The blood sea: Faroe Islands hunters slaughter 175 pilot whales, turning the waters red after driving the animals towards the shore where men waited with hooks, knives and spears- The Grindadraps or Grinds, as they are known in Faroese, took place on Sunday in the Danish archipelego
- A pod of 52 pilot whales were spotted in the north in the early hours and driven towards a killing bay
- Then hours later a much larger group of 123 whales was seen in the south a driven into town of Hvannasund
- Drone footage from Sea Shepherd conservationists showed boatman riding over whales to corral them
- Then a gunman, said to be the hunt foreman, fired at their drone with a shotgun knocking it back
- Faroese are divided on the Grind but many urge foreign media and NGOs to respect their culture
- All of the whale meat is eaten by the locals, but conservationists argue the huge killings are unsustainable