s cilem se zalibit, ani nemuseli mit "prikaz".
    MATT --- ---
    KOCOURR: kde to mas? za me byl 2011-2014 vrchol hladin, pak uz to slo dolu. predtim 1980-83
    MATT --- ---
    Surprising methane discovery in Yukon glaciers: 'Much more widespread than we thought'
    MATT --- ---
    Antarctica Is Undergoing a “Regime Shift” – New Research Uncovers Fundamental Changes in Polar Climates
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘If the sea rises we’ll have to leave’: plans to restart gas drilling threaten Italy’s sinking delta | Gas | The Guardian

    Sixty years after fatal floods and subsidence halted gas extraction in the Po delta region, politicians are once again eyeing methane reserves. But at what cost to one of the Mediterranean’s largest wetlands and the people who live there?
    DZODZO --- ---
    mate iba vymyte mozky, marek vasut o tom nieco vie, on totizto hral v mission impossible

    (Ne)oprávněný strach o planetu - Novinky
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