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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    ⚖️ Scientists prize neutrality – that doesn’t cut it any more. In 2025, they must fully back the climate movement

    There are nearly 9 million scientists in the world, making up a tribe that is one of the most trusted groups on the planet. Imagine the noise they could make if they spoke with one voice; think of the impetus it would give climate activism. The UK courts have tried to silence climate scientists in the past few years, by keeping their expert testimony out of court cases. As we start out on the second quarter of the 21st century, let’s show them what we can really do.

    Inevitably, there are those who demand impartiality from scientists, but being impartial doesn’t mean not telling the truth; it doesn’t mean playing down threats; and it certainly doesn’t mean keeping silent at a time of global emergency. Wanting to remain apolitical no longer cuts it. It is naive at the best of times, but this is now a matter of survival, not politics. So, throw your weight behind those groups and organisations fighting to tackle climate breakdown, work to bring colleagues on board, and use your influence in the best way you can to drive serious action. As we have said before, there are no grant-awarding committees on a dead planet, so it is time to choose which side of history you are on.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ecology of Fear - Wikipedia

    Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster is a 1998 book by Mike Davis examining how contemporary Los Angeles is portrayed in the popular media.[1][2][3][4] The book investigates the relationship between natural disasters and social injustices in Southern California. The author explores the history of urbanization in the area and how it has disregarded environmental common sense. The book also examines the intersection between social issues and the perception of natural disorder


    Mike Davis, about thirty years ago: "Malibu, meanwhile, is the wildfire capital of North America and, possibly, the world. Fire here has a relentless staccato rhythm, syncopated by landslides and floods. The rugged 22-mile-long coastline is scourged, on the average, by a large fire (one thousand acres plus) every two and a half years, and the entire surface area of the western Santa Monica Mountains has been burnt three times over the twentieth century. At least once a decade a blaze in the chaparral grows into a terrifying firestorm consuming hundreds of homes in an inexorable advance across the mountains to the sea. Since 1970 five such holocausts have destroyed more than one thousand luxury residences and inflicted more than $1 billion in property damage. Some unhappy homeowners have been burnt out twice in a generation, and there are individual patches of coastline or mountain, especially between Point Dume and Tuna Canyon, that have been incinerated as many as eight times since 1930.

    "From the time of the Tapias, the owners of Rancho Malibu had recognized that the region’s extraordinary fire hazard was shaped, in large part, by the uncanny alignment of its coastal canyons with the annual “fire winds” from the north: the notorious Santa Anas, which blow primarily between Labor Day and Thanksgiving, just before the first rains. Born from high-pressure areas over the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau, the Santa Anas become hot and dry as they descend avalanche-like into Southern California. The San Fernando Valley acts as a giant bellows, sometimes fanning the Santa Anas to hurricane velocity as they roar seaward through the narrow canyons and rugged defiles of the Santa Monica Mountains. Add a spark to the dense, dry vegetation on such an occasion and the hillsides will explode in uncontrollable wildfire."
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Vesměs nic nového, takový overview a informace ohledně momentálních požárů,
    ale zaujalo mě jak troufalý vybrali titulek.
    L.A. Fires Show the Reality of a World with 1.5°C of Warming | TIME
    DZODZO --- ---
    mapa zemi najviac postihnutych klimatickou zmenou

    Risk Map — International SOS
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jako z pribehu o trech prasatkach, dum postaveny z cihel?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    zaujal me novy pojem. defensively designed house

    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: to je neuveritelny, jsme fakt ve stoleti populisticky demagogie.

    President-elect Donald J. Trump blamed Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, for the disaster. Mr. Trump inaccurately claimed that state and federal protections for a threatened fish had hampered firefighting efforts by leading to water shortages.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: dík, nasdíleno na Mastodonu :-)
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    PER2: krasny. Je to nekde ve 4K rozliseni?
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave
    PER2 --- ---
    LA party

    TUHO --- ---
    Novy Heatwave je venku

    V Evropě desítky let převažovalo přesvědčení, že ve vztahu k Rusku podpora vzájemného obchodu povede ke sbližování a vzájemně prospěšné spolupráci. Geopolitické zájmy ustoupily obchodní kalkulaci. Evropa se otevřela závislosti na ruských fosilních palivech a zároveň ignorovala všechny jeho imperiální výpady. Nakonec tím financovala vyzbrojení svého největšího nepřítele. Jak je možné, že Evropa tak dlouho ignorovala varovné signály stále agresivnější a imperiálně laděné Ruské federace? Jakou roli v tom hraje fosilní byznys a korupce v politice? A jak fosilní paliva ovlivňují geopolitiku a přispívají k autoritářské vládě a násilí? A jak z toho dnes ven?

    TADEAS --- ---
    outta fashion

    Six big US banks quit net zero alliance before Trump inauguration | Banking | The Guardian

    JP Morgan is the latest to withdraw from the UN-sponsored net zero banking alliance (NZBA), following Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs. All six have left since the start of December.

    Analysts have said the withdrawals are an attempt to head off “anti-woke” attacks from rightwing US politicians, which are expected to escalate when Trump is sworn in as the country’s 47th president in just under a fortnight.

    Trump’s vows to deregulate the energy sector, dismantle environmental rules and “drill, baby, drill”, were a big part of his campaign platform and are expected to form a key part of his blueprint for governing the US, the world’s biggest oil and gas producer.


    “A few years ago, when climate change was at the front of the political agenda, the banks were keen to boast of their commitments to act on climate. Now that the political pendulum has swung in the other direction, suddenly acting on climate does not seem so important for the Wall Street lenders.”

    Convened by the UN Environment Programme finance initiative but led by banks, the NZBA commits members to align their lending, investment and capital markets activities with net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    'This Is Unprecedented': Several Horrific Wildfires Ravage Los Angeles | Common Dreams
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: já mám celou dobu, pocit, že nejsou bohatí jako bohatí. část bohatství je v podstatě optický klam - hodnota akcií klesá, když jich na trh vrhneš moc a kdybys např. měl zaplatit daně, musíš část akcií prodat (to donutili udělat Elona) a tím klesne jejich cena a znehodnotíš tím pádem i zbytek svého majetku.

    Jak říkám, v ustálené spotřební ekonomice jsou daně v podstatě účetní operace (odvody DPH a tak), zatímco ve ekonomice spekulativních bublin můžou být pro někoho docela problém. A to z celé řady důvodů: jeden z nich je, že peníze na účtech v nějaký moment třeba nejsou kryté něčím, po čem je fakt poptávka, jiný problém může být to, že peníze se dostanou k někomu, kdo poptává něco, čeho prostě není dost. V obou případech přerozdělení pomocí daní nezafunguje tak, jak bylo zamýšleno. Spotřební daně (včetně DPH) vlastně oproti tomu znamenají jen "podělte se o to, co je stejně poptáváno a obchodováno", což tak nějak má anti-spekulativní charakter" ("podělte se s námi o chleba" je trochu jiná strategie zdanění, než "převeďte na nás svůj majetek")
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: to se vědělo vždycky :) on to jen zase vykřiknul do éteru, teď už v nové roli, mimo exekutivu EU. Jen to (politicky) realizovat no...mluví se o tom dekádu nebo déle: Tobinova daň (finanční transakce atp.), daňové ráje (kolik je tam "zaparkováno" ziliard), uhlíkové zdanění, zdanění extrnalit, zdanění kerosinu do letadel...asi by se to dalo ...naplánovat a domluvit, v teoretické rovině je to promyšlené a spočítané. Otázka je, jak to artikulovat politicky a negociovat - a jak to domluvit globálně (to nejde, že ano). Aby pak ti ultra-bohatí (1 procenta populace) nepřesunuli svá aktiva a atk dále na nějaký pidi-ostrov a skutečně odváděli "spravedlivý podíl" tam, kde podnikají a kde využívají veřejnou infrastrukturu atp. Ale je to zřejmě jedna z cest mitigace...

    Ostatně - aby si mohli užívat miliardy a tryskáče a luxus je pro ultra-rich výhodné, když je společnost stabilní a služby fungují a nenastane anomie, nebo rozvrat, není-liž pravda. Viz ten první odkaz, kde prosí v otevřené dopise, že by ty daně přeci jen platili...však jim zbyde pořád desítky stovky miliard.

    ‘Tax us now’: ultra-rich call on governments to introduce wealth taxes | Davos 2023 | The Guardian

    Do the rich pay their fair share? | Oxfam

    Tax the rich: 9 Reasons for a wealth tax

    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: a na to přišli až teď?
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