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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    2024 Securing the ‘great white shield’? Climate change, Arctic security and the geopolitics of solar geoengineering

    By systematically juxtaposing recently published schemes for Arctic geoengineering with Arctic security strategies published by the littoral Arctic states and China, we reveal and detail two conflicting security imaginaries. Geoengineering schemes scientifically securitise (and seek to maintain) the Arctic’s ‘great white shield’ to protect ‘global’ humanity against climate tipping points and invoke a past era of Arctic ‘exceptionality’ to suggest greater political feasibility for research interventions here. Meanwhile, state security imaginaries understand the contemporary Arctic as an increasingly contested region of considerable geopolitical peril and economic opportunity as temperatures rise. Alongside the entangled history of science with geopolitics in the region, this suggests that geoengineering schemes in the Arctic are unlikely to follow scientific visions, and unless co-opted into competitive, extractivist state security imaginaries, may prove entirely infeasible. Moreover, if the Arctic is the ‘best-case’ for geoengineering politics, this places a huge question mark over the feasibility of other, more global prospects
    MARSHUS --- ---
    How do I express that I’m concerned about the people of western NC and I’m also concerned about the potential future global economic disaster because Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz for crucibles that all global semiconductor production relies on?

    SHEFIK --- ---
    CHOSIE: cteme stejne, ale evidentne si vykladame autorovy cile sdeleni jinak.

    Electric vehicles (EVs) tap into this mentality,
    making them seem like an effective way for each of us to personally address climate change.

    - ale on to je effective way, jen nedosahujeme dostatecne rychlosti a skaly

    EVs are a clever marketing ploy that seems logical on the surface but lacks real substance.

    - woot?

    Fixating on
    EVs doesn’t change the larger transportation picture, which includes trucks, trains, and ships.

    - doporucuji autorovi nastudovat definici electric vehicle

    Looking closer, most of the growth in industrial oil use is tied to plastics and chemical feedstocks. That’s a major red flag.

    - tak zapomeneme na EVs, protoze jde o marketingovou zalezitost a protoze tezbu ropy drivuji i jine faktory? Kdyz ma pan tak rad cisla a zveda red flagy, jak vyroba plastu prispiva k emisim sklenikovych plynu? Vice, nebo mene nez ev?

    These products aren’t just a
    climate issue—they’re causing significant health problems for humans and animals alike. We’re talking about plastics, pesticides, and endocrine-disrupting
    microplastics that are already wreaking havoc well beyond the realm of climate change.

    - Takze ted uz nejde jen o klima, zapomeneme na 8% a zatahnem do toho i roztomily nekvantifikovany a neurcity zviratka? Jablka/hrusky/cisla/fakta/emoce

    The only real solution to our environmental crises—climate change being just one part—is a dramatic reduction in energy consumption.
    No amount of renewables or technological innovation will get around this hard truth: we have to use far less energy, period.

    But let’s be honest—that’s not going to happen voluntarily, any more than we’ll triple renewables and double efficiency in the next five years.

    - Kdo rika, ze bude civilizace net zero za 5 let? Znamena to, ze se nemame snazit o co nejvyssi rychlost transformace, prostredky jako EVs a Renewable energy? Protoze to z textu tak nastinuje. Ale jinak castecne souhlasim, nemeli bychom energii pouzivat neefektivne.

    Despite clear evidence that global decarbonization is failing, we’re repeatedly told that using more renewables and buying more EVs is the answer.
    That’s a cynical delusion, completely unsupported by the data.

    - woot? Unsupported by data? Absolutne mozna, ale ze tu mame paralelni rust spotreby a nejsme schopni vyrabet vic, je spis impulzem, ze bychom meli pridat a ne to vzdat?

    All it really does is funnel more public money into the hands of the same corporations
    that have been exploiting consumers for decades, all while creating the illusion of progress.

    - woot? Illusion of progress? V EV, bateriich a renewables jsme se nikam technologicky neposunuli za poslednich 10 let?

    This kind of optimism provides little more than false hope, downplaying the serious, complex challenge of truly cutting carbon emissions.

    - a to je dle pana jak? Jak uvadel, sam vi, ze civilozace se nezastavi. Nikdo zejtra veskerej proud, ani olej nevypne.

    Electric vehicles and renewable
    energy are a distraction from the hard realities we face.

    - tak urcite :))
    SHEFIK --- ---
    CHOSIE: to se zas nekdo chtel zviditelnit, ze se v businessu naucil pocitat a pracovat s prioritama ne?

    8% je malo? Mozna nema smysl ani vstavat z gauce, protoze Paret rika 20/80 blabla :)

    "The reality is that passenger cars contribute only about 8 %
    of global emissions—a relatively small part of the bigger problem that is being overlooked."

    Logika sales consultanta...

    Vzhledem k tomu, ze potrebujeme prestat generovat 100% emisi a jeste je z ekosystemu odebirat, je fajn, ze uz vime, ze se na passenger cars a dokonce i renewable energy nemusime soustredit, protoze je to nevyznamny procento. A to i prestoy ze mame k dispozici 8 miliard lidi a jsme schopni pracovat na vice problemech soucasne.

    Jako alternativu pan nabizi zastaveni civilizace, ale to vlastne sam vi, ze nejde. Ale neco se udelat musi, protoze svete div se, za EVs a renewables stoji firmy (!!!!) a ty sou zly, protoze musi na svy zamestnance, hmotny naklady a rozvoj vydelavat penize (!).

    Kdybych to vedel driv, nenarodim se.

    //sorry za sarkasmus, ale nekdy pomaha brat nesmysly s humorem.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Electric Vehicles and Renewables: Misleading Solutions to a Deeper Climate Crisis

    Cars dominate our energy mindset just like gasoline prices are the main way we understand energy costs. Electric vehicles (EVs) tap into this mentality,
    making them seem like an effective way for each of us to personally address climate change.

    EVs are a clever marketing ploy that seems logical on the surface but lacks real substance. The reality is that passenger cars contribute only about 8 %
    of global emissions—a relatively small part of the bigger problem that is being overlooked.

    // What about yesterday’s announcement from the International Energy Agency (IEA) claiming that renewables can get us two-thirds of the way to
    meeting Paris climate targets by 2030, and cut global emissions by 10 billion tonnes by the decade’s end?

    It sounds impressive, but here’s the catch: it demands ‘tripling renewables and doubling efficiency targets’ in just five years. That’s an incredibly
    unrealistic goal, and arguably disingenuous. Even the IEA admits it’s a steep climb, and reaching those objectives is far from guaranteed.

    Isn’t it true that EV sales have tripled since 2020? Sure, that’s accurate, but it’s misleading. New car sales are just a tiny slice of the total vehicle fleet.
    In 2023, nearly 14 million electric cars hit the roads, bringing the global total to 40 million. But 40 million is only 2.8 % of all passenger cars. By 2025,
    they’ll make up just 4% of global light vehicles, and only 7% by 2030.

    Yes, wind and solar are expanding rapidly, but here’s the problem: they aren’t cutting fossil fuel use. They’re simply being layered on top of it. The growth
    in renewables isn’t displacing fossil fuels—it’s just adding to the overall energy mix.

    Unfortunately, these energy sources mostly contribute to electricity, which is only about 20% of total energy consumption. Meanwhile, coal, natural gas,
    and oil aren’t going away—they’re still growing. Natural gas will rise by 0.8% per year, oil by 0.5%, and coal by 0.4%.

    When we focus on oil consumption, the problem becomes even clearer. Global oil end use is projected to grow 0.7% annually through 2035. Fixating on
    EVs doesn’t change the larger transportation picture, which includes trucks, trains, and ships. Nor does it address the industrial sector’s energy demands.
    In fact, industrial oil use will grow at twice the rate of transportation over the next decade, and that’s where the real challenge lies.

    Looking closer, most of the growth in industrial oil use is tied to plastics and chemical feedstocks. That’s a major red flag. These products aren’t just a
    climate issue—they’re causing significant health problems for humans and animals alike. We’re talking about plastics, pesticides, and endocrine-disrupting
    microplastics that are already wreaking havoc well beyond the realm of climate change.

    In reality, they’re (renewable energy, EVs) more about corporations adapting to a shifting landscape and finding new ways to make money. The climate
    angle is secondary to the business opportunities these technologies present.

    The only real solution to our environmental crises—climate change being just one part—is a dramatic reduction in energy consumption.
    No amount of renewables or technological innovation will get around this hard truth: we have to use far less energy, period.

    But let’s be honest—that’s not going to happen voluntarily, any more than we’ll triple renewables and double efficiency in the next five years.
    Our growth-obsessed society simply can’t make the hard choices or accept the drop in living standards necessary for a much lower-energy
    or renewable-based economy.

    Despite clear evidence that global decarbonization is failing, we’re repeatedly told that using more renewables and buying more EVs is the answer.
    That’s a cynical delusion, completely unsupported by the data. All it really does is funnel more public money into the hands of the same corporations
    that have been exploiting consumers for decades, all while creating the illusion of progress.

    This kind of optimism provides little more than false hope, downplaying the serious, complex challenge of truly cutting carbon emissions. Instead of
    pretending we’re nearing some IEA-style “mission accomplished,” we should be bracing for the impending crisis. Electric vehicles and renewable
    energy are a distraction from the hard realities we face.

    Electric Vehicles and Renewables: Misleading Solutions to a Deeper Climate Crisis | Art Berman
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Europe’s algae market expanding, driven by product innovation, climate potential – Euractiv

    The global algae products market size is estimated to surpass €8.2 billion by 2033.

    According to algae farming firm Global Algae: “building algae farms to stop deforestation and enable regrowth of tropical rainforests without loss of production or revenue could reduce carbon emissions by ~10 Gt CO2-eq /year.” With large-scale algae farming for feed and fuel, reducing emissions by 13 to 20 gigatons of CO2 per year.

    Recognised for their nutritional and functional benefits, algae such as seaweeds and microalgae are also used as foodstuffs. In February 2024, more than 20 algae species were added to the EU Novel Food Status Catalogue.
    TADEAS --- ---
    a tribute

    Global heating ‘doubled’ chance of extreme rain in Europe in September | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Perceptions of carbon dioxide emission reductions and future warming among climate experts
    86% of participants estimated maximum global warming of greater than 2 °C by or before the year 2100 (med = 2.7 °C) while 58% of the sample believed that there was at least a 50% chance of reaching or exceeding 3 °C by or before 2100 (med = 50%).

    A previous survey found 60% of Working Group 1 authors believed that warming of 3 °C or more is likely by 2100, while another found that 77% of IPCC authors and editors expected at least 2.5 °C in the same timeframe. Our results corroborate that there is a widespread belief among IPCC authors that substantial warming is likely before 2100

    Perceptions of carbon dioxide emission reductions and future warming among climate experts | Communications Earth & Environment
    CHOSIE --- ---
    TADEAS: Zrovna jsem to chtěl sdílet. Jeden rok po dokončení a evaluace na 6 z 9 jako překročených.
    Ocean acidification close to critical threshold, say scientists, posing threat to marine ecosystems and global liveability

    Industrial civilisation is close to breaching a seventh planetary boundary, and may already have crossed it, according to scientists who have compiled the latest report on the state of the world’s life-support systems.

    “Ocean acidification is approaching a critical threshold”, particularly in higher-latitude regions, says the latest report on planetary boundaries. “The growing acidification poses an increasing threat to marine ecosystems.”

    At a briefing outlining the findings, Levke Caesar, a climate physicist at PIK and co-author of the report, said there were two reasons the levels of ocean acidification were concerning.

    “One is [that] the indicator for ocean acidification, which is the current aragonite separation state, while still being in the safe operating space, is approaching the threshold of transgressing the safe boundary,” Caesar said.

    “The second is that there are actually several new studies that were published over the last years that indicate that even these current conditions may already be problematic for a variety of marine organisms, suggesting a need [to] re-evaluate which levels can actually be called safe.”

    Ocean acidification was getting worse globally, with the effects most pronounced in the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, she added.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Zajmava na grafu ta fajfka nahoru u 'today'. A dale teploty pri 'world without polar ice caps'

    A truly impressive paper was published this week with a new reconstruction of global temperatures over the last ~500 million years.

    RealClimate: Phantastic Job!
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    je obtizne pak oponovat lidem, co zpochybnuji zelene snahy a mluvi "ze jim jde jen o granty"

    Out of 1,500 global climate policies, only 63 have really worked. That’s where green spin has got us | George Monbiot | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: Jako imho na tom neco castecne bude. Problem s Lomborgem je, ze ocividne ma svoji agendu a absolutne se mu neda verit v zaverech, ktery z dat vyvozuje. Ma strasne dlouhou historii prekrucovani dat, v podstate do kazdy debaty kam prisel, tak se ohrazovali odbornici v dany oblasti, vcetne lidi, jejichz studie pro svoji argumentaci pouzival. Zrovna konkretne tenhle clanek jsem necetl (za paywallem, nemuzes sem hodit cely plz?), ale predpokladam, ze to bude variace na toto:

    “In the [2015] article[3], we computed both cold and heat-related deaths in a number of locations and countries, and indeed the former were much larger. However, the analysis focuses on the historical period and does not compute the differences in both cold and heat-related deaths in scenarios with and without climate change. That is, it provides no information on if the predicted decrease in cold-related deaths will offset the predicted increase in heat-related deaths.

    Lomborg and others who have cited my 2015 article to support the claim that climate change will be beneficial conveniently ignore that we actually addressed this question in the following article published in The Lancet Planetary Health[4], where we computed such a ‘net’ effect. It turned out that in many countries, especially in highly populated tropical areas, the increase in heat-related deaths is much higher than the reduction in cold-related deaths, with an increase in net mortality, especially under more extreme scenarios of global warming. A separate analysis led by other research groups[5,6] has confirmed these results in both the US and Europe.”

    Global warming contributes to increased heat-related mortality, contrary to Bjorn Lomborg’s unsupported claims that climate change is saving hundreds of thousands of lives each year - Science Feedback...
    CHOSIE --- ---
    China has more than 1 billion tons/year of new coal mines in pipeline, report says
    China developing 1.28 bln tons of coal mining capacity
    Chinese mines in progress more than half global pipeline
    35% of projects in pipeline under construction
    Current large-scale capacity is 3.88 mln metric tons/year
    China responsible for 70% of coal mine methane emissions
    TADEAS --- ---
    Almost 200 people killed last year trying to defend the environment, report finds | Environmental activism | The Guardian

    At least 196 people were killed last year for defending the environment, with more than a third of killings taking place in Colombia, new figures show.

    From campaigners who spoke out against mining projects to Indigenous communities targeted by organised crime groups, an environmental defender was killed every other day in 2023, according to a new report by the NGO Global Witness.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    CHOSIE: A ještě přidám tuto studii, připomenu si povvšimnout, že se často hovoří o "dočasném" decouplingu (jak v této tak i v jiných publikacích)
    In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to actively promote a coordinated and balanced relationship between carbon dioxide emissions (CO2e), material footprints (MF) and human development, based on the economic and social development stages of different countries and their material resource endowments.

    This study comprehensively evaluated the nexus between CO2e, MF, and human development index (HDI) in 151 countries from 1990 to 2019 based on the modified coupling coordination degree model and the improved decoupling index model.

    The results show that, both the global MF per capita and HDI have maintained an increasing trend, and the MF per capita has been increasing significantly faster than the HDI. The trend of CO2e per capita is slowly dropping, with very high HDI countries being the main contributors. Besides, global regional differences in CO2e per capita and MF per capita are still expanding.

    Net energy exporting countries with high HDI have advantages to achieve decoupling of CO2 emissions.

    Net energy importing countries with low HDI shows a significant coupling trend in material footprints.

    The study shows that, as the level of human development continues to rise, humanity has made the leap from intermediate to advanced levels of development. However, the real impacts of unsustainability, like the accelerated depletion of natural resources and the massive emission of greenhouse gases, have also intensified.
    In the current context of globalization, although achieving a temporary absolute decoupling between CO2e, MF and HDI may occur frequently, maintaining this trend over the long term remains challenging.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Oh my God, what is that?’: how the maelstrom under Greenland’s glaciers could slow future sea level rise | Glaciers | The Guardian

    current models do not take account of a big possible factor: the huge mounds of ground rock that some glaciers pile up in front of them, blocking their paths and insulating them from ever hotter oceans. These could function as “speed bumps”, effectively slowing the impact of global heating. But the role this plays is unknown because researchers had never been able to scrutinise the hellish zone where mighty glaciers, rock and ocean meet.

