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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    CHOSIE --- ---
    China has more than 1 billion tons/year of new coal mines in pipeline, report says
    China developing 1.28 bln tons of coal mining capacity
    Chinese mines in progress more than half global pipeline
    35% of projects in pipeline under construction
    Current large-scale capacity is 3.88 mln metric tons/year
    China responsible for 70% of coal mine methane emissions
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tipping point reached. Z cyklu #doomed

    Surging Methane Emissions Could Be a Sign of a Major Climate Shift - Inside Climate News

    A 2021 pledge by more than 100 nations to cut methane emissions from anthropogenic sources 30 percent by 2030 might not slow global warming as much as projected, as new research shows that feedbacks in the climate system are boosting methane emissions from natural sources, especially tropical wetlands.

    A new trouble spot is in the Arctic, where scientists recently found unexpectedly large methane emissions in winter. And globally, the increase in water vapor caused by global warming is slowing the rate at which methane breaks down in the atmosphere. If those feedbacks intensify, scientists said, it could outpace efforts to cut methane from fossil fuel and other human sources.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Nobody ever saw anything like this before’: how methane emissions are pushing the Amazon towards environmental catastrophe | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global Methane Emission Measurements with Incredible Unprecedented Accuracy from NEW MethaneSat
    TADEAS --- ---
    Trees reveal climate surprise: Microbes living in bark remove methane from the atmosphere
    TADEAS --- ---
    What Trump 2.0 Could Mean for the Environment

    “President Trump made America a net exporter of energy for the first time because he cut red tape and gave the industry more freedom to do what they do best — utilize the liquid gold under our feet.” If elected, he would “cancel Joe Biden’s radical mandates, terminate the Green New Scam, and make America energy independent again,” she said.


    At various points, courts overturned the Trump administration’s attempts to relax restrictions on carbon-dioxide emissions from power plants; blocked a rule that would have limited what scientific studies the E.P.A. could use; and found the administration broke the law when it failed to enact nationwide standards to curb harmful ozone pollution. Judges also rejected attempts to take gray wolves off the endangered species list and to roll back rules that restricted methane leaks from oil and gas wells.


    The courts could also prove more sympathetic next time around. With three Supreme Court justices appointed by Mr. Trump, the court now has a conservative supermajority that has shown a deep skepticism toward environmental regulation. The court has sometimes blocked rules that were still being adjudicated in lower courts or before they were implemented.

    In June, the Supreme Court overturned the so-called Chevron doctrine, which for 40 years said that courts should defer to government agencies when a law is unclear. That ruling could undercut the regulatory authority of many federal agencies. The Supreme Court also halted E.P.A. rules that limited smokestack pollution blowing across state borders, overturned expanded protections for millions of acres of wetlands and narrowed the agency’s ability to regulate emissions from power plants.


    many environmentalists say that while they might block some moves, they can’t force a Trump administration to adopt policies that will cut greenhouse gases. And the window to limit global warming to relatively low levels is rapidly closing.

    “There’s no skeleton key that’s going to protect everything Biden has accomplished,” said Sam Ricketts, founder of S2 Strategies, a clean-energy consulting group. “I’d love to say that there is a fail-safe plan to protect the gains we’ve made should Trump be president again. There is not.”
    CHOSIE --- ---
    MINER: Uvidíme kam se to vědecky vyvine, jak píšeš je to momentálně celkem probírané téma, takže čekám, že následující měsíce a roky nám dají více odpovědí.
    Jak konec článku zmiňuje - na jednu stranu je jedno zda 3C nebo 5C (7C v případě sdílené publikace), obojí je špatný. I když případě těch horních hranic mluvíme o podmínkách, které si těžko dokážeme představit.

    Jinak ještě z článku, který jsem sdílel:
    It should be noted that our ECS is not the same as the ECS used by the IPCC, given that it represents specific climate sensitivity S[CO2,LI]
    (i.e., ESS corrected for potential slow land ice feedback) and does not consider changes in other greenhouse gases (e.g., methane), paleogeography
    , nor solar luminosity; we are currently unable to conduct these additional considerations65. The impact of additional methane and
    water would bring down ECS, which likely explains why paleo ECS is generally higher than modern models.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Denmark to charge farmers €100 a cow in first carbon tax on agriculture

    Denmark is moving ahead with the world’s first carbon tax on agriculture, with cattle farmers set to be charged almost €100 a year for the greenhouse gas emissions from each of their cows.

    After months of fraught negotiations with trade bodies and environmental groups, Denmark’s ruling coalition on Monday night agreed an effective tax rate of DKr120 (€16) per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from livestock, including cows and pigs.


    Ruminant animals such as cows and sheep produce methane through their digestive systems, while synthetic nitrogen fertilisers in the grass they eat also produce greenhouse gases. Livestock accounts for 11 per cent of global emissions, with almost two-thirds of that driven by cows.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    XCHAOS: Tak také je tu spousta tzv. "low hanging fruit", v politickém a aktivistickém dosahu a s menším zásahem do kvality života než nějaká konrkétní omezení a regulace. Ono i to "Just Stop Oil" pokud se nepletu, je proti investicím do nových vrtů, ne zastavení toku ropy jako takové.

    Pár příkladů:
    - Zakonzervování ropných vrtů
    Turkmenistán - The data produced by Kayrros for the Guardian found that the western fossil fuel field in Turkmenistan, on the Caspian coast, leaked 2.6m tonnes of methane in 2022. The eastern field emitted 1.8m tonnes. Together, the two fields released emissions equivalent to 366m tonnes of CO2

    - Oprava plynovodů
    U.S. natural gas pipelines are leaking between 1.2 million and 2.6 million tons of methane per year (equivalent of ~150m tonnes of CO2)

    - Zamezení úniku fluoridu sírového
    Uník v USA má stejný dopad jako ~2m aut ročně

    - Přidávání mořských řas do krmiva pro dobytek
    Livestock are responsible for roughly 14.5 percent of humanity’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, and cows are thought to account for about 65 percent of those emissions.
    In 2018, some of the same researchers behind the new paper recorded methane emissions reductions of more than 50 percent among dairy cows after the introduction of a red-colored seaweed called Asparagopsis taxiformis to their feed.
    (pokud tedy bereme úpravu západní diety jako příliš velký zákrok)

    - Ukončení dotací fosilních paliv
    Tyto dotace jsou ve výsledku pouze zneužívány (jako asi většina). Prostředky mohly jít například do budování elektr. infrastruktury/uložišť, nebo jiným spolčenosti/přirodě prospěšným směrem.

    Obecně tedy co se týče oteplování má smysl zaměřit se na mnohem potentnější CH4, ale zároveň nezapomínejme, že to není jediný faktor a například acidifikace oceánu je další vážný problém, kde roli hraje čistě CO2.

    Ještě si dovolím zmínit tuto studii, bylo by fajn mít podobný výzkum i v jiných zemích/celosvětově, ale dejme tomu, že třeba 15-20% emisí by šlo omezit aniž bychom nějak zásadně ovlivnili ekonomiku nebo zaměstnanost (také se nabízí mnoho možností pracovní místa přidat) -
    We compared the systemic relevance of every firm in Hungary
    We determined that for an emissions reduction of 20%, the most effective strategy leads to losses of about 2% of jobs and 2% of economic output. In contrast, a naive scenario targeting the largest emitters first results in 28% job losses and 33% output reduction for the same target.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    CHOSIE: viz wiki o petm

    Rate of carbon addition

    Model simulations of peak carbon addition to the ocean–atmosphere system during the PETM give a probable range of 0.3–1.7 petagrams of carbon per year (Pg C/yr), which is much slower than the currently observed rate of carbon emissions. One petagram of carbon is equivalent to a gigaton of carbon (GtC); the current rate of carbon injection into the atmosphere is over 10 GtC/yr, a rate much greater than the carbon injection rate that occurred during the PETM.[197] It has been suggested that today's methane emission regime from the ocean floor is potentially similar to that during the PETM.[198] Because the modern rate of carbon release exceeds the PETM's, it is speculated the a PETM-like scenario is the best-case consequence of anthropogenic global warming, with a mass extinction of a magnitude similar to the Cretaceous-Palaeogene extinction event being a worst-case scenario.[199]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    A new study says that thawing permafrost probably won’t cause a runaway process. Permafrost is permanently frozen ground that covers about a quarter of the landmass in the Northern Hemisphere. It stores large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide that will be released when it thaws. If that release were to cause enough further warming to accelerate its own release, the process would inevitably “run away” until everything is released. The new study now says that the pace of release depends strongly on the ground conditions and in general wouldn’t be fast enough to actually speed itself up.

    Single view - AWI
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MATT: no to je pecka

    New satellite will track elusive methane pollution from oil and gas industry globally | CBC News
    MATT --- ---
    Recent study finds 'garbage lasagnas' forming in open landfills across US release staggering amount of air pollution: 'Decades of trash that’s sitting under the landfill'
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Fossil Fuel Companies Build Structures To Hide Methane Flaring From Satellites - CleanTechnica

    According to a report in The Guardian, oil and gas equipment intended to cut methane emissions is preventing scientists from accurately detecting greenhouse gases and pollutants, a satellite image investigation has revealed. In the US, UK, Germany, and Norway, they have installed technology that could stop researchers from identifying methane, carbon dioxide emissions, and pollutants at industrial facilities that regularly employ flaring.
    TUHO --- ---
    Elon Musk was inspired to revolutionize the auto industry to help save the planet from climate change. This week, his rocket company, Space Exploration Technologies Corp., may have done more to fight climate change than all the Teslas on the road.

    Michael R. Bloomberg: SpaceX Launch Opens New Front In Climate Fight - Bloomberg
    TADEAS --- ---
    i had a dream



    The projected TS scenario from FAO is based on net-zero-emission fertilizer production by 2050. (21) Therefore, in this TS scenario, all synthetic fertilizer at the end of the next 3 decades must be non-fossil-based, fossil-based with 100% carbon capture and storage (CCS) or fossil-based with emerging zero-emission technologies, e.g., methane pyrolysis.

    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: IMHO, methane uniky z prirodnich rezervoaru - v teto a dalsi dekade potencialne vetsi problem nez pomale tempo snizovani CO2/ekvivalent emisi clovekem.
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: collapse of AMOC a collapse of ice cover in the Arctic/methane release jde trochu proti sobe, ne?
    vychzim z toho, ze AMOC distribuuje teplo z tropu do vyssich zem. sirek
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Fastest Warming on Earth

    In the High Arctic, scientists discovered million-year-old methane (CH4) trapped under some of the world’s mightiest glaciers detected via unprecedented groundwater springs. Analyses of 123 springs found CH4 in all but one. As the massive glaciers recede, space opens at the edge of permafrost, releasing ancient methane. This is one more totally unexpected global warming headache.

    Methane detected in the High Arctic puts a big hole in the Global Methane Pledge of more than 100 countries that agreed to cut emissions by 30% by 2030. It’s an add-on that nobody knows how to deal with.

    The High Arctic location is Svalbard, Norway (pop. 2,642) which is the fastest warming region of the planet only 700 miles from the North Pole. Ironically, the fastest warming is the farthest northern human outpost, deep into the Arctic North.

    “On the Dot with David Schechter,” CBS News released a 45-minute film on December 4th, 2023, documenting the warmest place on Earth: Ancient Methane Escaping from Melting Glaciers Could Potentially Warm the Planet Even More.

    Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more - CBS News

    Ancient methane escaping from melting glaciers could potentially warm the planet even more
    MATT --- ---
    Surprising methane discovery in Yukon glaciers: 'Much more widespread than we thought'
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