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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    Paul N. Edwards, jeden z tak top 3 historiku vedy svetove, ktery se zameruje na klimatickou vedu. Zaroven vede Existential risk initiative na Stanfordu

    Is Climate Change an Existential Risk?
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: zas bych dooming nepodcenoval ,) porad je cervena vysoko, i kdyz ne nadrekordne .]
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: to je spravny dooming, kdyz jedna statistika prestane ukazovat skandalni rust teploty, musime presedlat na jinou .. akorat ze 2024 na letisti jeste neskoncil, a co cert nechtel, prijdou ted chladnejsi mesice, teoreticky.
    TADEAS --- ---
    kdo chvili stal, uz stoji opodal

    ‘A very serious situation’: Volkswagen could close plants in Germany for the first time in history
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    The corporate war against green policies: Climate litigation explained | Transforming Business
    TADEAS --- ---

    Teploty opět překročí 30 stupňů. Na celém území Česka hrozí vznik požárů - iDNES.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    kdyz uz nesedi teploty, zavzpominame alespon na styl

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tridilna serie. Cely zajmavy

    From Dissipating Clouds to Record-Setting Areas of Drought, the State of the Climate in 2023 Was Shockingly Severe | Discover Magazine

    Here in Part 3 of the series, I look at some of the other impacts, starting with one that took me surprise: In addition to being the warmest year, 2023 was also the least cloudy ever observed globally in records dating back four decades. Some areas saw particularly steep declines in cloudiness, including the Indian Ocean, the Arctic, and Northern Hemisphere.

    The global average for cloud cover in 2023 was the lowest ever recorded.
    In 2023, the report concludes that clouds reflected away to space the smallest amount of energy from the Sun ever observed. That meant more solar energy reached the surface to cause warming. But at the same time, clouds blocked the least amount of heat energy from escaping to space from the surface.

    Teasing out the net effect from changes in cloudiness is complicated, because different kinds of clouds have different impacts. With that caveat in mind, the report concludes that the overall impact "was the weakest cooling effect of clouds on record." And this, in turn, reinforced 2023's shocking warmth.
    In fact, the amount of precipitation that fell during the year was one of the lowest in records going back to 1979. At the same time, the intensity of rain that did fall increased, which can contribute to damaging deluges.

    As the report points out, this is just what scientists have long expected with a warming climate.
    Emissions of CO2 by the most advanced economies of the world have peaked and are dropping — even as economic growth continues. They're accomplishing this through efforts to use energy more efficiently, along with a massive ramp-up in renewables. And this points the way forward toward a day when we may finally tame the climate crisis.
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    Nedostatek vody by mohla v Česku vyřešit 70 kilometrů dlouhá stavba - Seznam Zprávy
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    ANALÝZA. Podle nové studie zemřelo kvůli vedru v loňském rekordně horkém roce 47 tisíc Evropanů. Autoři ale odhadli, že nebýt adaptačních opatření v posledních 20 letech, mrtvých by bylo o 80 % víc.

    Rekordní vedro má v Evropě desetitisíce obětí. A mohlo být ještě mnohem hůř - Seznam Zprávy
    ARAON --- ---
    DZODZO: Tohle řešili před časem v Austrálii.
    Colour scale confusion in Australian heatwave maps | Climate Citizen
    DZODZO --- ---
    Mozno by stalo za uvahu ci neposunut teplotne rozsahy na mapach, aby sme sa vosli do farebnej palety... alebo vsetko nad 60 bude uz cierne, lebo to bude symbolizovat smrt?

    Konec vlny veder je v nedohlednu - Novinky
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: tak dneska se na jihu Evropy stejně zakrývaj záhony, na kterých slunce nemá všechno spálit, takovýma sítěma. A nikdo se neptá, jestli se to líbí.

    Jak se klima mění, tak možná poptávka po stínu poroste i u nás. Až zemědělci přijdou na to, že i traktor může jezdit na elektřinu, změní to ledacos (nejdřív přijdou menší užitková vozidla, ale traktory jsou těžké tak nějak z definice, takže ty baterky tolik vadit nebudou, zrovna třeba levné sodíkové).
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    Nine buildings constructed using hemp that show the biomaterial's potential

    Byl uz konopny beton? Vypada to jako zajimava nizkouhlikova alternativa k porobetonu atp. Nema to takovou nosnost, ale ba pricky asi dobre.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: :D

    me ne, ale lepit se k silnici nebudu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: ale líbí se lidem?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Analýza: Agrovoltaika zvyšuje výnosy plodin až o 16 procent, přináší vyšší zisky - Ekolist.cz

    Využití agrovoltaiky může zvýšit výnosy plodin až o 16 procent a navýšit zemědělcům zisky za hektar pěstované pšenice zhruba o 1268 eur (asi 31 744 korun), vyplývá z analýzy think-tanku Ember, kterou má ČTK k dispozici. Agrovoltaika podle ní umožňuje farmářům získat další zdroj příjmů z prodeje elektřiny a zároveň zachovat půdu pro zemědělské účely.
    TADEAS --- ---
    eastern, lower-paid ,)

    Rekordne teplé leto 2024 - Aktuality SHMÚ
    TADEAS --- ---
    Scientists have been warning of the rapidly declining North Atlantic salmon population for years, which in Norway has shrunk from more than a million in the early 1980s to about 500,000, a drop largely linked to the climate crisis. Now, the latest figures show Atlantic salmon stocks are at a historic low. Experts say the species is at imminent threat from salmon farming, which has led to escapes (including of sick fish), a dramatic rise in sea lice, and could result in wild salmon being replaced entirely by a hybrid species.

    ‘Like doomsday’: why have salmon deserted Norway’s rivers – and will they ever return? | Norway | The Guardian
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