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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PULNOC --- ---
    PER2: lol to je paráda. Nature is saying, I’ve swept the garbage up for you, now take it out!!
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cop16 ends in disarry and indecision despite biodiversity breakthroughs | Cop16 | The Guardian

    Governments failed to reach a consensus on key issues such as nature funding and how this decade’s targets would be monitored. Many were forced to leave the talks early to catch flights, and negotiations were suspended at 8.30am when fewer than half of the countries were present, and the meeting lost quorum. Countries will need to continue the talks next year at an interim meeting in Bangkok.

    A number of countries expressed fury at the way the talks had been dragged out and the order of discussions, which left crucial issues undecided at the final hour.


    Governments were able to make some significant breakthroughs: they agreed on a global levy on products made using genetic data from nature, potentially creating one of the world’s largest biodiversity conservation funds; and formally incorporated Indigenous communities in the official decision-making of the UN biodiversity process, in what negotiators described as a “watershed moment” for indigenous representation.


    During the summit, it became clear that many countries were making weak or no progress on crucial aims such as reforming environmentally harmful subsidies, protected areas and even submitting national plans for meeting the targets.

    “We saw insufficient leadership from the wealthier countries, the European Union and France in particular, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, the UK, but also China. The executive secretary of the UN convention on biodiversity was also quite phantomatic,” said Oscar Soria, director of thinktank the Common Initiative.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    MiBaWi - Michael Barthel: "Flooded after DANA on October 29 > 'Bonaire' park…" - AI6YR's Mastodon
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: středomoří se posunulo do monzumového pásma, ale monzum přichází až na přelomu října a listopadu? divné... každopádně, tyhle záběry přicházely dřív spíš třeba z Bangladéše...
    PER2 --- ---
    na kypru dnes taky usetri za myti ulic
    XCHAOS --- ---
    New warnings (orange = substantial danger) for the badly hit Castellon and Valencia regions in Spain, tomorrow, Sunday 09:00-23:59!
    Rainfall totals of up to 150 mm in 12 hours (40 mm within 1 hour) are possible.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    "Rarely snows in saudi arabia..." aneb co by za to cesky vlekar dal



    Snow blankets northern Saudi region of Al-Jouf - Saudi Gazette
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: počasí bylo a bude
    MARSHUS --- ---
    jinak pořád hledají 1900 lidí. nejvíc se mluví o podzemních parkovištích. údajně už tam byli potápěči a je to hřbítov...

    PER2 --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    TADEAS: La mancha není daleko
    TADEAS --- ---
    bojovat s počasím

    Spain floods disaster: 5,000 more troops drafted in to deal with aftermath | Spain | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fotky: Řeky v Amazonii jsou vyprahlé. Místo plavby se lidé brodí bahnem - Seznam Zprávy
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Billionaires Are the One Case Where Personal Choices Can Affect Climate Change
    JIMIQ --- ---
    XCHAOS: líbí se mi jak došly barvy tak po černé už je to freestyle
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    tohle mi prijde dobry, moc se s tim nepare a rika jak to je a bude

    Expert popsal hranici fungování civilizace: Pak to praskne, všichni ale hned neumřou - Aktuálně.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    "Spanish weather service AEMET reported that Chiva, in the Valencia region, recorded 491mm of rain in just eight hours on Tuesday - the equivalent to a year's worth of rain." BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c93qlpp5gxvo
    CHOSIE --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    CHOSIE: tak to je věc inbuilt-postprocesingu, ale stále to nevychází z generativní AI. a ostatní fotky jsou dost hrozný a první stovka mrtvých svědčí o intenzitě

    těžko si představit 400mm srážek během pár hodin

    Some parts of Valencia area such as the towns of Turis, Chiva or Bunol recorded more than 400 mm (15-3/4 inches) of rainfall, leading the state weather agency AEMET to declare a red alert on Tuesday. It was lowered to amber on Wednesday as the rain eased.

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