    TERMINUS: Studying Greenland’s Underwater Glacial Walls
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: How Democracy Survives Global Challenges in the Anthropocene
    Edited By Michael Holm, R. S. Deese
    TUHO --- ---
    How Democracy Survives explores how liberal democracy can better adapt to the planetary challenges of our time by evolving beyond the Westphalian paradigm of the nation state. The authors bring perspectives from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America, their chapters engaging with the concept of transnational democracy by tracing its development in the past, assessing its performance in the present, and considering its potential for survival in this century and beyond. Coming from a wide array of intellectual disciplines and policymaking backgrounds, the authors share a common conviction that our global institutions—both governments and international organizations—must become more resilient, transparent, and democratically accountable in order to address the cascading political, economic, and social crises of this new epoch, such as climate change, mass migration, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and resurgent authoritarianism. This book will be relevant for courses in international relations and political science, environmental politics, and the preservation of democracy and federalism around the world.

    CHOSIE --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Třeba to za zkoušku stojí, má-li to význam z hlediska energie a infrastruktury (čímž bych i narážel na dostupnost fosilních paliv ať už pro vybudování/transport, nebo samotnou produkci syntetických hnojiv aj.), kratším obdobím růstu. Faktem, že se permafrost nachází hlavně v oblastech jako je Russkiy mir, Kanada, nebo USA (tj. geopolitický faktor - budeme mít jako EU dobré vztahy apod.).

    Jinak nejde jen o neúrodnost, ale pokud se nepletu je ta půda plná toxických těžkých kovů (např. rtuti) a taktéž je zde riziko virů. Nicméně hlavním faktorem permafrostu je to ohromné množství sklenníkových plynů uložených v něm.

    Samotné tání bude trvat dost dlouho (tedy, snad?) a ta půda bude neustále v pohybu, včetně explozí a následných metanových kráterů. No, není to zrovna přívětivé prostředí pro zemědělství ať se na to podíváme jakkoliv.

    A posledně k tomuto tématu, vůbec nevíme jaké čekat teplotní výkyvy, srážky,.. no to je spjaté se zmíněným prouděním v bodech, které TUHO sdílel.
    As a consequence of global warming and human-induced climate
    change, the thawing of permafrost not only contributes to global
    greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and warming, but also poses
    substantial risks to both local ecosystems and human communities in
    affected regions

    Considering the cold winters and short, cool summers, the presence
    of permafrost affects the availability of arable land and the growing
    season for crops, making agriculture challenging. While climatedriven northward expansion of agriculture increasingly provides
    new food sources, little is known about the effectiveness, feasibility
    and risks in cultivation-permafrost interactions.

    Thawing permafrost also releases contaminants, including
    mercury, into the environment. This negatively
    impacts water quality in Arctic rivers and lakes, leading to potential
    risks to human health through contaminated food chains and drinking
    water sources.

    Beyond its ecological consequences, permafrost thaw has significant
    implications for the infrastructure built on permafrost soil. As the
    ground becomes unstable, buildings, roads, pipelines, water facilities,
    and communication systems are damaged and hazardous substances mobilised

    Up to 80 per cent of infrastructure elements
    show substantial infrastructure damage and 70 per cent of current
    infrastructure in the permafrost domain is in areas with high potential
    for thaw by 2050

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tridilna serie. Cely zajmavy

    From Dissipating Clouds to Record-Setting Areas of Drought, the State of the Climate in 2023 Was Shockingly Severe | Discover Magazine

    Here in Part 3 of the series, I look at some of the other impacts, starting with one that took me surprise: In addition to being the warmest year, 2023 was also the least cloudy ever observed globally in records dating back four decades. Some areas saw particularly steep declines in cloudiness, including the Indian Ocean, the Arctic, and Northern Hemisphere.

    The global average for cloud cover in 2023 was the lowest ever recorded.
    In 2023, the report concludes that clouds reflected away to space the smallest amount of energy from the Sun ever observed. That meant more solar energy reached the surface to cause warming. But at the same time, clouds blocked the least amount of heat energy from escaping to space from the surface.

    Teasing out the net effect from changes in cloudiness is complicated, because different kinds of clouds have different impacts. With that caveat in mind, the report concludes that the overall impact "was the weakest cooling effect of clouds on record." And this, in turn, reinforced 2023's shocking warmth.
    In fact, the amount of precipitation that fell during the year was one of the lowest in records going back to 1979. At the same time, the intensity of rain that did fall increased, which can contribute to damaging deluges.

    As the report points out, this is just what scientists have long expected with a warming climate.
    Emissions of CO2 by the most advanced economies of the world have peaked and are dropping — even as economic growth continues. They're accomplishing this through efforts to use energy more efficiently, along with a massive ramp-up in renewables. And this points the way forward toward a day when we may finally tame the climate crisis.
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