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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed

    How the rise of C. auris was inevitable | Live Science

    Fifteen years ago, scientists discovered a new species of deadly, drug-resistant fungus: Candida auris. It is now considered one of the most dangerous fungal pathogens on Earth. In this excerpt from "What if Fungi Win?" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024), author Arturo Casadevall looks at the rise of this deadly fungus, which could be the first to have emerged as a result of climate change.


    And C. auris laid low for a while, remaining an obscure unknown yeast in most parts of the planet — until it was found in hospitalized patients in all corners of the world, at roughly the same time. Strikingly, between 2012 and 2015, doctors in South Africa, Venezuela and on the Indian subcontinent simultaneously reported treating patients severely ill with what turned out to be C. auris infections (remember, no one had heard of this fungal species a few years earlier).

    With no contact or commonalities between them, these C. auris cases had appeared independently on three dif­ferent continents, with each fungus genetically distinct from the others.


    It quickly became clear that this fungus was remarkably resistant to treatment. More than one in three patients with invasive C. auris infections in their blood were dying. In hospitals where this invasive fungal disease had been nonexistent, it was now a significant cause of death.

    To this day, C. auris remains mostly resistant to the antifungal treatments we have at our disposal, so once patients (and hospitals) become infected, it's nearly impossible to get rid of. Usually, doctors diagnose fungal infections after ruling out other sources, say, when a hospitalized patient has a fever that doesn't go away after treatment with antibiotics. Blood tests will likely indicate high white blood cell counts, another sign of an infection, but doctors often can't tell what type of microbe is doing the damage — or necessarily know how to treat it.


    It could do this because, as doctors would learn, it can colonize human skin, last for weeks on surfaces and tolerate heavy-duty hospital disinfectants. Some hospitals have reported finding C. auris spores lingering in hospital rooms long after a patient was discharged or died, even after other fungal species have been eliminated by cleaning agents. C. auris didn't just stay overseas.


    Within a decade of it being identified, C. auris was killing people in 40 countries on six continents. We don't have exact numbers, as many cases go unreported or unrecognized, but the figure is certainly in the thousands. In the US alone, there were more than 2,000 infections in 27 states


    Body temperature may have long protected us from fungus, but we would quickly learn that C. auris was dif­ferent. Unlike most of its fungal cousins, it can grow at temperatures as high as 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 degrees Fahrenheit).


    "Global warming could have a significant effect on fungal populations," we wrote. "First, a warmer climate could change the distribution of heat-tolerant and susceptible species by favoring those that are more thermotolerant, and by creating conditions for more environmental fungi to spread and enter into closer contact with human populations. Second, under strong selective pressure, the prevalence of species adapted to heat tolerance may increase."

    It wasn't a matter of if fungi would adapt to temperatures high enough that they could threaten humans, we warned, but when.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Další zdroj CO2 s kterým se nepočítalo

    V nejnovějším čísle časopisu Frontiers in Marine Science jsou uveřejněny výsledky studie zaměřené na uvolňování uhlíku do atmosféry následkem lovu ryb. Pokud má Trisha Brooke Atwoodová z University státu Utah pravdu, tak vlečení sítí po dně víří usazeniny tak mocně, že se znovu dává do koloběhu uhlík, který by jinak zůstal umrtven v kalu dna. Tisícileté usazeniny pohřbeného uhlíku se následně v podobě oteplovacího plynu uvolňuj do atmosféry.
    Týká se hlavně sítí o rozměrech fotbalového hřiště a větších. Jsou ve tvaru tašky a táhnou se podél dna oceánu.
    Pokud má tým Atwoodové z Utah State University a jejích kolegů z NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University, University of California a James Cook University pravdu, tak vlečení sítí po dně v letech 1996–2020 uvolňovalo v celosvětovém měřítku do atmosféry ročně až 0,34–0,37 Pg CO2. (1 Pg = 1 petagram = 1015 gramů = 1 miliarda tun). Řádově má jít o ekvivalent emisí všech leteckých společností. Nemilé na tom je, že se situace rok od roku dál zhoršuje.
    Necelá polovina ze sítěmi „vyprodukovaného“ CO2 má zůstávat ve vodě v podobě kyseliny uhličité s nežádoucím okyselením mořské vody. Do atmosféry se podle vědců neplánovaně vzniklého oxidu oxidu uhličitého uvolní 55 - 60 % během 7 - 9 let. Jsou-li kalkulace mezinárodního týmu složeného z ekologů, fyziků, geologů a matematiků správné, tak z toho plyne, že prognostickému modelování klimatu se v rozmezí několika měsíců dostalo další ťafky. Nedávno totiž vrásky na čele klimatickým inženýrům přidělal poznatek z boreálních lesů. Nechovají se tak, jak se od nich očekávalo
    TADEAS --- ---

    Rapid ice melt in west Antarctica now inevitable, research shows | Polar regions | The Guardian

    Accelerated ice melt in west Antarctica is inevitable for the rest of the century no matter how much carbon emissions are cut, research indicates. The implications for sea level rise are “dire”, scientists say, and mean some coastal cities may have to be abandoned.

    The ice sheet of west Antarctica would push up the oceans by 5 metres if lost completely. Previous studies have suggested it is doomed to collapse over the course of centuries, but the new study shows that even drastic emissions cuts in the coming decades will not slow the melting.

    The analysis shows the rate of melting of the floating ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea will be three times faster this century compared with the previous century, even if the world meets the most ambitious Paris agreement target of keeping global heating below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

    Unavoidable future increase in West Antarctic ice-shelf melting over the twenty-first century | Nature Climate Change
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘We’re not doomed yet’: climate scientist Michael Mann on our last chance to save human civilisation | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    So it’s a question of how bad we’re willing to let it get,” he says. “1.5C is already really bad but 3C is potentially civilisation-ending bad.”

    Widespread heatwaves, wildfires and floods clearly linked to global heating have given urgency to the call for action, Mann says: “But urgency without agency just leads us towards despair and defeatism. That’s what the polluters would like, to take all those climate activists and move them from the frontlines to the sidelines.”

    Ending the climate emergency is possible, Mann says: “We know that the obstacles to keeping warming below catastrophic levels are not yet physical and they’re not technological – they’re political. But there’s some pretty big political obstacles right now.”

    “Here at Penn State, there’s so much anxiety, fear and despair, and grief even,” he says. “Some of it comes from the mistaken notion that it’s physically too late and I want to dispel that notion. But part of it comes from an understandable cynicism about our politics, and that’s a much bigger challenge.”


    The UN’s major climate summit, Cop28, begins at the end of November and is being hosted by the United Arab Emirates, which Mann calls “very disturbing”. The UAE has the third biggest net zero-busting plans for oil and gas expansion in the world and the president of Cop28 is also the CEO of Adnoc, the UAE’s state oil company

    “It just feels wrong to allow them to adopt the imprimatur of global climate action by hosting Cop28,” Mann says. “It is legitimising behaviour on their part and on the part of other petro states that is fundamentally at odds with the task we have ahead. I find it very disturbing.”

    Mann has been a top target of climate deniers since the publication of the hockey stick chart. He is scathing about Elon Musk’s running of the social media platform X, formerly called Twitter.

    “Musk used to be held out as an environmental hero, because of his role with Tesla,” Mann says. “But increasingly, he’s shown his true colours, his political allegiance to Trump and fascism.”

    “Twitter was a global public square, a forum for communicating about the climate crisis,” he says. “What Musk has done is turn it into a toxic forum for the promotion of climate denialism and everything that’s bad in the world. It’s stunning.” Mann noted that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, one of the “worst petro state actors”, played a $1.9bn role in Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

    Mann also pointed out that Prince Alwaleed was a key backer of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire until 2017. “Rupert Murdoch has weaponised his global media network for the promotion of climate denialism and to attack renewable energy, which plays to his ideology and to the interests of some of the powerful petro-states, specifically Saudi Arabia.”
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Tohle uz by si asi nejakej prepping zaslouzilo

    Hlubokomořské proudy v Atlantiku se zhroutí do roku 2060. Bude to mít velice vážné důsledky – VTM.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Catastrophic climate 'doom loops' could start in just 15 years, new study warns | Live Science

    According to the researchers, most tipping-point studies build the math in their models to focus on one predominant driver of collapse, for example deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. However, ecosystems aren't contending with just one problem but rather a swarm of destabilizing factors that compound one another. For example, the Amazon also faces rising temperatures, soil degradation, water pollution and water stress.

    To investigate how these elements interact and whether these interactions can, in fact, hasten a system's demise, the scientists behind the new study built computer models of two lake and two forest ecosystems (including one which modeled the collapse of civilization on Easter Island) and ran them more than 70,000 times while adjusting the variables throughout.

    Our main finding from four ecological models was that ecosystems could collapse 30-80% earlier depending on the nature of additional stress," co-author John Dearing, a professor of physical geography at Southampton University in the U.K. told Live Science in an email. "So if previous tipping points were forecast for 2100 (i.e. 77 years from now) we are suggesting these could happen 23 to 62 years earlier depending on the nature of the stresses."
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed a sebeozdravny mechanismus zeme

    Climate change-caused underwater landslides could spawn gigantic tsunamis from the Antarctic | Live Science
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Cas na bikiny, z cyklu #doomed

    Teploty se dostanou do neprobádaných výšin, varují meteorologové. Horko ještě zhorší El Niño – VTM.cz

    Organizace se domnívá, že existuje 66procentní pravděpodobnost, že průměrná roční globální teplota mezi lety 2023 a 2027 bude vyšší o 1,5 °C oproti předindustriální době. To je problém, jelikož tato hranice je označována jako první bod zlomu, po kterém nastanou na světě nenávratné ekosystémy škody. S hodnotou operuje i Pařížská dohoda o ochraně klimatu.

    „Tato zpráva neznamená, že trvale překročíme hranici 1,5 °C stanovenou v Pařížské dohodě, která se týká dlouhodobého oteplování v průběhu mnoha let. WMO však bije na poplach, že úroveň 1,5 °C budeme překračovat krátkodobě a stále častěji,“ uvedl generální tajemník WMO Petteri Taalas.

    Organizace ve svém reportu také popisuje, že existuje 98procentní pravděpodobnost, že minimálně jeden rok z následujících pěti let a pět let jako celek budou nejteplejší v historii měření.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed

    Economic Damage From Next El Niño To Total $3 Trillion - CleanTechnica
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed

    Na planetě Zemi přibývá jezer. A dobrá zpráva to úplně není - Ekolist.cz

    Říkáte si – více jezer, více vody – to bude fajn. Kodaňští výzkumníci takové nadšení brzdí.

    Upozorňují totiž na všemožné houby a bakterie, živící se odumřelými rostlinami, a na živočichy, žijící na dně jezer. To všechno uvolňuje do atmosféry obrovské množství metanu, oxidů dusíku, oxidu uhličitého a dalších plynů. Emisních plynů.

    Jezera jsou přírodními továrnami na skleníkové plyny, a jejich produkce hravě dorovná pětinu všech globálně vyprodukovaných emisí, vzniklých spalováním fosilních paliv.

    Prognózy přitom naznačují, že klimatické změny povedou k tomu, že jezera budou do budoucna těch skleníkových plynů vypouštět víc.

    A zrovna ta rozlohou malá jezera, kterých v posledních dekádách přibývá nejvíc, patří navzdory své malé rozloze k těm, co produkují neproporčně mnoho skleníkových plynů.

    Podle výpočtů kodaňské studie se pozitivně jevící zpráva o větším počtu nových malých jezer dá přeložit jako nárůst emisí srovnatelný s uhlíkovou bilancí Velké Británie v roce 2012. A to opravdu dobrá zpráva není.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #summary #doomed

    Planeta Země je na tom hůř, než si myslíme. Podle vědců není cesty zpět. Přizpůsobíme se, nebo vyhyneme
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #doomed #chaos

    To bude jeste prekvapeni, zmen a mrzeni

    Winds of Change Drive "Alarming" Rate of Ocean Warming - CleanTechnica

    Researchers from UNSW Sydney say changes to strong, large-scale wind patterns are causing western boundary currents in the Southern Hemisphere to rapidly warm — transforming weather and habitats across the world.

    The western boundary currents of the ocean — which includes the East Australian Current — transport large amounts of heat towards Earth’s poles. These currents are crucial in moderating global coastal climates. In the past few decades, their poleward extension regions have warmed two to three times hotter than the global average, creating ocean “hotspots” — but no one knew why these regions were warming so fast.
    These changes are leading to a redistribution of heat, dissolved gases and nutrients across the world,” Dr Li said. “Which is changing local weather patterns and marine ecosystems.”
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Asi bude jeste hur, nez bude lip...

    Polské domácnosti jsou bez uhlí. Lidé tam začínají spalovat nejrůznější odpady - iDNES.cz

    V této topné sezoně je to tak zlé, že snad každý den cítím ve vzduchu hořící odpadky. Málokdy jde o normální palivo. Je děsivé pomyslet na to, co se stane, až se opravdu ochladí,“ řekla agentuře Bloomberg pětatřicetiletá Paulina Mroczkowská, která žije se třemi dětmi na severním okraji Varšavy.


    Polské zkušenosti se smogem sice nejsou v posledních letech tak velké jako třeba v Bosně a Hercegovině, i tak se ale tato země kvůli svému vztahu k uhlí od ostatních členských zemí EU značně odlišuje. Země s 38 miliony obyvatel představuje až 77 % všech domácností v Evropské unii, které uhlí stále využívají k vytápění


    Aktuální průzkumy ukazují, že asi šedesát procent polských domácností nemá dostatečné zásoby uhlí na zimu. „Lidé se v Polsku bojí a sbírají vše, co se dá použít ke spálení,“ řekl pro Bloomberg Piotr Siergiej, který je tiskovým mluvčím ekologické skupiny Polski Alarm Smogowy.

    Ke spalování všeho možného vyzval Poláky i předseda strany Právo a spravedlnost Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Jeden z nejmocnějších politiků v zemi řekl, že lidé musí udělat vše pro to, aby se během další topné sezony zahřáli. Na shromáždění v jihopolském Novém Targu sdělil svým příznivcům, že mohou spalovat vše kromě pneumatik a podobně škodlivých věcí.


    Sledujeme výrazný pokles sběru odpadů. Jde zejména o materiály, které by alespoň teoreticky mohly být vhodné ke spálení, jako je papír, lepenka nebo různé obaly,“ řekl starosta města Ludomir Handzel zpravodajské televizi TVN24.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Tldr Melke more/stredozemni prestava byt carbon sink a diky nove objevenym procesum uvolnuje jeste vic co2 - 15% - nez se doted myslelo, pri reakci uhlicitanu vapenateho, ze ktereho morsti zivocichove jinak vytvari svoje schranky

    Root cause je vysoka teplota, mozna hrajou roli i mikroplasty

    Pozitivni vedlejsi efekt snizeni acidity oceanu, ale pri tehle teplotach to zadnej boom zivocichu nenastartuje

    The Mediterranean Sea Is So Hot, It’s Forming Carbonate Crystals | WIRED
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Zvlast kdyz k tomu clovek zapocita jak nechava putin unikat metan do atmosfery, nebo ho samovolne spaluje aby evrope navysil ceny...

    Carbon Bombs & Wall Street - A Deadly Duo - CleanTechnica

    These plans include 195 carbon bombs, gigantic oil and gas projects that would each result in at least a billion tonnes of CO2 emissions over their lifetimes, in total equivalent to about 18 years of current global CO2 emissions. About 60% of these have already started pumping.

    The dozen biggest oil companies are on track to spend $103 million a day for the rest of the decade exploiting new fields of oil and gas that cannot be burned if global heating is to be limited to well under 2ºC.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Ozone layer depletion has a new cause and its not CFC. Read here to find out | Mint

    The study further noted that atmospheric increase in Iodine loading due to enhanced anthropogenic Ozone-induced ocean Iodine emissions, as well as the thinning and shrinking of Arctic sea ice expected in the near future, will probably lead to increases in Iodine emissions.

    "These results indicate that iodine chemistry could play an increasingly important role in the future and must be considered for accurate quantification of the ozone budget in the Arctic," IITM said in a release.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    stephenson (scifi) ma ten geoinzeneering naopak, jednotlivci globalniho severu to delaji, protoze severu to pomaha s vedrem, jenomze zaroven indii to rozbije monsun, takze se to snazi zastavit.

    jinak co se tyce knih, tak nova na tema ze lidi jsou neodolatelne pritahovani uhlikem (energy dense) a bylo by potreba, aby bylo mene lidi. laicky se mi to nezda. lidi jsou pritahovany tim, co je pohodlne. kdyby bylo pohodlne slunce, tak na uhlik kaslou.

    societal collapse on a global scale is inevitable, and those who manage to survive the mass death and crumbling of the world as we know it will have to live in drastically transformed circumstances. According to Jackson and Jensen, there’s no averting this collapse – electric cars aren’t going to save us, and neither are global climate accords. The current way of things is doomed, and it’s up to us to prepare as best we can to ensure as soft a landing as possible when the inevitable apocalypse arrives.


    “caught in a big Ponzi scheme that we’ve probably had for 10,000 years. We know how Ponzi schemes tend to end. They’re not nice things to have to deal with.”

    The answer to this Ponzi scheme involves shrinking humanity from the current 7.7 billion people to a more sustainable 2 or 3 billion."


    LOL guardian: the authors make no effort to address the fact that such a population decline would probably be an absolute disaster for marginalized ethnicities and sexualities, those who are disabled or mentally unwell, and basically anyone not deemed fit for survival in the new world

    to se smeju ze jako ty woke media porad resi ty pokrocily lidsky prava (marginalized sexualities), odmitajice si priznat, ze lidsky prava zustanou dve: poslouchat v autoritarske hierarchii, anebo se nekde snazit skrz pravo silnejsiho

    ‘We’re going to pay in a big way’: a shocking new book on the climate crisis | Books | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Burn baby, burn...

    Massive volcano eruption could weaken ozone layer: scientists

    NASA scientists say that the vapor will stay for years, likely affecting the Earth’s global average temperature. Normally the vapor takes around 2-3 years to dissipate, but the water from the Jan. 15 eruption could take 5-10 years to evaporate.

    Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai “may be the first volcanic eruption observed to impact climate not through surface cooling caused by volcanic sulfate aerosols, but rather through surface warming,” Millán hypothesized in a paper.


    The researchers also noted how the water vapor could weaken the ozone layer that protects life on Earth from damaging radiation from the sun.
    TADEAS --- ---
    paliativni proces

    When Time Is Short by Timothy Beal: 9780807090008 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books

    Is accepting the end of humanity the key to climate action? This scholar thinks so. | Grist

    the scientific consensus is that it is still possible to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, assuming we take drastic and immediate action to reform our societies and economies. Wouldn’t convincing yourself that the world is ending lead people to do the opposite — to throw up their hands and go on with their lives as usual? 

    Beal argues the reverse. Reducing emissions and conserving natural resources are all things we should be doing anyway, he told Grist, but it’s hard to break out of the systems (say, capitalism) that got us into this mess in the first place. Accepting that human civilization is finite, he says, will challenge us to change our priorities, from worshiping extraction and growth to uplifting the most marginalized in society. 

    Beal’s thesis draws heavily on the works of scholars like cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, whose book The Denial of Death made the case that humans survive by refusing to accept their own mortality. The human-centric mythology of many religions, Beal writes, has convinced people that society will persist forever, no matter what damage we do to our habitat. Some Christians, for example, have used a passage from the biblical book of Genesis that instructs humans to “subdue” the Earth and have “dominion” over other living beings as proof that natural resources like oil and trees were made to be mined with abandon, without fear of the consequences. 

    But just as religion has helped get us into this mess, Beal believes it can get us out of it. He points out that other parts of the Bible put animals on equal footing with humans, and assign inherent value to the land itself, rather than just as a tool for humanity to exploit — an interpretation shared by some evangelical Christians who view “creation care” as a sacred duty. Beal also argues that spiritually minded people should embrace “dark green religion,” belief systems that emphasize the ways humans are interconnected with all other living things. 

    Again, this philosophical shift is intended to foster mercy, not hope. Beal envisions humanity adopting a “palliative” approach to the future, one modeled on end-of-life care administered to terminally ill patients. By positing that the end is coming (as a result of our consumerist ideals, no less), this palliative approach neatly shuts down policies that promise prosperity through infinite growth. Even climate solutions touted by Biden and the Democratic Party miss the mark in this case; he argues they frame climate action in the language of job creation and benefits to the economy. 


    When Time Is Short is the latest addition to a rich body of work on what eco-theologian Michael Dowd termed a “post-doom mentality” or sustainability scholar Jem Bendell calls “deep adaptation” — the idea that if you accept what is inevitable, you can develop a true sense of empathy and a plan for how to respond positively. Pagan environmental activist John Halstead argued in his 2019 book, Another End of the World is Possible, that we need to abandon the obsessive focus on growth and capitalism that has driven us to the brink of collapse. (A 2021 book by the same name, written by a trio of Belgian ecologists and environmental advocates, calls this approach “collapsing well”). 


    For better or for worse, Beal’s message comes at a critical time. Climate anxiety is rising; as reports of droughts, fires, and floods dominate the news, climate change is no longer an abstract concept for many people, but a very real and present threat. At the same time, politicians and corporations don’t seem seriously interested in either stopping the crisis from worsening or mitigating its effects; the chances of actually limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), as outlined in the Paris Agreement, are now essentially nil. In one study from last year, 56 percent of teens and young adults said they believed that “humanity is doomed.”

    Once we’ve grieved for what we will lose, Beal writes, we can begin the work of doing something with the short time we have left. Given that reality, though, he acknowledges that not everyone may grieve the same way. Beal’s book was written before Don’t Look Up came out, but it references another disaster movie — Lars von Trier’s 2011 film “Melancholia,” about two sisters who struggle to cope in the days before a rogue planet collides with the Earth. While one sister is “paralyzed by depression and anxiety,” the other “gains a new sense of clear-minded peace and composure.” Religion, he argues, can provide a framework for action to alleviate unnecessary suffering as the world collapses around us. 
    SHEFIK --- ---

    V prvních červnových týdnech se na Aljašce objevilo více požárů, než kolik činil průměr let 2003 až 2021

    Copernicus: Severní polokouli zasáhlo mnoho požárů, hořelo i za polárním kruhem - Ekolist.cz
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam