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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: ze strany tv nova je to obesivni, zminovat to stale dokola. kdyz je rec o kvalite zpravodajstvi v cr. ale je mozny, ze za 20 let to budou mit mladi v hlavach, jako ja mam okluzni frontu ze spcialistickyho zpravodajsrvi
    PER2: no probehlo to pred par lety i ceskym rozhlasem, novinka to fakt neni a delat z toho nadpis clanku stale dokila je bizardni
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: tohle mi prijde zajimavy

    Through three provocations, we ‘stratify’ the concept of sovereignty: in the ‘royal metals’ of early modern states; in the rise of neoliberalism as a re-privatisation of mineral-energy infrastructures against the claims of social democracy; and in anticipatory extensions of mineral sovereignty to outer space. Mineral sovereignty discloses methodological problems for energy and climate policy. Pre-analytical distinctions between public law and the private power of fossil capital imply a hierarchy and separation that cannot be presumed, but must be achieved. We must ‘leave it in the ground’: this requires the re-assertion of democratic control over the mineral estate.
    TUHO --- ---
    On mineral sovereignty: Towards a political theory of geological power
    Jeremy Walker a, Matthew Johnson

    The Anthropocene thesis invokes the ‘enormous geological power’ of industrialism: driven by hydrocarbon combustion, manifest in planetary heating. Yet political theory has proceeded as if the organisation of geological power were incidental to history. Geological agency, we submit, is precisely what mining industries are organised to achieve, materially and politically. We propose mineral sovereignty as a term of method to analyse geological power in its legible, institutional and intentional forms. We deploy it to excavate an entwined genealogy of state and corporation: one evident in the constitutional (or extra-parliamentary) technologies of sovereignty and property that order the appropriation and distribution of mineral wealth. Through three provocations, we ‘stratify’ the concept of sovereignty: in the ‘royal metals’ of early modern states; in the rise of neoliberalism as a re-privatisation of mineral-energy infrastructures against the claims of social democracy; and in anticipatory extensions of mineral sovereignty to outer space. Mineral sovereignty discloses methodological problems for energy and climate policy. Pre-analytical distinctions between public law and the private power of fossil capital imply a hierarchy and separation that cannot be presumed, but must be achieved. We must ‘leave it in the ground’: this requires the re-assertion of democratic control over the mineral estate.
    TUHO --- ---
    Russia in the Arctic—A Critical Examination
    Summary: Russia has big Arctic plans, but how they will be realized is uncertain. For the United States this will likely mean the return to a Cold War–like environment rather than a new chapter in great-power competition in the Arctic.

    Russia in the Arctic—A Critical Examination - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    TUHO --- ---
    How Russia is leveraging its Arctic region for global influence

    For the past decade, while the rest of us weren’t looking, Russia has invested seriously in its Arctic region. Now, some 20% of the country’s GDP and 30% of its exports come from these chilly lands. Climate change has softened the landscape where critical oil and gas reserves were stuck underground, while melting ice caps have allowed tanker ships to transport that fuel across Eurasia.

    It’s a fascinating trend that’s set to get more critical in the coming decades. To learn more, we spoke with Malte Humpert, senior fellow and founder of the Arctic Institute. Our interview transcript was lightly condensed and edited for clarity.

    FREIGHTWAVES: Just to get started, who or what entities or companies or countries are currently shipping through the Arctic Ocean?

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Ghosh included Cop27, which begins on 6 November in Egypt, in this damning assessment. “Cop27 will be just another talking shop. Greta Thunberg got it right when she called it ‘blah blah blah’. For those of us who have been watching negotiations for years, that has always been clear – but it came as a shock to her. One hope is that young people create a cultural change, and quickly.”
    TUHO --- ---
    “The whole climate discourse is elite. It comes out of universities and from scientists, and is centred on the West. What about fishermen in India? They understand climate change. Many of us trust scientists but, as we saw in the pandemic, there is also scepticism about who these people are, telling us how to live our lives. The voices of fishermen carry credibility too.”

    Ghosh cited Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement, and George W Bush’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, as examples of Western nationalism hindering climate action. But he also pointed to the way poorer nations use nationalism as an argument against decarbonisation: why should they curb growth when the West has profited at their expense? For these nations climate action “is not about the future, but about the past”, he said.

    “When you come from a poor country such as India, you learn not to listen to what politicians say, but to look at what they do. Politicians around the world talk a good game, but they are basically preparing for war. Climate change is essentially becoming an all-out war and this is just the beginning.

    Amitav Ghosh: “Climate change is becoming an all-out war” - New Statesman
    TUHO --- ---
    Zajimavej report na geopoliticky implikace tajici Arktidy...

    Climate change is already affecting geopolitics, and countries are adapting their geopolitical strategies to take account of anticipated future climate change. Russia is leading in this regard, explicitly integrating climate change forecasts into its economic and national security strategies. Vladimir Putin has signaled that he sees the Arctic as an essential resource base and military stronghold for Russia in the decades ahead. Putin also seems to believe that unexploited hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic will be crucial for Russia’s economic future post-Ukraine. Scientists and industry participants are skeptical that this plan will succeed, but the exit of Western firms has removed pressure on Russian policymakers and firms to guard against Arctic environmental risks. Russian activity is increasing the probability of Arctic environmental disasters in the years ahead, including oil spills and radiological leakage.

    The United States and its Arctic allies and partners cannot ignore Russia’s actions. As the war in Ukraine still rages, a future military confrontation between Russia and NATO in the Arctic cannot be ruled out. NATO faces the challenge of how to strengthen its defense structures and increase the frequency and scope of Arctic exercises without risking misperceptions and accidents that lead to conflict with Russia. Moscow’s diplomatic isolation and economic weakness may also force it to grant China a greater role in the development of the Northern Sea Route.

    The Geopolitics of Climate Change: Scenarios and Pathways for Arctic 2050 | Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: ja myslim ze to odstartovali nekde tady (mann, rahmstorf)

    Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Planetary Wave Resonance and Extreme Weather Events | Scientific Reports

    tak se zacal resit tenhle klimatickej fenomen ve vztahu ke klima zmene a to pak preslo do nejaky zlidovely verze
    TUHO --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: Zkusim dohledat, ale cetl jsem kdysi rozhovor s Hansem J. Schellnhuberem tusim a ten rikal, ze vliv klimaticky zmeny na rozpadani polarniho viru vlivem oteplovani (ktery je spojeny s polarni amplifikaci, ergo snizovanim teplotniho gradientu mezi poly a tropy) je pomerne novej poznatek... Takze se z toho asi stava sveho druhu hype, kteryho se nejakym zpusobem chytaj media...
    TUHO --- ---
    Steve Keen zitra talk pro Scientist Rebellion:

    What Economists Don't Know about Climate Science Can Kill Us

    I'm speaking on my report for Carbon Tracker tomorrow (March 25th) at 3pm London time. The link is above and also here:
    Meeting Registration - Zoom
    PER2 --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: nejsem odbornik, ale neni to kvuli tomu, ze se meni jeho stabilita? = vetsi a castejsi vykyvy pocasi
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    TADEAS: přijde mi zajímavý jak najednou lidi fascinuje polární vír.

    Já se o meteorologii a výpočtové modely vždycky zajímal, o existenci a chování víru jsem četl už někdy jako teenager.
    Poslední dva roky ale vstoupil z nějakého důvodu který nechápu do obecného povědomí.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: proc je zajimavy podle tebe sem sypat horu odkazu na to co tv nova pise za spekulace o pocasi
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    TADEAS: teď vlastně vůbec nechápu otázku
    TADEAS --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: a jak bys to ve vztahu ke klimaticky zmene zaradil? je to takovy levny zpusob jak se jakoby venovat klimatu, ale vlastne spis globalnimu pocasi, a ani u toho nic nerict.
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: wau, v rusku bude za polarnim kruhem i -40°C to je naprosto sokujici a zdrcujici zprava pro cely svet :D
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: a dneska tomu dali korunu

    Definitivní úder polárního víru. Teploty budou klesat k -40 stupňům | TN.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Russian Industry Discourses on Climate Change

    How has Russian industry responded to climate change? Understanding industry narratives on climate change is an important element of Russia’s broader climate change discourse. This chapter focuses specifically on Russia’s largest oil and gas companies, which hold significant responsibility for the country’s GHG emissions and whose participation in global attempts to address climate change is vital. It considers how companies have conceptualised the issue of climate change, and how this links to broader narratives within Russia and internationally. The evidence indicates an emphasis on energy saving and efficiency, technology and industrial modernisation, and limited direct engagement on climate change policy and mitigation efforts. Oil and gas industry discourse on climate change is set within a market-based framework and contiguous with government policy.

    Russian Industry Discourses on Climate Change
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