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    ztracené heslo?
    TRAGEDAnthem & Outriders - 3rd person GaaS klub
    TRAGED --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: Tak predpokladam, ze on se o ovladace stara, ale tezko rict, jak se o ne staraji fnukny na redditu, kteri reportuji o 20-30% nizsi FPS oproti stavu pred updatem.
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    TRAGED: neřekl bych, mluvil konkrétně o tom patchi
    TRAGED --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: IMHO to bude klasika se starymi ovladaci.
    WRATA --- ---
    No tak ja jsem si dal kolecko, Error loading pilot data->Unable to connect to Anthem servers->Error loading pilot data->Unable to connect to Anthem servers->Loading screen->Crash->Unable to connect to Anthem servers->Freeplay

    veeeeery najz
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    TRAGED: nevím, Koral tvrdil, že se mu to výrazně zrychlilo (má nVidii)
    TRAGED --- ---
    Vypada to, ze Day 0 Patch zvysil vykon na konsolich (AMD GPU), avsak srazil ho na Nvidiich. Jsem zvvedav, co z toho nakonec vyleze.

    Day Zero Patch Bugs Megathread : AnthemTheGame
    PIETA --- ---
    TRAGED: Důležité je tam hlavně "The Colossus javelin can now shield and revive at the same time", zbytek je jenom omáčka. d-:
    TRAGED --- ---
    TRAGED --- ---
    Day one update details

    Just got sent these by PR. Don't have any inside info, just got the email (I'm press) and thought I'd share. (Thanks for the gold, kind anonymous redditor!)

    Day One Update Details

    High level fixes

    Improved loading times

    Fixed many infinite loading screens

    Fixed multiple challenges not tracking properly

    A number of issues have been fixed that were causing players to disconnect or crash

    Weapons and gear now have numbers present for modifiers

    General Fixes and Improvements

    Loot Reveal and Expedition Summary now correctly play during the end of expedition screen.

    The gather party mechanic has been made more lenient in a number of situations

    At the end of expedition screen players will no longer get stuck on "Recording Victories" or "Skipping All".

    Game no longer hangs in Javelin menu when unlocking the second, third or fourth javelin

    During the mission “What Freelancers Do” dying after killing Junkmaw & freeing Arcanists leaves you unable to progress, this has been fixed

    Challenges now unlock for players at the correct levels

    Fixed some camera issues during cutscenes

    Legendary Contracts can now be accepted from the Social Hub contract board

    Some enemies have had their shield values decreased

    Loot now properly drops for players who are downed

    The texture quality on the NPC Prospero has been improved

    Final boss of strongholds now drop loot instead of only being shown on the end of expedition screen

    Fixed the time outs on echoes and relics to prevent griefing and to handle disconnections properly

    Players can no longer fall through the floor during the 3rd trial in the Fortress of Dawn

    Completing the tutorial expedition will now show the correct Ranger appearance

    After disconnecting, rejoining an expedition will now place you back into a squad if you were in one previously

    Corrected an issue where players could not interact with each other in the launch bay in certain circumstances

    Corrected an issue during the Mission "Bad Deal" where outlaws won't spawn, blocking progress

    The start of expedition screen has been improved

    Addressed a variety of situations where killing enemies does not properly progress world events

    Opening a chest now increments Tomb of the Legionnaire progress for all squad members present

    Scar snipers can no longer shoot through Storm Shield

    Corrected an issue where players would get stuck on the end of expedition screen in some situations

    Players will no longer get disconnected if joining the "Finding Old Friends" mission while the cinematic is playing

    Addressed a number of situations where players can get stuck on the environment in the launch bay

    Increased the damage of the electric status effect

    Corrected an issue where the Shield of Dawn could be crafted with less materials then intended in some situations

    The Platinum Mission feat now grants completion as intended

    Status effects can more reliably be applied to Titans


    Fixed an issue that would cause a Stronghold server crash after defeating the last boss

    Temple of Scar - Players can no longer get stuck in the mined tunnel in the explosives room

    Temple of Scar - Players can no longer be blocked from entering the explosives room due to fog wall

    Fixed Tyrant Mine so people that join the stronghold in-progress do not end up locked away from their team

    Adjusted lighting in Tyrant Mine underwater section to make it easier to navigate to the exit

    The Swarm Tyrant will no longer get stuck in the side cave entrances in some situations

    Corrected an issue where players would spawn into different areas of the Tyrant Mine in certain situations

    Gear and Weapons

    After having 1st pilot unlock suit after tutorials, creating a new pilot and going to forge no longer causes load screen hang

    Ice damage bonuses are now correctly applied on ice gear

    Suit-wide bonuses from inscription are now functioning properly

    Players can no longer salvage equipped items

    Javelin specific gear and/or weapons are no longer able to be used on javelins they aren't intended for

    Corrected an issue where in some circumstances Masterwork Components do not have any inscriptions

    The Endless Siege Masterwork Autocannon no longer displays a damage increase of 0% in its tooltip


    The Colossus javelin is now able to activate its shield more quickly after using an ability or firing a weapon

    The Storm javelin now reacts to getting hit when its shields are up

    Fixed an exploit that allowed the Storm's ultimate attack to be used more times than intended

    The Colossus javelin can now shield and revive at the same time

    Interceptor Combo Aura has been increased in power and now has a damage over time component


    Non-Masterwork materials purchased from the crafting store now show as their proper rarity instead of incorrectly showing as Masterwork


    Additional Mouse and Keyboard control improvements have been made


    Some conversations were not popping up the reputation points post conversation completion, this has been fixed

    The squad screen now displays the correct information for each player

    Fixed a number of issues where subtitles will no longer get stuck on the screen after dialogue has finished as often

    Settings should no longer reset upon exiting and restarting the game on Xbox One

    Motion blur can now correctly be turned off

    The Electric Status Effect now shows scaled damage properly

    An option has been added to hide the Squad Member HUD

    The edge of the compass will now pulse to indicate enemy locations

    A notification has been added in Fort Tarsis if a player's vault is at the cap of 250 items

    On the "Repair the Strider" step of "A Cry for Help" the search radar has been adjusted to correctly lead the player to all 4 tools

    Primer and Detonator icons have been added to all Interceptor gear

    Corrected a user interface issue where a player’s ultimate would show as available when it isn't
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    VIRIK: mají dva monitory a víkend ;) porno běží na jednom, Anthem na druhém
    VIRIK --- ---
    40 hodin je ale dost, ne?

    To jako ti lidi nechoděj do práce, nekoukaj na porno? :D
    PIETA --- ---
    Na redditu bylo pár lidí, co hlásili tři dny od vydání něco jako 40 odehraných hodin a "nedostatek contentu"... (-;
    VIRIK --- ---
    a tak známe lidi, co dokážou hrou proběhnout a pak píšou, příběh na 12 hodin. Já na ně koukal i v Black desert on-line, třeba. Levelování postavy, který já jsem si užíval půl roku voni měli za víkend a hledali end game.

    Takže to počítejme tak, že většina z nás rádo exploruje a druhá část má ADHD, kdy jim neustále se zaměřuje pozornost jinam a nesoustředí se na podsttané a máme klidně 50hodin, žejo :D
    TRAGED --- ---
    10h trialu je fuc a jsem jen LVL8. Na druhou stranu nejdu primo po pribehu, ale soloval jsem kontrakty a agent mise a uzival si worldeventu ve Freeplay. Akorat me tedy dost nasralo, ze me to suse koplo a hotovo.
    TRAGED --- ---
    PIETA: Urcite, melee se dalo pouzit jen na spawnovane elementaly, coby dorucovatale munice a armoru a samotnej Titan se dal sudlat jen puskama. Hroznyho casu.
    PIETA --- ---
    Hele, klub. (:

    TRAGED: Teď jsem četl, že Interceptor dostane lepší lítací melee, to by zrovna na titana mohlo pomoct. (:
    WRATA --- ---
    TRAGED: Hele ja ho solo srazil na nejakejch 60% a pak me to prestalo bavit protoze jsem do nej nabouchal dve Storm ultimatky a trvalo to hrozne dlouho
    VIRIK --- ---
    WRATA: no nějakou dobu jo, ale já hraju dark souls a takový hry, byl to prostě bossfight, kde jsem ocenil ten prostor, protže se dalo dobře skrývat řped těma šílenejma ohnivejma vlnama/útokama.
    TRAGED --- ---
    WRATA: To uz jsem pochopil.
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