#positive #governmentActionPokud to spravne chapu, v usa budou akciovy firmy muset nove investorum reportovat nasledujici.
As we explained in our comments, new rules need to require each company to disclose:
the full scope of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This includes GHG emissions from assets that it owns, like factories, buildings, or transportation fleets; GHG emissions from the power is uses to run its factories and buildings; and GHG emissions from using the products it makes (in the case of manufacturers) or the investments it makes (in the case of banks or investment companies).
the company’s projections about how realistic climate change scenarios will affect the company. Climate change is likely to result in more widespread flooding, wildfires, and more powerful hurricanes. Those events can damage property, disrupt supply chains, and hurt employees. But climate change may also lead to a shift to more sustainable products, alternative energy sources, and new business opportunities. Investors need to know how companies are planning for these possibilities.
how the company’s operations affect communities vulnerable to climate change.
G7 & SEC: Mandatory Climate Risk Disclosure Needed Now | CleanTechnicahttps://cleantechnica.com/2021/06/17/g7-sec-mandatory-climate-risk-disclosure-needed-now/