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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---

    Savory Institute

    Denmark recently became the first country in the world to put a tax on livestock emissions. The tax will go into effect in 2030, and after a 60% tax break is applied, farmers will end up paying 120 krone ($17) per tonne of CO2-equivalent coming from their livestock, which will eventually rise to 300 krone ($43) per tonne in 2035.

    This move comes on the heels of other measures the Danish government has implemented in recent years to reduce emissions and meet climate goals and, given that agriculture is one of Denmark’s largest sources of emissions — with pork and dairy being their largest industries — this is an opportunity to make some headway towards those goals.

    We at Savory are particularly disappointed in this tax given that our new Savory Foundation — which focuses on funding large-scale grassland regeneration projects around the world — is based in Denmark, but more than that, we have serious concerns with regards to how this new tax makes no effort to incentivize a transition towards carbon-sequestering forms of regenerative grazing.

    Yes, our global agricultural system is massively flawed and contributes significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but this is a blanket tax on ALL forms of livestock management that makes no differentiation between land-degrading carbon-emitting forms of production or land-regenerating carbon-sequestering forms of livestock production.

    If Denmark really wanted to incentivize a transition towards a more sustainable livestock industry — which we agree is needed — they could create a sliding scale for this tax so that regenerative farmers who are improving soil health and sequestering carbon aren’t penalized. This could be accomplished either through soil samples analyzed in a lab — even though that would be costly to producers so ideally would be subsidized by the government — or modeling based on the latest research of what’s possible, not just average emissions of the typical producer which is the basis for this tax.

    Still, even if we were to expand the conversation from just emissions to one that also includes drawdown, the focus on greenhouse gases is a reductionist view that misses the forest for the trees. The climate crisis is intrinsically tied to our global loss of biodiversity, our broken water cycles that amplify droughts and flooding, and our impoverished soils, rural communities, food systems, and everything in between.

    At the intersection of all these issues is ecosystem function, so why do we only ever hear about carbon? The global narrative surrounding climate change would be best served by a shift towards restoring ecosystem function. Imagine an alternate world where Denmark's new tax was one that took a more holistic look at ecosystem function — assessing not just carbon but also biodiversity and water-holding capacity — and rather than penalizing everyone involved it paid farmers who demonstrated positive improvements to their ecosystem processes?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Škoda že US vynalezlo demokracii aby se dala mírově předávat moc, ale že by se mírově vyměnil running prezident když má Alzheimera, to je nemožné.


    Former President Donald Trump has indicated that he would seek to dismantle President Biden's climate programs if re-elected. Trump has repeatedly criticized Biden’s climate policies, particularly the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which he has vowed to repeal. The IRA includes various provisions aimed at reducing carbon emissions, such as tax credits for electric vehicles and renewable energy projects, and incentives for improving energy efficiency in homes and businesses.

    Trump's plan involves a significant rollback of these measures, including halting new regulations on greenhouse gas emissions, ending subsidies for renewable energy, and promoting increased drilling for oil and gas. He aims to restore what he terms "energy dominance" by expanding fossil fuel production and reducing the regulatory burden on energy companies. This approach is expected to increase U.S. carbon emissions significantly, potentially adding an extra 4 billion tonnes of emissions by 2030 compared to Biden's policies (MIT Technology Review) (Home) (Mother Jones) (Carbon Brief).

    Furthermore, Trump’s agenda includes dismantling various climate-focused offices and programs within federal agencies, reducing the size and influence of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and removing the U.S. from the Paris Agreement again (Home) (Mother Jones).

    These proposed changes have raised concerns among climate scientists and advocates, who warn that such actions could have dire consequences for both national and global efforts to combat climate change. The rollback of Biden’s climate initiatives could slow down the transition to cleaner energy sources and undermine international climate commitments (Home) (Mother Jones) (Carbon Brief).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024

    In the 14th edition of the Fostering Effective Energy Transition report, the WEF noted that its benchmarks for 107 of the 120 countries surveyed indicated they had made advances in their transitions towards clean and sustainable energy systems over the last decade.

    But it said that the slowdown in the pace of the global energy transition, first identified in its 2022 data, had intensified in the past year. The survey found that more than 80% of countries had moved backwards compared to the previous report in at least one of the three main energy system performance dimensions it benchmarks, namely security, equity (meaning equitable energy distribution, access and cost) and sustainability.


    the WEF reports that the gap in overall scores has narrowed between advanced and developing economies and says that the “centre of gravity” of the transition is shifting towards developing countries. Nevertheless, developed countries and China have attracted almost 90% of the growth in clean energy investment since 2021.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Metacrisis: Getting Honest About the Human Predicament
    The world is in metacrisis. That means that many crises are occurring simultaneously and affecting one another.

    Attention must be placed first on the whole, not on the parts. That includes the natural world. It is the source of the resources including food that support human survival and prosperity. Disregarding the effects of our actions on nature is among the principal reasons for the metacrisis.


    Even in the narrow case that only considers emissions, there is no evidence that the renewable energy transition has changed their upward trajectory despite thirty-six international climate conferences and trillions of dollars of investment over the last forty years.

    In fact, there is no evidence that an energy transition exists. Energy consumption and population continue to increase every year.


    Growth is the problem. Carbon emissions are a consequence of the growth in energy consumption that has enabled the growth in human population and economic activity.

    As long as energy use continues to increase, efforts to limit carbon emissions will be negligible, and temperature will rise.

    Growth is also the root cause of the ongoing crisis of the natural world. Populations of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish have declined by an average of 69% since 1970.


    The global financial system is highly interconnected, meaning a crisis in one region can quickly spread to others. Financial institutions and markets are increasingly reliant on digital infrastructure, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

    Those who believe that a renewable energy transition is possible seem to ignore that carbon emissions, GDP, population and society’s ecological footprint all correlate with energy consumption. That means that there is a cost for lower emissions.

    Unless the future is somehow completely different from the past and present, the only solution to climate change and overshooting our planetary boundaries is a radical reduction in energy consumption. Lower economic growth and a lower population will be unavoidable components of a renewable energy future. That’s not part of the transition narrative, and is a non-starter for most people and political leaders.


    We need a holistic approach, one that moves fluidly from the whole to the parts and back again. Otherwise, we’re simply shifting problems around, likely making everything worse in the process.

    Metacrisis: Getting Honest About the Human Predicament | Art Berman
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: to spojenie propalestincov s klimou ma trochu pletie, z ineho clanku linknuteho v tomto clanku:

    "In a letter sent to the Board of Directors on 24 April, signatories asked the institution to outline two "time-bound action plans": one detailing plans to "cut all collaborations with Israeli institutions complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians", and another setting out "effective and binding action to implement [the university's] 2030 transition plans"."

    to druhe by sa dalo vyriesit ciastocne zateplenim budovy skoly a solarmi na streche, co chodia decka do skoly, tak po rekonstrukcii im poskocil energeticky stitok z G na B

    tomu prvemu poziadavku ovsem nerozumiem, ake ma univerzita kolaboracie s izraelskou armadou...
    TADEAS --- ---
    collapse as usual

    Farmer confidence at an all-time low, NFU data reveals | The Grocer

    with 82% of 797 respondents saying their farm businesses had suffered fairly negatively (52%) or very negatively (30%), with mixed farms, arable farms and dairy farms taking the biggest hits.

    The survey was taken in November and December 2023 and with the months of rain that have followed it is likely results would be “even worse”, the NFU said.

    It is calling for the government to recognise the extraordinary nature of what has been the wettest 18 months since 1836.

    Farm business profitability had also decreased, with 65% of respondents saying profits are declining or their business may not survive.

    “These figures paint a really stark picture,” said NFU president Tom Bradshaw. “Confidence has collapsed after months of devastating flooding, unsustainably high production costs and low market returns, and against a backdrop of reduced farm support as we transition to a new Domestic Agriculture Policy and associated farm support.”
    TUHO --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: No hele, to je na dlouhou debatu, ja bych do ni rad sel, ale nemam tedka na to silu ani cas. Zajimalo me, jestli ses opiral o nejakej zdroj nebo o svuj dojem. Ja si dokazu predstavit dost sirokou skalu moznosti, prekvapilo me to, protoze si nevybavuju, ze bych nekde cetl takovy cisla.
    Ale aspon rychle: tedka jsem se rychle jenom koukal teda na nejakej prvni report od McKinsey... Oni ty absolutni cisla vypadaj desive, ale kdyz to porovnas, kolik se vydava na tu infrastrukturu ted, plus velkou cast infrastruktury musi obmenovat tak nebo tak (konec zivotnovsi), zaroven fosilni paliva maj giganticky externality (zivotni prostredi, zdravi, klima zmena etc), taky jsou fosilni paliva globalne jedny z nejdotovanejsich odvetvi. kdyz se to poscita, tak to zas tak sileny neni, kdyz to kompenzujes hospodarskym rustem, tak imho vubec k zadnymu propadu prijmu dojit nemusi.

    Six characteristics that define net zero | McKinsey

    Ono urcite uz budou existovat priklady, kde se da kouknout, jak to vypada v praxi. Par zemi uz existuje, kteyr net-zero jsou, ale predpokldam, ze to jsou predevsim ty, kde byly dobry podminky, tak asi nejsou uplne vhodny.

    Nicmene treba Finsko chce bejt uhlikove neutralni do roku 2035 a potom dokonce carbon negative. Zatim cile celkem zvladaj a zivotni uroven nejen, ze neklesa, ale roste...

    Finland: disposable income per capita | Statista
    TADEAS --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: prijem vs kvalita zivota (well being)

    co udelal v krizi stat? sahnul do toho, aby ten vykyv dolu nebyl nesnesitelnej. a to same musi promyslene a v koordinaci udelat na dalsich 20-30 let v ramci te transition. aby podrzel well being i pri kolisani tech ostatnich indikatoru
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Decarbonization efforts and sustainability transformations represent highly contested socio-political projects. Yet, they often encounter various forms of depoliticization. This article illuminates how a grand socio-ecological challenge like the energy transition gets depoliticized by an unusual suspect, namely Germany's Green Party. Based on a qualitative content analysis of Green Party programs, party conventions, and additional documents published between 1980 and 2021, this article traces how the Green Party has depoliticized the energy transition over time, emphasizing a shift from radical societal change to ecological modernization. The changing stance of the German Greens on the country's energy transition reflects more profound changes of a future society the party collectively envisions through their energy and climate change agenda. These changes result from a struggle between moderates advocating incremental political reforms and radicals aiming for more fundamental and systemic societal change. By merging sustainability transition research with science and technology studies, this article makes a twofold contribution: First, it proposes a conceptual framework to investigate social and political futures envisioned through energy and climate politics. Second, the article empirically demonstrates the long process of depoliticization for an unusual but critical case. Germany's Green Party has embraced a technocentric vision of the energy transition, thereby suppressing earlier notions of broader societal change, such as anti-capitalism and energy democracy. This article spells out implications for the wider field of energy and climate politics and concludes with suggestions for future research.
    TADEAS --- ---
    helping hand

    Von der Leyen heads to Greenland as EU seeks materials for green transition | Greenland | The Guardian

    She said the minerals agreement is about “benefits on both sides”. Greenland needs bilateral cooperation to develop its mineral sector, she said, which requires significant capital and long-term investment.

    “Development of mines, exports of minerals is of course an important issue for the diversification of the Greenlandic economy,” she said. While fishing, the current top source of income, is not expected to be overtaken for many years, the tourism and minerals sectors are important focuses for growth.

    “If the western world wants sustainable diversified secure value chains, some of these minerals will need to come from countries that are smaller, like Greenland. We don’t have the economic muscles to invest ourselves in the mineral sector,” she said.

    In order to enable the green transition, a “helping hand” from larger economies would be needed, she added.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    NIEKT0: plus paroplynky pokud se postavi s dostatecne osvicenym zadanim/projektanty, muzou jet i na vodik. Jak jsem pochopil je to jen o turbine. Do transition (na zimu) ty paroplynky zapadaji daleko lip

    Letos v Kobe
    Hydrogen gas turbine offers promise of clean electricity

    Hydrogen-Fueled Gas Turbines | GE Gas Power

    Hydrogen Power Plants
    TADEAS --- ---
    climate minsky moment

    důchody v ohrožení .)

    Minsky moment: are pension assets at risk due to flawed climate analysis? | Netzeroinvestor

    Widespread reliance on flawed research generates a disconnect between current investment decision making, which assumes relatively trivial impacts from climate change, and the likely real-world effects of global warming, Keen warned.

    "To ensure that the world moves into a new climate secure energy system, it’s crucial pension schemes send the market the right investment signals,” said Mark Campanale, the founder of Carbon Tracker.

    “The signal has to be that a swift, orderly transition is in everyone’s financial interests, particularly for scheme beneficiaries.”

    However, the relationship between economics, climate science and assessing financial risk is not a “comfortable one,” he continued, adding that “the advice pension schemes are receiving risks trivialising the potentially huge damage climate change will have to asset values."

    Campanale stressed that “these flawed climate risk models” are used throughout the financial system, lulling economic decision makers, from pension funds to central banks, into a false sense of security.

    “The result is cavalier positions such as US Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller who announced: ‘Climate change is real, but I do not believe it poses a serious risk to the safety and soundness of large banks or the financial stability of the United States’,” he said.

    The report issues a direct warning to asset owners for the serious prospect of an “unpleasant, abrupt and wealth destroying” so-called “Climate Minsky moment” with a sudden collapse in asset values as financial markets wake up to the gap between mainstream economist forecasts and the reality of climate impacts.

    Keen, who is also the former head of the School of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University, London, contrasts scientists’ empirical research with predictions by climate economists that are “a ‘hunch’ based on rather spurious assumptions for global warming, which have been used to generate equally spurious estimates of damages to future GDP.”

    He underscored that global warming, at less than 1.5°C, is already affecting people and companies across the planet, pointing at record heatwaves, floods, and intensifying storms as they halt commerce, damage crops, create uninsurable areas, and impair infrastructure.

    Keen singled out scientific research which finds that exceeding the 1.5°C Paris target would be “dangerous”, passing 3°C would be “catastrophic”, and reaching 5°C will be “beyond catastrophic, raising existential threats”.

    Yet, despite scientific predictions, a survey of 738 climate economics papers in a number of top academic journals found the median prediction of economists was that 3°C of warming would reduce global GDP by just 5%, and warming of 5°C would see a 10% reduction.


    The researchers singled out investment managers and consultants such as Aon Hewitt, Hymans Robertson and Mercer as they "continue to rely on flawed research" when they advise pension funds on the impacts of global warming on members’ portfolios.

    For example, Mercer, in advice to Australian fund HESTA predicts only a -17% portfolio impact by 2100 in a 4°C scenario. It states that its model primarily reflects coastal flood damage and does not take account of climate tipping points.

    Mercer also advises LGPS Central, which manages £28.5 billion of retirement savings for a million members of Local Government Pension Schemes in the UK.

    One of these schemes, Shropshire County Pension Fund, told members that a trajectory leading to 4°C by 2100 would only reduce annual returns by 0.06% in 2030 and 0.1% by 2050, saying that it relied on LGPS Central for information.

    Moreover, in a 2022 report, Australian superannuation firm Unisuper concluded that even in a “worst case scenario” involving a 4.3°C increase in global temperatures by 2100, “the overall risk to our portfolio is acceptable.”

    “Each layer in the process of assessing the risks of climate change has assumed that the previous layer has done its job adequately, and has relied on the previous layers reputation, rather than scrutiny of the work undertaken," explained Professor Keen.

    “Pension funds rely upon consultants because of their reputation in the field; consultants rely upon academic economists, because their papers had passed academic refereeing,” he added.

    “The final impact is a series of flawed economic assumptions informing pensions’ decision making.”
    TUHO --- ---
    In September last year, I laid out the bear case, highlighting the Five Horsemen of the Transition that will make achieving net zero difficult, perhaps impossible. By way of reminder, these were: poor economics of clean solutions beyond wind, solar and batteries; inadequacy of our current electrical grid; soaring demand for critical minerals; political and social inertia; and regulatory capture and predatory delay. Five formidable challenges.
    I finished that piece by noting that the Five Horsemen of the Transition were not necessarily showstoppers – each of them might be overcome with the right leadership, focus, innovation and resources.
    Now it is time to present the bull case – the five forces even more powerful than the Five Horsemen which give cause for optimism. Not powerful enough, in all likelihood, to get us to net zero in 2050 and hold the temperature increase to 1.5C, but powerful enough to get us to net zero by 2070 and keep to a Paris-compliant “well below 2C”.
    Say hello to the Five Superheroes of the Transition.

    Liebreich: Net Zero Will Be Harder Than You Think – And Easier. Part II: Easier | BloombergNEF
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Spanish minister hails deal to save Andalucía wetlands as a model for green transition | Spain | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    The ‘transition away from fossil-fuel’ statement of #COP28    remains too vague, with no hard and accountable boundaries for 2030, 2040 and 2050,” - PIK director @jrockstrom in @WSJ Pro by @RToplensky

    ProTake: What COP Means For Companies - WSJ
    JINDRICH --- ---
    ČR má mít podle EK vyšší cíl pro čistou energetiku v roce 2030. V návrhu českého klimaticko-energetického plánu nevyužíváme nás potenciál OZE.


    ✘ On renewable energy, Czechia’s draft updated NECP is missing sectoral trajectories and
    lacks a comprehensive framework of policies and measures that the country intends to adopt
    across relevant sectors.
    ✘ On research and innovation, the plan contains only general energy R&I objectives, while
    clear quantified targets for research in clean energy technologies and the corresponding
    implementation timeline are missing for 2030 and 2050.
    ✘ The draft updated NECP does not provide details on the investment needs and funding
    sources for the policies and measures proposed and addresses only partially the
    implementation of the measures included in Czechia’s RRP and those in the new REPowerEU
    ✘ On adaptation to climate change, the plan does not consider relevant climate
    vulnerabilities and risks, and this may put the achievement of energy and climate mitigation
    objectives at risk. Adaptation policies and measures (to address these risks and
    vulnerabilities) are not adequately described.
    ✘ On achieving a just transition, the plan lacks a comprehensive analysis of social,
    employment and skill impacts, including distributional ones, of the climate and energy
    transition and does not elaborate on concrete policies and measures to address these beyond
    coal regions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Food is finally on the table’: Cop28 addressed agriculture in a real way | Cop28 | The Guardian

    The conference opened with a declaration on sustainable agriculture signed by more than 130 countries. For the first time ever, it featured a whole day devoted to food and agriculture and saw a food systems road map laid out by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Perhaps most strikingly, the final agreement document that was revealed at the end of the conference acknowledged sustainable agriculture as a part of responding appropriately to climate change

    “Countries must put food systems and agriculture at the heart of their climate ambitions, addressing both global emissions and protecting the lives and livelihoods of farmers living on the front line of climate change,” said Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, the UAE minister of climate change and environment and the Cop28 food systems lead.

    Next, the FAO unveiled its new road map meant to outline the pathway required to bring the world’s food production in line with global climate goals, in something of a parallel to the road map the International Energy Agency laid out for the energy transition in 2021. The FAO pathway emphasizes cutting methane emissions from livestock by 25% and halving food waste emissions by 2030, and recommends growing a more biodiverse range of crops than the world currently relies on
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Podstatná bude Čína a její přístup a plnění slibů + a jestli vyhraje Trump

    "Globální emise skleníkových plynů by měly stoupat maximálně do roku 2025, u některých rozvíjejících se zemí ale může vrchol přijít později, píše se v dokumentu.
    AP upozorňuje, že mezi rozvíjející se země patří i Čína, která se řadí k největším světovým znečišťovatelům ovzduší."

    Dohoda rovněž
    * vyzývá ke ztrojnásobení kapacity obnovitelných zdrojů energie na celém světě do roku 2030
    * k urychlení úsilí o snížení spotřeby uhlí
    * k rozvoji technologií na zachycování a ukládání uhlíku,
    * v dokumentu se země zavázaly také zdvojnásobit energetické úspory.

    „Historická dohoda.“ S odklonem od fosilních paliv souhlasily téměř dvě stovky zemí — ČT24 — Česká televize

    COP28 climate talks agree on transitioning away from fossil fuels | Zpravodajství | Evropský parlament

    Cop28 landmark deal agreed to ‘transition away’ from fossil fuels | Cop28 | The Guardian

    Předchozí konference přijaly pouze mantinely na snížení emisí skleníkových plynů bez výslovné zmínky o fosilních palivech, která jsou ale zodpovědná za dvě třetiny vyprodukovaných emisí. Na konferenci COP26 v Glasgow se zúčastněné země zavázaly k omezení uhlí, na cílech ohledně ropy a zemního plynu se však dosud nikdy nedohodly.

    Skutečná síla podle Džábira bude však spočívat až v naplnění dohody. „Musíme podniknout kroky nezbytné k tomu, abychom tuto dohodu proměnili v konkrétní činy,“ uvedl na zasedání. „Jsme tím, co děláme, ne tím, co říkáme,“ dodal.

    Předseda COP28 Sultán Džábir
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ja musim nacist, co se teda skutecne prijalo. Ten vyvoj byl dost zajimavej a dramatickej, osciloval od velkejch nadeji, po frustraci z toho, ze OPEC a Rusko to torpedujou a potopej a nakonec to vypada na dulezitej, ale stale nedostatecnej posun vpred. Podle me bysme se meli sakra zamyslet, co se vsema tema fosilnima lobbistama a petrostatama, ktery se snazej proste cestu k relativne bezpecny budoucnosti torpedovat.

    Johan Rockström
    No, COP28 will not enable us to hold the 1.5°C limit, but yes, the result is a pivotal land-mark. It makes clear to finance, business and societies that we are now finally - 8 years behind Paris schedule - at the beginning of the end of the fossil-fuel driven world economy (1/4).

    Science called for a mitigation COP, and we got a mitigation COP, focused on fossil-fuels. The world must now act accordingly, i.e. rapidly transition away from oil, coal and gas, aiming at >40% reductions by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2050, as recognized in the text (2/4).

    Yet, the text on transition away from fossil-fuel remains too vague, with no accountability for 2030, 2040 & 2050. No recognition that scaling CO2 removal technology needs to occur in addition to fossil-fuel phase out, to have a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (3/4)

    And there is no convincing plan on how to transition away from fossil-fuels. National voluntary action alone will not do it. Collective, global action, on finance, carbon pricing, and technology exchange are also needed, at a scale vastly exceeding what is now on the table (4/4).
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam