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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    “At certain places in the Ardèche region, up to 700 milimetres of water has fallen in 48 hours. That’s more than a year’s rainfall in Paris, so it’s absolutely gigantic,” Agnes Pannier-Runacher, the environment minister, told BFM TV.

    CHOSIE --- ---
    A porovnání tlouštky na které jsem dnes narazil, září 2001 vs 2024

    Blue Ocean Event kdy? :)
    (s momentální tlouštkou by tomu stačila nějaká teplá vlna / bouře)

    CHOSIE --- ---
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Twenty years of microplastics pollution research—what have we learned?
    Twenty years after the first publication using the term microplastics, we review current understanding, refine definitions and consider future prospects. Microplastics arise from multiple sources including tires, textiles, cosmetics, paint and the fragmentation of larger items. They are widely distributed throughout the natural environment with evidence of harm at multiple levels of biological organization. They are pervasive in food and drink and have been detected throughout the human body, with emerging evidence of negative effects. Environmental contamination could double by 2040 and widescale harm has been predicted. Public concern is increasing and diverse measures to address microplastics pollution are being considered in international negotiations. Clear evidence on the efficacy of potential solutions is now needed to address the issue and to minimize the risks of unintended consequences.
    TADEAS --- ---

    ‘I’ve seen the dark, fat grease stuck to the leaves’: oil and gas encroach on Peru’s uncontacted peoples | Global development | The Guardian

    Peru is home to one of the world’s largest populations of “peoples in isolation and initial contact” (Piaci), estimated at 7,500 by the government. Their territories comprise some of the most intact areas of the Amazon. Yet, recent analysis by Earth Insight has found that Peru’s current and proposed oil and gas blocks overlap with 20% – or 1.6m hectares (3.95m acres) – of reserves for these communities.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 years | Water | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: to bude novejch stanku s pivem!
    TADEAS --- ---
    Antarktida se mění. Zeleně skokově přibylo, ukazují satelitní data — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---
    Is it worse to have no climate solutions – or to have them but refuse to use them? | Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian

    When it comes to some of the tech oligarchs, I suspect the sheer modesty of the solutions – that we should consume less, which means we can produce less, and make this energy transition to a renewable-powered world – is not the kind of gee-whiz rocket science they love. (Though solar and wind technologies are pretty amazing, particularly if you know how rapidly their design has improved, their cost has plummeted and their implementation has spread.) It is in many ways a social solution in which lots of us adjust how we live and how we power our devices, not a grand centralized invention that is super profitable for a few.

    I do not know if it would be worse to live in a world in which we genuinely did not have the solutions, or to live in one where we have them but are not implementing them on the speed and scale we know we need to. But I know we have the solutions.
    RADIQAL --- ---
    Weart - Crocodiles used to liv – Alarm – Apple Podcasts

    Kurva dobrě ty, Vojtěchu!!
    XCHAOS --- ---
    CHOSIE: no v podstatě, nejde se stejně připravit na všechny situace. ale ostrovní energetické systémy maj svůj půvab.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    XCHAOS: Jo off-grid energie, uložiště, vlastní voda,.. taky potom dost záleží na tom, jaký scénář si člověk představí, dost prepperů je zaměřených jen na něco konkrétního.
    Za mě bych taky nepodceňoval jídlo, spousta věcí vydrží 20, 30 let pokud ji dobře uchováš, jen je potíž s objemností. Ve výsledku na tom může být lépe ten, co má ready bug-out bag a mobilitu, než ten co hromadí :)

    Nicméně ultímátní prepperství je stejně komunita a dovednosti, což je často (minimálně to první) úplný opak toho jak preppeři fungují.
    PER2 --- ---
    atom bad

    Google signs advanced nuclear clean energy agreement with Kairos Power

    - The grid needs new electricity sources to support AI technologies that are powering major scientific advances, improving services for businesses and customers, and driving national competitiveness and economic growth. This agreement helps accelerate a new technology to meet energy needs cleanly and reliably, and unlock the full potential of AI for everyone.
    - Nuclear solutions offer a clean, round-the-clock power source that can help us reliably meet electricity demands with carbon-free energy every hour of every day. Advancing these power sources in close partnership with supportive local communities will rapidly drive the decarbonization of electricity grids around the world.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TUHO: slovy klasika; oko odborníka to dráždí, ale vy si toho ani nevšimnete ;)
    TUHO --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Hm, tak ja si to zkusim tedy overit ve vetsim detailu, dik za upozorneni
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TUHO: no je to romantická historka, a je klidně možný že samostatně objevil kolo. myšlenky o eratických balvanech z ledovce už formuloval Charles Lyell v práci Principles of Geology 1833, 3 roky předtím, než se Agassiz ubytoval v Bex. jinak v tý době samozřejmě brali všichni všechno od všech, ale říct, že to "takhle" začalo je flagrantní lež.
    TUHO --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Ad Alpy a doby ledovy: Jo? Tak tech linii mohlo bejt vic.
    Nicmene je mozny, ze to tam zjednodusil moc, mam za to, ze mluvi o praci Louise Agassize a mam totiz zato, ja to cetl i v jinym zdroji o historii klimatologie, ale za boha si ted nemuzu vzpomenout kde...

