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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    A new study warns hurricanes will likely get stronger and more common in the Atlantic and East Pacific Oceans, putting coastal towns from Florida to Mexico at greater risk, the study's researchers said via Phys.org.

    What's happening?
    University of Reading scientists said they have managed to take a potentially game-changing step in determining ways to predict hurricanes up to 10 years ahead of time.

    Their findings are concerning if their modeling is accurate, too. The researchers, using software from the U.K. Met Office, said their projections indicate that the rates of tropical cyclones — hurricanes and tropical storms that are below hurricane levels of strength — are likely to double from their 1970s levels. They also projected significant increases of such storms in the East Pacific through 2030, though at a less dramatic spike, increasing by roughly a third.

    Scientists issue jaw-dropping warning about future of powerful hurricanes: 'Time to prepare'
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Countries must bolster climate efforts or risk war, Cop30 chief executive warns | Cop30 | The Guardian
    Countries must not make a choice between defence and climate, Toni told the Guardian in an interview in London, but must understand that reducing efforts to combat the climate crisis would have an impact on their future security.

    “Wars come and go. Unfortunately, climate change is there for a long time. We need to take climate change very seriously, otherwise we will have even more wars in the future. So that trade-off between short-term defence needs now, versus the long-term need to prevent this bigger fight on climate change, is absolutely needed.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Je tohle skutečně takový game changer, nebo jen bouře ve sklenici vody?

    "China has discovered a massive thorium deposit, estimated at one million tonnes, in Inner Mongolia. This groundbreaking find could provide a limitless energy source, potentially powering the country for 60,000 years. Unlike uranium, thorium is more abundant, safer, and produces less long-lived radioactive waste. China is already developing thorium-based molten salt reactors, which could revolutionize clean energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. If successfully harnessed, this discovery could reshape the global energy landscape and contribute to a more sustainable future.

    China’s thorium survey finds ‘endless energy source right under our feet’ | South China Morning Post

    China’s hidden energy treasure? Survey finds massive thorium deposits that could power the country for 60,000 years
    CHOSIE --- ---
    The SSP4 Conspiracy: How an Elite-Driven World of Inequality Became the Chosen Pathway
    While much of the academic and policy discussion has revolved around SSP1 (sustainability) and SSP2 (middle of the road), SSP4 has received disproportionately little attention in both research literature and official climate discussions. Despite its relative obscurity, SSP4 outlines one of the most plausible pathways to high climate mitigation — on par with SSP1 — while simultaneously envisioning an era of increasing inequality.

    The accelerating embrace of SSP4 — intentional or otherwise — reflects a world where elites secure their future in fortress enclaves while the majority grapple with worsening inequality, climate disruption, and eroding democratic norms. Behind the veneer of occasional sustainability pledges lies a growing apparatus of private security, AI-driven surveillance, and monopolized access to critical resources, all guarded by oligarchic governance structures. In this scenario, climate action is no longer a collective human endeavor; it is an exclusive contract between the ultra-wealthy and the technologies they command.
    TUHO --- ---
    Diana Urge-VorsatzDiana Urge-Vorsatz
    • 2nd • 2nd Vice Chair of the IPCC, Professor at Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University
    2h • 2 hours ago

    After immensely hard work and many sleepless hours, the IPCC can be very proud to have the planned content of all the products of the Seventh Assessment hashtag#AR7 cycle agreed on.

    At the same time, I need to register my concerns about the future of both the IPCC as well as our global climate based on certain trends that the changes in the outlines signal.

    It is concerning that key words that formed the backbone of previous reports, assessments that were consistent and among the most used components of ARs cycle after cycle after cycle were not accepted to be included in the outlines.

    Key scientific concepts, such as hashtag#policies, hashtag#exPostEvaluation, hashtag#scenarios, hashtag#pathways, hashtag#infrastructure, national and subnational [policies], hashtag#lockin, hashtag#maladaptation, hashtag#targets, hashtag#goals, hashtag#NDCs, hashtag#fossilfuels, hashtag#subsidies, cost of inaction, hashtag#UNFCCC, hashtag#ParisAgreement, trade, conflict, market-based [instruments], non-state actors, hashtag#electrification, policy packages, acceleration, hashtag#overshoot, environmental impacts, hashtag#attribution, future emission trends, among others – have been questioned and either cut or replaced in many places, many of these key words do not appear any more in the outline of one WG.

    Some words, like the hashtag#ParisAgreement, acceleration, pathways, that form important parts of one working group’s agreed outline, were considered as too policy prescriptive in another working group and were excluded.

    In the cycle when we may officially exceed 1.5C global warming and thus the goal of the Agreement signed by virtually all governments, the IPCC will significantly compromise its policy relevance if it cannot focus its assessment, among all the other crucial topics well reflected in the outlines, also on knowledge and science related to NDCs, the Paris Agreement, accelerating not only adaptation but also mitigation action, comprehensive (and policy neutral) ex-post evaluation of policies.

    Without a robust assessment of the exponentially growing experience and knowledge on the topics relevant to our global efforts, we are jeopardizing the effectiveness of these crucial multilateral processes – that have so far taken us off of the worst climate pathways since the PA, and that have helped catalyse important achievements such as loss and damage funds and other financial instruments.

    We could also jeopardise the very existence of multilateralism about climate change. As already signalled by recent events and trends – if the perspectives and efforts of some parties are poorly reflected, if the relevance of IPCC reports to a crucial part of the global discourse is compromised – it is increasingly concerning how long some parties can still uphold their strong moral (and financial) commitment to not only IPCC but also the multilateral processes such as the UNFCCC, considering the shifts in preferences of their voters.

    This is a risk to all of us.

    Disclaimer: These are my personal views and not those of the IPCC
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Stable future

    Ještě ve středu budou panovat mrazy, kdy rtuť teploměru klesne až na minus 15 stupňů Celsia. Ve čtvrtek se prudce oteplí na 15 stupňů, v pátek by se na západě Německa mohlo naměřit dokonce až 18 stupňů. Víkend přinese dokonce dvouciferné hodnoty po celém Německu s maximy 19 stupňů nebo těsně pod 20 stupni na jihozápadě.

    Evropu čeká skok do jara, teploty stoupnou až o 30 stupňů - Novinky
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    Jan Umsonst https://www.facebook.com/taoist.attack/posts/3422485977881946
    A look on the Southern Ocean marine heatwaves - doesn't look good, as they are also intensifying...
    Our main problem: ocean heat uptake remained even during the El Nino 2023/24 on record levels - insane the numbers of the last years!
    Important for this post: During La Ninas the oceans take up much more heat than during El Ninos.
    The central to eastern tropical Pacific being colder than normal during La NInas supports ocean heat uptake over the abnormal cold areas. During El Ninos the opposite happens as the oceans loose vast amounts of heat to the atmosphere during El Ninos when the central to eastern tropical Pacific is warmer than normal.
    The high rates of ocean heat uptake during the triple La Nina from 2020 to 2022 are thought to be one reason behind the exceptional ocean surface warming during 2023/24. Some of the take up heat resurfaced into the upper mixed layer during 2023/24 which caused this exceptional surface warming signal. The El Nino in 2023/24 played here a large role.
    Still the signal of heat resurfacing had been exceptional.
    But now we have the problem that ocean heat uptake did not decline or reversed during 2023/24 when we had the last El Nino emitting vast amounts of energy into the atmosphere.
    The rates of ocean heat uptake had been similar in 2023/24 to 2020-22, which should not be possible, at least not back on back...
    Lets talk about numbers...
    The numbers of ocean heat uptake (IAP/CAS dataset) in 2021 of 15Zj, 2022 of 19Zj, 2023 of 16Zj and 2024 of 16ZJ (1) have to be seen in relation to these numbers:
    Regardless of which estimate is used, there has been a two- to three- fold increase in the rate of increase in OHC since the late 1980s. For example, according to the IAP analy- sis, the OHC trend for 1958–1985 is 3.1 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1, and since 1986, the OHC trend is 9.2 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1 (Fig. 2). The IAP trend within 1958–1985 of 3.1 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1 is higher than the previous release in Cheng et al. (2023) (2.3 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1), mainly because the new inclusion of the bottle data bias correction. After 2007, with better global coverage of ocean subsurface data, OHC uncertainty is reduced. There is a significant warming trend of 10.8 ± 1.2 ZJ yr−1 and 10.3 ± 0.8 ZJ yr−1 from 2007–2023 for IAP/CAS and NCEI/NOAA (seasonal time series), respectively (Fig. 2). The NCEI three-month OHC estimate has a slightly stronger trend than the pentadal time series from 2005 to 2020, indicating the impact of sam- pling changes associated with the mapping approach. (2)
    (1) New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023"; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00376-024-3378-5
    (2) "Record High Temperatures in the Ocean in 2024"; https://link.springer.com/.../10.1007/s00376-025-4541-3...
    These studies are important for what happens in the oceans (read them in the order):
    (1) "New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indichttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00376-024-3378-5
    (2) "A Glimpse into the Future: The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change "; https://journals.ametsoc.org/.../105/3/BAMS-D-23-0209.1.xml
    (3) "Record High Temperatures in the Ocean in 2024"; https://link.springer.com/.../10.1007/s00376-025-4541-3...
    (4) "Quantifying the acceleration of multidecadal global sea surface warming driven by Earth's energy imbalance"; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/adaa8a
    "Drivers of the 2023 record shattering marine heat extreme in the North Atlantic"; https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5046018/v1
    TADEAS --- ---
    Island Futures

    ISLANDS FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY is a non-partisan collaborative think tank. We develop resilience options to help ensure island nations can weather the impact of global catastrophes.

    Our work includes evidence-based research reports, empirical studies, and events promoting approaches to mitigate risks such as nuclear war or extreme pandemics.

    We curate evidence, coordinate catastrophe research, and create engaging online and in-person gatherings. We act to inform and assist communities, central government, and essential services, in achieving societal resilience to global catastrophes.

    We are starting in New Zealand but hope all islands can learn from our work.
    TUHO --- ---
    Katerina Kolouchova (Fakta oklimatu)

    🇪🇺 European Commission dnes představila očekávaný Kompas konkurenceschopnosti, ve kterém v návaznosti na Draghiho zprávu nastiňuje, jak chce zvýšit konkurenceschopnost unijních podniků.

    Celé je to hodně o zjednodušování (povolovacích procesů, státní podpory, reportingu), inovacích, zvyšování soběstačnosti a odolnosti.

    💡 Důležité je pro mě opakované potvrzení, že cíle Zelené dohody a klimatické neutrality v roce 2050 zůstávají a že Komise stojí za emisním cílem −90 % pro rok 2040. Stejně tak zůstávají stejné emisní cíle pro automobilový průmysl (ač s explicitní zmínkou technologické neutrality a e-paliv).

    Jsem zvědavá na konkrétnější vykreslení dekarbonizačních opatření, které na konci února přinese Clean Industrial Deal.

    V samotném Kompasu mě ještě mj. zaujalo, že Komise navrhne vznik 28. právního režimu, ve kterém by pro inovativní podniky odpadaly starosti s 27 různými regulačními prostředími.

    Co v Kompasu zaujalo vás?

    Kompas obsahuje i časový rámec pro jednotlivé iniciativy, např.:

    – Clean Industrial Deal and an Action Plan on Affordable Energy [Q1 2025]
    – Amendment of the Climate Law [2025]
    – Industrial Decarbonisation Accelerator Act [Q4 2025]
    – New State Aid Framework [Q2 2025]
    – Strategic dialogue on the future of the European automotive industry and Industrial Action Plan [Q1 2025].
    – Joint purchasing platform for Critical Raw Minerals [Q2-3 2025]
    – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Review [2025]
    – Circular Economy Act [Q4 2026]
    TADEAS --- ---

    The Past and Future of the Mammoth Steppe Ecosystem

    The current state of Pleistocene Park, Russia (An experiment in the restoration of megafauna in a boreal environment)
    TADEAS --- ---

    R Hallam

    Here is James Hansen's great piece on the natural science of the elite's emission of carbon, and not great piece on the social science of the elite's emission of carbon.

    Let's start with social science law number one. Power resides in sovereign states, not global courts. Even if global courts say that what the elites are doing is illegal, nothing will change.

    Social science law number two. States only fundamentally change - change their regimes - when there is material resistance from their populations - national strikes and mass occupations of the streets for several weeks or months. The only effective way to create structural political change in the time we have left is through this civil resistance - in comparison with alternative ineffective methods (voting, lobbying, legal challenge).

    This is a historical no brainer. It has happened hundreds of times over the past two hundred years - most recently in Bangladesh. The primary reason why it is not happening is because of the scientifically illiterate and irrational attachment of the Western liberal and administrative classes to means of change which simply do not work - have not worked for 30 years - and will not work in the future. Because entrenched power does not respond to such methods. Only when the young realise they are being duped by those who continually mislead them, will they do what they always do to create regime change - go on the streets and stay there.

    I have been saying this for 10 years now. Not because I have a particular ideological attachment to civil resistance or public disruption any more than those that report of climate breakdown want ecological collapse to happen. It is simply about what is real.

    Social science law number three is that the liberal class never moves in time. And that is why you end up having full blown revolutions. But of course no one wants to talk about that. Not yet. But it will come, as surely as an apple dropping to the ground. It's Newtonian determinism.
    TUHO --- ---
    How Humanity Discovered Its Own Extinction
    By Thomas Moynihan

    Tracing this untold story, Moynihan revisits the pioneers who first contemplated the possibility of human extinction and stages the historical drama of this momentous discovery. He shows how, far from being a secular reprise of religious prophecies of apocalypse, existential risk is a thoroughly modern idea, made possible by the burgeoning sciences and philosophical tumult of the Enlightenment era. In recollecting how we first came to care for our extinction, Moynihan reveals how today's attempts to measure and mitigate existential threats are the continuation of a project initiated over two centuries ago, which concerns the very vocation of the human as a rational, responsible, and future-oriented being.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: The next climate war? Statecraft, security, and weaponization in the geopolitics of a low-carbon future
    TUHO --- ---

    The impacts of global climate change on international security and geopolitics could be of historic proportion, challenging those of previous global threats such as nuclear weapons proliferation, the Great Depression, and terrorism. But while the evidence surrounding the security impacts of climate change is fairly well-understood and improving, less is known about the security risks to climate-technology deployment. In this study, we focus on the geopolitical, security, and military risks facing negative emissions and solar geoengineering options. Although controversial, these options could become the future backbone of a low-carbon or net-zero society, given that they avoid the need for coordinated or global action (and can be deployed by a smaller group of actors, even non-state actors), and that they can “buy time” for mitigation and other options to be scaled up. We utilize a large and diverse expert-interview exercise (N = 125) to critically examine the security risks associated with ten negative emission options (or greenhouse gas removal technologies) and ten solar geoengineering options (or solar radiation management technologies). We ask: What geopolitical considerations does deployment give rise to? What particular military applications exist? What risks do these options entail in terms of weaponization, misuse, and miscalculation? We examine such existing and prospective security risks across a novel conceptual framework envisioning their use as (i) diplomatic or military negotiating tools, (ii) objectives for building capacity, control, or deterrence, (iii) targets in ongoing conflicts, and (iv) causes of new conflicts. This enables us to capture a far broader spectrum of security concerns than those which exist in the extant literature and to go well beyond insights derived from climate modelling or game theory by drawing on a novel, rich, and original dataset of expert perceptions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Our Science, Your Future: Next Generation of Antarctic Scientists Call for Collaborative Action - AAPP

    Antarctic researchers warn of possible 'catastrophic' sea level rise | ABC News

    Antarctic researchers warn of possible 'catastrophic' sea level rise within our lifetime in group statement - ABC News

    Hundreds of polar researchers have issued an emergency statement calling for urgent action to deal with the impacts of climate change in Antarctica.

    Antarctica and the Southern Ocean have been undergoing rapid and extreme changes in recent years, including unprecedented heatwaves and record-low sea ice levels.

    Over the past week, more than 450 researchers gathered in Hobart for the inaugural Australian Antarctic Research Conference — the first such event in more than a decade.

    Almost two thirds of attendees were early career researchers, who have released a joint statement titled, Making Antarctica Cool Again.

    The statement warns of the potential dire consequences of global sea level rise caused by melting ice sheets.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cop29 live: talks into overtime as Greta Thunberg says people in power ‘about to agree to death sentence’ | Cop29 | The Guardian

    The people in power are yet again about to agree to a death sentence to the countless people whose lives have been or will be ruined by the climate crisis. The current text is full of false solutions and empty promises. The money from the Global North countries needed to pay back their climate debt is still nowhere to be seen.

    Those in power are worsening the destabilisation and destruction of our life supporting ecosystems. We are on track to experience the hottest year ever recorded, with the global greenhouse gases reaching an all time high just last year.

    The COP processes aren’t just failing us, they are part of a larger system built on injustice and designed to sacrifice current and future generations for the opportunity of a few to keep making unimaginable profits and continue to exploit planet and people.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    PER2: Na toto téma
    The End of China's Rise and the Future of World Order│Michael Beckley (Tufts University, Professor)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Trump: "One of the most urgent tasks... is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax."

    "The radical left's fearmongering about climate and our future is... destroying America's economy,-. It's really hurting us."

    CHOSIE --- ---
    Twenty years of microplastics pollution research—what have we learned?
    Twenty years after the first publication using the term microplastics, we review current understanding, refine definitions and consider future prospects. Microplastics arise from multiple sources including tires, textiles, cosmetics, paint and the fragmentation of larger items. They are widely distributed throughout the natural environment with evidence of harm at multiple levels of biological organization. They are pervasive in food and drink and have been detected throughout the human body, with emerging evidence of negative effects. Environmental contamination could double by 2040 and widescale harm has been predicted. Public concern is increasing and diverse measures to address microplastics pollution are being considered in international negotiations. Clear evidence on the efficacy of potential solutions is now needed to address the issue and to minimize the risks of unintended consequences.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Overconfidence in climate overshoot
    Global emission reduction efforts continue to be insufficient to meet the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. This makes the systematic exploration of so-called overshoot pathways that temporarily exceed a targeted global warming limit before drawing temperatures back down to safer levels a priority for science and policy.
    The possibility that global warming could be reversed many decades into the future might be of limited relevance for adaptation planning today. Temperature reversal could be undercut by strong Earth-system feedbacks resulting in high near-term and continuous long-term warming.

    Článek k publikaci: https://archive.is/SZWUF
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