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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
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    TADEAS --- ---

    Faith-based responses to disruption and distress from global heating

    This year I learned that in many religious communities the idea that humanity is in ‘#apocalyptic’ times or #EndTimes is becoming widespread. Although not unusual in the history of humanity, today that view relates to environmental change. Whether such a perspective leads to more or less ‘prosocial’ responses will influence how any future breakdowns occur. In particular, whether ‘#WorldviewDefence’ trumps active compassion as people become more anxious will be key to how societies respond. Even if you are not actively engaged in any particular religious community, their responses will definitely shape your future experience. That is because #FaithBasedOrganisations (FBOs) remain influential across most of the world. Globally, they manage or own 8% of habitable land, 50% of schools and 10% of financial institutions. They influence how people understand their choices in life, participate in their community, support people in need, and interpret current affairs. Even people who’ve abandoned their #faith still often find themselves praying when something awful happens to a loved one - it’s so deeply ingrained it’s seemingly inescapable. Thankfully, both #IndigenousWisdom and the teachings of many traditions remind us that, in even the most emotionally challenging times, kind and collaborative responses are possible.

    I am not pre-determinist, and so I regard aspects of our future to be unwritten – including the way people of faith respond to the unfolding #polycrisis and beyond. Therefore, I believe there is an opportunity to help faith leaders who might, or currently, engage in a ‘#collapse agenda’ to reduce the potential for harm and to promote beneficial responses from faith communities (as well as other people who cite religious teachings).
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