    Jinak trosku vic rozepsany ma ten popis Weart tady:
    Past Climate Cycles: Ice Age Speculations

    jinak prispevek na wiki o Agassizovi

    The vacation of 1836 was spent by Agassiz and his wife in the little village of Bex, where he met Jean de Charpentier and Ignaz Venetz. Their recently announced glacial theories had startled the scientific world, and Agassiz returned to Neuchâtel as an enthusiastic convert.[10] In 1837, Agassiz proposed that the Earth had been subjected to a past ice age.[11] He presented the theory to the Helvetic Society that ancient glaciers flowed outward from the Alps, and even larger glaciers had covered the plains and mountains of Europe, Asia, and North America and smothered the entire Northern Hemisphere in a prolonged ice age. In the same year, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Before that proposal, Goethe, de Saussure, Ignaz Venetz, Jean de Charpentier, Karl Friedrich Schimper, and others had studied the glaciers of the Alps, and Goethe,[12] Charpentier, and Schimper[11] had even concluded that the erratic blocks of alpine rocks scattered over the slopes and summits of the Jura Mountains had been moved there by glaciers. Those ideas attracted the attention of Agassiz, and he discussed them with Charpentier and Schimper, whom he accompanied on successive trips to the Alps. Agassiz even had a hut constructed upon one of the Aar Glaciers and for a time made it his home to investigate the structure and movements of the ice.[4]

    Agassiz visited England, and with William Buckland, the only English naturalist who shared his ideas, made a tour of the British Isles in search of glacial phenomena, and became satisfied that his theory of an ice age was correct.[10] In 1840, Agassiz published a two-volume work, Études sur les glaciers ("Studies on Glaciers").[13] In it, he discussed the movements of the glaciers, their moraines, and their influence in grooving and rounding the rocks and in producing the striations and roches moutonnées seen in Alpine-style landscapes. He accepted Charpentier and Schimper's idea that some of the alpine glaciers had extended across the wide plains and valleys of the Aar and Rhône, but he went further by concluding that in the recent past, Switzerland had been covered with one vast sheet of ice originating in the higher Alps and extending over the valley of northwestern Switzerland to the southern slopes of the Jura. The publication of the work gave fresh impetus to the study of glacial phenomena in all parts of the world.[14]

    Familiar then with recent glaciation, Agassiz and the English geologist William Buckland visited the mountains of Scotland in 1840. There, they found clear evidence in different locations of glacial action. The discovery was announced to the Geological Society of London in successive communications. The mountainous districts of England, Wales, and Ireland were understood to have been centres for the dispersion of glacial debris. Agassiz remarked "that great sheets of ice, resembling those now existing in Greenland, once covered all the countries in which unstratified gravel (boulder drift) is found; that this gravel was in general produced by the trituration of the sheets of ice upon the subjacent surface, etc."[15]

    Louis Agassiz - Wikipedia
    TUHO --- ---
    Dr. Gamper-Rabindran's study found that "..There is tremendous support for solar in rural communities, but the solar project has to be tailored [to] the agricultural activity and with the agricultural landscape,"

    Read full study here: https://bit.ly/3Njhd5I
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TUHO: zajímavej podcast, ale mě se ty zjendodušení od Weartha fakt vůbec nelíbí a už vůbec nevím o tom, že by se poznání dob ledových začalo přes švýcarsko. eratický balvany se samozřejmě sledovaly, ale ne v alpách, kde byl "jen" horský ledovec, ale pod skandinávským štítem, kde díky rozloze vnukly geologům myšlenku o velkém kontinentálním ledovci. krokodýli žili nejspíš v oblastech kolem polárních čepiček i v období třetihor, během PETM, kdy byly kolem pólů subtropy.
    TUHO --- ---
    „Rok 2023 byl nejteplejším rokem v historii a zároveň také rokem, kdy lidstvo vypustilo do atmosféry největší množství oxidu uhličitého – 37,4 miliardy tun. Lidstvo zatím nedisponuje technologií, která by nám pomohla zbavovat se CO2 v atmosféře, musíme se tedy spoléhat na přírodu.
    Jenže podle předběžných výzkumů citovaných ve studii z velkých porostů v loňském roce dostatek oxidu uhličitého vstřebal jen Konžský deštný prales, druhý největší les na světě. Amazonský deštný prales, pověstné „plíce planety“, se v důsledku oteplování a změn podnebí spojených s působením jevu El Niño potýká s nevídaným suchem a z tohoto důvodu svoji zásadní funkci v ekosystému přestává plnit. Je možné, že tato změna je vratná, ale není to příliš pravděpodobné, naopak se zdá, že letošní průměrná teplota planety překoná loňský rekord.“

    Klimatický domino efekt. Ohřívání planety snižuje schopnost ekosystému absorbovat oxid uhličitý | Deník Alarm
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam