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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Emise oxidu uhličitého ve Velké Británii vloni poklesly na nejnižší úroveň od roku 1879

    Analysis: UK emissions in 2023 fell to lowest level since 1879 - Carbon Brief

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no ideální příležitost pro nějakýho mengeleho ze švýcarska, aby si zkusil svoje nápady. ovšem výsledky jsou:

    This article was updated on February 29 to clarify the United States’ position on key issues at the UNEA talks on solar radiation management and on March 1 to make clear there is a de facto global moratorium in place on geoengineering.

    Nations fail to agree on solar geoengineering regulations
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: podle toho kdy a kam to nastřílejí se změní monzuny a obecně srážky na různých místech na zemi. to budou konflikty mezinárodní
    TUHO --- ---

    „EU UNLIKELY TO RESCUE DYING SOLAR INDUSTRY: European solar producers are hurtling toward extinction after the European Union hinted Tuesday that it wouldn’t bail out ailing manufacturers, POLITICO’s Victor Jack reports. That’s putting thousands of jobs at risk and deals a blow to Europe’s clean-tech ambitions. 
    In a private meeting between the solar industry and the European Commission, the bloc’s competition officials said they wouldn’t change subsidy rules to support the industry without a strong push from the EU governments, a person familiar with the talks told Victor. The person was granted anonymity to speak freely about confidential talks.
    EU solar manufacturers have warned for months that they face an existential crisis with respect to China’s near-total dominance over global supply lines, which has caused a supply glut of dirt-cheap solar panels inside the bloc and left them unable to compete. In the coming week, companies are set to begin laying off the roughly 4,000 skilled workers in the sector.„

    EU snubs dying solar manufacturers as China poised to swallow market – POLITICO
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Jsem zvědavej, kolik neočekávaných problémů se pak objeví. Já se asi nejvíce teď obávám toho, že to bude argument pro další pálení fosilních paliv. Bude to vycházet nejlevněji - alespoň dokud se neprojeví ty neočekávané následky. Pak přibude kromě fosilní lobby i lobby stříkačů sajrajtu to atmosféry. Nedivil bych se, kdyby to byl nakonec stejný kapitál ...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    dvě studie

    1. že když se aerosol engineering začne až při vysoké globální teplotě, už to nepomůže na ten AMOC problém a celkově oceány, protože vodě trvá dlouho než se přizpůsobí změnám v teplotě vzduchu. Jako že "start soon".

    2. dehydratace atmosféry, seeding clouds / změny ve vodní páře vyšly v nové studii jako že by měly jen malý efekt (je to druhá metoda o které se uvažuje)

    takže "je to špatný nápad (aerosols injection), ale udělá se to, protože je to nejlevnější. Odclonit antropo přírustek teploty by stálo 30 miliard dolarů ročně, tj částku kterou američani vydávají na žrádlo pro domácí mazlíčky."

    We Need to Start Climate Engineering Soon, New Study Says

    PETER_PAN: UN mělo teď setkání v Nairobi na téma climate engineering without reaching any conclusions (research, ban or just do it?).
    Jak jsi psal že není pravděpodobné, že by se to povolilo.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: jde o geologicky pocitani casu, prlto jsem citoval tu myslenku o eventu. epocha je mnohem vetsi celek.. priklad epochy je treba svrchni jura (malm; cca 18mio let) a to my z dnesniho pohledu nemuzem vedet, jak to bude probihat. zatim jsme v geologickym case takovy uprdnuti ve vetru. celej holocen zatim pripomina spis anomalii v ramci pleistocenu.. bavime se o uplne jinejch radech
    TUHO --- ---
    Emisní normy Euro vládnou silnicím od roku 1992. Ve srovnání s Amerikou a Čínou jsou měkčí — ČT24 — Česká televize
    SEJDA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: ja jenom rikam, pockejme si jeste 20 let a podom se museze 50 let hadat, jestli Antropocen zacal s objevem parniho stroje anebo az kdyz rupl prah XYZ.
    Podle mne, klimaticky v antropocenu jsme. Gologicky potrebujeme jeste masivnejsi efekt.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: One emerging argument is that the Anthropocene should be defined as an event in geological history — similar to the rise of atmospheric oxygen just over two billion years ago, known as the Great Oxidation Event — but not as a formal epoch. This would make more sense because geological events unfold as transformations over time, such as humans industrializing and polluting the planet, rather than as an abrupt shift from one state to another, says Erle Ellis, an ecologist at the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Baltimore.
    TADEAS --- ---
    WCD - European summer weather linked to North Atlantic freshwater anomalies in preceding years

    Melt rate of Greenland ice sheet can predict summer weather in Europe, scientist says | Environment | The Guardian
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: koraly jeste nevymrely a sedimentace asi probiha stale stejnym tempem
    TADEAS --- ---
    helping hand

    Von der Leyen heads to Greenland as EU seeks materials for green transition | Greenland | The Guardian

    She said the minerals agreement is about “benefits on both sides”. Greenland needs bilateral cooperation to develop its mineral sector, she said, which requires significant capital and long-term investment.

    “Development of mines, exports of minerals is of course an important issue for the diversification of the Greenlandic economy,” she said. While fishing, the current top source of income, is not expected to be overtaken for many years, the tourism and minerals sectors are important focuses for growth.

    “If the western world wants sustainable diversified secure value chains, some of these minerals will need to come from countries that are smaller, like Greenland. We don’t have the economic muscles to invest ourselves in the mineral sector,” she said.

    In order to enable the green transition, a “helping hand” from larger economies would be needed, she added.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Geologists reject the Anthropocene as Earth’s new epoch — after 15 years of debate
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: 24:00
    the question is what brings us back [ from over 1.5C warming ] and the only chance of coming back is the biosphere
    TADEAS --- ---

    DAAD Climate Lecture Series with Johan Rockström – “A safe and just future for humanity on earth”
    TADEAS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: live&learn
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    pobavilo z vlákna

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: jj, 2.3 W/m² of additionally absorbed sunlight
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