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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    Státy G20 nalily do fosilního průmyslu v dotacích přes bilion dolarů – klimatickým závazkům navzdory – A2larm
    TADEAS --- ---
    Beijing reports heaviest rain in 140 years as China denies sinking G20 climate talks | China | The Guardian
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: ještě nějaká shrnutí:

    Jitka Martínková, účastnice COP 26 a COP 27 za Klimatickou koalici, řekla: “Zřízení fondu pro ztráty a škody je obecně dobrou zprávou, je ale potřeba vhodně nastavit jeho fungování. V oblasti snižování emisí je ale konference debakl a návrat v čase o rok zpět. Pokud byl po Glasgow cíl 1,5 °C na kapačkách, dnes upadl do kómatu. Velmi špatnou zprávou je hlavně to, že ještě v roce 2022 nedokáží světoví lídři ani pojmenovat příčinu klimatické krize, tedy spalování fosilních paliv. Bez zásadního útlumu nejen uhlí, ale i ropy a plynu v následujících letech není dosažení cíle 1,5 °C možné. Neřešené emise navíc dále prohlubují klimatické škody i finanční náklady s nimi spojené. Svět je tedy opět odkázán hlavně na individuální závazky jednotlivých států, zejména zemí ze skupiny G20. Evropa by si měla dát velký pozor hlavně na nové kontrakty pro dodávky fosilního plynu.”

    Miriam Macurová, expertka na klimatickou politiku v Greenpeace ČR, řekla: “Ačkoli byla klimatická konference v Egyptě označována za implementační, či za konferenci o Africe, přinesla jen málo bodů, které by bylo možné implementovat a provést. Je také zřejmé, že výsledky konference jsou diktovány hlasy fosilních a korporátních lobbistů, a nikoli potřebami a voláním těch nejzranitelnějších. Klimatická spravedlnost nebude dosažena bez splnění a zvýšení závazků v oblasti financování a adaptace na změnu klimatu, bez postupného ukončení využívání všech fosilních paliv a bez toho, aby bohaté země zaplatily za ztráty a škody způsobené nejzranitelnějším komunitám.”

    Jan Mrkvička, ředitel humanitární a rozvojové sekce Člověka v tísni a účastník COP27, řekl: „Vytvoření nového fondu, který by měl formou grantů podporovat komunity, které strádající v důsledku klimatické změny nejvíce, je dobrou zprávou. Teď jde o to, aby se to stalo rychle, a aby mechanizmus nebyl nastaven tak, že se k financím reálně dostanou jen ministerstva, banky a agentury OSN, které nejsou v přímé pomoci lidem nejefektivnější,“ dodává.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘No hope for science in Russia’: the academics trying to flee to the west | Russia | The Guardian

    Arctic climate scientific research imperiled by Putin regime's invasion of Ukraine, G20 sanctions and Russian censorship.

    Quote Anna Fazackerley: ‘No hope for science in Russia’: the academics trying to flee to the west. Prof John Duggan*, a climate scientist at a Russell Group university, had a Zoom call a few weeks ago with two Russian research partners shortly after their country invaded Ukraine. Duggan, who has worked with the academics for a while, suddenly found them “unusually quiet and hesitant”. He sensed that “they were worried someone was looking over their shoulder”.

    In Russia, expressing opposition to the invasion is risky. But in subsequent calls Duggan says his friends have become bolder. Now they have given up hope for their work at home. They feel there is “no future for science in Russia” and are seeking positions abroad so they can flee. Given that criticising the war can now lead to 15 years in prison in Russia, Duggan describes all communications with the scientists he is trying to help as deliberately “ambiguous”. But he says: “They feel shame at what is being done in their name in Ukraine.”

    Last Sunday, the science minister, George Freeman, announced that the UK would follow other European countries in cutting the bulk of its research ties with Russia and switching off funding for any research with links to the state and its “institutional collaborators”. The Russian government last week prohibited its scientists from taking part in international conferences or publishing research in international journals. Russian scientists say there is some appetite to ignore this, but there are reports that they are being blocked from publishing abroad anyway because some western academics are refusing to review research papers with Russian names on.

    Callaghan has helped establish 89 environmental research stations in the Arctic, 21 of which are in Russia, but says “lots of our research is now frozen because of the invasion”. “I’m absolutely sure many scientists will leave Russia. Putin has divided the nation, but scientists tend to speak English and they also read the internet so they understand what is really happening in Ukraine.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Javier Vlas

    ICYMI: Behind closed doors, the world’s top oil consuming nations are waging an intense diplomatic campaign to persuade OPEC+ to speed up its output increases (beyond the 400,000 b/d). Note that OPEC+ meets virtually Nov 4 to decide its policy | #OOTT

    Since we published that story on Friday afternoon, the White House has revealed not only that it’s using the G20 summit to push OPEC+ to do “the needful when it comes to supply”, BUT ALSO that it’s talking to others about “what could come next” if OPEC+ doesn’t respond favourably

    OPEC+ Prices 2021: As Oil Races Toward $100, U.S., India and Japan Say `Enough' - Bloomberg
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Generální tajemník OSN António Guterres uvedl, že opouští summit G20 v Římě s tím, že jeho naděje na globání opatření v souvislosti se změnou klimatu jsou „nenaplněné“, ale zároveň „nepohřbené“. Téma teď bude řešit summit COP26. (BBC)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Australia Institute

    Good Morning PM Morrison, from Rome #G20

    The PM is set to be greeted by a full-page ad in Italy's business daily Il Sole 24 Ore featuring a photo of him in parliament w/ a lump of coal. The ad, in English & Italian, bears the slogan: "Don't let Australia cheat on climate change”

    TADEAS --- ---
    cop failure / rinse, repeat

    Governments falling woefully short of Paris climate pledges, study finds | Climate change | The Guardian

    Every one of the world’s leading economies, including all the countries that make up the G20, is failing to meet commitments made in the landmark Paris agreement in order to stave off climate catastrophe, a damning new analysis has found.

    Less than two months before crucial United Nations climate talks take place in Scotland, none of the largest greenhouse gas emitting countries have made sufficient plans to lower pollution to meet what they agreed to in the 2015 Paris climate accord.

    PER2 --- ---
    THE_DARKNESS: ehm, cough cough, o klimatu a znecisteni se taky mluvi, ze by se s tim melo neco delat atp a to dokonce dyl nez o koronaviru a hle kde jsme ;)
    TADEAS: tady se bude stlacovat hlavne kapacita volnych jip luzek, skola+volby+podzim, pojd mi

    Three in four people living in the world's 20 major economies believe nature and the Earth's climate are approaching potentially abrupt or irreversible changes due to human action, according to a survey released on Tuesday.
    The online poll of almost 20,000 people aged 16 to 75, living in G20 nations, was conducted in April and May by Ipsos MORI and commissioned by the Global Commons Alliance, a network of more than 70 international groups working on sustainability.
    Three out of four people also agreed their country's economy should move beyond a narrow focus on profit and growth to encompass human wellbeing and ecological regeneration, it found.
    This should be a wake-up call to leaders everywhere
    TADEAS --- ---

    ‘Reckless’: G20 states subsidised fossil fuels by $3tn since 2015, says report | Fossil fuels | The Guardian
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    někde války o zdroje určitě budou, nevidím, proč by neměly být, je to historicky nejpropracovanější řešení

    otazný je, zda války o zdroje budou ve vyspělým světě. nemusí nutně být, ale pak místo války bude nejaký silný úsilí jak na daném úsilí zachovat suverenitu. postavit ty zdi, armády, něco jako studená válka. což může být v pohodě, fortress europe. otázka je, zda v4 bude členem, když se posledních 20 let chováme jako debilové vůči evropskému etosu. pak je otazka jestli putin 2.0 bude mít o nás zájem tak jak měl zájem o ukrajinu atd.

    s tou neschopností efektivně řešit pandemii jsem definitivně vzdala představy, že velmoci na sahaře postaví elektrárny aby zachránily afriku atd. Proč, je to moc složitý. Ještě sem nakopíruju něco od Obamy, on v tom vidí naději, já v tom vidím "není šance na efektivní řešení"

    “Ze všeho nejvíc jsem však chtěl, aby moje kniha umožnila lidem lépe chápat svět politiky a zahraniční politiky, tedy světy, jež vypadají vzdáleně a nepochopitelně. Mým cílem částečně je popsat různé osobní rysy a životní příběhy politiků, aby lidé pochopili, že jsou to lidské bytosti, jejichž chování je možné vysvětlit a posuzovat.
    “To je na tom zajímavé. Na střední škole vidíte různé partičky, šikanu, křivdy a povrchnost toho všeho a říkáte si: „Až jednou vyrostu, už s tím nebudu muset mít nic společného.“ A pak vstoupíte do místní politiky a jste svědkem stejné stupidity, stejných banalit. A pak se posunete do Kongresu a ještě později se účastníte zasedání G20 a na každé úrovni čekáte, že to všechno začne být rafinovanější, sofistikovanější, promyšlenější, více precizní a méně sebestředné. A zjistíte, že je to pořád jako na střední škole. Dynamika lidských vztahů je překvapivě neměnná, pouze nabývá různých forem. A ukáže se, že se stejné silné stránky i slabosti lidí vyskytují napříč kulturami a že jsou součástí politiky. To by mělo lidem dát sílu. Mým ideálním čtenářem je pětadvacetiletý člověk, kterého začíná zajímat svět a který chce udělat něco, co dává smysl. Chci, aby si to přečetl a řekl si: „OK, tohle není žádná jaderná fyzika. Je to něco, na čem se můžu podílet a co můžu nějakým způsobem ovlivnit.“

    TADEAS --- ---
    Antonio Guterres

    We are at a true turning point for people and planet.

    I urge all countries, especially G20 members, to commit to carbon neutrally before 2050, and to submit more ambitious #ClimateAction strategies ahead of #COP26.

    https://t.co/e03X6ved0p https://t.co/XvvcKxXm7Y

    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: pardon, jsou tam dalsi cisla odkazem, ktera vyvraci tezi clanku, ze se opakuje situace z roku 2008

    G20 - Energy Policy Tracker

    ze se po covidu zavre veskera fosilni infrastruktura, prestanem topit a jezdit autem ze dne na den, doufam autori clanku neocekavali.

    to, ze rust nemuze byt zeleny je dojem, zakladajici se na neznalosti fungovani ekonomiky. uz jsem tu drive nekolikrat vysvetloval
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: By energy type, G20 committed at least USD 126.91 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 103.34 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 23.56 billion to conditional oil and gas).
    In addition, G20 committed at least USD 10.20 billion to coal (at least USD 10.20 billion to unconditional coal).
    Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.
    Finally, G20 committed at least USD 6.09 billion to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 6.02 billion to unconditional multiple fossil fuels and at least USD 78.09 million to conditional multiple fossil fuels).
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe's Leaked Hydrogen Strategy Is Very Ambitious | OilPrice.com

    in a recent Tracking Energy Integration 2020 report, the IEA calls hydrogen one of several integration technologies that are ‘increasingly crucial’ for a low-carbon energy transition. The report notes that important political momentum had been building through last year, listing ten international initiatives and national plans that appeared during 2019. These include top level G20 discussions and target-setting plans by Korea, Japan, Netherlands, Australia and Canada.

    Clearly the hydrogen movement is at a critical moment when continuing innovation is required. The role of government will remain important as fledgling industries seek to gain scale and find markets. Governments will need to provide direct, targeted support for projects that can achieve technical and market advances. And they will need to help stimulate demand in sectors where good near-term opportunities appear.


    The shifting emphasis can be seen especially in Northern Europe, where large concentrations of projects are now found. Renewable energy will power electrolysers to produce hydrogen for industries in northern industrial centers. Other projects focus on power and heat for urban districts. Key applications include large-scale electrolysis, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and utilization of natural gas networks.


    In Germany, a power-to-gas project in Emsland in the Ruhr region has been called ‘Hybridge’ for its capacity to couple electric and gas networks. In a partnership of transmission system operator Amprion and gas net operator Open Grid Europe (OGE), electricity from renewable energy will be converted, by means of electrolysis, into hydrogen and methane. The companies will deploy a 100 MW electrolyser, with the resulting hydrogen transported by an OGE hydrogen pipeline and the existing gas pipeline network throughout the Ruhr and beyond. The project is anticipated to start operation in 2023.

    In France, in the Les Hauts de France region around Dunkirk, one of the world’s most ambitious power-to-gas projects will build five 100 MW hydrogen electrolyser production units over five years. The project, a partnership of France’s H2V Industry and Norway’s HydrogenPro, will introduce hydrogen into the natural gas distribution network in order to decarbonize the natural gas used for heating and cooking as well as for transport.

    These ambitious European projects have large-scale electrolysis counterparts in North America. Most notable is a project of the British Columbia-based Renewable Hydrogen Canada (RH2C), which is backed by a private sector utility and investors. The company is planning to build a large electrolysis plant in BC, to produce renewable hydrogen through water electrolysis powered by local hydropower and winds off the Rockies.


    An enormous pilot project to convert the gas networks to hydrogen in the north of England is being planned now. First announced in 2016, the H21 North of England (H21 NoE) project, is a collaboration of two British gas distributors, Northern Gas Networks and Cadent, and Norway’s Equinor (formerly Statoil). They have produced a hydrogen blueprint that will utilize the existing natural gas distribution infrastructure serving a region of 5 million inhabitants including several large cities for domestic and industrial users, with applications including heat, power and transport.

    The project’s planners view it as a way to achieve the ‘deep decarbonization’ that could not be reached with renewable electric power alone. To do so will require carbon capture and storage (CCS). Equinor’s role is to build a hydrogen production facility utilizing a standard reforming process with natural gas. The captured CO2 will be transported offshore to undersea storage. A specially built hydrogen transmission pipeline will link to the local gas distribution networks. The new transmission pipeline is required because injecting hydrogen into gas transmission pipelines is more difficult (although Italy’s Snam has already demonstrated the feasibility of blending hydrogen up to 10% in gas transmission grids).

    Project implementation is to occur between 2028 and 2034. It is anticipated to achieve deep decarbonization of 14% of the UK's heat demand by 2034. Its large scale and significant impact on carbon emissions will make H21 NoE the world’s first at-scale hydrogen economy. Should it succeed, it will lay a basis for expanding such a system across the entire UK, decarbonizing a large percentage of domestic heat, transport and power by 2050

    TUHO --- ---
    Jamestown o cenovy valce mezi ropnymi staty

    News about a new deal on oil production cuts, agreed between Russia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and then augmented by the communique of the G20 energy minsters last Friday (April 10), had been expected; as such, the developments made little if any discernible impression on global energy markets. The benchmark Brent Crude price has continued to hover around $30 per barrel, a long way from the $60–65 level in January. Some price decline was certainly inevitable considering the unprecedented contraction in demand as a result of the unfolding world-wide recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; but the spectacular price collapse in February can be directly attributed to Russia’s self-defeating behavior. The decision to break the OPEC+ cartel arrangement was taken personally by President Vladimir Putin and turned out to be a bad blunder, which he has, thus far, refused to acknowledge, attributing the blame to Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, in turn, was bitterly offended by Moscow’s brusque demarche (RBC, April 10).

    Russian Oil Bluff Is Called, and Economic Losses Keep Mounting - Jamestown
    TUHO --- ---
    Jamestown o cenovy valce mezi ropnymi staty

    News about a new deal on oil production cuts, agreed between Russia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and then augmented by the communique of the G20 energy minsters last Friday (April 10), had been expected; as such, the developments made little if any discernible impression on global energy markets. The benchmark Brent Crude price has continued to hover around $30 per barrel, a long way from the $60–65 level in January. Some price decline was certainly inevitable considering the unprecedented contraction in demand as a result of the unfolding world-wide recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; but the spectacular price collapse in February can be directly attributed to Russia’s self-defeating behavior. The decision to break the OPEC+ cartel arrangement was taken personally by President Vladimir Putin and turned out to be a bad blunder, which he has, thus far, refused to acknowledge, attributing the blame to Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, in turn, was bitterly offended by Moscow’s brusque demarche (RBC, April 10).

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam